October's Ghost (50 page)

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Authors: Ryne Douglas Pearson

Tags: #Suspense & Thrillers

BOOK: October's Ghost
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Sean undid his safety belt and crouch-walked past his team members to the port-side gunner’s door, the coiled wire of his headset dragging and sagging behind. “What is it?”

Duc took another brief look. “Looks like a debris field to me. Got some orange floaters down there, a few pieces of something, but I don’t know what from.”

Sean took a pair of binoculars and stared past the minigun to the sea. “A whole bunch of stuff, Cho. No oil slick, though. Anything about a plane going in?”

“Not that I’ve heard. Nothing about a ship either.”

Well, something had either sunk, crashed, or blown clean up, and there were no people in any of the dozen or so life vests bobbing in the swells. No bodies, either, as far as Sean could see. But that didn’t mean none were down there. “Cho, better report this over SATCOM. Just to be safe.”


Sean swept the area once more with the glasses. Still no sign of life. Hopefully a closer look would find someone. If the Pave Hawk hadn’t been fitted with the most sophisticated communications suite possible, that closer look might never come. To report it in that case, they would have had to broadcast on the standard radio, giving off an omni-directional message of “Here I am.” SATCOM, which bounced its directional signal off a satellite, was far less likely to reveal their position, and then only if someone was looking for them. The latter was not in the cards.

Sean went back to his place on the rear-facing bench seat and put the thoughts of the people who might be below away for the moment. His mind had to focus on what was just four hours away, and on keeping the men surrounding him alive.

*  *  *

“We will have to deal with the Hundred and Sixth,” Colonel Belyayev said in Russian. The American air-defense commander, standing just behind, did not need to hear.

“Of course we will,” Kurchatov said without surprise. The husband of Natalie Shergin, sister of the
Voyska PVO
commander, would not wish to disappoint his brother-in-law. He owed his job to the man, after all.

“They are the closest to Moscow,” Belyayev pointed out grimly. “No one is between them and the city.”

“How long?”

“Three more hours,” Belyayev answered after a quick calculation.

Before the sun would rise. The thought of Moscow waking to another test of leadership made his stomach want to turn. There had to be a way to stop this. “Why couldn’t his damned division be based in Irkutsk?”

“That would matter little. They could simply do as trained and float from the sky.”

“Yes,” Kurchatov responded. There was not much one could do to keep paratroopers from their objective. Not much at all. Not much indeed, he thought, a smile of discovery coming to his lips. “Yes.”

Belyayev heard the difference between the marshal’s twin uses of the word. One was spoken with resignation, the other with hope. “Marshal?”

Kurchatov smiled fully at his aide, then looked up to a bemused CINCNORAD. “How do you say, General Walker? We shall fight fire with fire.”

CINCNORAD hadn’t the slightest idea what the Defense Minister meant by the remark, but it obviously had pleased both him and the colonel. That, he could tell plainly as the marshal picked up the phone and was connected immediately, via an amazingly rerouted series of switches, with the Russian Army’s main communications center just outside Moscow.

*  *  *

At another communications center, five thousand miles from its dissimilar cousin in the Russian capital, the captain in charge of the Miami Coast Guard Station was wrestling with his own dilemma of force.

“Navy says no, sir,” the bosun’s mate reported as he hung up the phone.

“For Christ’s sake, what do they expect us to do our job with?” The captain noticed his grease-pencil-marked status board. They couldn’t even give him the simplest of computers to keep track of his meager forces. And then they took those! “Looking for God knows what!”

“That’s the Navy, sir.”

The captain snarled at the reminder from his subordinate. They might have the bigger boats—those ugly gray things—but that did not give them the right to appropriate his entire SAR force. Except when his boss, a full admiral, said to do so. “What the fuck are they looking for that’s so important that they need all our ships and our birds? Can’t they do a search on their own?”

The bosun’s mate glanced at the heavily marked status board. The captain wasn’t exaggerating. Everything was gone. Cutters, choppers, and the 2 C-130s. All heading north to the Atlantic off Virginia, and leaving them nothing with which to check out the report relayed to them via the Joint Special Operations Command at Fort Bragg. One of their special-ops planes returning from a training mission had flown over a possible crash site northeast of the Bahamas but was unable to remain on station because of their fuel status. So it was up to the Coast Guard to take a closer look. But with what?

“Damn,” the captain swore, allowing himself a final spurt of disgust before turning to the business of finding a solution to the problem. “All right, what commercial ships are out there?”

The bosun’s mate looked at his log, which carried notations from radio traffic and from the last pass of a Coast Guard plane five hours earlier. “A Japanese bulk carrier, a hundred and fifty miles north.”

“At fifteen knots—if the bastard would waste the extra fuel—it’d be tomorrow before they get there,” the captain observed, discounting option one. “Next.”

Next was nothing. That was the closest commercial ship. Well, the closest truly commercial. “Just a Russian trawler loitering about sixty miles east.”

“Waiting for bluefin, no doubt.”

“Right,” the bosun’s mate agreed sarcastically. “They just call ‘em in with those antennas.”

The Russians obviously hadn’t lost interest in the launches from the Cape, one of which, a fully military one, was set for the following week. “Well, he’s out there, and as a
vessel, he has a responsibility to respond to a ship or aircraft in trouble.”

“It’ll piss him off,” the bosun’s mate observed.

“Reason number two to do it.” Reason number one was the seaman’s code. “Get word to him.”

“Aye, sir.”

*  *  *

Art pulled through the intersection of Twelfth and Vermont and stopped at the motel with more control than he had the last time he’d approached the place. The car used at that time was just being pulled, flat tire, bent rim, and all, onto the back of a tow truck. He walked right past it to his partner.

“How are you?”

Frankie had seen him coming and had noticed that kind of walk he was using. It was his “We gotta do something” stride. “I’m fine.”

“We’re just about done, Art,” Omar said. The narrative portion of the report was several pages thick already.

“Well, it’ll have to wait. Frankie and I gotta do something.”

Frankie smiled slightly. Getting to know how Art Jefferson operated hadn’t taken long. He wasn’t a complicated person, really. That was sort of nice in a man and made working with him as a partner an enjoyable, bullshit-free experience.

Omar reacted with surprise. “Art, this
required procedure when this happens.”

“I know, but required can wait in this case.”

“What’s going on?” Lou Hidalgo asked as he walked up. The rise in Omar’s tone had alerted him.

“Lou, Frankie and I have to do something. I can’t tell you what, but it’s”—Art hushed his voice a bit—“on orders from the White House. And the director knows about it.”

The White House?
Hidalgo saw Art’s steadiness. It didn’t surprise him anymore, but it did merit notice. “When did you become so fucking important?”

Art snickered. “This old pavement pounder? Get outta here, Lou.”

The group of four agents looked up and to the north as an Aerospatiale helicopter of the LAPD approached, preceded as always by the rapid chopping pulse of its rotors. It descended and landed a half-block north on Vermont, which had already been closed for its arrival by the police.

“Our ride,” Art said.

The Aerospatiale’s rotor continued to turn at speed after setting down. Its crew had been told that this trip had to be made fast, and sitting there didn’t take any time off the journey. “Let’s go,” the pilot said over the external loudspeaker.

Lou reached out and gripped Art’s shoulder. “Whatever you’re doing, be careful.”

“Piece of cake, Lou,” Art assured him above the noise. “Come on.”

The pair trotted off to the helicopter, instinctively ducking lower as they passed under the main rotor. They climbed in the passenger compartment and were handed headsets by the police-department observer, which they slid on, pulling the boom microphones close to their mouths.

“What’s this all about, partner?”

“We’re heading south.”

South could mean a lot of places. “Mexico?”

“No,” Art answered. “My old stomping grounds. The Deep South.”

The whine of the turbines rose quickly and massively above their heads, the helicopter responding to the increase in power with a gentle jump from the ground. Seconds later it was climbing above the buildings, gaining more altitude as it banked slightly left. “Los Alamitos in about twenty minutes,” the pilot announced.

“Why Los Alamitos?” Frankie inquired.

“We have to be there fast, and the military has the things that move,” Art answered, looking out the left side of the helicopter to the midday city below. The blight that was prevalent at street level almost disappeared when looking from above. L.A. from a thousand feet actually looked nice.

“Art,” Frankie said, nudging him. “What are we going to do?”

“To nail the guy who could have prevented all this.”

. “All of this?”

Art looked at his partner. “Yeah.” He said no more, but he could tell she was reading ‘
And Thom might be alive
’ from his statement.

The familiar feeling of the previous days passed through her again, lingering briefly as a heaviness in her chest, then faded away when it found there would be no eager host as before. Vengeance had come, and it had gone. What remained was a job to finish.

“Let’s go get him,” Frankie said, caring not at all who the man was.

*  *  *

Lieutenant Duc brought the cyclic back a hair and lowered his collective, slowing the Pave Hawk while maintaining its altitude. The maneuver backed the helicopter out of contact with the flexible drogue boom through which they had just topped off their tanks from the HC-130 Combat Shadow. The tanker accelerated and turned forty-five degrees to the right, heading almost directly into the setting sun low on the southern horizon. The Pave Hawk made the big bird’s course its own, following like a good little chick. The next and final tanking wasn’t far off, and after that they’d be on their own. Almost.

“Raptor is on station,” Duc’s copilot reported after switching from the SATCOM back to intercom. Raptor was the AC-130U Spectre that would be in the area to provide a little muscle if it became necessary. “On station” meant off the southern coast of Cuba, dead ahead of them, loitering at a discreet distance.

“What about the AWACS?” Duc asked.

“Sandman is there, too, fifty miles west of Raptor. We’ve got good coverage.”

All that remained was word that the rebel ground force tasked to provide assistance was in position. “Raptor and Sandman are in position, Major.”

“Good,” Sean answered back. Only Anderson looked up when he spoke, and Sean gave him a reassuring thumbs-up, which sent the civilian back into his trance. The major saw his shoulder muscles bulge upward as Joe tightened and released them repeatedly, but they were smaller than when he had last watched the man perform the same limbering exercises. The disease was taking its toll.

The other members of the team were universally silent, spending the last hours before the show began in their own private contemplations. Then, of course, there was Antonelli. He had left the Walkman at Bragg, this time, but had remembered his new favorite toy, a handheld arcade simulator from some upstart company that made the games from the big names look archaic. Next to Sean, Buxton was staring at the floor, past his open paperback, thinking about whatever. Makowski, strangely, had his small Bible closed but held it tightly in both hands. Prayer, Sean thought, ready to accept any help Delta could get. The rest were very quiet, very still, all their eyes closed, though none was asleep. That was impossible this close to going in.

“One more time.”

Sean looked left. It was Buxton, leaning in close to speak over the noise. “And they pay us to have fun.”

The captain smiled. His former squad leader, now XO of the entire unit, was a damn good guy, and a hell of a soldier. “How long you gonna do this, Maj?”

Sean didn’t expect the question, and it was somewhat strange considering what he’d been thinking of in recent months. “I don’t know. Can’t very well settle down and have a normal family life if you’re flying off all over the world to smoke bad guys.”

Buxton’s eyes flared open. “Settle down. You mean...?”’

Sean couldn’t help the smile that came to his face. It happened whenever he thought of her. “Mary’s been an angel, Bux. She’s waited a long time.”

“Man...” The captain was surprised but not shocked. He’d never considered that the major would be out of uniform; he was the kind of guy you figured had the khakis tattooed on.

“My tour’s up in a year and a half,” Sean said. “I figure I’ve done my time. Going out on a high note is the way I’ve always wanted it.” Being XO of Delta was higher than he’d ever thought possible.

Buxton smiled again and nodded. It was a blessing of Sean’s decision from a comrade, and that mattered more than anything.

“One for the road, Maj.”

“Hopefully the last.”

*  *  *

Major Guevarra and the commander of the Cuban Army unit securing the Juragua Nuclear Generating Facility hurried to the small building that was known as the command bunker, though neither knew why such a small structure out in the open would be termed such. General Asunción was waiting for them outside one of the two doors.

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