Of Beast and Beauty (19 page)

Read Of Beast and Beauty Online

Authors: Stacey Jay

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #Love & Romance, #Fairy Tales & Folklore, #General, #Fantasy & Magic

BOOK: Of Beast and Beauty
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His smoke and wood smell filling my head, his Gem taste bittersweet and perfect on my tongue, his arms around me and my hands everywhere I’ve been dying to touch, and the memory of the killing cold banished by the way he makes me burn.


I don’t care what he is, who I am, what’s wrong or right. There is no shame or fear, only the driving need to get closer, kiss deeper, consume and be consumed, to lose myself so completely that I will never be found.


I want to stay this way forever, with his chest pressed tightly to mine, and his lips moving at my throat. With my fingers in his soft hair, his breath warm on my skin, his hand—so hot I can feel it through my clothes—sliding between us, down my ribs, over my stomach, down until—

I gasp and my eyes fly open, and for a bare moment I think I see something in the air above my head—a hint of color, a flicker of light, something strange and unexpected that makes me hesitate to push Gem’s hand away. By the time the flicker vanishes and the familiar darkness settles in, I am still … hesitating …


Hesitating …


A quiet, shame-filled voice inside demands I put a stop to

. But oh, it feels so good. So
good. I had no idea that the ache inside could tighten into such a fierce, sweet knot … or that Gem would know exactly how to untangle it.




“Isra,” he whispers, making me shiver. I never thought … I never imagined that he would feel it, too, this pull, this longing to touch and be touched and oh …


I draw his mouth back to mine and kiss him until my lips feel bruised and my breath comes faster. Faster and faster, until my head spins and something overwhelming and frightening and beautiful rises inside me. My fingers dig into the back of Gem’s neck and my legs tremble and I shift in his arms, bringing my hip into contact with something I hadn’t considered.


Something that—despite what the bawdy ballads claim—feels nothing at
like a pelican beak.


I bleat like a sheep and roll off Gem’s lap so fast, I nearly tumble into the fire. I try to stand, but my legs are trembling and my knees are liquid and I end up flopping onto my bottom and kicking a foot into the flames, and suddenly Gem is cursing his ancestors—or my ancestors, I can’t really tell—and snatching my boot from the fire and slapping at it, and the acrid smell of burned animal skin sours the air, and the warm, beautiful feeling vanishes in a puff of smoke.


I suck in a deep breath, and for the first time since Gem pulled me back from the cold, my head clears. This is
a dream or a delusion. This is


kissed the Monstrous boy I’ve been holding prisoner. I really drove my fingers through his hair and tasted his taste and let him touch me for so long my cheeks heat just thinking about it. It’s madness, but in the moment the madness made perfect sense. I had no idea it would be like that. I never dreamed how quickly a kiss could get out of hand. It’s terrifying. Dangerous. Who knows how far things would have gone if I hadn’t accidentally bumped into a pelican beak and come to my senses?


My chest flutters, but thankfully my throat strangles my nervous giggle before it can escape.
Pelican beak
. What a terrible piece of poetry.

was nothing at
like a pelican beak, or anything like what I imagined
would feel like, and … and …


I can’t think about it for another second or my cheeks are going to catch fire.


“Are you all right?” Gem asks in a careful way that only makes me more embarrassed.


“Fine.” I pull my knees to my chest and cover my face with my hands

and wish that Gem were the blind one. I would very much like for him
to see me confused and vulnerable and lost in my own skin. I don’t know this skin. It’s different from the one I’ve worn for seventeen years.


“Isra … I …” He clears his throat, and pauses for a moment so long and awkward that I consider running off again simply to escape it. “I didn’t know.”


Didn’t know? I curl my fingers beneath my chin. “What?”


“I didn’t know that you … that …” He sighs, but keeps going despite his obvious discomfort. “In my tribe, by the time a girl is seventeen …”


I realize what he’s trying to say, and my face burns even hotter. Was it that obvious? That everything between a man and a woman is new to me?


No, Isra. I’m sure
girls bleat like sheep and set their boots on fire
when they first encounter a pelican beak


My stomach drops. I want to bury my head in my lap and never tilt it up again, but instead I force myself to lift my chin. “I’m not a girl. I am a
, and—”


“Yes, I remember. You don’t have to put your nose in the air.” He has the nerve to chuckle afterward. I consider getting angry—mad seems like a good alternative to mortified—but when he continues, his voice is kind, sincere. “And you don’t have to be embarrassed. There’s nothing wrong with being … new. I just … If I’d known … It can go more slowly. It can be nice that way, too.” His fingers brush the back of my hand. His touch is light, undemanding, obviously meant to be comforting, but I pull away all the same.


I’m not ready to touch him again. Not now, maybe not ever.


By the moons, what was I thinking?


I fist my fingers in my hair and give my head a shake before digging the heel of my palm into my forehead. No matter how good it felt to be close to Gem, no matter how much I want to kiss him again. I can’t— We can’t— This is—

“Impossible,” I mutter beneath my breath.


“Not impossible.” Gem scoots closer, until his hip touches mine.


“Yes,” I insist, but I don’t move away. “Impossible.”


“Maybe. But it felt right. You felt right,” he whispers, sending warmth rushing in my chest and a hint of that tingling I felt in his arms zipping through the rest of me. Even if every other being on the planet would think

we’re mad, it’s good to know that Gem felt it, too. That I wasn’t … that I


I sigh. “There are so many things I wish.” I lean into him, resting my head on his shoulder, overwhelmed by everything I want to be different.

My life, my purpose, my death. But none of that will ever change, and what we want is more impossible than Gem knows.


“I’m sorry,” I say, despair settling in my heart. “I would change the world if I could.”


“Then change it,” he says, a hint of yesterday’s gruffness in his tone, though the arm he puts around my shoulders is gentle. “You’re a queen.

You’re young and strong and clever. And kind, when you want to be. That city is yours to command.”


I shake my head. “No, not yet. And even when—”


. You can change your world. You have that power.”


“You don’t understand,” I say. “Even if the garden—”


“Forget the garden. You don’t need the garden.” He turns me to him before pushing my hair from my face with a tenderness that makes me ache. “You can make the wrong things right without the garden. You can give the outcasts a place in your city. You can send food to my people. You don’t have to wait. Children are starving now. My … my child is starving.”


My lips part. I never even considered. He’s only nineteen.


“I don’t know his name. He didn’t … He wasn’t named before I left,”

Gem says, grief clear in his voice. “But I think of him every day. His mother chose another mate, and I’ll never be a father to him in the way that man will, but I want to know him. I want him to live to see the first anniversary of his birth, but many don’t.”


“Please,” I beg, the thought of those hungry children, of
hungry child, hitting me harder than it has before. He has a child, and I’m still not much more than a child myself. I’m crazy to think we’ll ever understand each other. “I’m sorry. I don’t want your people or your baby to suffer, I truly don’t, but I … I don’t …” I try to drop my head to my chest, but Gem catches my chin in his hand.


“Then don’t back down.” His finger traces slowly back and forth across my cheek. “Help my people. Help yourself.”


“I can’t.”


“You can,” he whispers, leaning so close I can feel his breath on my face. My lips tingle and my heart beats faster, and all I want to do is taste

him again—to lean in and lose myself in the dizzy rush of his mouth on mine—but I can’t.


I push his hand away gently but firmly. “I
. The people wouldn’t allow it. I’m tainted.”


He makes a disgusted sound, but I push on before he can make another grand speech about what his chief would do in my place.


“I know it doesn’t make sense to you, but that matters to my people,” I continue. “They are repulsed by Monstrous traits, and it isn’t just the outer ugliness of the tainted that they despise. We’re raised to believe the Monstrous are worse than animals, that they are savages who kill for pleasure, and that their ugliness is a sign of the corruption of their souls.”


He sighs, his frustration clear in the sound. “But you
that isn’t true.”


“I don’t
. I don’t know anything for sure,” I confess before I think better of it, the pressure of his expectations making me anxious. As soon as I realize how my words sounded, I hurry to explain. “I mean, I know
aren’t anything like what I imagined a Monstrous would be like, but one of your people slaughtered my father. And I—I’m not like the rest of my people. It isn’t just my size or my rough skin or my wild hair. I’ve never done as I was told. I lie and take chances I shouldn’t and think only of myself and—”


“And you think …” His breath rushes out. “You think that means your soul is
?” he asks, disgust and shock warring in his tone. “Like mine?”


I shake my head, sending my hair flying into my face. “No! No, of course not. I don’t think your soul is corrupt. You’re not listening.”


not listening,” he snaps. “If you were, you’d hear how rattled you sound.”


“I am not
. I’m trying to explain why I can’t rush in and change the world. The world is complicated,” I say, feeling more confused with every passing second. I’m not ready for this. I don’t know what to say. “I just … I know some of what I’ve been taught is wrong, but you can’t deny that we
different. You said so yourself.”


“Not as different as either side would like to think,” he says, before adding in a harsh voice, “Women are women, I can promise you that much.

The same tricks work the same way. You even make the same sounds when you—”


“Stop,” I choke out, struggling to swallow past the sick feeling rising inside me. For the first time since we touched, I feel ashamed. How could he? How could he be so understanding one minute and cheapen every unguarded thing that happened between us the next? “You’re cruel,” I say, hating the catch in my voice.


“What did you expect from a
corrupt soul


“Fine,” I snap. “Never mind. I should never have—”


“What if you weren’t
, Isra?”


I blink, startled by the change of direction. “What?”


“What if you’re wrong? What if you’ve been wrong your entire life?”

he asks. “What if there’s nothing
about you?”


“I thought you hated that word,” I whisper.


“I hate a lot of things.”


“I know you think …” I pause, not wanting to inspire any further spite, but feeling I owe him honesty in a way I didn’t before. Spiteful or not, he saved my life. And kissed me and held me and admitted it felt right, and that has changed things between us. I can’t pretend it hasn’t. “I know you find your people beautiful,” I say, “and I envy you that, I really do. But my people … they don’t see beauty in mutation. It scares them. They were horrified when they saw me for the first time at my coronation.”


Gem snorts as if I’ve said the most ridiculous thing in the world, and anger flares inside me again. He wasn’t there. I was, and I heard the people pull in a collective breath; I felt their surprise when they looked upon their tainted queen for the first time.


“Believe what you want,” I snap, “but I know—”


“You know nothing. You’re not
. You’re nothing like a Monstrous girl. Any one of them could break you in half, and not one has skin that peels everywhere but their face,” he says, making me wince and my fingers curl self-consciously, drawing up inside the long sleeves of my sweater. “Whatever’s wrong with you, it’s not caused by resembling my people. As far as I’ve seen, you look almost exactly like the other Smooth—”


“I do not look like them,” I snap. “And no matter what you think, I
if I weren’t queen, my life would be very different than it is now. I might not be tainted enough to be cast out, but I am,
without a doubt
, ugly in a way that puts the state of my soul and mind in question. That’s why I can’t start issuing bizarre orders. I have to win my people’s trust. I believe

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