Odalisque (6 page)

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Authors: Annabel Joseph

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Odalisque
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Kai’s erection was throbbing. He looked at Constance, his hands opening and closing, craving to touch her. “I’d love to test it out. Yeah.”

Bastien approached the table and ran a hand down Constance’s back. She lifted her head to look at her caretaker, her eyes hazy with pleasure. “Stephen, give Mr. Chandler an appropriate pair of nipple clamps for the girl.”

The sober-faced trainer walked to the wall and returned with a pair of clamps connected by a chain. “Put them on her,” Bastien said to Kai, “and then please avail yourself of her pussy if you wish. Or have her ride the dildo for you. Whatever you would most enjoy.”

Constance looked over at him, her gaze alert and yet deliciously sultry. Her expression communicated what Bastien said--that anything Kai chose to do to her would be perfectly acceptable. And God, of course he was going to fuck her. Stephen removed the dildo from the table and rearranged his charge, having her brace herself on her arms. She spread her thighs a little wider until she was at the perfect level for him to fuck. Intercourse logistics. Was that another class taught here?

It occurred to him that in this house of forty or so odalisques, he was putting his dick in the same one for a second time, and happy to do so. He walked around the front of her with the clamps and pinched her dark pink nipples. She was cock-twitchingly responsive, throwing her head back and staring up at him with striking light green eyes. She was a stranger to him, and yet familiar. She was the girl he’d always fantasized about but had never had: the girl who would do anything he asked and seek nothing in return, only more and more pleasure.

As horny as he was to get to the fucking, he took his time applying the clamps, teasing and playing with her nipples, enjoying her quick hissing intakes of breath. He didn’t feel any need or pressure to talk to her, to reassure her. To procure her consent. By now, he knew that wasn’t the way things were done at Maison Odalisque.

Bastien handed him a condom, and then faded back into the corner of the room along with the trainer. With one last tweak of the clamps--
beautiful moan
--Kai returned to stand behind Constance, unfastening his pants. He unbuttoned but didn’t remove his shirt. It was kind of thrilling, undressing just enough to make use of her. Kai rolled on the condom and positioned himself. She threw another hot, hungry look over her shoulder, causing his cock to buck in his hand. He felt desire and lust like a fire building in his groin, his shoulders, his thighs, his face. He was burning.

Jesus, what was it about her? He ran his hands over her body, caressing and exploring her. Her skin was smooth and warm, and her hips had the perfect proportion of roundness for his taste. He curled his fingers around her waist, then slid a hand up her back. She arched her spine and made a needful sound that hit him in his tightening balls. God, it wasn’t a fake porno sound, or anything forced. It was the sound of honest, excited feminine arousal. At any other time, that would have been his signal to drive deep, but somehow he wanted to draw out this moment, to really bask in this possession of her.

“My God, you’re beautiful,” he said. Not his fanciest line ever, but there wasn’t much blood left in his brain for composing sonnets. He was aching to be inside her, to feel her from within. She gave another low moan as he teased her pussy lips with the head of his cock. He could see the glistening proof of her excitement and smell her scent. He drove his fingers through the slickness, pressing his thumb against her clit. Her whole body seemed to tense; she looked back at him again. Her lips were parted, the extent of her need for him clearly written on her face.

It was all he could bear. He closed his hands hard on her hips and drove into her. He didn’t just want to fuck her...he wanted to cover her with his body and become one with her.
We strongly discourage emotional attachment. It complicates what can otherwise be a beautifully simple thing.

Simple. Simple. Keep it simple.

It was so simple to him. She was a goddess, and he was her god. Her cunt was a portal to the mysteries of life that had so frustrated him lately. Why? It was so simple. Male. Female. His cock inside her and her pussy driving back against him, clenching and wreaking the last vestige of nobility from his mind. “Ah, Constance...”

She made some small plaintive sound, and he remembered the clamps. The chain swung each time he thrust in her, doubtless tormenting her. He reached beneath her and took the chain between two fingers. He tugged it and her noises grew louder. Her breath was coming harsh and fast like his own. He linked his thumb over the chain and drew it down, down, his fingers opening against velvet skin. Her abs clenched, her whole body working to contain him as he lengthened his strokes.

She was starting to shudder. The harder he pulled the chain, the wetter she got and the more her pussy gripped his cock. She was ridiculously tight around him. He imagined other classes. Wetness 101. Pussy Gymnastics. Where did women learn such skill? He didn’t care, as long as he got to enjoy it.

He tugged the chain down again and snaked his other hand forward to cup her pussy. He touched a finger to her clit and was rewarded by a guttural cry. Her ass cheeks were still scarlet, hot against his pelvis. He stroked her clit and she let out her breath with a shiver. She twisted her hips violently and came, squeezing so hard around him that his own orgasm exploded and rolled over him. Cock, balls, taint, thighs, and his clenching abs pressed against her back. His arms tightened as he pulled her closer, closer. He would squeeze the life out of her.

Remembering himself, he drew back and let her go. For now. Stephen and Bastien were in the room, watching and waiting.
We strongly discourage emotional attachment.

But appreciation was surely okay. Admiration, even. He admired the hell out of her, that was for sure. Kai disposed of the condom, buttoned his shirt and did up his pants before he went back to stand in front of her. She dropped her head against his arm as he reached to release the nipple clamps. Her hair felt like silk.

She whined softly. Kai knew she was enduring the painful sensation of blood flooding back to her nipples, a pain surely as brutal as that of the actual clamps. She peered up at him, so submissive even in her distress. He stroked her face, pushing back a few curls, feeling deeply tender now.

He helped her kneel up and sit back on her heels. Even now, with her breasts most likely aching, she presented them to him willingly, not quailing or turning her shoulders in. He couldn’t resist pinching each sore tip. Constance didn’t seem to mind--in fact, she got that glazed, horny look again. He wanted to kiss her. He wanted to take her to bed and stay there a week.

But then Bastien and Stephen reappeared at his elbow. Bastien pinched her nipples as well, even harder than Kai had. “She is a very good girl, isn’t she?”

“She is...superlative.” Kai hoped she realized he meant it. She met Kai’s eyes with a half-smile, shy again now. Jesus God, she was so fucking sweet. And yet so basely and unashamedly sexual. It was a potent cocktail, one that was making him feel slightly drunk.

“You’ll be seeing more of Constance this evening at dinner,” said Bastien. “I’ve arranged a little party with the five girls you’re most interested in, and some gentlemen respected by the house. It should be a very enjoyable event. But for the moment, would you care to continue on our tour?”

With some regret, Kai turned from Constance and let Bastien lead him to a few more rooms. There was a flexibility room where odalisques perfected various exotic positions--intercourse logistics after all. There was also a waxing salon, and yes, a room where women did various exercises devoted to strengthening their pelvic floor muscles. Constance’s cock-pleasing vaginal power explained. None of it shocked him anymore. He only wished Mason was here to see it, because Kai would never be able to do justice to it when he told him about it later. And what would Jessamine have made of all this? She would have been wildly excited, climbing Mason and probably Kai too. As he was considering that arousing imagery, Bastien drew him to a stop in the hall.

“If you have a moment, I feel there’s something I should tell you about Constance. Something rather important.”

Kai felt clanging alarm at Bastien’s sober expression. “Don’t tell me she has some fatal disease.”

“Nothing so dire as that. But there is something you must know about her before you make your final decision. Constance was born with a congenital auditory disorder. She is profoundly deaf.”

Kai shook his head, frowning in confusion. Bastien had to be mistaken, or joking. Kai had spoken to her and she’d responded. Hadn’t she? Bastien had given orders and she’d obeyed.

“Constance is adept at reading lips,” Bastien explained. “She is even more adept at reading body language and expressions. It’s part of what makes her so good at what she does.”

“But...but...” Kai could have sworn she’d spoken to him, responded to his words. But thinking back, he realized she hadn’t spoken to him once. Only looked at him with those attentive, alert eyes. “She can’t hear anything?”

“Very little, and then only at certain frequencies. Constance hears with her eyes. That’s why blindfolding her or otherwise obscuring her sight is not permitted in her case. I’m sure you understand.”

“I-- God-- Of course I understand. I just-- I had no idea.” Kai thought a moment, questions crowding his mind. How could he have felt so close, so connected to her and not even realized she wasn’t hearing his words? He tried to mask his unbalance in practical questions. “How do you communicate with her? I mean, how does she talk back? Can she talk at all?”

“She prefers not to talk, although she can say a few words. Yes. No. Please. Stop. She can say her own name and undoubtedly could master the name Kai, although Kaivalyan might present a challenge for her. Otherwise, she prefers to write or sign. One of our overmistresses knows ASL. American Sign Language,” he clarified.

“Yeah, I got it.”

Bastien grimaced. “You’re annoyed. You believe I should have told you sooner. Does it alter your attraction to her? Shall I un-invite her tonight?”

“Of course not. I’m just wondering how a relationship like this would go down without the means to communicate clearly.”

“She can communicate as well as you or me. She can read your lips with pretty good accuracy, and write down any responses or questions she has. You need only provide her with paper and pen, and be patient as she writes. She can write fast, I assure you. We have had some arguments on paper. It’s quite similar to the real thing.”

“What did you argue about?”

“We argued because she wanted her disability listed in the book I gave you. I told her no. I wanted her to be considered on the grounds of her copious merits, not her one shortcoming.”

“Why did you take me to her first?”

“I didn’t take you to her first. She was the fifth or sixth girl if I recall--”

“You know what I mean. The blowjob. Do you throw her at everyone first?”

“I don’t like what you’re insinuating. I took you to her because I sensed a possible match between you. And my senses were right. You’re deeply attracted to her. So deeply I daresay you had already made your choice. I actually offer her to very few prospective owners because she appeals to a very rare taste. Do you really think I throw her at everyone first in some effort to be rid of her? She is, to my mind, one of the most desirable and fascinating women here.”

Kai stood tense, feeling ashamed that he wasn’t dealing with this more calmly. Why was he really upset? Because Bastien hadn’t told him from the outset that Constance was deaf? Or because the perfect girl he’d built up in his mind wasn’t so perfect? It didn’t change his desire for her, he was sure of that. But he was disappointed. He was equally sure of that, and guilty for feeling that way.

“She is a complex and vastly intelligent woman,” Bastien said. “Hearing or not.”

“I’m sorry I reacted badly. It just surprised me. And I guess I’m worried about what kind of accommodations I’ll have to make in order to take her on.”

Bastien looked at him a long moment. “You know, she wouldn’t like for you to be thinking that way. She likes to believe no one has to make accommodations for her.”

A couple of girls sashayed by, and the men moved back against the wall to let them pass. Kai no longer found the nudity the least bit jarring. The odalisques whispered to one another, and the taller one threw a flirtatious glance back at Kai. Bastien led him in the other direction, toward the main house.

“When Constance came here a few months ago, we argued. I told her it would be too difficult for her to perform as an odalisque without a voice, without hearing. We fought, angry words with pen and paper.” Bastien led Kai into his office. He went to one of the shelves and lifted a piece of paper from beneath a crystal weight. He handed it to Kai. In a dark, scrawled script she’d written,
I can do anything any of these other women are doing. Anything! And I can do it BETTER.
Kai could see her anger, her frustration, right there on the page. He handed it back to Bastien.

“I have no problem with her being deaf. But now I feel sorry for her. I can’t help it, I do. I don’t know how I can honestly choose now, how I can measure her against the others without factoring that pity into the mix.”

Bastien frowned and squared his shoulders. “Well, then. That isn’t workable. Pity in any form would not be acceptable to her. We’ll go on as planned tonight with the other four women, but I think it best to shelve Constance as a candidate for now.”

Kai wanted to rip Bastien’s head off. Didn’t he understand? “That’s not what I meant--”

Bastien cut him off with a raised hand. “As I said, she reads expressions and body language with far too much acuity. She will not agree to go with you anyway, if she senses you feel that way about her. She won’t want deference and pity. But this is fine, she will understand. Between the four other women, you’re sure to find a workable match. All the ones you selected are lovely, and every bit as sexually talented as Constance herself.”

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