Olympic Cove 2-Breaker Zone (46 page)

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Authors: Nicola Cameron

Tags: #Nicola Cameron

BOOK: Olympic Cove 2-Breaker Zone
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An hour later the three doctors stood side by side
studying Delphine Carstairs’s latest X-ray on a light box in Liles’s office.

“You know her case better than I do, Dr. Jemmison,” Liles
said, nodding at the films. “How does this look to you?”

Jemmison stared at the films, jaw muscles bunched. After
what felt like an eternity, he reluctantly nodded. “I can’t be absolutely sure,
but from what I remember, it does appear as though there’s been some tumor
shrinkage.” He sketched a finger around one of the dark blobs in the right
upper lung. “This was starting to encroach on her airway in her last film. It’s
definitely pulled back.”

He turned to Nick, every muscle in his face taut. “It
seems I was wrong, Dr. Gardiner,” he said slowly. “Every symptom pointed to
lung cancer, but…”

Despite his dislike for the man, Nick knew the
gut-knotting guilt of getting a diagnosis, particularly a life-or-death one,
wrong. “Dr. Jemmison, if I had seen this X-ray without knowing it belonged to
Delphine I would have assumed it was lung cancer, too. Your fellow oncologist
also thought it was lung cancer. Considering her symptoms and her smoking, it
was the logical diagnosis.”

“But it was the wrong one. And as a result, I put her
through a year of unnecessary agony with chemo and radiation.” Jemmison nodded tightly.
“I’ve got a feeling my malpractice insurance is about to get one hell of a

“I don’t think it’ll come to that,” Nick said. He
couldn’t say he liked Jemmison, but neither did he want to see another doctor’s
career go down the drain due to a single mistake. “I’ll talk to Aaron, explain
what happened.”

“All right.
Thank you.” His gaze flickered over
both of them,
skidded away. “As my patient is in
good hands, I think I’m going to find that hotel room I was promised and take a
shower. I’ll be back in the morning.” With another sharp nod, he left.

Liles relaxed once the older doctor was gone. “You
really going
to go to bat for that asshole?”

Nick pointed at the X-rays. “Did you think it was lung

“Hell, yes.”

“That’s why I’m going to bat for him. He fucked up, yes,
but we would’ve done the same thing.”

“You wouldn’t have,” Liles pointed out.

“I was in the right place at the right time.
Pure luck of the draw.”

Liles hit the switch for the light box and the images
went black. “Lucky for Jemmison, you mean.”

“I was thinking more for Delphine, but what the
let’s spread it around a bit.” Nick followed the
oncologist out of the office. “Are they going to let Aaron stay overnight?”

Depending on how she’s feeling tomorrow,
we may be able to move her into a private room. If you give me your cell
number, I’ll let you know tomorrow where they are.”

“Thanks.” Liles pulled out his phone and Nick recited his
number. “And thanks for not siding with Jemmison.”

Liles grinned at him. “Are you kidding me?
comes into my house and starts
ordering me around like I’m a medical
shutting his dumb ass down.” He nodded, dark eyes gleaming. “See you tomorrow,

“You got it.”


Walking through the front door, he was
surprised to see Aidan and Liam waiting for him in the living room. “Sorry I’m
late. Delphine’s going to be okay.”

Both the mers came to him, pulling him
into their arms and kissing him thoroughly. “We told Bythos and Aphros what was
happening, so they gave us the afternoon off,” Liam said, hugging him.

“Congratulations, baby,” Aidan said,
nuzzling his hair. “I knew you’d be able to help.”

He relaxed in their arms, feeling a
welcome thickening in his pants. Since they’d come back to the cove, there had
been some sex, but nothing more.

Today, he wanted more. “I think we
should celebrate.”

“Oh, really?”
Aidan purred,
running his hand down Nick’s abs and cupping his groin. He squeezed, and Nick
thrust into the mer’s hand. “Yeah, I like that idea.”

“Wait.” He pulled back a bit, licking
his lips and praying he wasn’t pushing Liam’s limits. “Can we scene?”

Aidan’s eyes lit with desire, but he
looked to Liam for the final decision. The tall mer considered him for a long
moment. “Are you sure,

He leaned
against Liam, nuzzling the sexy line of his neck. “Please,
, this is our home, now. Let me serve you.”

He felt rather than heard Liam chuckle.
“All right, then. Go in the bathroom. You have some prep work to do.”


Nick spread out naked on his stomach
over the bed while Aidan and Liam gave him a rubdown. The mers had guided him
through a gentle but thorough cleanout before bundling him into the shower to
be washed, and he felt warm and relaxed everywhere.

The only fly in the ointment was when he
asked Aidan where the injector bottle had come from. “Ian drove us to Publix
while you were at the hospital,” the mer said with a cheeky grin. “He was
really helpful, helped us pick out the right brand and everything.”

Nick cringed from embarrassment.
Now my best friend is picking out enemas
for me. Kill me now.

Liam smirked. “If it makes you feel any
better, it’s the brand he uses.”

“Oh, God, please just stop with the
TMI,” Nick moaned.

Afterwards, he was escorted into the
bedroom, and Liam picked up a bottle of massage oil from the night stand.
“More goodies from Publix?”
Nick asked, stretching out over
the coverlet. He waited until Liam raised a censorious eyebrow before adding, “

“As a matter of
fact, yes.”
Liam said. “Hope you like coconut and pineapple.”

I always wanted
to smell like a piña colada.”

“Hush and relax, boy.”

He did, sinking into the deep, soothing
joy of his men’s touch. Liam worked on his shoulders and back, gently undoing
all the knots that had accumulated during the day. Aidan’s hands rubbed his
legs and feet in long, strong strokes, sensual without being overtly sexual.
Although when the handsome mer started massaging his feet, Nick let out an
orgasmic groan.
“Oh, God.
Keep doing that and you can
have anything you want,” he mumbled into the coverlet.

Aidan’s hands stilled.

Belatedly, Nick
realized he’d just handed them the equivalent of a blank check written on his
body. But whatever his Doms wanted to do with him was fine. He trusted them,
body and soul, and knew that they would always take care of him.

Aidan’s hands left his feet and drifted
up his calves, then his thighs, until they rested just under the crease of his
ass cheeks. “What if we wanted to take you,
His hands slid onto Nick’s ass, rubbing the globes of muscle there.
“Both of us?”

Nick’s breath caught as Liam’s meaning
dawned. Both of the mers were well-endowed, and sex with either of them
required a certain amount of prepwork and stretching. To be penetrated by both
of them at the same time was theoretically possible, but… The medical part of
his brain screamed about fissures, damage to delicate tissues, muscle tears.

The submissive part of his brain rolled
over and begged. To be used like that, opened so wide and taken by the masters
he loved, sent blood coursing to his cock. He shifted uncomfortably, knowing
his face was flushed and glowing red. “I’ve never done that before,”

“Neither have we.” Liam squeezed his ass
harder, digging pleasantly into the muscle. “But we want it, boy. We want to
feel you tight around both of us, fill you up all the way, until all you can
think about is us.”

“Let us do that to you,
,” Aidan murmured, hand
warm as it slid into Nick’s crease, massaging the whorled
muscle there. “Let us in.”

Nick swallowed hard, pressing his face
into the coverlet and his ass into Aidan’s caresses.

The green-eyed mer growled in pleasure,
and Nick felt both his hands rubbing and exploring now, spreading the muscular
furrow wide. Aidan’s tongue licked one side, then the other, before lapping a
wide, wet stripe right down the middle, and he groaned unashamedly. “Oh, yes.

“That’s what I like to hear.” The mer
started teasing the sensitive flesh, nipping and gently biting along the sides
of each cheek before returning to lap warmly at Nick’s perineum and anus. Nick
tried to muffle his low, hungry noises as he worked to stay still and accept
the astounding pleasure pulsing through him.

Obviously not satisfied with that, Aidan
stepped up his line of attack. Pointing his tongue, he pressed the tip directly
against the furled hole, slipping in just a bit before pulling out again. He
kept teasing until Nick felt the muscle give way, electricity tightening his
balls and the muscles in his thighs as he was opened to Aidan’s loving

Humming happily, the mer got down to the
business of driving Nick insane with his tongue. At the same time Liam
stretched out next to him, running a hand possessively over his shivering torso
and shoulders. “You want this, don’t you, baby?” he murmured directly into
Nick’s ear, warm tickling breath as much of a stimulant as his words. “You
always wanted to be our dirty little toy, our sweet cockslut. You need to have
both our cocks inside you, claiming you, making you ours. It’ll hurt, but we’ll
make it hurt just right, make you come so hard between us.”

“Ngh, yes,” Nick slurred, thrusting back
on Aidan’s tongue. “Oh, God,

Dimly he noticed Liam twist away,
return with a carved box. It was something the mers had
brought back from their underwater home, and Liam wouldn’t let him open it.
“We’ve been saving these for you, boy,” the mer said now. “And we’re going to
enjoy using them on you.”

He opened the box, taking out a
selection of gorgeous multicolored glass buttplugs. The smallest one was no
larger than Nick’s little finger, and the largest was almost the size of a
man’s fist at its widest part.

He goggled at the iridescent glass.
“Where did you get those,
They’re gorgeous.”

“A gift from one of Poseidon’s one-eyed
craftsmen in return for helping him win a lovely Naiad’s heart,” Liam said,
reaching back and grabbing a large bottle of lube from the nightstand. “He
swore that they would inflame the desire of anyone who used them. Let’s see if
he was right.”

The next hour turned into an unending
bout of heavenly torture as his masters pulled him onto his knees, head resting
on the bedcover, and carefully worked him open with successively larger plugs.
Nick moaned and begged as each one was inserted into him, twisted and pushed
here and there until the tip rubbed across his prostate and his vision whited
out with pleasure. At the same time Aidan teased his cock through all of it,
occasionally clasping the base in a tight, almost painful grip when Nick
teetered on the edge of orgasm.

As Liam worked up to the larger, thicker
plugs, a stinging burn was added to the pleasure, heightening it as his inner
muscles tried to stretch wider and wider with each invasion. Nick breathed
through the increasing pain, allowing himself to ride it, rise above it, lured
into the calming fog of subspace.

“Last one,” Liam murmured as if from far
away. Something large began to push into him, then widened impossibly.

He panted, whining with the sharp,
buzzing pain. “I can’t! It’s too big!”

“You can take it, boy,” Liam soothed,
rubbing one warm hand down his spine. “Relax and breathe.”

Nick could only obey, riding the tidal
wave of ecstatic pain as the thickest part pushed against strained muscles,
threatened to split him apart, then breached him. He let out a sob when he
realized there was no neck to it, only the huge shaft.

It was carefully thrust a few times back
and forth, moving slickly in and out of him,
“Up, baby boy,” Aidan muttered, pushing Nick into a
kneeling position and sliding under him.
“Come on, kneel over me.”

Sweating and lost, Nick let them move
him into position, kneeling over Aidan’s groin. Something warm slid between his
cheeks before Liam adjusted his position, pushing him down onto Aidan’s cock.
Nick rocked back and forth, enjoying the relief from pain and the simple,
aching pleasure of Aidan’s shaft sliding along his prostate, before he was
urged flush against Aidan’s chest. The green-eyed mer’s arms came around him,
holding him in place for a luscious kiss full of lips and tongue.

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