On Wings of Love (16 page)

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Authors: Kim Watters

BOOK: On Wings of Love
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Moments later, Noah lifted his head. When Ruth saw the love shining from his eyes, she had the answer she needed and quit hiding behind excuses. Noah would never forget about his first wife or his son, just as she would never forget her twin sister; yet both of them had finally managed to put the past behind them and find the love God had meant for them in the process.

“I love you, too, Noah. I want that too. You don’t think Houston will mind, do you?”

“I know he won’t.” Noah leaned down and kissed her again.

Dear Reader,

Welcome to my first book for Steeple Hill. I’m thrilled to be a part of the Harlequin family. I loved writing
On Wings of Love
because it gave me a chance to explore the challenging and complex issue of organ donation and I learned so much during my research. The recipient and donor family stories I read, as well as having a personal experience on the recipient side, were truly inspiring and humbling at the same time.

On Wings of Love
is very near and dear to my heart because my sister-in-law, Susan, to whom this book is dedicated, is a kidney and liver recipient. Through the grace of God and the generosity of an organ donor, she’s alive today and welcomed her first grandbaby into the world just over a year ago.

While Ruth and Noah are fictitious, their issues and past experiences are something that we can identify with. In our daily lives we are faced with numerous obstacles, setbacks and sometimes life-changing decisions, but our faith helps us through these difficult times. As Noah rediscovered, God is good.

I love to hear from my readers about how my books have touched their lives. Please visit my Web site at www.kimwatters.com or my group blog www.muchcheaperthantherapy.blogspot.com. You may also write me c/o Steeple Hill Books, 233 Broadway, Suite 1001, New York, NY.10279.


Kim Watters

  1. In
    On Wings of Love
    , Ruth’s first introduction to Noah is when she overhears the fight between the two pilots chartered to fly her and her medical team to San Diego. Can you think of a better way Noah might have handled the situation? How would you have handled it?
  2. Helping people is what Ruth does best. What are some of the things Ruth does to help others? What are some of the things you can do to help others?
  3. Noah turned his back on God after the death of his wife and son. Has there ever been a circumstance in your life where you question His intentions? What did you do? How did you resolve your conflict?
  4. Why do you think God allows such difficult things to happen to His children?
  5. In grieving over his son, Noah feels that he should have been able to do something to save Jeremy instead of signing his organs over for donation. Guilt is a powerful emotion and shut down Noah’s ability to move forward. What are some other things guilt can do? How can faith help overcome that feeling? How can we help others who are facing grief?
  6. Ruth believes she’s doing God’s will on earth. What are some things you can do that serve God?
  7. What is Noah’s reaction when he discovers his office manager needs a kidney transplant to lead a more normal life? Why does he delay in going to Ruth for help? What would you do if you faced a similar circumstance?
  8. When Noah drives Ruth to the funeral for her friend, he feels uncomfortable with the group of mourners, especially when the minister invites him to join in. Why? Have you ever felt afraid or scared of a new situation? How did you handle it?
  9. Both Ruth and Noah are scarred by what happened to them in the past. How did it affect their lives and career choices? Have you ever had something happen to you in the past that affected the choices you’ve made? How did you handle them?
  10. When Noah sees Hannah and Dylan at the park, it brings back happy memories of his son and his anger and bitterness start to recede. What special things do you do together as a family? What traditions have you carried on or new traditions have you started? What traditions would you like to start?
  11. Noah and Ruth are determined to be friends. Friends care for and help each other during the good times and the bad like Ruth is there for Noah when he needs her. Think about all the friends that have come and gone in your life when you needed them. Is there anyone you’ve lost touch with that meant a lot to you? What’s keeping you from reaching out to renew your friendship?
  12. When Noah sees all the sick children at the hospital, he wonders how God can turn his back on them, especially the boy he befriends. He soon discovers perhaps the hospital is where the children are supposed to be taken care of. Illness can create a lot of stress in the family. Have you faced this challenge? How did your faith help you through it?
  13. When Ruth loses her first donor and suffers a few more setbacks, she is ready to quit her job. Has there ever been a time when you’ve had enough with your job? What decision did you make? Did it make you happy? Would you make the same decision today?
  14. When Noah visits Ruth in the hospital after the plane crash, he’s paralyzed with fear and guilt at losing Ruth like he lost his first wife. His attempt to shut off his emotions stall though when he realizes that by denying his love for her, he is denying himself happiness and rejecting what God has intended. Has there ever been a time when you rejected what God had intended for you? What happened? How did you make your peace with God?
  15. When Noah meets the recipient of his son’s heart, he’s finally able to let go and embrace life again. He realizes his son saved lives that day and through the grace of God, Jeremy still lives. So when he learns that a kidney has become available for Hannah, he jumps at the chance to help bring the organ back for her. Have you ever changed your opinion about something? How did you feel about it?

ISBN: 978-1-4268-4867-4


Copyright © 2010 by Kim Watters

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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