Old Flames

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Authors: John Lawton

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John Lawton
is the director of over forty television programmes, author of a dozen screenplays, several children’s books and seven Inspector Troy novels.
Lawton’s work has earned him comparisons to John le Carré and Alan Furst. Lawton lives in a remote hilltop village in Derbyshire.


Black Out

Old Flames

A Little White Death


Blue Rondo

Second Violin

A Lily of the Field

First published in 1996 by Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, England

This ebook edition published in 2012 by Grove Press UK, an imprint of Grove/Atlantic Inc.

Copyright ©John Lawton, 1996

The moral right of John Lawton to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act of 1988.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of the book.

The extract from his introduction to
Philby: The Spy Who Betrayed a Generation
is quoted by permission of John le Carré.

The extract from his interview with Kim Philby is quoted by permission of Murray Sayle.

The extract from Graham Greene’s introduction to Kim Philby’s
My Silent War
is quoted by permission of David Higham Associates Ltd.

Every effort has been made to trace or contact all copyright-holders. The publishers will be pleased to make good any omissions or rectify any mistakes brought to their
attention at the earliest opportunity.

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A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library.

ISBN 978 1 61185 991 1

Printed in Great Britain

Grove Press, UK
Ormond House
26–27 Boswell Street



Susan Freathy

Agent provocatrice


Daniel Edelman
of Ridgefield, Connecticut, who put a roof over my head while I wrote chunks of this.

Arthur Cantor
, who did the same in Manhattan.

Sarah Teale
, who got between me and the phone and the fax for the best part of four months.

Art Tatum
, who in 1956, the last year of his life, recorded session after session of his finest work, and kept me intrigued and listening forty years on.

‘… SIS would not merely defend the traditional decencies of our society: it would embody them. Within its own walls, its clubs and country
houses, in whispered luncheons, with its secular contacts, it would enshrine the mystical entity of a vanishing England. Here at least, whatever went on in the big world outside, England’s
flower would be cherished. “The Empire may be crumbling; but within our secret elite, the clean-limbed tradition of English power would survive. We believe in nothing but

John le Carré

(from his introduction to
‘Philby: The Spy Who Betrayed a Generation.’
Page, Leitch & Knightley 1968.)

‘To betray, you must first belong.’

Kim Philby

(in an interview with Murray Sayle 1967)


April 1956














































































































Historical Note

April 1956

April pretended to be spring. The cruellest month, and a bad joke. Mid-day in Moscow teased you with a sunbeam, and midnight froze you down to the bone. The heating in the
crumbling hotel-cum-jail came and went with a chilling irregularity, and when it went you needed every scrap of clothing, every inch of bedding. Grey days, black nights, and a sting in the nipples
that cotton wool in the end of the brassière did little to alleviate.

The little guy wore layer upon layer of clothes. Three or four sweaters, she thought, a thick navy pea jacket, mittens over his gloves, a woollen hat under a cheap rabbit-fur flapcap. The little
guy, Yuri, was OK. As thugs went. The affable apparatchik. It was the big one, Mischa, she had to watch.

Little Yuri was teaching himself English. He’d never been out of Russia in his life and, thought the Major, probably never would, but he was delighting in the oddities of the language, and
he seemed to relish any opportunity to talk English with her.

‘Many a mickle maks a muckle,’ he said to her one day.

‘What the hell is that supposed to mean?’

He didn’t know, no more than she did herself, but he produced a tatty magazine from his coat pocket and handed it to her.

‘I Belong to Glasgow,’
she read. ‘The magazine for Scotsmen abroad. Sydney 1955. Where d’you get this?’

He shrugged.

‘Can you get stuff for me?’

‘Sure,’ he said. ‘So long as …’

The Major understood. So long as Big Mischa never knew.

She asked for a copy of
Huckleberry Finn
. A week later he brought her one. In Russian. Translated in 1909. Good God, Twain was still living when this book was printed. They’d spelt
it with a cyrillic
Г. Геккельберри Финн
. She guessed it was the nearest they could get.
Gekkelberry. She’d never thought before how it would read in her native tongue. The most American word in her American vocabulary—it went with Hoboken, Hoosier and Hominy
Grits—rendered into the language of her father and forefathers. She laughed till she cried and couldn’t get Yuri to see the joke in either language.

‘Is problem?’ he asked.

‘No,’ she said. ‘No problem. I’ll read it. It’ll make a change.’

She was almost at the end, those weak scenes where Tom Sawyer steps in and screws up the plot, when Mischa showed up. She slipped the book quickly under the mattress and watched as he unbuttoned
his flies. So, this was it. At last. It had been a long time coming, but she’d always known he’d try.

It took him less than a minute to rip every shred of clothing off her. She fought hard, and as he held her down managed to get her thumb and forefinger into the socket of one eye. Mischa froze.
He could move, he knew, but he also knew the hold she had on him, knew that he’d leave the eye behind if he did.

She squeezed a little, dug her thumbnail into the eyeball.

‘Have they told you to kill me, Mischa?’

The other eye stared motionless at her.

‘Speak, dammit!’

‘No,’ he said.

‘If you finish what you’ve started, you’ll have to kill me. ’Cos if you don’t, I’ll kill you. And if they still want me alive, I wouldn’t want to be in
your shoes. Capiche?’

She squeezed again. He yelled. She let him go. He backhanded her across the face and stomped out. After that he beat up on her regularly, but he never tried to fuck her again.

She’d already lost track of the days and weeks, but not long afterwards, it seemed, Yuri appeared in the early morning with one of her suitcases and one of her coats, the ankle-length
black number she’d bought in Paris on her last trip there. He set down the case quietly and threw the coat to her.

‘Cast not a clout till May be out,’ he said.

‘We’re leaving?’

He nodded.

Was this the end? A car ride out to the forest, a bullet in the back of the head, an unmarked grave and her KGB service record erased? One more anonymous Khrushchev casualty?

‘I’m sorry, Major,’ he said. ‘It’s only to another hotel. We’ll be there in half an hour.’

Half an hour. Half an hour outside. Light. Air. Movement.

The car was a battered Moskvitch saloon, a drab shade of no-colour, crude and angular like a pre-war Citroën, the classic Gestapo car, redrawn by a clumsy child. At least
it had a heater. The Russians were way ahead of the French, light years ahead of the English, in putting heaters in cars. It smelt like frying tripe but it was warm.

Yuri drove. Mischa sat in the back with the Major, looking bored and tired, legs spread, fat thighs taking up the lion’s share of the seat. The Major stared out of the window. Once or
twice when he caught sight of her in the mirror Yuri could have sworn she was smiling to herself as one thing or another flashed by her gaze.

Two blocks from Red Square the thin line of traffic stopped moving, a few cars came up behind them, blocked the street and honked a couple of times.

‘Get out and look,’ Big Mischa said through a stifled yawn.

‘Boss, it’s bollock-freezing out there!’

‘Do it!’

Yuri did up the top buttons of his pea jacket and stepped into the street, his breath billowing out in front of him in white clouds. A few minutes later he was back. He bounced into his seat and
slammed the door.

‘Tanks,’ he said. ‘Tanks and troop transporters and ICBMs and thousands of poor fucking Ivans all rehearsing May Day. It’ll be half an hour before they pass the end of
the street.’

Mischa looked behind them at the growing line of stalled traffic.

‘Shit,’ he said. ‘We’ll just have to sit it out. Pass the time.’

The Major watched. He undid his oatmeal-coloured, double-breasted overcoat, then popped his fly buttons and got out his cock. It rose up, uncircumcised and ugly, rolling back its little bonnet
in greedy anticipation.

‘Sweet lips you have, Major.’

He wasn’t kidding. He was pushing his luck. She could hardly believe hers.

She put out her hand and stroked it. He closed his eyes and she felt an involuntary judder pass through him. Then she snapped it back and heard it crack like willow as ten thousand engorged
blood vessels ruptured. He opened his mouth to scream. She punched him in the throat with her other hand and all that escaped him was a strangled wheeze. She put the hand into his jacket and pulled
out the automatic from the shoulder holster a full second before Yuri could pull his and turn in his seat.

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