One Dance (The Club, #7) (8 page)

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Authors: Lexi Buchanan

Tags: #One Dance, #The Club, #BDSM Romance, #Erotica Romance, #Lexi Buchanan

BOOK: One Dance (The Club, #7)
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He’d never been so happy.

* * * *

mma knew that within five minutes, Jason would be in a full out panic so, for now, she wanted to relish the peace and quiet that surrounded them, and she settled against her handsome husband. The children played as Chloe looked on, which had a smile teasing her lips.

Chloe had taken really well to their move all the way to Montana, and especially to the arrival of her niece and nephew. Even at ten, Emma knew that Chloe would make a wonderful mother one day. It was in her nature. She’d love to see Chloe’s children and wondered if they would have the blonde hair that her sister had or the big blue eyes that she only had to flash to get what she wanted.

Jason had been wrapped around Chloe’s little finger from the day in the park, and nothing had changed. He could never say no to her, which was probably why, when she asked him something, he would always reply, “Ask your sister.” His way of getting out of it.

She had no complaints and loved Jason with all her heart.

They couldn’t wait for their third child to arrive, which would be tonight. She’d been having contractions for the past few hours but didn’t want to say anything because Jason would have them to the hospital before she could breathe.

But before she could announce her need for the hospital, Jason’s hand froze on her belly as another contraction took her breath away.

“Your stomach went hard...Emma?”

“I think, maybe, we might need a trip to the hospital...tonight,” she confessed.

Jason dropped his face into her neck and breathed. In and out, in and out. “Are you sure?”


“Fuck... Are you okay? What do you need? Tell me, Emma.”

She smiled at his panic and turned her face to look at him. “I only need you. I love you.”

“God.” Jason let out a shaky breath. “I love you so much, honey, but I think we need to say goodbye to the kids and tell them their baby brother or sister is on the way.”

Robert was born three hours later.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my novella from The Club!

All reviews are appreciated

If you would like to read more from
The Club
series, please click on the link below:

The Club Website


Please turn the page for a sneak peak at Blade, coming Winter 2015

Blade, Coming Winter 2015

mage Copyright – Michael Stokes Photography

Fitness Model – Eric Turner

Prologue ~ Blade



alya, I’m not sure about this,” I moan, worrying at my bottom lip with my teeth.

“Look, you said you wanted to change. So I’m helping you do that.” She grins. “You were hot on that pole at class, which makes me think you’ve done something like that before.” She raises a brow in question.

I squirm in discomfort, not really wanting to admit to my past but this is my friend, right?

Sucking it up, I admit, “My family had some financial problems a while back. I was at college and they wanted me to drop out because they couldn’t afford to carry on paying my fees. My living expenses were covered with my job in the coffee shop. Anyway, there was an advertisement for a new club that had opened so I went along. Instead of being offered a waitress job, they offered me a dancer position.”

Talya cracks up laughing. “Oh, my God. You’re serious? Well, shit.” She chuckles. “I’m sorry, but you seem more like the church going person than the dancer type.”

If only she knew how right that statement is.

“Look, I made enough money at it to see me through my last semester of college. Most nights I enjoyed it because it made me feel as though I could accomplish anything. I mean, I know being a pole dancer isn’t exactly big time, but for someone who is as shy as me, it felt as though it was a start.”

“I’m sorry I laughed. It just didn’t sound like you so it took me by surprise.” Talya reaches out and squeezes my hand.

“I know. I was brought up believing sex outside of marriage was a sin, which I guess is why I tried it more than a few times as soon as I left home.” I give Talya a sly look. “I like hot, sweaty sex. Burns a lot of calories.”

I burst into a fit of giggles when I see the startled look on her face before we both sober up.

“Then if you like hot, sweaty sex, why are you having a panic attack at the thought of coming into this club with me?”

“I’m n—” I start to deny the fact. “I don’t know.”

“I do. And it has everything to do with Ramon McKenzie. You need to stop seeing him and get a life. There are more hot guys out there who’d love the chance to take you out, and I’m not just meaning for sex.” She takes my hand as we cross the street.

“I’m used to him, and I like him. He’s good to me when he’s around.”

Eric jumps into my thoughts. He confuses me.

“C’mon. We’ll go in here for a drink and a dance and then we’ll leave, okay?”

I nod, but I’m not really paying attention as I’m lost thinking about Eric.

Is it possible to be attracted to two men at the same time? I didn’t think I was one of those women, but with how frequently he’s been in my thoughts, whether I’m conscious or unconscious in sleep, I’m starting to think I am.

Whereas before my heart would leap when Ramon entered the office, it’s started doing that with the sight of Eric. It’s no wonder I’m confused especially with the hot and cold signals Eric throws at me all the time.

“Sylvia, you’re not listening to me,” Talya complains.

“Sorry.” I come back to the here and now, and realize we’re outside Kenza.”

My heart sinks.

“Stop with that look. I told you last week about having tickets for tonight, and you agreed. So here we are.”

She’s right, and I do remember agreeing to come with her tonight.

Talya can make me dizzy sometimes with her plans and with how quickly she sorts things out. I’m more laid back, unless I’m working. There I need to be ready to act, which I guess is why I’m so lazy in my private life.

I met Talya at the coffee shop where I worked my last year of college. She was a customer who’d spend all day in the shop using the free Wi-Fi. We hit it off and have been best friends ever since.

We’re nothing alike. Where she is tall, slim with a short, dark-haired bob surrounding her face and a decent rack size, I’m short, and slim with big boobs.

Most guys talk to my chest instead of my face and, more often than not, I’ll let it slide, but others it pisses me the fuck off and they discover just what a five-foot nothing can do.

As soon as Talya drags me into the club that’s owned by Ramon’s brother, Ruben, the beat of the music vibrates through me.

Ever since his club opened in the heart of Lexington, it’s become one of the hottest nightspots around. Ramon brought me once when the band ‘Deception’ did a gig here. Totally amazing band, and I’m hoping Ruben manages to talk them into coming back for a night.

“I love this place,” Talya shouts into my ear, startling me by shoving a drink into my hand. “Smile.” She bumps into me with her hip.

I laugh. Instead of bumping hips, she nearly knocked the drink I’m holding down me.

She rolls her eyes.

Taking my glass from me, and along with hers, she dumps them on someone else’s table before grabbing my wrist. She drags me onto the dance floor to the heavy beat of the music.

I’ve no idea what’s playing as I’m so out of date with music. I’m partial to Ed Sheeran, but I like whatever is on, it’s really good and has a good rhythm to it.

The crush of bodies surrounding us helps me shake loose any lingering thoughts of Ramon.

I raise my arms into the air and, closing my eyes, I throw my head back and let the music overtake me. Let it caress over my skin as I move to the beat.

Not sure how many songs I’ve lost myself into, I freeze when I feel hands on my hips. My eyes snap open and I’m captured in the angry ones of one of the men I’m trying to get out of my head, Eric.

He drags me closer to his body, slipping a leg between mine. My dress creeps up but stays covering my ass when his large hands clamp down on each ass cheek.

I grab hold of his shoulders for balance, and so I don’t end up a puddle at his feet.

The music has gotten my blood flowing, but being so close to an aroused Eric is causing the blood in my veins to overheat. And aroused he is.

There’s no mistaking the length of his cock throbbing against my hip as he rubs against me with our movements.

I’ve never danced with anyone the way I am with him. His hands keep me riding his thigh, and my fingers twitch to reach down to grasp his hard dick. Instead, I slide my fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck and bring my chest flush with his.

My nipples are hard, aching tips, which he’ll feel now that I’m rubbing against him. I’ve never been so aroused while dancing before, and Eric has me ready to orgasm.

With each movement, our groins rub together, and it wouldn’t surprise me if Eric couldn’t feel my wetness through his jeans as my pussy rides him. It’s been so long for me since I had sex, and something tells me sex with Eric will be like nothing I’ve experienced before.

What am I thinking—contemplating?

I pull my chest away from him and try to bring much needed space between us, but one look into his eyes stops me from going anywhere. It’s a look I’ve never seen reflected toward me before, and I’m not sure I’m strong enough to walk away.

Eric brings me back against him, and growls into my ear, “I’ve tried keeping my hands off you.” He sucks my earlobe into his mouth.

I gasp in pleasure as my arousal floods my thong.

“I’ve been watching you since I spotted you lost in your own world. I couldn’t help wondering what it’d feel like having you dancing on my cock.”

He shouldn’t be talking to me like this. Like he wants nothing more than to find a dark corner to fuck me.
Ugh—that image.
I try to close my legs, forgetting his is between mine, and see his knowing smile when he feels me clamping down against him.

“Let me take care of you.” He rubs his chest against the twin peaks of my breasts.

I can’t pretend that I don’t want him since the evidence is speaking for itself. It’s been a few years since I last had sex, and I’m not that far gone that I don’t realize tonight with Eric would be a one-time deal. I’m not promiscuous, but I have had one or two one-night stands when I was in college.

The sensuous feel of having a virile male body, hot and hard against mine is playing with my common sense because I want to say yes. I want to go some place with Eric and let him fuck me senseless. Something tells me he fucks like he goes about his daily business—full speed.

Feeling my back hit a wall, and Eric’s hands sliding up my thighs as he wraps my legs around his waist, I stop thinking and go with the flow.

His large cock feels so good against my pussy that I don’t even mind having my dress around my waist.

I reach up and pull his head down to mine, and as our mouths join, a whole lot of fireworks explode behind my closed eyes. They snap open and stare into his passion hazed ones. I just feel him while I’m unable to look away.

With the grinding on his dick that I’ve been doing, my thong has been pushed between my folds. All I want is for him to open his jeans and impale me to finish what he’s started.

Coming Winter 2015

Other books by Lexi Buchanan

Bad Boy Rockers






McKenzie Brothers


The Wedding (Novella)





Men in Uniform (McKenzie Spinoff)

Blade (2015)

Jackson Hole

From This Moment

New Beginning (coming soon)

Holiday Season

Kissing Under the Mistletoe


Gia 0.5 (Novella)

The Club

One Dance (Novella)


Educate Me

Renovation of the Heart (coming soon)

Dear Professor (coming soon)

Offside (coming soon)

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