Once Forgotten Twice Loved (16 page)

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“Great work, Connor. That is our best lead yet. I hope this video is worth a damn,” Larsen responded.

Pelton put the DVD in the player and pushed play. They sat there watching the video but never saw a van pull up. Then the video showed a white van pull up at the gas tanks and three men exit the van. One of the men walked into the store and just like the clerk stated, one of the men pumped gas and the other man walked to the back of the van. Jonas got up and walked closer to the TV. “I can’t see any of their faces. Dammit. With the technology we have today, you would think they could make a damn video camera that was worth a damn.”

“Pelton, do you think your lab could clean the video up and get a better picture of the men’s faces.”

Pelton never looked up. “I don’t know. The quality of this video is crap and I don’t know if the lab could do anything with it.”

As they watched the video, the man exited the store, keeping his face down so the camera couldn’t get a good picture of him. Then he got back into the van with the other two men. They drove off heading in the direction of Dugan Town.

“Dammit. The license plate even has mud on it so you can’t make out the tag number,” Jonas added, who was getting agitated. Ash watched as Jonas rubbed the back of his neck then patted his pockets as if he forgot something. He walked in front of his table, dragging his hands through his hair, as he paced.

Ash knew that Jonas had the same feelings she did about Lex Mann being the man who was kidnapping the young girls. He was a good cop and his instincts were screaming at him. Ash could tell he felt guilty since Lex was from his pack. “Maybe we can get some of the numbers and letters off the tag and run it through the NCIC database. We may get lucky and one of the tags will come back to a white van,” Ash responded.

“Maybe.” Pelton continued to watch the video.

“Okay, I’ve got to make some phone calls to my Second to see if they can talk to the Mann family and find out when the last time they heard from Lex. I’ll see you guys at dinner.” Jonas walked out of the room with a worried look on his face.

Ash watched as Jonas walked out of the room. She turned and looked at Larken. “Jonas looked worried,” Ash spoke to Larken.

“He is worried. If these Rogues keep up their path, then they are headed into his territory next. He is here at the lodge and he is worried they will take one of his. Just like we are,” Larken said as he hugged Ash closer to him. Her scent and warmth kept the worry away for a few minutes at least.

“Okay, baby, we need to talk. Let’s get out of here for a few hours then we will meet back with you, Pelton.”

Pelton nodded and started pulling out papers from his boxes. Ash thought Pelton looked like he was on a mission. She wanted to stay and help Pelton, but she knew this was going to be the ‘
you are our mate and you will move here’

Larken and Larsen pulled Ash to her feet and walked with her out of the room. Larken escorted Ash to his office so they wouldn’t be disturbed. Ash walked into a huge office with a big mahogany desk, a couch, and some chairs sitting around the room. It was beautifully decorated with the same type furniture his pack mates made. Larken pulled Ash into his office and asked her to sit down in the chair. He sat down and Larsen sat down on the couch.

Ash started getting nervous, wishing she had more time to think about this, but what was there to think about. She was mated to these two men and they seemed to love her, and she always wanted to move to Colorado and be near Nash. And if she was really honest with herself, she was already in love with Larken and Larsen. It was really a win-win situation. At least that’s what she was telling herself.

“Ash.” Larken purred her name and his voice made her body heat up between her legs. She didn’t understand these feelings of wanting them all the time, but she wanted him now—and she meant right now.

“I need to ask you some questions.”

Ash didn’t wait for the questions. She jumped up and crashed into Larken, kissing his lips, sliding her tongue along his. Her mouth devoured his as she tasted his sweet, delicious mouth. She wanted his clothes off now. She wanted to feel his skin rub against hers. She thought she might have been able to stop herself, but the need had become too strong to resist. Reasoning had left her and all she needed was him. These men had turned her into a nympho.

Larken couldn’t believe what just happened, but he was glad she did it because he wanted her ever since he smelled his twin on her. Larken felt bad because he felt something inside him wrench tight, he was going to ask her to leave her home in New York and her job behind. But Ash tore his shirt open as she nipped a hungry path down his chest. The question he wanted to ask Ash died on his lips. Then she straddled him, pulling his belt open and pulling his pants and underwear down. She reached down and pulled his shoes off. Ash then grabbed her pants and jerked them down, along with her panties. She jumped back onto Larken, straddling him. He didn’t have time to say anything before Ash slid her body down onto his erection. He gritted his teeth as she slid down further, moaning as she went.

Larsen sat back on the couch watching his mate have sex with his brother. He wanted to join in, but he knew Larken needed this. He could feel the strain in his brother since the meeting started. He would have his way with his mate as soon as he finished, but Ash wanted her mate and he just loved to watch her in action.

Ash bounced up and down on Larken, reaching down as she squeezed his nipple, making him hiss out her name. She rotated her hips, pushing down further until she felt the pressure building inside her. Her cheeks colored as Larken reached up and purposefully ran his thumb over her bottom lip.

Larken rose up then lifted himself off the ground, holding Ash to him. He laid her across his desk and pushed further into her until she orgasmed. She inhaled as the small cry of pleasure escaped her lips.

Ash moved her head back and forth, feeling the sweet pleasure of her mate pumping into her. She knew that she would never get enough of him. He leaned down and kissed her passionately, biting her bottom lip then kissing down her throat, scrapping his teeth against his mark, making her fangs release. She reached over and grabbed Larken by the hair, twisting his head until she plunged her fangs into his neck. Larken gasped when he felt her fangs push into his skin, then he pushed harder into Ash. She sucked on his neck until they both climaxed. Ash retracted her fangs, leaving her mark on her mate’s neck. She licked until there was no more blood left on his neck.

Larken knew the place Ash left her mark would always be an erogenous zone for him. Thinking about this made him smile.

“Well, I love these kind of talks,” Larken said as he pulled back from Ash.

“Sorry, couldn’t help it. You two have possessed me.” Ash titled her head backwards, smiling at Larsen, who was sitting on the couch watching her. His smoky gray eyes stared back at her. No emotion was showing in his eyes then something other than lust flashed in his eyes. Ash only caught a glimpse of jealousy before his eyes held no emotion again.

Larken pulled out of Ash then reached into his desk, pulling out some paper towels. He wiped off his semen as it trickled down her leg. Ash continued to watch Larsen as he sat on the couch watching Larken wipe her down. She leaned up and turned around, narrowing her eyes at Larsen. “What is wrong?”

Larken looked up, not knowing what was going on.

“Nothing,” Larsen responded as he continued to stare at Ash. She jumped off the desk and pulled her underwear and pants back on. Ash didn’t like the look in Larsen’s eyes.

“Then why are you looking at me like that?” Ash asked as she sat down, putting her shoes on. Larken looked over at Larsen wondering why Larsen was staring at Ash.

Larsen couldn’t explain his mood. He didn’t even know how to answer her. He looked away from Ash and looked out the window. “Sorry.” Larsen jumped up and headed for the door. “I’ll talk to you later.” He walked out the door, slamming it behind him.

Ash looked up at Larken. She had tears in her eyes but didn’t want to cry in front of him. This is what she was worried about. Brother against brother, and the jealousy of sharing a mate. Before Larken could get his clothes on, Ash jumped up and headed for the door. “I need some air. I will see you in a few minutes.”

Larken tried to get to her before she got out the door, but Ash was too fast and he didn’t even have any pants on.




“Okay, Johnny, where is my mate? You said she was here at the lodge.” Johnny looked around, trying to locate the woman he had seen yesterday. This was the woman who threw him and Pez into the fence without breaking a sweat. He knew Lex would break her down as his mate. This was payback for her throwing him into the fence.

“I don’t see her yet. I tell you, Alpha, she is beautiful,” Johnny replied as he looked around the grounds. He was nervous because he had to deliver this woman since he had talked about her beauty so much. Johnny didn’t want to tell Lex the whole story, where the woman got the best of him and threw him into a fence. He knew that Lex would probably kill him. All he wanted was to get Kammy and mate with her. She was the one for him. Johnny knew he couldn’t do this on his own and he had heard that someone was taking young girls from the other packs. Johnny had put two-and-two together and had come up with his crazy cousin. He was the only one crazy enough to kidnap people and wouldn’t be afraid of the consequences.

“You better be right. I would hate to make my only aunt cry because I killed her son.” Johnny swallowed hard knowing Lex didn’t just threaten people. He carried his threats out. He told everyone that he would be an Alpha one day, and he is. A crazy Alpha, but still an Alpha. Johnny looked back toward the lodge as someone walked out the front door.

“There she is. Right there coming out the door.” Johnny pointed toward Ash as she sat down in one of the rocking chairs.

Lex stared as he watched as Ash titled her head back, pushing one foot on the ground, rocking the chair up and down. He liked what he saw. She was beautiful, with long brown hair and a curvy body. She was tall with long legs. “Well, Johnny, you did good. Now we have to lure her out.” Lex continued to stare at Ash.

“Can you control her if I get her out here?”

Lex flared his nostrils, trying not to shoot Johnny with the gun. “Yeah, I have enough left in the gun to put her out for a few hours,” Lex responded as he pulled his gun out of the bag he was carrying. Lex didn’t understand why Johnny wanted him to shoot her with the gun. She was only a human. He could handle her and anybody else that tried to get in the way of his plans.

Johnny was about to come out from behind the bushes when he watched as Jonas came out the front door and started talking to Ash.

“Hold up, Johnny. Do you see who that is?” asked Lex.

Johnny looked and saw it was Jonas Glenn.

“Bastard. I thought he would have already been back in Glenndale.” Lex hated Jonas Glenn. He blamed him for his family being excommunicated from his pack. Lex glared as Jonas sat and spoke with his new mate. His vein pulsed on the side of neck as the growl vibrated out of his throat.
How dare Jonas talk to his future mate? My time has come, old wolf.
Lex and Johnny sat back in the bushes, watching and waiting for Jonas to leave. Time continued to tick by as Lex and Johnny sat in the bushes waiting for Jonas to leave.

“Let’s go and get the other two and come back and get her. This will be great since Jonas is still here at the lodge. We will go right in and take the two girls and leave. This will break Jonas Glenn. Um, don’t you think, Alpha?” Johnny asked Lex, watching as Lex became agitated watching Jonas Glenn with his mate.

“Alright, but I want to be back here by tonight and get her. The full moon is tomorrow.” Lex took one more look at his mate and walked back to his van.




“What are you doing out here by yourself, beautiful?” Jonas asked Ash.

Ash watched as Jonas pulled another rocking chair closer and sat down.

“I don’t know what I’m doing any more, Jonas. One minute I’m happy thinking that I have two mates who want me, then I feel like they will get mad at each other because I have se…” Ash stopped talking and realized that she was about to tell Jonas about her sex life with Larken and Larsen.

“It’s okay, Ash. What you say to me won’t go any further. I know you are having trouble understanding wolves and what happens when they find their mates, but it will work out.”

“You think so?”

“I have known Larken and Larsen for a very long time. Larken has been my best friend for a long time, too. He is a good man, Ash, and so is Larsen. Just give them some time. They have shared all there life and they will learn to share you. Just give them some time.”

“Time is what I don’t have at the moment. I leave to go home after the Valentine’s Day dance on Sunday. I don’t want to be the person who breaks a family up. Brother against brother. I’ve seen it before, Jonas, and it ruined a family. Nobody wants to share. Alphas are jealous people and you of all people should know that.”

Jonas leaned forward looking up at Ash. “What brought this on? You three looked happy a few hours ago.”

Ash leaned her head back closing her eyes. “Yeah, well, like I said, maybe it’s not meant to be.”

Jonas reached out and held Ash’s hand. “What happened, Ash?”

“Larsen got mad at me for being with Larken and I guess he didn’t want to share. I don’t know, but he just gave me a dirty look and walked out. I can’t take that, Jonas. I think I need to go home and let them find their own separate mates. Somebody who they don’t have to share.” Ash clenched her hands together. She didn’t want to leave her mates, but today was only the beginning in her eyes. They would fight over her and she wouldn’t stay if that’s what she had to look forward to.

“Ash, are you bat shit crazy now, too? Let them find their own mates. Ash, they have found their mate and it is you and only you. They won’t look at another woman, love another woman, or go find another woman. It’s you and it will always be you.”

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