On the Shores of the Mediterranean (56 page)

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Antiquities of the Jews

Kaminker, Sarah Fox,
Footloose in Jerusalem
, Jerusalem, 1971.

Kinglake, A. W.,
, London, 1844.

Morton, H. V.,
In the Steps of the Master
, London, 1934.

Nir, Dov,
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Sitwell, Sacheverell,
Splendours and Miseries
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Boulanger, Robert,
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Bovill, E. W.,
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Ricard, P.,
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Baedeker, Karl,
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Ford, Richard,
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George, Nancy,
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Robertson, Ian,
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Semana Santa: Horario e Itinerario Oficial de las Cofradias que hacen Estacion a la Santa y Metropolitana Iglesia Catedral. Aprobados por el Illustrisimo Señor Vicario General el Arzobispardo
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Connolly, Cyril,
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Sharman, Fay,
The Taste of France: A Dictionary of French Food and Wine
, London, 1982.

Tomkins, Calvin,
Living Well Is the Best Revenge
, New York, 1971.

Dates of publication given for many of the guides and reference books listed are those of my own copies. It does not necessarily mean that these editions are the best. Many of the older works of travel are available in modern reprints.


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Abbasid Caliphate 464

Abd al-Rahman 492

Abd el-Latif 365

Abd el-Malik 331

Abd ul-Aziz 268, 316, 482

Abd ul-Hamid I 260, 266

Abd ul-Hamid II 137, 269–71, 322, 328

Abd ul-Medjid I 268–9

Abd ul-Medjid II 269

Abdulla al-Mamun 359–60, 361, 362, 365

Abu Inan 470

Abu Yousef Mansur 517

Abu Yousef Yaacub 458, 462

Abydos 227, 228

Acerra, Naples 25–6

Achilles 225–6, 228, 274, 275, 291

acqua alta
59–62, 69, 71

Actium, site and battle of 165–8

Adana 296, 303, 304, 305, 311

Adem, El 385, 392, 397, 398, 401

Aeneas 429

Aelia Capitolina 327

Aeolians, the 291

Aesyetes 275

Aga Khan 531

Agamemnon 224, 277

Agrippa 166, 167, 168, 169

Aïn Draham 442

Ajax 226


Alaeddin Keykubad 297, 298–9

Alarahan 297, 301, 310

Albania 14, 53, 109, 113, 115, 119, 122, 123–57, 161, 163, 168, 171, 179, 183, 184, 186, 195

Alanya 297, 298–301

Albergo dei Poveri, Naples 42, 44

Alcibiades 227


Alexander 225, 228, 274, 275, 285, 291, 307–9, 325, 365, 409

Alexandria Troas 283–90

Great Theatre 289

Alexius I Comnenus 298

Alfonso VI 493

Alfonso XIII 508

Ali Bey el-Abbasi 464

Ali Bey of Aleppo 299

Ali Pasha 153, 164, 180, 181, 183, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189

Ali Pasha (Bey) 176–89

Allenby, General 328

Almina Point 488

Almohads, the 451, 462, 465, 493, 517

Almoravids, the 462, 464–5, 493

Anchore, Ambrosio dalle 68

Andalus Mosque, Fez 481

Ankara 311

Antakya (Antioch) 290, 295, 305, 313, 315

Antalya 290, 292, 295–7, 299, 301–2

Antigonia 285

Antigonus 285

Antilochus 226


Antiochus 428

Antiochus IV Epiphanes 306–7

Antipater of Sidon 354

Antonine Baths, Carthage 426

Apollonia 152–3

Apponyi, Geraldine 31

Aquileia, cathedral at 89

Aradus (Ruad) 430

Araunah the Jebusite 325

Arezzo, Guido d’ 55

Arimathea 322

Armenians, the 220, 243, 252, 259, 298, 308, 331, 342, 345, 346, 347

Artaxerxes I 318

Artaxerxes II 307

Assos (Padasos), acropolis 291–2

Atatürk, Kemal 282

Atebamn, mausoleum of, Dougga 444

Attila 56, 89

Augier, Mme Jeanne 528–9, 532


Ausonius 91

Austrians, the 69–70, 96, 111, 119, 120, 142, 252

Ayia Moni, monastery at Meteora 201–2

Ayia Triadha, monastery at Meteora 201

Ayios Dimitrios, monastery at Meteora 202

Ayios Dionisos, monastery at Prionia 209

Ayios Elouses, monastery at Ioannina 183

Ayios Nikolaos Spanos, monastery at Ioanniana 183

Baedeker, Karl 237–8, 321, 322, 323, 366

Badia y Leblich, Domingo 464

Baghdad 365, 464, 492

Baldwin II 53, 112

Balian, Karabat 268–9

Balkans, the 94, 115, 122, 142, 241, 442

Balli Dag 276, 278

Bar 125, 127

Barbarossa, Emperor 302

Barbarossa, Hayrettin Paşca 165, 233

Bardo Museum, Tunis 437

baths, Turkish, Istanbul 231–7

bazaars, Istanbul 237–48

Bedesten: Sandal 242–3

Eski 242, 243, 244

Beduin 322, 328, 357, 358, 359, 366, 377, 384, 385, 392–3, 397–8, 399, 401–2

Shavar 389

Obeidad 393

Omar Mukta 392–3, 395

Belion Pass (Syrian Gates) 308–9

Belisarius 410

Bellefonds, Linart de 356–7

Bellomunno family 44–50

Ben Gardane 419, 422

Berat 134, 186

Berbers, the 330, 408, 409, 415, 428, 440, 442, 450, 452, 455, 464, 465, 467, 478, 480, 491, 492

Beylerbey Summer Palace, Salonika 269

Biljarda Palace, Cetinje 120–1

Bir Hakim 392, 393, 398–406

Bittir 322

Bled el-Haddar 445

Bocuse, Paul 533

Boghaz-hisarlari, castle 227

Bou Inanya 470

Bourguiba, President 436, 442

Brindisi 20

Brotherhoods: Neapolitan 45

Kadria 447

in Seville 504–15

Bulla Regia 443, 444

Burrel, labour camp at 151

Butrint 155–6

Byblos 368–9

Byron, Lord 181, 186, 228

Cabrerea, Marcos de 497

Caesarea 326

Caesar, Julius 166, 168, 276, 409

Cairo 166, 168, 276, 351, 352, 354, 356, 358, 366–7, 368, 373, 409, 452

Calpe, rock of 491

Camorra, the 4, 16, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 33, 49–50, 136

Campi Flegrei
Phlegraean Fields

Cannakale (Chanak) 227

Cannes 522, 523, 524

Cantacuzene, the 198

Cantemir, Demetrius 262

Cap d’Antibes 523, 524

Cape Helles 219–24

Memorial 221–2

Capodimente 36, 42, 401

Caracalla 275

Carlowitz, Treaty of 164

Carmona 492, 493

Carrara 4, 32, 222

Carso II 90–108

Carthage 410, 426–32, 435, 441, 443, 444, 445, 467, 517

Cassander 285

Cato the Elder 428

Castalian Fountain, the, Delphi 206

Cele Kula tower 119

cemeteries, in Naples 37, 40, 44–8

Cerkniško, Jezero 106–7

Cetinje 110, 112, 113, 114–22, 123, 146, 450


Chanak-kilesi, castle 227

Chandler, Richard 289

Chantecler, restaurant in Nice 531–3, 535

Chapel, Alain 533

Chares 274

Charles of Bourbon 29, 41

Charles, Archduke 93

Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor 441

Cheops 354, 363, 368

Chephren 354, 355, 357, 358, 373

Chioggia 51–2, 54, 55, 56, 58, 63

Chios, Island of 68

Chott Djerid, the 446–7

Churchill, Winston 405

Cilicia 302, 303, 304, 306, 307, 308

Clarke, Edward 266, 267–8, 278, 280, 286, 288, 289–90

Cleopatra 166–9, 304

Cockerell, C. R. 195

Codex Friderico-Augustanus 201

Codex Sinaiticus 200

Connolly, Cyril 525

Conon 228

Constantine 46, 226, 331, 342–3

Constantine VII 306

Constantinople 53, 65, 68, 112, 184, 185, 187, 188, 189, 190, 221, 224, 227, 228, 231, 232, 239, 253, 254, 256, 265, 266, 271, 286, 287, 290, 306, 410

in Naples 19, 33–4, 43

Copts, the 199, 331, 345, 346, 347, 359

Corcyrian Castles, the 303

Cordier, Flora 269–70

Cordoba 491, 492, 493

Caliphate 464–5

Corfu 133, 156, 161–2, 181, 187

Coronelli, Father Vincenzo 54

Coryate, Thomas 286, 288

Crete 376, 408, 428, 481

Crescenza, Luccano de 20, 38, 40

Cristo de Burgos 497

Crnojevi Monastery, at Cetinje 119

Crnojevi, Ivan 119

Crusades 15, 291, 298, 302, 303, 311, 313, 325, 327, 333, 337

first 298

third 302

fourth 52–4

Cuddon, J. A. 115

Cukorova 304

Cunaxa 307

Curzon, Robert 195–200

Cyclades, the 53, 162, 408

Cynossema 227

Cyrenaica 344

Cyrene 302, 408–11

Cyrus 307

Dallam, Master Thomas 265

Damascus 316, 331, 492

Dandolo, Doge Enrico 53, 68

Daphne, glen of 314

Dardanelles 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 227, 229, 277, 287, 290, 489

Dardanos 228

Dar el-Makhzen Palace, Fez 456, 459

Darius III Condoman 307–8, 311

Darracq 529

David 323–5, 328, 331

Davidson, David 361–3

Delphi 162, 206, 408

Derna 383, 389

Dhelvinákion 184

Dido 429

Diodurus Siculus 360

Diocletian 29

Dionisos Skylosophos 190

Dionysus 93, 214, 281


Dolmabahçe, Palace of 249, 269

Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem 331, 333

Doria, Andrea 165

Dougga 444

Dragut 441

Durrës 133, 148, 155

Edirne Saray 253, 287

Elijah 323

Ekhet Khufu

Ekron (Akir) 322

Elizabeth I, Queen 265

Engastromanos, Sofia 229

Ensle, Herr 267

Ephesus 56, 428

Ephyra, Necromanteion of 173

Epirus 161, 177, 180, 186, 187, 191

Epictetus 169

Epiphania 306–7


Erzurum 240, 242, 302

Eugènie, Empress 352

Evelyn, John 20

Eyuboglu, Mme Emine Mualla 271

Fanári, Plain of 173, 176

Fasi, the 455, 460, 468–9, 477, 478, 479

Ferdinand and Isabella 494

Ferdinand III 493–4, 504–5

Fergusson, Bernard 386

Fès el-Bali

Fès el-Jedid

Festus 275

Fez 14, 433, 449–82, 500

Fitzgerald, F. Scott 524

Florian’s café, Venice 73 6, 78

Fosdinovo 8

Franscesconi, Floriano 73

Freely, John 237

Frossini, Mme 186

Fuga, Ferdinando 44

funerals: in Venice 64–5

industry in Naples 43–50, 103

wake in the Kras 103–6

in Albania 156

Fyffe, C. A. 224

Gallipoli 219–30, 231, 276, 282

Gaulle, General de 405

Gazala Line 400–1

Gazipasa (Selinus) 302

Gezer 322

Ghegs, the 131, 136–7

Gibbon, E. 288, 288n

Gibraltar 15, 51, 431, 454, 467, 485–91, 494


Glyki 176

Granada 493, 494

Graziani, General 384

Great Metereon

Greece 20, 132, 159–215, 291, 497, 536

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