Offered to the Werewolves (Shifters of Shadow Falls Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: Offered to the Werewolves (Shifters of Shadow Falls Book 1)
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“I want to fuck you baby.  Tell me I can fuck you.”  Although it’s a command I’m practically begging as I pant out the words.  Even as she’s approaching her climax she shakes her head, refusing my dick’s need to cum inside her welcoming heat.  I groan out in agony as I climb on the bed, all the while stroking my massive length.  “That’s alright baby.  I understand.”  I start stroking myself over her small belly and let the drops of precum leak onto her soft flesh.  I breathe heavily as my spine tingles and my toes go numb.  She’s panting and moaning through the shirt and I need to hear her just a little more clearly as I race for my own release.  I rip the shirt out of her mouth and she screams out in ecstasy, thrashing her head as she cums all over Dom’s fingers.  The sight of her swollen plump lips screaming in pleasure pushes me over the edge and I cum hard with her splashing my seed in waves onto her stomach like the fucking animal that I am. 

“Fuck yes!”  I hiss to the ceiling as I feel both my body and hers rock with aftershocks of our orgasms.  As my breathing calms down, I hear Dom’s pick up. 

“Eat her pussy Caleb.”  I only hesitate for a second at the command.  Then I see the desperate look of lust in his eyes and I scoot down her body.  I got mine.  Now he needs to get his.

Chapter 18: Lizie


I’m just barely coming down from the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had, when I feel Caleb’s hot tongue licking up my arousal that’s leaking down my thighs all the way to my ass.  His tongue dives into my heat, causing me to arch my back with what little freedom I have to move. 

“Yes!”  I buck my hips, pushing my pussy into his face, needing more.  He ravishes me like a starving man.  I’m vaguely aware of Dom’s massive frame kneeling over my stomach.  I’m able to glance down and my eyes widen as I see dick.  His large hand is barely able to wrap around it.  Fuck!  He’s too fucking big.  I start to shake my head, but before I can think too much, Caleb bites my clit.  Hard.  I cry out in a mix of intense pain and pleasure.

“You want more baby girl.”  I don’t waste a second to nod.  Yes!  Yes, I want more.  He suckles my clit while his fingers thrust deeper and deeper inside me, stroking the front of my wall each time.  Hitting that rough spot that has me begging for them.  I’m so damn sensitive to every small movement he makes.  My body is pulling to get away, but at the same time pushing to get closer.  I’m so fucking confused. 

“Fuck Dom, I can feel her hymen.  She’s still got her cherry for us.”

Dom leans back and I watch him stroke himself to climax at the realization that I’m still a virgin.  He spurts his release all over my chest while he groans a rough, low moan.  It’s the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. 

I look down past my stomach and watch as Caleb licks my arousal from his lips while staring at me with the forceful hunger of a brute.  He’s so damned hot my pussy clenches with need.  I don’t know which of these two beasts is sexier.  The rough savage who’s rubbing his seed into my breasts, kneading them and plucking my nipples crudely between his knuckles or the skilled huntsman who’s flicking his tongue along my throbbing, hot clit.  I writhe and moan as they attack my body in unison.

“Cum on Caleb’s tongue like a good girl.”  Dom’s dirty words bring me to the edge of my climax.  “Cum for your mates.”

My mates. 
My pussy clenches and another orgasm tears viciously through my body.  Waves of heat run over my skin as tremors race through my limbs.  My neck arches at an inhuman angle and I scream out my release.  Hot pulses rush through my blood, lighting a flame that I didn’t know existed inside of me.  I breathe heavily, my chest rising and falling sporadically.  I’m barely able to lift my head to meet Dom’s kiss.  His soft, smooth lips crash onto mine.  His tongue dives into my mouth and I run my tongue along his.  Caleb nips my collar bone, leaving a hot stinging pulse where his teeth marked me and I break away from Dom’s kiss to meet Caleb’s waiting lips.  My heart pumps loudly in my ears as I struggle to stay awake. 
My mates. 

I hear a door creak open and my mates shift their attention from me to whoever just came in.

“What the fuck!”  Ariana’s screech echoes through the room.  I attempt to lift my head and part my lips to speak, but my voice is lost in my aching raw throat and I’m so damn tired, I pass the fuck out.



Part V

The Claiming

Chapter 19: Ari


I thrash my white-knuckled fists against Devin’s solid, chiseled chest.  A low growl tears through his throat, but I don’t care.  A small part of me knows this is stupid because I’m going to piss off a beast who could easily crush me.  Another, much larger, part of me knows it’s stupid because I’m only going to hurt myself; his body isn’t reacting at all to my tiny, aching hands.  But I ignore both of those voices screaming in my head for me to stop.  Fuck him!  I fucking hate him! 

How could he let them do that to Lizie?  I hate all of them!  They tied her down.  My breath hitches as I remember the sight of the two of those monsters hovering over her small, caged body.  Tears scream down my hot, red face in wretched anger as I put every bit of energy behind my not-so-forceful blows.  My breath is shallow and desperate.  I’m vaguely registering his command for me to stop, but I don’t pay his words any attention.  He saw and did nothing!  I hear him yell louder, but again, I ignore his demand.  My only need is to get back to Lizzie. 

I slam my body against his in an effort to push past his massive frame to get to her.  I scream out her name, but Devin’s large hand covers my mouth, silencing my call for her.  A growl of my own grows in my chest as I open my mouth in an attempt to bite him.  He sees my attack coming and forces my head back causing me to stumble, crashing my shoulders and back into the wall.  One hand pins my wrists above my head and the other has a firm grasp on my chin and mouth, forcing my neck to arch against the wall, effectively silencing me.

“This isn’t the first time I’ve let you hit me, sweetheart.”  His words are sneered and dripping with menace as they threaten to prickle the shell of my ear.  His hot breath on my neck sends a wanton heat rushing through my body.  Tears well in my eyes.  I hate my treacherous body.  “But it’s the last time I’ll let you get away with it.”

“Fuck you!”  I scream at him, unbothered by his tone.  My body shakes with tremors from fear, but I don’t care anymore.  I thought I loved him.  How could I be so stupid?  My body pleads with me for his touch, to rub against him and beg for forgiveness.  I won’t do it.  I won’t lower myself to this pathetic “heat”.  I’d rather die than be their whore.

His hard erection presses into my stomach as he pushes his body against mine.  My chest forces a whimper from my lips and I wish I could take it back.  I don’t want him to affect me.  I don’t want to give him the pleasure of knowing he can affect me.  A sob heaves up my throat.  Lizie.  My body goes limp in his hold.  I’ve failed her.  Another sob wracks through me.  There’s nothing I can do to help her.

“They’re her mates; they won’t hurt her.”  His authoritative declaration echoes in my ears.  I’m so overwhelmed with self loathing and hatred I fail to register his words.  I let the tears freefall and stare at the rug lining the wood floors of the hall. 

“Look at me!”  His demand shoots through my body with an inhuman force.  Immediately my eyes find his.

His silver eyes penetrate mine with a force that makes me want to bow to him, but I won’t fucking do it.  I stare back with hatred and defiance.  I watch him breathe deep as he relaxes his hold on my chin.  I don’t take my eyes off of his, I watch the piercing silver somehow soften.  It’s a subtle difference.  He’s still a dominating brute, a powerful force not meant to be denied, but somehow softer.  The sickening churning of my stomach seizes, but his eyes still hold a command. 

“Listen to me.”  Although his words are harshly spoken, with barely restrained anger, I hear desperation in his voice for me to obey him.  I continue to stare into his eyes, relaying my decision to give him my attention.  Even if my nostrils continue to flare in anger and my fists have yet to relax.

“They’re her mates.  They love her and won’t do anything to hurt her.”  I part my lips to utter my disagreement with his bullshit explanation, but his eyes narrow, warning me.  I’m tempted to push him.  Go ahead and hurt me; show me the beast you really are!  My heart clenches in agony and my throat closes at the thought, suffocating me.  His hand gentles against my throat and his thumb rubs against the line of my jaw.  I close my eyes and enjoy his touch for just a moment.  Just a moment.  Only one moment to feel his caring devotion. 

“Come watch, but you
keep your mouth shut.”  He growls his command in my ear and it cracks the bit of peace I’d hidden behind in that small moment.  My anger comes back with a heaving breath.  As I part my lips to berate him, Devin jams his thumb into my rebellious mouth, scraping his skin along my teeth, once again silencing me.  The force of his hand shoves my head against the wall, straining my neck.  A snarl forces it’s way past my lips and I push my teeth deeper against his flesh; my eyes narrow in a threat.

“Go ahead and bite me.”  His eyes pierce mine, warring with my rebellion.  “I won’t interfere with the way they handle their mate.  For the first time since she’s been here she’s relaxed and content.”  His words settle in me.  I let them burrow into my head.  It’s hard to weigh the truth in his statement.  The moment I saw her tied to the bed with Caleb on her left and Dom on her right, Devin snatched me away, leaving only a blip of an image rattling in my memory.  I shake my head.  She wouldn’t do that.  There’s no way she would’ve wanted it.

“If she’d seen us earlier, do you think she would’ve realized what was going on between the two of us?”  He asks as though he read my mind.  I swear to God I’ll fucking murder him if he lied to me. 

“If she walked in on us while I had you against the wall, would she’ve known how much you fucking loved it?  How you wanted me to pin you down and hammer into your hot cunt to prove you belong to me?”  My breath hitches and my pussy clenches as his dirty words are whispered into my neck, tickling that sensitive spot just behind my ear before he gives it a gentle kiss.  The softness of his touch is at odds with his tone, but I cling to it.  My bite loosens and I find myself sucking on his thumb, rubbing my tongue along its large length.  My breath comes in deep and my exhales long as I nuzzle my cheek against his.  My hot core floods with desire and I squeeze my thighs together in a dire need to find my release.

“Look at me.”  His command is soft spoken, nearly a masculine whisper.  I tilt my head as he removes his hold on me altogether and steps back.  My body instantly misses his warmth, his touch.  “I want you to see.”  It takes a moment for me to register his words and I have to blink away the hazy desire clouding my vision, my thoughts, my fucking self respect.  I fucking hate this.  I hate this damned heat.  I hate the effect he has on me.  Anger rips through me.  Devin pinches my chin forcing my eyes to focus on his.  I clench my teeth, but stare back into his heated, silver gaze.

His eyes search mine for a moment before he drops his hold.  “Come with me.”  He walks towards the door without waiting for my response.  Leaving me to watch his hulking frame take long confident strides to the door before quietly opening it.  My feet hesitantly follow without my consent.  My breathing becomes shallow.  I thickly swallow as I realize I’m not sure I want to see.  As I come up behind him, he angles his body towards me and opens his arms for me to stand at his side.  I glance up at his stern expression and question whether or not I want to be in his embrace.  I’m not given the opportunity to deny him as my body continues to behave on it’s own accord.  I crush my side against his and close my eyes as his strong arm wraps along my body.  His hand rests on my shoulder and his thumb begins kneading soothing circles into my tense muscles.  He settles his nose at the back of my ear looking into the room with me.  “Stay quiet, I don’t want to interfere.  Do you understand.”  I close my eyes, reveling in his soft words and comforting touch.  I nod my head slightly and whisper, “yes,” before focusing my gaze on the sight of the three of them. 

My relaxed body stiffens as I watch Dom wipe Lizie’s inner thighs and private parts. He lifts her ass and wipes every inch of her soft, pink pussy.  He places a small kiss on her inner thigh before getting off the bed.  Caleb is laying next to her on her left but leaning his massive chest over her small frame loosening a knot on her wrist.  He tosses the rope that’s still attached to the bed onto the floor and begins massaging her arm.  Her shoulders turn into his so her chest is to his and he responds by pulling her small body against him.  My breathing slows and I relax slightly into Devin’s hold.

Dom walks to the other side, releasing her other wrist before climbing onto the bed to lay behind her, his chest to her back.  He gently kisses her shoulder and runs his hand over a bruise on her hip.  My shallow breath halts as I see the marks on her body.  Her ankles are red and look raw.  I shake my head and try to back away, but Devin holds me steady.  “Just listen.”

“Little one, please bring your wolf out.  You’re hurt.”  Dom’s whispered plea is almost to soft to hear. 
Wolf?  My brows furrow in confusion.

“I can’t.”  I hear Lizie for the first time and I naturally try to step forward to go to her, but Devin’s strong grip keeps me by his side.

“Could you try?”  Dom’s words sound wounded and desperate.

A small sob escapes her as she shakes her head into Caleb’s chest.  “It’s okay baby girl.  We’ll take care of you.  Just relax.  You’re safe now.”  Caleb places his head on top of hers while Dom nuzzles into her neck before kissing her sweetly. 

“Hold me.”  I can barely hear her.

“We’re here, baby girl.”  I watch as Caleb strokes her cheek with care before wrapping his arms around her.

“Sleep, little one.”  Dom covers their bodies with a cream comforter before getting back into position, molding his muscular body against hers.

I can’t stop staring at the sight of the three of them, even as Devin closes the door, I continue to stare ahead, unable to blink away the sight of their loving touch.

“She’s their mate, sweetheart.  I told you they wouldn’t hurt her.”  He turns me to face him and stares into my hazel eyes.  “They may have to push her.  She’s in a lot of pain.  But they aren’t going to hurt her.  I promise you.” 

I steady my breathing and try to come to terms with his words.  So many thoughts and emotions threaten to overwhelm me.  Relief and confusion are the two winning out.

“She’s a werewolf?”  I don’t recall giving my voice permission to ask that question and I don’t even realize that I’ve spoken until Devin stops at a massive door at the far end of the long hall and forces my body to turn to his. 

“She’s the same woman you grew up with.  She’s your best friend.  Don’t think much on what you heard.  You’ll have a chance to talk to her tomorrow.”  I nod my head in agreement and blink my sore eyes.  Fuck I’m tired.

“And they love her.  Like really love her?”  Devin smiles the most handsome, panty-dropping, genuine smile.

“They do.  She’s their mate.”  His eyes are soft and his smile lingers on his lips.  I can practically feel his happiness and it warms my heart.  I lean into his hard chest and close my eyes.

I hear the door open and I force my heavy eyelids to rise and push away from his chest. 

His hand spears into my hair and I lean into his touch, “and sweetheart?” 

“Hmm?”  I open my eyes and find his soft yet heated, silver gaze on me.

“You’re my mate.”  Hearing those words on his lips shifts something deep inside of me, settling every doubt and numbing every pain I’ve clung to, dousing them in gasoline and lighting them to fuel a fire of need.  His lips find mine as he walks me backwards into his room and kicks the door closed without breaking contact.  His hands fondle my ass before lifting me up into his chest.  I tightly wrap my legs around his narrow hips and moan into his mouth as he deepens the kiss.  “Mate.”  He growls the word before nipping my bottom lip, flaming that fire in my core and sending a heat of desire pulsing through every inch of me. 


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