Read OMEGA Conscript Online

Authors: Stephen Arseneault

Tags: #Sci-Fi & Fantasy, #action thriller, #adventure space, #Science Fiction, #Alien, #Galactic Empire, #scifi, #Military, #scifi action adventure, #Series

OMEGA Conscript (11 page)

BOOK: OMEGA Conscript
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The supervising guard looked around the room. "Anybody heard of a kinetic tungsten weapon?"

A number of shaking heads implied no. "Mr. Ortis, when we get back to the lab, I want you to search the news archives for such a weapon. There has to have been mention of it somewhere."

Garrett remarked, "These guys are actually competent. Too bad they will probably never know what really happened."

I said, "I think we've heard enough. Go, make your way back up to the station for a pickup. We'll shadow the next freighter coming in."

Go nodded. "On my way. Oh, and Garrett, I don't know if you noticed or not, but this compound is covered with ground defense guns. All of those round pods have twin ion cannons in them. You dropped in here with the
to rescue Knog. We won't be able to do that for Joni."

Garrett entered coordinates in the nav computer that would take the
near an incoming freighter. "We'll figure something out when the time comes. Automated guns can be overridden, or destroyed, or decoyed. If she's out of confinement we also have the option of picking her up somewhere else.

"We'll be shadowing the
. It's currently on a trajectory for Bay-11. I'm sending the location over to you now. We should be arriving in about twenty minutes or so."

Go replied, "Got it. I should be there when you get there."

Garrett looked over at me as I leaned back in my chair. "What do you have spinning in that brain of yours?"

I half laughed. "I was just thinking of Harden's plans. He has really gone big with them. I believe that might be his downfall. He has too many moving parts."

Garrett crossed his arms. "Well, if you think about it, other than dealing with the Grotus, he doesn't have much to be concerned with. If that part of his plan comes to fruition, there is nothing these families have that will stop him. That's especially true if he manages to build that portal ship. That's something we just can't allow. If he brings that thing online he will be able to attack anywhere, from anywhere. There won't be any defense against it. I'm impressed that he has a plan B."

I replied, "I have to believe that his plan B is his plan A. That portal would allow him to attack anywhere from anywhere, as you stated. That is far more powerful than an army of Grotus or Gruntas. He could go where he pleased, when he pleased, doing as he pleased. Unless you caught his ship parked somewhere while refueling, he would be unstoppable."

I moved around in my chair, attempting to get comfortable. "For now, we go through that gate and stop the slaughter of our people. Then we come back through to put a stop to his plans here. We have time, it will take the Galorians months to set up a shipyard, and months again to coordinate the building of that ship. If he wasn't in need of the cesium from the Galorians, he would be building it here in his own shipyards."

Garrett nodded in agreement as he pulled the
in close to the freighter and settled on her hull. We soon had Go back aboard. Coordinates to Adicus were entered and our journey back to the portal gate was quickly underway.

   Chapter 11

As we came within sensor range of Adicus, Garrett pulled the
to a stop. "Whoa, now that's a fleet!"

Go pointed over my shoulder. "There must be three hundred of those battleships! How is he getting those built so fast?"

I zoomed in on a field of ships in stationary orbit around Adicus. "See the markings on those five ships, those are Orwallian. He must have somehow worked a deal with them."

Garrett frowned. "That, or they have been a part of his plan from the start. What better way to throw the spies of the other families off your trail than to fake rebellion by such a powerful world? That place is probably teeming with spies trying to make deals for blaster tips. It would let Harden know exactly who his real enemies were."

I turned to Garrett. "That makes perfect sense. It could also be he wants the smaller colonies like Adicus to rebel, so he can come in and conscript them for his war."

Garrett replied, "Yeah, I think the guy may be a lot smarter than we give him credit for. Other than our few surprises, he seems to be moving forward with his goals, full force."

Go commented, "Yeah, except for that assassination attempt. He'd be dead right now if it wasn't for us."

I pulled up an image of the portal gate structure. "We need to get you in that control room. See what they are up to. See if that gate is ready to be opened."

Garrett pointed back at the ships. "From the size of that fleet, I would say he is just about ready to go. Maybe we try our shadow trick and ride through with them."

I shook my head. "With that many ships, and with our history of going through that gate, I think that's taking too much to a risk. Let's get Go on there first to make sure it's aimed where we need it to be. I don't want to end up in the Milky Way with no way home because that fleet is heading off for some other mission."

Garrett replied, "Good point. Our question now is, how do we get Go from here to there? I'd only feel comfortable going about halfway without being a shadow. Sensors aren't showing any ships heading in that direction either. They are all going directly to Adicus."

I nodded. "Adicus might be their new training world for conscripts. Hold on. Garrett, run me a calculation. Given what we know about the BHD glove, I want to know how long it would take Go to slow down if he exited the
at full speed."

Garrett performed the task. "Hmm, eight hours. We are sitting about an hour away from that gate. If we go back an hour’s distance and approach at half speed, he could use the glove to slow himself enough to reach the gate structure in about four hours."

Go stood, crossing his arms. "I could do that."

I held up my hand. "Wait, we'll still have the issue with any space debris you come in contact with. What we need is a shield for him to ride behind."

Go leaned in. "What about a lifepod? I could ride in close on that?"

Garrett shook his head. "Won't work. That lifepod has no way of slowing until it reaches an atmosphere. You could take a ride in it and bail out just before you got there, but you still wouldn't slow in time. What we need is something that will slow with you."

Go gestured toward the view screen. "Hey, if it's all the same, I'm willing to risk it."

"Not going to happen," I said. "You are our only shot at getting through that gate. We will find a way to get you on there safely. If we have to park here until a ship heads toward it, then that's what we do."

Go transferred the display of his helmet HUD to my console. After leaning forward over my shoulder and swiping through several screens, he stopped on a display that had statistics on what the suit could handle during a collision at high speeds.

Go pointed to the bottom of the screen. "There, it says the suit can handle debris the size of a pea when traveling at four times the speed of light. If I go in at that speed from here, how long would it take?"

Garrett punched in the numbers. "Weeks. We travel a lot faster than four SOL. What we need is a way to get more power to that suit."

Go stood back, pulling up the display on his arm pad. After several swipes he settled on a set of power maintenance screens.

"The suit has an extra slot for another power cell. It says here that shielding can be increased by twenty-fold with an extra power cell attached. Could we rig up something for that?"

Garrett pointed toward the power cell we had found at Megiddo. "Is it possible we could use that one? It looked to be in decent shape."

I shook my head. "The Sodium feed was jammed full of debris. We should have had the Talisan engineers look it over when we had the chance."

Garrett looked over his data screen. "I have a portable generator in back that puts out more than five times the power of that power cell. We could wire it into that socket, but we wouldn't have any way to protect the generator. And the change in velocity needed to slow you down would rip it out of your hands in an instant."

I tilted my head to the side in thought. "How long would it take to get to that portal gate from Adicus at four SOL?"

Garrett typed in the calculation. "Just under five days, if you add in the fact you have to slow yourself down."

I nodded. "Maybe we shadow a ship going into Adicus. Go bails out as it slows to four SOL or so, and then slings around that planet toward the gate. We will be taking a risk by being attached to a ship we might be stuck clinging to, but we'll get him heading to Adicus."

Garrett looked over the calculation. "That could work. If we can catch a freighter that's just dumping supplies there, we would have our way back out as well. In the short time we've been here a freighter has left orbit. We might have to wait a few days while it unloads, but given the right freighter, I think we could slip in and out of there without getting caught. And if we do get spotted, we run."

Go grinned. "We have a plan then?"

Garrett replied, "You do realize that you'll be doing nothing but powering yourself along for five days, right?"

Go nodded, "I'll do it for five months if that's what it takes. I'm young, I've got the time."

I brought up the holo-display showing the statistics of Go's suit. "Your filter is at 42 percent, and we can top off that power cell before you leave. You won't have food intake for five days, at a minimum. The gel in the suit will sustain you, but you'll have to fight hunger pains like you've never experienced before."

Go smiled. "I can make it. It would be nice if we had a food pack to strap on this belt though. I mean, I like to eat, but I think I could get used to not having to."

The next three days were spent waiting on a supply freighter coming in from the nearest security station. The
carried food supplies, making it an ideal candidate for an early departure after unloading its cargo.

Garrett maneuvered the
in close and settled on the hull just in front of the ion generators. "This is almost a perfect fit. Our hull is a similar color and the protrusions and piping on the
's hull have a rounded appearance, similar to our own. If they dock with us on the dark side, we should be difficult to spot."

Twelve hours later, the
began to slow.

I looked over the nav display. "Just follow the coordinates on your HUD and you'll be there in no time. Oh, and we are patched through the local comm channels now, so we'll have comm for the whole ride."

Garrett added. "Thirty seconds and we should hit that optimum speed. Use your glove to speed up or slow down if needed. After that, just steer yourself around Adicus and drift your way to the portal gate."

Go replied, "I've got it. You guys just get back out and get ready to go once I'm aboard."

I nodded. "We'll be ready when the time comes."

Go blinked out. Our video feed from his helmet showed his exit from the
and separation from the freighter's trajectory.

Garrett sat back in his chair. "Brave kid. He hasn't backed down from anything we've asked of him."

I laughed. "Speaking of kids, you are what, four, five years older than him?"

Garrett tilted his head. "Really? You're going to go there?"

I smiled. "I'm just saying. You know, if you look at everyone we've had involved in this circus, we haven't had much involvement from anyone older. I have a few seasons on me, but even I'm middle-aged for a Grunta."

Garrett half laughed. "Yeah, well, if you're searching for the wisdom of age and experience, you'll have a long hunt. There's nobody out there that has experience doing what we've been doing. Heck, I'd love to have a few old geezers along that we could bounce stuff off of, but I don't think there are any out there who would have relevant things to say."

The Grumar, still sitting behind us said, "With my people, the wisdom that comes with age, regardless of experience, can be valuable. As we grow older our reasoning abilities mature. That maturity comes through regardless of the situation. We find it invaluable."

I turned to look at the Grumar. "That's the first time you have spoken without being asked a question."

The Grumar bowed his head. "I beg your forgiveness, Master. It was not my place to speak."

I replied, "Pick up your chin. While I don't expect to hear much from you, if you believe you have something relevant to say, then please speak up."

The Grumar nodded. "You are both gracious and kind. I believe your current plan to be your best option. You cannot alert the gatekeepers to your presence before you travel through. I must say that I am impressed with some of the technologies Humans have available. Suits that travel through walls, portals that allow instant travel to elsewhere. With these items, we could easily rule the galaxy."

Garrett shook his head. "He already knows too much. I can't say I like this."

I replied, "He's been cooperative, and we may need him if we catch up to the others. So long as he's here with us, he is no danger."

Garrett huffed. "I hope you’re right."

Go's journey took him near Adicus, using the BHD glove on his right hand. With his steering and the gravitational pull of the planet, he established a trajectory that would take him to the portal gate, traveling at a safe speed of just under four times the speed of light.

With only a short amount of time remaining in his journey, he reversed glove direction, slowing his lonely travel. After more than five days and two hours of flight, Go arrived at the portal.

"Guess who is standing on a deck in the portal gate?" Go said.

Garrett replied, "Move to the control room and give us some status. We need to know if the gate is pointing to the right place."

Go nodded. "Roger that. I'll be up there in a sec."

Garrett turned to face me. "So if the gate is pointing the right way, and if it's ready, how do we want to proceed?"

I zoomed in on a view of the portal structure. "I say we go straight through, broadcast a signal as if we are a transport on approach. We'll need a diversion to draw the ships away. Those battleships are at least an hour away. All we have to worry about is those five destroyers guarding the gate."

Gasua Mont raised his hand. "Cannot your associate disable those ships in some way? It would seem that he could access them. Certainly there would be some way to disable them."

Garrett looked back at me. "I kind of like that idea. No one gets hurt and they don't pursue us."

Garrett pressed his comm button. "Go. If you needed to disable one of the destroyers sitting just outside that gate, what would you do?"

Go was silent for several seconds. "I suppose I would go after the power feeds. Take out a half dozen couplers and they wouldn't be able to move or fire until they were replaced. That would take an hour or so. You have to power down the generators during that process."

Garrett smiled. "OK, I think we have a plan. If that gate is pointing the right way, and if you determine that it is ready to be opened, we make our move. You drift aboard those ships and take out the couplers, we'll be heading that way. That should give us time to stop and wait for you while you activate the gate. We pick you up and we go through."

Go replied, "We'll only have thirty seconds or so from the time I press that button to the time the gate starts to sweep backwards. That will be cutting it close."

Go continued, "I'm in the control room. Only two others in here, one is sleeping. Can you see the nav coordinates I'm looking at?"

Garrett typed the coordinates into his keyboard. "If these are correct, it looks like they are aiming for the vicinity of Doomlight. Go, any way for you to send a connection request to that console?"

Go replied, "Not while I'm blinked out. What did you have in mind?"

Garrett said, "I want to grab the star maps of the other galaxy from that console. We've been flying mostly blind out there. Would be nice to know exactly where we are going."

Go looked around at the worker sitting at a workstation across the room. "Give me a second and I'll have you your star maps."

Go blinked in, making a connection request as he did so. Fifteen seconds later the star maps of the new galaxy were downloading. The worker, who was focused on his console, suddenly stood from his chair, stretched, and exited the room, never noticing the invader standing beside the nav console in his shiny white suit.

BOOK: OMEGA Conscript
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