Off to Plymouth Rock

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Authors: Dandi Daley Mackall

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BOOK: Off to Plymouth Rock
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Text copyright © 2003 by Dandi Daley Mackall

Illustrations copyright © 2003 by Gene Barretta

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher, with the exception of brief excerpts in reviews.

Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Tommy Nelson
, a Division of Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Mackall, Dandi Daley.
    Off to Plymouth Rock! / by Dandi Daley Mackall.
      p. cm.
    Summary: Easy, rhyming text describes the voyage of the Pilgrims, their work in building a new home in America, and their celebration held in thanksgiving for a rich harvest.

    ISBN 1-4003-0194-7 (hardcover)
    ISBN 1-4003-0473-3 (hardcover w/CD)

    1. Pilgrims (New Plymouth Colony)--Juvenile literature. 2. Thanksgiving Day--History--Juvenile literature. 3. Massachusetts--History--New Plymouth, 1620-1691--Juvenile literature. [1. Pilgrims (New Plymouth Colony) 2. Thanksgiving Day--History. 3. Massachusetts--History--New Plymouth, 1620-1691.] I. Title.
F68.M143 2003


Printed in the United States of America

04 05 06 07 08 LBM 5 4 3 2 1


Since this is a Thanksgiving book, I'd like to give thanks to God for all the wonderful people he has surrounded me with:

• My amazing husband, Joe—best writer, editor, friend, and husband a girl ever had.

• Daughter Jen—great daughter, great friend, talented writer and historian.

• Daughter Katy—great daughter, with a sweet, sweet spirit, and special way with animals.

• Son Dan—great son, with a good heart and a terrific sense of humor.

• My mom, Helen Eberhart Daley, who taught me most of what I know about hard work.

• My dad, who passed down his creativity and ever-active mind. I miss you and know you're watching.

• My sister, Maureen Pento—best big sis a little sis ever had . . . and the whole Pento clan: Tom, Chris & Rebecca, Kelly & Billy Bob.

• My in-laws—Jim and Peg Mackall and all the Mackalls and McCarthys who welcomed me into their world.

• My buddy, Laurie Knowlton . . . and all the terrific friends who keep me going.

• And thanks to my editor, who said, “Dandi, we have a whole page for your dedication. Go ahead and write an Oscar speech.”

For my mom, who lives on the tip of my paintbrush and
dances in God's garden.
I love you.

Pilgrims flee!
Sail the sea,

Knowing there's no guarantee.

Leaving, grieving,
Still believing . . .

Off to Plymouth Rock!

Mayflower ship—
Dangerous trip!

Waves that rock and winds that whip.

Crashing, splashing,
Lightning flashing!

On to Plymouth Rock!

Land ahoy!
Shouts of joy!

Cheers from every girl and boy.

Steering, veering,
There's a clearing!

On to Plymouth Rock!

Sawing beams—
Work in teams—

Building up their Pilgrim dreams.

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