One Mistake (The One Series: Novella #2) (3 page)

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“I am?” I cocked my head. “You’re sure about that? Did you maybe want to ask me, rather than tell me?”

“Well, you kind of owe me,” William said. I could see the playful smile lurking behind the surface.

“I do? Why is that?”

“Because of what I’m about to do to you.” He lunged at me and I yelped. He pinned me to the couch and I slipped my hands directly to the waistband of his sweatpants. Right when he started kissing my neck, his phone rang again. He sighed loudly. “Damn it. Hold that thought. I will be right back.”

But once he started talking, I knew it wasn’t going to be a quick call. It was all business talk. Gravity, Inc., the company William owned and where I worked, was a demanding job. When William took a call, it wasn’t something that could be handled in less than fifteen minutes.

I slipped off the couch and mouthed to William that I was going to take a shower. A pained look passed over his face and I knew he was thinking about how much he wanted to join me. As much as I loved good shower-sex, I was in need of a thorough cleaning, so I wasn’t exactly disappointed to have the shower all to myself. I felt refreshed as I brushed my teeth and then combed out my dark, wet hair. Wrapping a fluffy, white towel around me, I stepped into the master bedroom the find my clothes.

“I told you to hold that thought,” William said, his phone conversation over. He was standing next to the bed, completely naked.

“The thought hasn’t gone anywhere,” I said, taking slow and measured steps. “You made a promise out there and I intend to hold you to it.”

William waited until I was only a foot away and then reached for my towel. I opened my arms and let him pull it away. He threw it to the floor and crushed me to his body. My skin was still damp from the shower but William didn’t seem to mind.
He used his tongue to wipe away beads of water from my shoulder. It was delightfully rough against my skin and I thought about what it would feel like on other parts of my body. William seemed to be reading my mind.

He laid me on the bed and scooted me forward so that my but
t was on the very edge. Starting at my neck, he kissed and licked his way down my body. He paid special attention to my breasts, licking and sucking tenderly on my nipples. He caught one between his teeth and pulled gently, sending a pleasurable pain through my body. My hands tightened on his shoulders.

He slid lower, focusing on the curve of my hip bones with his tongue while one hand continued to caress my breasts. A moan escaped my lips and William looked up at me through his thick, dark lashes. “Your body is perfect,” he said, sounding stunned. I had spent nearly all
of my time with him in varying stages of nakedness so he should have been used to my body by now.

He slid a hand through my pubic hair until his fingers found my clitoris. This time, my moan
was much louder. William had been standing at the edge of the bed, leaning over me, but now he parted my legs and stepped between them, sliding me forward until my feet reached the ground. My lower back rested against the edge of the bed. William knelt between my legs and trailed kisses slowly up the inside of my thigh. I squirmed with anticipation as he got closer to my sweet spot. Then before I saw it coming, he was there.

His tongue was moist and firm against my clitoris, and he flicked the very tip of it back and forth rapidly. The effect was electrifying and the muscles in my vagina contracted sharply. He removed his tongu
e and blew a gentle breeze of cool air, sending a new wave of chills through my body. Then he was back at it with his tongue, this time harder and more pulsing. I could feel its roughness as he tasted me. The familiar warmness was spreading and I planted my feet more firmly, anticipating the release.

From past experience, I knew that it would take a special set of ski
lls to make me come using only his tongue. I was pleased to find that William had that special set of skills. But William never settled for just enough. As my body jerked off the bed, he lifted his head and thrust two fingers inside me, quickly pulsing them in rhythm with my body’s own convulsion.

I thought that was the end. I expected a couple more pulses and I would be done, but William had other ideas. He lowered his head again and his tongue beat an external rhythm to match his fingers’ internal beat. The effect wa
s a mind-blowing orgasm that made me cry out as I came.

William was quick to lift my body and slide me back on the bed as I collapsed from the power of my release. He lay over me and I could feel his firm erection pressing against my leg. I was completely spent, but William was ready for another round. I pointed a weary finger to the nightstand where he kept his supply of condoms.

“Are you sure?” he said, trying unsuccessfully to hide his hopefulness. I nodded and squeezed his penis gently as encouragement. He grunted and stretched for the supplies. It only took seconds for him to have a condom in place, ready to penetrate me. “I don’t have to,” he insisted, seeing that I was still drained.

“Please, do it.” I grabbed him, placing him at the entrance of my vagina. The rest was up to him. “I want you inside me,” I insisted.

That was enough for William. He thrust forward, and the nerves inside me sprang back to life. His pounding was rough and unforgiving, and I loved every second of it. I met each thrust eagerly, pleading him not to stop.

“Yes, William. Yes.” Each plea made him drive harder and we both cried out as he released inside of me.

William collapsed on top of me but I barely noticed since most of my body had gone numb. I waited until my breathing was under control before I said, “You’re right. I definitely owe you.”

He lifted his head and looked at me hopefully. “So you’ll come with me today?”

“I already came with you,” I joked. “You didn’t give me much choice.”

“Very funny,” he said, playfully poking me in the side before kissing me on the nose. “You know what I mean.”

“I do. And yes, I will go with you.” This time he kissed me on my lips and I could taste the sex on him. I was pretty sure we both smelled like sex, too. “I think I’m going to need to shower before we go. Again.”

“I was hoping you would say that,” he said, giving me one of his wicked smiles.
Before I could react, William had scooped me up and was carrying me to the bathroom.

“I already said I would go with you,” I reminded him. “Isn’t this overkill?”

“This isn’t for today,” he said, placing me in the shower. “Consider this an advanced deposit that I will redeem at a future date.”

I gave William one of his own playful smiles. “I look forward to both the advanced deposit, and to paying you back.”






Once I spent about twenty minutes with William’s family, I was pretty sure he still owed me, even including his advanced shower deposit.
They were some of the most miserable people I had ever met.

“Oh, William.
You are looking so thin. Have you been eating properly?” His mother, Jean Connor, hadn’t stopped nagging William since we walked in the door. She turned to me. “Have you been making sure he eats three meals a day?”

We were gathered in the Connor family kitchen, staring at one another over coffee. Wi
lliam was seated to my right, while Jean and William’s father, Bill, were seated across from us. William’s younger sister, Toni, was seated at the head of the table and hadn’t looked up from her phone in ten minutes. William’s older brother, Bob, had yet to make an appearance with his wife and kids. Jean was staring at me with hatred and I could feel my eyes bugging out of my head. William’s hand shot over and he squeezed my leg.

“Mother, I’m eating plenty. Stop harassing Olivia.”

“Humph.” Jean grunted into her coffee. “What I don’t understand is why you would bring this young lady to our family Christmas but not bother to even mention her name on the phone. I take it this relationship has been going on for some time for it to be this serious?”

Jean. Leave the boy alone. If you keep this up, he won’t even come to next year’s Christmas.” Bill Connor shot an angry look at his wife. “Olivia, tell us about yourself. What do you do for a living?”

“I’m a lawyer.” I felt William’s hand tighten on my leg again.

“A lawyer? Very good.” Bill gave William an appreciative look. “What type of law do you practice? Do you work at a firm in the city?”

My mouth opened and closed several times but no words came out. William sighed deeply and said, “She
works at Gravity, father. On the legal team.”

Bill blinked and clenched his jaw. “Is that so?”

“William, honey. Should you really be dating an employee?” Jean shot me another hateful look. “I don’t picture this ending well.”

“Good to know that you are already picturing it ending,” William spat. His leg was shaking furiously and now it was my turn to give him a squeeze.

“I have to side with your mother on this one. You lack of good judgment could jeopardize your company.” Bill smiled stiffly at me. “No offense intended, dear.”

“Of course
not. Why would that offend me?” I muttered.

“You’re out of line.
Both of you.” William’s body had gone rigid and a fire burned in his eyes.

“Maybe we should go,” I whispered to him. He looked like he was about to snap and I didn’t want him to say something he would regret later.

“I would if I were you,” Toni said, looking up for the first time. “This is as good as it’s going to get right here.”

“Close your mouth, Toni,” Jean commanded. Toni shrugged and went back to her phone but William wasn’t as accommodating.

“She’s not wrong,” he said. “Unless you plan to keep your thoughts about my relationship to yourself, we should leave.”

William pushed back his chair and neither parent made any attempt to stop him. He pulled my chair out as I stood and I followed him from the room. “Are you sure you want to leave, William.”

He whirled on me. “Were you listening in there?”

“Don’t yell at me,” I said, stepping back.
The only other time I had seen him this angry was when he had threatened to kill my ex-boyfriend, Paul. “I’m on your side, William.”

He flinched when he saw the fear in my eyes. “Christ, Livy. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you.”

“It’s okay.” I let him take my hand, which was shaking.

William’s stepped closer. “Are you scared of me?”

“Not exactly.” I couldn’t really explain it, but ever since Paul had lost it on me, I found myself cowering anytime a man around me became angry. I explained it the best way I knew how. “It’s more like post traumatic stress.”

William’s face fell. “I’m so sorry, Livy. Come here. Please.”

I stepped into his arms and the shaking stopped for both of us. My fear vanished, and his anger faded. Just as we both began to relax, the front door flew open.

“Uncle Will!”

I pulled away in time to see two tiny bundles of energy fly down the hall and tackle William around the legs. He laughed and bent to scope them up in his arms. They both looked to be about three years old to me, but I wasn’t good at guessing kids’ ages.

“Liv, this is my niece and nephew.
Carter and Callie. They’re twins.” William nodded toward the door. “That’s my brother, Bob.”

“Will. Good to see you.” Bob stepped next to William and slapped him on the back.

It was easy to tell that they were brothers. Bob was about an inch shorter than William, and his dark hair was speckled with gray, but other than that they were nearly identical.

Bob looked me up and down. “Who’s this, Will?”

“Olivia Harris.”

Carter was beginning to squirm so
William set him on the ground but Callie had a death grip around his neck and refused to let go.

“It’s nice to meet you, Bob.” I shook his hand

“Bob is just about the only sane member of the family,” William explained. He turned to his brother. “Where’s Courtney?”

Bob’s cheek twitched. “She’s having one of her moods. She won’t be joining us today.”

“Lucky Courtney,” I muttered, not realizing I had said it out loud.

Both Bob and William laughed. Bob slapped William on the back again. “I like her already, Will. Good work.”

“She spent twenty minutes experiencing the annual Carter parent interrogation. She’s fully indoctrinated now.” William forced a smile.

Bob laughed again. “Well at least now Jean can stop questioning your sexuality.”

“I need to pee,” Courtney announced emphatically. William and Bob exchanged a look.

“I can take her,” I offered.

Bob seemed relieved. “You don’t have to do that,” he protested lamely.

“It’s not a problem.” I held out my arms and was surprised when Callie lunged into them. “You two can have some time to catch up.”

“Thanks, Livy,” William said.

Callie had some trouble getting the process started so I tried to distract her. “I hear you like alligators,” I said, remembering that William had bought her a souvenir in Florida.

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