Off Season (The Blake Boys Book 15) (13 page)

Read Off Season (The Blake Boys Book 15) Online

Authors: Rhonda Laurel

Tags: #Interracial romance, #romance

BOOK: Off Season (The Blake Boys Book 15)
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Michelle giggled. “Sounds like a typical weekend at my old sorority house.”

“Thank you for talking me down the other day.” Morgan teared up.

Michelle hugged her again. “That’s my job.”

“I have great photos of Jake’s play.”

“You know I’m totally pissed about missing that?”

“Well, who knew a pipe would burst in the bathroom?”

“Luckily, my hunky husband knows his way around a pipe.” Michelle waggled her eyebrows.

Morgan cradled Michelle’s face with her hands. “I miss seeing your face every day.”

“I know. But we get to put together a new store. I am so stoked.” She held up the floor plans Jared had given her. “Our new bookstore is going to be awesome. Did our new landlord say ‘mommy’ yet?”

“No, I’m still ‘Morgy.’” Morgan rolled her eyes.

“Come on, Morgy.” Michelle put her arm around her shoulder. “Let’s go back to Pietro’s and get you a crab salad. If you eat it quickly, you’ll still want dinner tonight when we all dine together.”

“I’d love that.”

Michelle stopped. “How are you really doing?”

“Terrified. I’m so worried I’m barely eating, but I eat anyway so Seth doesn’t worry.”

“You’re going to be fine.”

“I love this blind optimism you and Seth share. It’s almost as sweet as the kids still believing in Santa.”

“I hate to break it to you, but the kids think Santa’s a reformed cat burglar doing community service on Christmas for the past crimes he’s committed.”

Morgan raised an eyebrow. “That sounds like the inner workings of your husband’s mind.”

“Tyler does have a unique perspective on the world. But seriously.” Michelle hugged her tighter. “I know that it’s going to be all right. But I do feel like an ass pressuring you about expansion when you were going through all of this. It’s times like these when you have to say, ‘Michelle take a powder. I have important stuff going on.’”

“I always have time for you.” She sighed.

“And no worries about Mackenzie. She will belt out ‘mommy’ when you least expect it and it’s going to sound like music to your ears. I hear stubbornness runs in the family.”

“Yeah. Isn’t Seth the worst with that?”

They laughed.

“You’re going to be fine.” Michelle shifted into high gear with all the gossip she’d wanted to tell her. To the average person it would have been difficult to understand. Luckily, she spoke fluent Michelle.


* * *



Seth was finally able to get T.K. on the phone and give him a recap of the day he’d spent with Riley. T.K. was very happy to hear it went well and mentioned he’d talked to Riley too and that he’d noticed a slight change in him after their conversation. He was more focused at practice and had asked T.K. if they could meet so they could have a talk about expectations and the future of the franchise. Riley had never expressed interest in it before, and T.K. was certain his time at the ranch had something to do with it.

It made Seth feel good to know he’d stirred something in Riley, helping him to think beyond his own self-centered world, but the feeling only lasted a moment until T.K. asked if he’d talk to him again. The kid was off to a good start, but Seth was still on the fence about getting heavily involved. It would mean spending more time with the quarterback. But if he’d made just a little bit of progress, that was something. Maybe another chat would do the trick and get T.K. the result he wanted. Then he would have helped a family friend, like he’d promised. He told T.K. he would get in touch with Riley and have another talk with him when he got back to Texas.

Seth called Tyler only to find out he’d taken a road trip with Jared to get Grandma Reed’s gift. He promised he’d be back to have dinner with everyone tonight. Seth asked if Jared were coming to dinner. Tyler said Jared would be able to stop by, but Autumn had a late flight at the private airport and he’d be picking her up. Patton, Nina, and the kids wouldn’t be arriving until tomorrow. Tate sent a text that he’d rallied up the remaining family members that were attending and were headed to the airport. They would join them by early evening. It was still early, so Seth decided to drop by the Slap Shot to see Derek.

After wandering through the Slap Shot and not seeing Derek, he headed into the back area. Seth tapped lightly on the office door. When he didn’t get a response, he opened the door to find Derek and Charisma kissing.

“I like what you’ve done with the place,” Seth said.

“Hey!” Derek came over and gave him a hug. “You’re in town early.”

“Morgan and I wanted to give the kids some extra time with Curtis and Sydney.”

“Seth, so good to see you,” Charisma hugged him too.

“Same here. You did an awesome job with the bar makeover. I heard you’re teaming up with Jared to do the interiors of one of the latest Blake office buildings?”

“Yes. I am so nervous.” She bit her lip.

He grinned. “Don’t be. You have a magic touch. You’re turned Derek into a more loveable, respectable human being. And that’s not an easy task.”

“It was a joint effort.” Charisma kissed Derek and glanced at her watch. “I have to get back to work.”

“I hope you and Derek can come to penthouse tonight for dinner. Maybe iron out any last minute party details?”

“We’d love to.” Charisma put her arm around Derek’s waist. “You don’t have any plans?”

“Just to be with you.”

Seth smiled. “Sounds like a plan. Is seven o’clock OK?”

“Great,” Derek replied and kissed Charisma again before she left the office.

Once the door was closed, Seth started in on him. “I would ask how things are going, but I think I know. I’ve never seen you this happy.”

Derek ran a hand through his hair. “Happy and terrified. I don’t want to mess this up.”

“You won’t.” Seth patted him on the shoulder. “Just remember the advice I gave you about being with a Reed woman.”

“She leads. I follow.” He grinned.

Seth nodded. “So…are you gonna feed me or what?”

Derek made Seth a succulent steak for lunch while rattling on about his relationship with Charisma. Derek never struck him as the sentimental type, but it was nice hearing his friend talking about spending the weekend cuddled on his couch or going for a hot air balloon ride with his girl. The chronic nightlife was no longer appealing to him, but he and Charisma did occasionally step out to dance. Dancing and ice skating were two things they had in common, and they loved to one-up each other with fancy moves. It was a new experience for his friend to be a in a loving, committed relationship, and Seth loved seeing him finally happy.

“Luke is coming by in a half hour.”

“Good.” Seth dabbed his mouth with a napkin. “He’s on my list of people to see.”

“You still on your extended sabbatical? You are a great strategist. Jimmy or T.K. would love to have you join their organizations.”

“I’m not ready to commit anything,” Seth said.

“If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it.” Derek laughed.

“That’s not likely. I need every brain cell I have to keep up with my kids.”

“Tell me about it. I feel like I have to stay sharp and alert at all times around those boys. I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep up with Mackenzie.” Derek shook his head. “Does Luke have any new offers that interest you?”

“Same old stuff. Announcement and coaching jobs. Public speaking engagements and my favorite, another book deal.”

Love of the Game
did well. It even made it to the bestseller list for a couple of months. What’s the problem?”

“There’s nothing more to say, and frankly I don’t think anyone would want to buy it.” Seth sipped his drink.

“That’s bullshit. You can live off your name alone for years. People would buy anything you’re selling.”

“Maybe. But I don’t want to feel like I’m being a fraud. Yes, there’s my name but I want to peddle something of substance.”

Derek nodded. “Why not write a post football career book featuring you, Morgan, and the kids?”

“We agreed a long time ago to keep our lives private. There are only a few photos of the kids circulating the Internet, and that’s the way I’d like to keep it.”

“You could make a mint writing about the adventures of Jake and the boys. Mackenzie would be the adorable icing on the cake.”

“I don’t believe people would believe half the things they do are true.” Seth laughed.

“I know you. There’s only a matter of time before you’ll feel the itch to go out and conquer the world again. Get your feet wet a little. Try out a few things. You could find something just as fulfilling as football.”

“Says the career hockey player. I have been kind of mentoring the Tomcats’ new quarterback, Riley Sloane.”

“The douche that thinks he can beat your records?”

“The one and the same. T.K. asked me to have a chat with him. I did. But there are still some more things I’d like to teach the kid. Provided he’s willing to listen.”

“Good.” Derek forked some sautéed mushrooms into his mouth.

“Really? I thought you would tell me I was wasting my time.”

“Who knows? Maybe mentoring wayward quarterbacks is your new calling.”

Seth snorted and looked around the bar. “You ever thought about tapping out?”

“Maybe in a few years. The team is working well together, and it helps that my love life isn’t plastered all over the Internet. Right now I’ve never felt so balanced in my life.”

“Love will do that to you.”

“I hear you. So how is Morgan? She still feeling rundown?”

“Yes, she went in for tests and has an appointment for when we return. She’s a little bummed about it. I hope being around family will cheer her up.”

“Well, it’s going to be an epic birthday party. The entire family is going to be there, including Trevor.”

“Wow. He was serious about keeping in touch. I think I’ve met him once since I’ve known the Reed family.”

“Charisma and Trevor are still mending fences with their mom and dad. He’ll pop back in town to make the effort, and he gets to keep an eye on me.”

“There’s that too.” Seth grinned. “Charisma’s mom is pretty intense and a little misguided.”

“I agree. It’s been baby steps, but Charisma’s willing to put in the work to have a better relationship with her mom. Getting love and support from Grandma Reed and Sydney has helped.”

“Don’t forget the love and support from you. You’ve softened her heart.”

“She’s pretty much melted mine.”

Seth smiled and raised his glass. “To the lovely Reed women.”

“Hear. Hear.” Derek clinked glasses with him.


* * *



The entire crowd of family, friends, and neighbors had come out to celebrate Grandma Reed’s birthday. There were people Morgan hadn’t seen in ages that were floating about the ballroom. Patton and Nina and the kids had made it too. Emerson had grown so much since they’d seen him last, and Morgan couldn’t believe that Nina was complaining about baby weight. She looked great. Gabby made a beeline for Jake, who begrudgingly allowed her one, three-second hug before darting across the room. Everyone was ready for the birthday girl to arrive so they could get the party started.

The crowd applauded when a few minutes later Charisma and Derek walked Grandma Reed into the packed ballroom. Morgan sniffed as her grandmother, so touched by the attention, burst into tears. Seth put his arm around her and kissed her.

“I’d say she was surprised.” Seth said. “She looks great.”

“Doesn’t she?”

After getting a thousand hugs and well wishes, Grandma Reed was finally able to take a seat at the table. Morgan mingled for a while with Seth until she saw Grandma was alone at her table. She rushed over to her side.

“Hi, Grandma.” Morgan kissed her grandmother on the cheek, then took a seat beside her.

“Hi, baby. You look so pretty.”

She laughed. “Thank you. It took me three hours to put this together.”

“You’ve always had a natural beauty. Seth told me that one of the things he loves is waking up to your beautiful face without an ounce of makeup.”

“He’s very poetic. You should see the poems he writes me and leaves around the house. Well, he used to leave them around the house. The boys knowing how to read has put a stop to that.”

“He’s also hopelessly in love. I remember the day you brought him by to meet me. He had stars in his eyes.” She smiled as she scanned the dance floor to see Isabelle and Tate in an intimate embrace. Dana was running her hand through her husband’s hair. Beverly had a death grip on hers as he led her in a slow waltz. Charisma and Derek were doing more talking than dancing, but Charisma had a big smile on her face. “You know, you hope and pray that your children meet someone who will cherish them and treat them well. My granddaughters are loved.”

“Charisma and Derek make a great couple. Don’t they?” Morgan said.

“Yes, they do. Derek is a good man and he knows how to care for her heart.” Grandma beamed. “Charisma told me that you two are talking more.”

“Yeah, at first it was to discuss your party, but now we keep in touch and talk about other stuff. She talks about Derek a lot. I think she’s afraid to make any missteps, but the funny thing is, Derek calls Seth asking for relationship advice. They both want it to work.”

“I want you to promise me something.”


“I want you to help her. She’s come a long way with her self-esteem, and I think it would be good if someone she looked up to that’s her age was there to guide her a little bit. I think one of the reasons she was jealous of you in the past was because she wanted someone to love her like Seth loves you. She has that now and she’s trying to figure out how to love him back in a healthy, loving way.”

“I will.” Morgan looked at a sleeping Mackenzie nestled against her grandfather, who was rocking her to the music on the dance floor. “I hope Mackenzie wasn’t too much trouble earlier. I saw her trying to hug you.”

“Of course not.” Grandma patted her hand. “She’s so much like you.”

“Really? I think she looks like Seth.”

“Well, she does. She’s going to be a handful. I hope Seth’s ready for the storm that’s coming.”

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