On the Edge: An Alpha Bad Boy Romance (Becker Bad Boys Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: On the Edge: An Alpha Bad Boy Romance (Becker Bad Boys Book 1)
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“Jax,” she whispered.

As Fiona felt her pussy begin to pulsate, she grabbed his head and began to grind herself deeper onto his tongue. Still licking, Jax felt his cock ache as her juices spurted forth to drench his face.

Standing up, Jax unbuttoned his jeans and kicked them off. Fiona reached for his hard huge cock. Jax caught her hand.

“Don’t, baby. I want to be inside you now.”

Fiona fell back against the cabinets as his huge cock slid inside her. She was so tight he nearly came immediately. But he held himself off wanting to relish every moment he was inside such a beautiful woman. His hands gripped her tiny waist pulling her to him her long legs wrapped around him. As he pumped in and out of her tight pussy, Fiona felt herself melting. She’d never had a guy this hot and this big. Her lips stretched wide over his enormous cock. The pain was exquisite.

Suddenly, her orgasm was upon her thundering down her legs shaking her pussy pulsating around his throbbing cock. The surge of wetness caused Jax to come immediately thrusting himself deeply inside her.

“My God, that was amazing.” He panted as he fell back against the refrigerator. Looking down he saw that the tiled floor was covered in shards of broken glass.

Fiona remained seated on the counter. Her pussy sore from vigorous fucking. She touched herself briefly feeling the deliciousness soreness. God, he’d been amazing.

Jax bent down to retrieve his jeans slipping them over his body. He began to clean up the broken glass.

“Here, let me.” Fiona carefully hopped down from counter careful not to walk over the sharp glass. She walked over to the broom closet to retrieve a green handled broom and dust pan.

Jax stood back as she swept up the glass dumping into the trash.

As he watched her, Fiona became aware of her nudity. Quickly, she pulled her dress back on.

“Hey, I was enjoying the show. I could watch you all night.” Jax smiled at her.

“So am I ever going to see you again? Or was this just a hit it and quit it type thing?” Fiona wrapped her arms around his strong neck.

“That depends.”

“On what?” She began to kiss his neck.

“Do you want to see me?” Jax playfully swatted her on the ass.


“Then we’ll meet again. Maybe this time for dinner…or something.” Jax picked up his t-shirt and pulled it over his head.

Fiona bit her lip and looked down. She normally never had casual hook ups like this. She had avoided them for the past few years after several disastrous one night stands. She loathed the thought that Jax might think she was some nasty bar slut.

“Jax, I don’t usually do this. But…you..”

“I seduced you…I get it. Don’t worry, Fiona, you’re definitely the kind of girl worth seeing again.” With that, he gave her a quick kiss.

He looked at his phone.

“Fiona, I really have to go. I have an early morning meeting I can’t miss.”

A sick, queasy feeling rumbled in the pit of her stomach. Yeah, she’d heard this excuse before. She’d never see him again. Might as well start forgetting his name now.

“I see. Thanks for the fun night.” Fiona threw open the door motioning for him to leave.

Sensing how upset she was, Jax grabbed her by the hand.

“No, Fiona, it’s not like that. I really do have an important meeting in the morning. Give me your number now and I will put it in my phone. I’ll text you tomorrow.”

Fiona’s eyes scanned his face for any signs of deceit. He appeared to be genuine with a pleading look in his incredible blue eyes.

“Okay. It’s 344-856-9653.”

Quickly, he punched the number into his phone.

“I’ll text you tomorrow. Have a good rest of the night, beautiful.” He pulled her to him his lips pressing on hers.

Fiona watched him get into his car. Wow, what a night. Her pussy would still be sore tomorrow she was sure of it!




When Jax Becker was growing up, people constantly used to inquire what he wanted to do with his life.

And the answer was always the same.

He wanted to be a policeman. When he was little, he loved the flashing lights, the sirens, and the uniform they wore. As he got older, it was something more. Being a police officer meant you had been deemed worthy of responsibility, of power over your fellow citizens. You had been charged with law, order, and protection.

To Jax, this was the only thing he’d ever wanted to do with his life. But when he was seventeen, his mother was caught in the middle of a police chase. Two teenagers had stolen a car and led police on a high speed chase. Shots were fired and his mother was tragically killed by a police officer. Jax’s world was shattered. The boy who had always been so sure of himself and so dedicated to his goal of becoming a police officer found himself adrift. Even though it was an accident the idea of becoming a police officer sickened him.

When he was eighteen, Jax enlisted in the Marine Corps. He did five years with the Marines. He adored being a Marine, the discipline, the structure, and the strict physical regime fit his personality well. When he returned, he completed college. With his degree in hand, Jax found himself adrift until he met a recruiter for the FBI Academy at Quantico. The recruiter was impressed with Jax’s military experience and his education.

Despite his distrust of law enforcement after his mother’s death, Jax was attracted to the idea of becoming an FBI agent. After completing his training at the academy, he gained the title of Special Agent Becker.

Over the years, Jax had worked on several projects with the DEA on busting drug cartels in the southwest. But his father had become ill and he had requested a transfer back to New York. Once in New York, he became assigned to a special task force designed to take down insider trading. There was one very powerful hedge fund manager the FBI was determined to take down.

Skylar Manning, Fiona’s boss. Skylar Manning had been involved in illegal activities for decades spanning everything from drug and human trafficking to insider trading. Now he ran his own multi-billion dollar hedge fund and Fiona was his right hand woman.

When Jax was first approached about taking down the billionaire, he was excited. He couldn’t wait to see that rich asshole get his in prison. However, getting enough evidence to prosecute Skylar wouldn’t be easy. The FBI and the SEC had been trying to do that for years. So when his supervisor noticed that he had a beautiful young woman as his personal assistant, he thought of using Fiona to get to Skylar.

And Jax would be just the guy to get to Fiona.

Jax had watched Fiona for a number of weeks before approaching her at the bar last night. She was sexy, beautiful, confident, but he could sense a bit of vulnerability as he watched her daily activities. He hated feeling like he was stalking her. He hated the idea of using an innocent woman to get to her asshole boss.

Last night when he actually spoke to Fiona for the first time he knew she more than just a hot, sexy woman he wanted to fuck. She was intelligent, funny, and self-sufficient. She was everything he’d ever wanted in a woman yet he was only supposed to get close to her for his job.

And that meant lying to her. She could never know who he really was.

A familiar buzzing sound shook him out of his reverie. It was Gibson, his supervisor.

“Becker! Hope you have some good news for me!”

Jax rubbed his eyes. The man always sounded like he was high on coke which he probably was.

“Yeah, I do. I met Fiona last night. We talked a bit.”

“Ah, you fuck her?”

Jax sank down on his bed shaking his head.


“And? Bet she was hot! In the photos you sent me she’s gorgeous. You should thank me for the fun assignment.” Gibson laughed.

“It was definitely fun. She’s a great girl.”

“So when are you seeing her again? Remember we need to get her talking about Manning ASAP.”

Jax ran his hand over his dark hair.

“Yeah, I know. I’m going to text her later maybe set something up for tonight.”

“Sounds good, Becker. Turn on that bad boy charm you have going there. I knew you’d be the right agent for this. Come see me when you get into the office.” With that, he hung up.

Jax tossed his phone down in disgust. Fiona was an unbelievably sexy woman, but she was also a good woman that much he knew already from being with her last night.

He couldn’t bear to think what using her to get to her boss would do to her.

Couldn’t bear it at all.






Sitting down at her desk that morning, Fiona could hardly stand how sore she still was. Her mind kept drifting to thoughts of Jax’s broad shoulders and his well-muscled chest. She smiled as she thought of how his biceps bulged out of his t shirt.

Damn, he was so hot.

It was so unlike Fiona to get all hot and bothered over some random guy. She was a steady relationship type of girl. Her friend, Jasmine was the queen of the one night stands, but Fiona didn’t care for the ‘hit it and quit it’ thing. She had had many one night stands herself, but as she’d gotten older she was looking for something else. Or rather someone else. A man who could love her fully and completely.


Fiona shrugged off thoughts of Jax for now. She had to concentrate on her job. Skylar had just asked her to go over some financials for a company he was wanting to invest in and she needed to familiarize herself with them.

Suddenly, her phone buzzed.

Hey sexy, would you like to go to dinner later? Around 7. I will pick you up.

It was Jax! Instantly, her pussy pulsated thinking of being with him again. He was so damn big!

Hi! Yes, 7 for dinner would be great. Looking forward to it.

Perfect. I will see you then. Wear something red if you don’t mind. My favorite color.

Fiona smiled. Yes, she had a gorgeous red dress with a plunging neckline. She thought of his reaction to seeing her in it…

I can do that. And if you’re good I might even forget to wear panties..

The phone was silent for a moment. She’d wondered if she’d taken the sexting a bit too far too soon. Damn, she hated not being able to read people better.

Oh, I’ll be good sweet Fiona, so good your clothes will be off the second we get back to your place.

Then before she could reply:

Unless you’re too sore.

She laughed.

Sore, yes. But I think I can handle it. See you later.

Fuck, now how was she supposed to concentrate the rest of the day? It was only 10:00!









Excerpt from Book Two of the Becker Bad Boys series,
coming soon to Amazon


Jax sat in Fiona’s living room as she got ready for their date. As soon as he heard the shower running, he raced over to her laptop which was open on the desk. Quickly, he scanned her desktop to see if there were any documents in there pertaining to Landshire Electric. The US Attorney’s Office had advised that there was leak regarding a possible hostile takeover at Landshire which would drastically impact the stock. Jax was looking for evidence that Manning was planning to dump the stock before the information was made public. With a few clicks, he found what he was looking for.

Landshire Electric financials. Another link for a document. As he scanned it, Jax’s breath caught in his throat.

Holy shit, Fiona’s more involved than he thought. This information could implicate her almost as badly as Manning. Should he copy it?

Suddenly, the water shut off. He heard the shower door open. Hastily, he tried to pull out his flash drive from the laptop, but it was jammed.

Hurry, hurry, damn it!
Perspiration beaded on his forehead as he wiggled the flash drive in an attempt to loosen it.

“What the hell are you doing?” Fiona, dripping wet, stood in front of him.

Jax’s eyes widened as he looked at a furious Fiona.

The flash drive dangled from his fingertips.

“Fiona, I…”






BOOK: On the Edge: An Alpha Bad Boy Romance (Becker Bad Boys Book 1)
9.93Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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