Oceans of Red Volume One (7 page)

Read Oceans of Red Volume One Online

Authors: Willow Cross

BOOK: Oceans of Red Volume One
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As he entered the
room, his eyes were immediately drawn to her.  If he was surprised to see her there, it didn’t register on his face.  Smiling, he gave her a curt nod and turned to greet a group standing in the entryway.  After shaking numerous hands, he moved quickly through the room, greeted the hostess, and almost at once became involved in what appeared to be a deep conversation with her husband.  The Master watched as their heads drew close together.  After the brief exchange of words, both men slipped through the room and out a door in the back. 

She chuckled under her breath.  She could wait.  She
was good at waiting.  Tonight Daelen Atwater would join her or die. 


Thirteen black robed figures stood silently around the large mahogany table.  One solitary candle, placed in the center, lit the room.  “It is agreed then?” a deep voice whispered.

“Aye,” the figures answered.

The largest of the figures gave a curt bow.  “Autumnal equinox it is.  The moon will be in perfect position.  Do not be late.  She is too powerful for less than a full coven to handle.  I will bring her myself.” 

Opening a rectangular wooden box placed on the table in front of him, he
withdrew a highly polished silver dagger.  Although his massive hand covered the hilt, those there knew the intricate carvings on the hilt would be glowing.  As they prepared to exit the room, each passed by, pricked an index finger with the point, and left a drop of blood at the base of the blade.  With each drop, the heat pulsating through the hilt intensified.  When all had filed past, leaving their blood offering behind, the large man secured the knife somewhere under his robe.  Gazing at the welts rising on the palm of his hand, he muttered an incantation.  A bright yellow light flickered across his palm and the angry red welts evaporated.


Daelen waited just inside the trees surrounding the mansion.  She would come.  She always did.  For five hundred years, in one form or another, she had attempted to recruit him.  Now that her minions were free to roam the mortal world, she thought she was invincible. A smile graced his lips.  She always had been overly certain of her powers. 

“What a lovely smile.  I’ve always enjoyed your smile.”  Her voice came from behind him.

He turned to face her and gave a short bow.  “Lilith.”

Her forehead furled.  “Don’t use that name.  You know how I hate that.”

Daelen chuckled and raised one eyebrow.  “It is your name.  After all these years do you honestly expect me to call you Master?”

Lilith’s face smoothed into a mask of sweet innocence.  “I do rule this world now, or haven’t you noticed?”

“Ah, yes.  About that, is
master aware of your undertakings?  What you are doing is in strict violation with the treaty.”

“Those who
wrote and signed the treaty are long gone,” she snarled.

“So you say.”

Taking a deep breath, she exhaled slowly as her lips slid into an inviting smile.  “Daelen, my pet, I don’t want to argue with you.  Why must you always treat me so brutally?  Have I ever been anything but sweet to you?”  Her crimson lips pulled into the cutest of pouts.

“What do you want, Lilith?”

“Now dearest...”

“I’m not joining you.  As always, we are neutral.  Regardless of your feelings on the matter, we will abide by the treaty.”

A flush of pink filled her cheeks.  Daelen knew she was unaccustomed to being treated as an equal, and although it angered her, he couldn’t refrain from goading her.  For a moment he expected her to erupt, but then her face smoothed once again and her color returned to normal.

“I need you to do a service for me.  Consider it a favor.”


“Now Daelen, don’t be a prick.  You don’t even know what I need.”

“The answer is still no.” 

Lilith exhaled sharply.  “I’m trying to be nice.  Right now I’m asking.  In a few seconds it will be an order.  Are you sure you want to take me on alone?”

His eyes narrowed as he replied, “As usual, you assume too much.”

“Ah, but this is such a little thing and right up your alley.  Sharelle has a human in her possession that is in need
of help.  This poor young girl--beautiful girl I might add--has no idea where she comes from.  She’s completely lost.”

“And out of your love for humanity, you want to help her?  Your tone is sweet, but the lie drips from your tongue like ichor.”

Her nose wrinkled in disgust.  “How completely vulgar.  Really, Daelen.  I must insist you attempt to at least pretend to be civilized.” 

He grunted and continued to glare at her.

“This one’s special.  There is something completely different about her.  It is possible she is one of yours.”

“Ha!  You go too far, Lilith.  There hasn’t been a druid born since the 1700’s.  What game are you playing?”

She shrugged.  “All I can tell for certain is this: not one of those sent to fill the vessel could enter.  We’ve tried four times.  She remains as she was; lost with little knowledge of who she is or where she came from.”

Daelen searched her face for any trace of dishonesty.  If the girl in question could not be filled
, then something extraordinary was occurring.  But this could be yet another attempt to enlist him in her ranks. 

Lilith watched him closely knowing he’d have no choice but to see the girl.  Even the council leader couldn’t resist what she offered.  “So you’ll join me then?”

“I will see the girl,” he answered.

“And you’ll join me?”

“I will see her.”

She grinned.  He might not have said the words, but he was going to help her.  If the girl was a druid, she would use that to keep him.  Everyone always had a price and he might not think it so, but she knew his.


Remy felt the pressure come upon her as the entity encircled her body
, trying to gain access.  It was important that she allow it to enter, but she didn’t know why.  She took a deep breath and attempted to relax.

A young man in white scrubs tried to soothe her.  “That’s it.  Just let it flow into you.”

The dark entity wrapped around her, pressing tight against her body.  Leaning her head back, she opened her mouth for entry.  Just like the others, it swelled before thinning into a long stream of smoke.  As it poured into her, the sensation of drowning returned.  For just a moment her eyes glowed red.  She blinked.  Without warning, a mass of oily darkness spewed from her mouth.

The young man shook his head saying, “Well at least that one got in.  Maybe the next one will be able to stay.”

Remy remained silent as another wave of nausea flowed through her.  This was so far past ridiculous it wasn’t funny.  Who were these people, and why in the hell was she allowing this in the first place? 

Her mind felt bound as if some unknown force held her thoughts at bay.  Every so often she’d feel the wall move back just a tad and a little more memory would return.  She worked quietly.  Pushing at the bonds, causing them to weaken, she struggled to regain w
hat she’d lost.



Shane glanced at the clock on the wall.  “This is so not good!  There is no reason at all why they should keep her this long.”

Greg pulled the comb from his pocket and ran it through his hair.  “We need to get in there.  We have to abort the original plan.  You’ll have to go alone, Shane.  I’d never make it through.”

“If you don’t stop doing that you’re going to go bald.”  She said shaking her head.  “Besides, it’s getting annoying.”

“Just nervous energy.”

“Take up smoking,” she answered.  Pulling the curtain to t
he side, she peeked out the window for the millionth time.  “Maybe I didn’t do the mind wipe right.  She shouldn’t have been able to remember her name like that.”

Greg returned the comb to his pocket and began pacing the living room floor.  “You did it right.  She had no idea who we were.”

Shane whirled around to face him.  Tears filled her eyes as she spoke.  “Something has gone terribly wrong.  I can feel it.  I didn’t feel right about the wipe to start with.  We shouldn’t have let her go.”

Moving to her, he wrapped his arms around her tiny frame.  “Don’t cry.  This is Remy we’re talking about.  She’s the hard ass, remember?”

Shane sniffed into her brother’s shoulder.  “What if she’s not okay?  What if they’ve killed her?”

Greg patted her head.  “She’s going to be fine.  Come daylight, we’ll go after her.”


The man’s unusual green eyes locked on her.  She felt him enter her mind.  Remy shifted
, causing the paper strip across the examination table to tear.  Her midsection warmed and heat began coursing through her body.  Whatever bound her memory began to dissolve, and a tidal wave of emotion filled her. 

His eyebrows went up.  The surprised expression quickly returned to casual indifference.

Remy’s body tensed.  Her cover blown, she made ready to fight her way out.  Before she could make a move, emotion receded and once again she wondered where she was what she was doing there.

“Well?”  Sharelle asked from the doorway.

Daelen turned to her and shrugged.  “This child has been wiped.”

The blond woman crossed her arms over her chest.  “We know that.  What can you do about it?”

“Do?  I wasn’t asked to do anything.  Your master wanted my opinion.  I gave it to you.  We’re done here,” Daelen answered.

“How dare you?”  Her face relayed the anger inside her.

His lips pulled to the side as he watched Sharelle struggle to contain her emotions.  Like her boss, she wasn’t used to being treated as an equal either.  He was playing a dangerous game, but he would never allow them to think they held power over him.

Smiling now, Sharelle changed tactics.  “Daelen, please.  The Master wants to know what’s going on with this one.  It is my duty to find out.  Isn’t there something you can do?”

One eyebrow rose as he cocked his head to the side.  “Yes, but not alone.  I’ll need at least two others to unlock her mind.”

Relief passed over her face.  “Wonderful!  How long will it take them to get here?  This needs to be addressed immediately.”

“I’m afraid you misunderstand me, they won’t come here.  I must take her to the sacred place.  That is the only way.”

le’s jaw dropped.  “But, but--”

“But nothing.  Do you want my help or not?”

She searched his face for any sign of treachery.  Dropping her gaze to the floor she connected with the Master. 

“Yes.  Whatever he needs to do.  We must find that wiper.  Remind him of his duty a
nd the consequences of betrayal,”
the Master answered.

Once again bringing her gaze to his face, she said, “The Master says to remind you there are consequences for betrayal.”

Daelen smiled and gave her a curt bow.  “You may tell Lilith that I know where my allegiance lies.”

Nodding once, she left the room.

“Well, Miss Remy, it seems we have business to take care of,” he said in a hushed voice.

Remy remained motionless, staring at the man.  She didn’t know why, but she couldn’t leave.  Not yet anyhow.  There was something she was supposed to do first.

Noticing the look on her face, Daelen whispered, “Come little one, you’ll have yourself back shortly.  This is no place for you.”


“Well now, that’s much better, yes?”  Daelen said.

Remy sighed and shook her head.  “What have you done?  You nearly got me killed back there.”

He snickered and patted her hand.  “My dear, you completely underestimate yourself.  You could not possibly have been infiltrated with or without the mind wipe.  Even that wasn’t well executed.  No one can completely restrain the mind of our kind.”

She jerked her hand away.  “You’re crazy.”  Then standing
, she responded, “I suppose I should thank you for getting me out of there.  Even though you nearly blew my cover.  Thank you and have a good day.”  Remy turned and briskly walked away, leaving him to stare after her.

It was obvious he’d brought her to a park, but which one?  L
.A. was full of parks.  She’d need to make it to the street and find a sign to get her bearings.  What was wrong with that guy anyhow?  And how is it the demons seemed afraid of him?  She really should have asked more questions, but she didn’t know how long she’d been gone and Shane and Greg might do something stupid without her there to supervise.

Her pace quickened and soon she exited the park by a road.  Mill Street.  Great!  Only a three mile hike back to the house.  She darted down the sidewalk as the sun began to rise. 
Without any Dren in her system, it would take her at least twenty-five minutes to get home. 



Daelen stood as she walked away.  She must not have felt the mental tag he left in her mind or she wouldn’t have left so quickly.  This was a wonderful
turn of events.  A new warrior and a woman at that.  Yes, things were indeed looking up.  He smiled as he strolled deeper into the park.  After he contacted the others, they’d find little Remy.  With any luck, the other two would have the same potential. 

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