Obsessed (4 page)

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Authors: Bella Maybin

Tags: #thriller, #erotica

BOOK: Obsessed
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The whole thing kind of made me wary around guys. Aside from a couple of random hookups in college, I hadn't really had any men in my life. Truth be told, I think my whole experience growing up gave me a bit of a fetish for bad boys. There just hadn't been any of them around who could help me test the theory out.


Sometimes, when I'm alone at night, I try to think what it would be like to be with an alpha-type. There are fewer and fewer of them out there, it seems. Most guys are too obsessed with their cell phones, or too worried about their own fashion to know how to take charge with a woman.


Just the idea of a rugged, no-nonsense type of man made me tingle. Someone with rough hands and a body, taut and perfectly formed by long hours spent doing manual labor; maybe a firefighter or a military man. Or, even better, someone who lives and plays by his own rules.


I ran my hand down the front of my jeans and squeezed my inner thighs. The scene playing out in my mind caused the warmth to spread and ripple outward from the center of my body. I ached for big, strong arms to carry me to the bedroom, to lay me down and undress me. I wanted to feel a muscular chest and a firm stomach against my soft body.


I slipped my pants off my hips and onto the floor. My underwear was wet and my spot was begging for attention. Visions of a faceless man danced in my head. I rubbed little circles over my clit as the unknown stranger had me do exactly what he wanted.


The ticking clock seemed even louder now, like it was trying to make an angry point. It thudded along with my beating heart as I brought myself to an unsatisfying climax. I stared up at it, wondering about my future.




Shit, my email! The thought hit me like a ton of bricks. The HR lady down at the office told me they might update me on their decision by email I can't believe I forgot to check it. I was so nervous after the interview it must have slipped my mind. I scrambled for the laptop, nearly knocking my coffee off the table in the process.


The blood seemed to shoot through my veins as I waited for the window to load. The worst part about anything is waiting. It doesn't matter if you're waiting for the response on a job application, looking for your test results, or anticipating any kind of important news. The feeling is always the same. It's like hollowness in your stomach that won't go away until you know. I've always envied the people who can compartmentalize things in their life and not worry. Being able to enjoy the little things, without it feeling like the weight of the world is on your shoulders must be quite nice.


After what felt like an eternity, the screen popped up. And of course, there it was. Sender: Mary Hanes, HR Carter and Hughes. Subject: Applicant Notification. I closed my eyes as I clicked on the message.


Ms. Epson:


Thank you for your interest in the Administrative Supervisor position with Carter and Hughes. Over one hundred applications were submitted for review at the beginning of the selection process. As you know, only five applicants, including yourself, were chosen for final interviews. Mr. Carter and Mr. Hughes each found you to be a worthy candidate for the position, and individually wish to thank you for your effort and participation.


However, I regret to inform you that another applicant has been selected for the position. Your current internship is set to continue for the remainder of the fiscal year. You are encouraged by the firm to apply for any future available positions. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.


Mary Hanes, OA

Carter and Hughes


The air went out of my lungs. I read it again to make sure. Depression rolled over me in slow waves. I was
I had it. I never said that, for fear of jinxing it, but I knew I would get it.


I replayed the interview in my head for the millionth time. And for the millionth time, it replayed without misstep. I nailed it. My head began to ache and I fought the urge to break down and cry. If I couldn't land the job after an interview like that, what would I have to do? The thought made me sick to my stomach.


I suddenly had the urge to lash out. I wanted to run...or to break something, I don't know. Without thinking, I grabbed my phone and dialed Brooke's number.




“Hey, Brooke, it's me. Where are you guys?”


“Katie? Oh, we just got Flanagan's...downtown. Why?”


“Because I'm coming to meet you…”


“You are? Oh, awesome! Do you know where it is?”


“Yeah, I'll find it. Let's have some fun tonight.”


“What made you change your-”


“I'm on my way,” I said, hanging up the phone before she could ask again. The tears stung my eyes; I couldn't keep them from rolling down my cheeks. I was determined make myself forget all about this night.


Living in the city had it's merits. It was safe, for the most part, as long as you knew where not to walk. After pulling out the most revealing dress my closet had to offer, I threw on a quick touch up of makeup and made my way downstairs. According to the GPS, I was only four blocks from the bar.


The walk would be just what I needed: a chance to get some cold air and let some of the angry energy burn off. At that moment, I committed to not wasting one more thought on the job. There was no way I was going to let it detract from my night. For too long, I had been conservative, always trying to do the right things. I never had late nights out before work. I never got involved in anything exciting or dangerous. I always played it safe, and for what? To stay competitive in a field I never really enjoyed anyway? No more. Not tonight. Tonight I'm open to anything.


The majority of the people were just beginning to roll in, but the place was already crowded.


“Hey Katie! Over here!” said Brooke. She was waving me over and smiling. “We just got here. I'm so glad you changed your mind.”


There was a live band on the stage in the corner. The song they were playing was an old hit, but I couldn't place it.


“Here!” said Jenn. “I got you a drink.” She handed me a plastic cup filled with a bright blue liquid.


“What is it?” I asked. They giggled and nudged each other.


“Just drink it, you'll love it!” Jenn yelled over the music. “After one of those, you won't care what's in it, you'll just ask me for another one.”


There was a tall guy in a brown jacket eying her from across the bar. “Looks like you've got an admirer,” I said, nodding in his direction.


“Shhh, shhh, don't look,” they both laughed.


“He's been eye-humping Jenn since we walked in,” said Brooke.


“He's pretty cute,” I said. “Are you gonna go talk to him?”


“Nope,” she said. “I'm going to dance, and then he's going to come talk to me.” Jenn grabbed my arm and pulled me toward the stage where the dance floor was. My first inclination was to fight it and tell her I would dance later, but then I remembered my promise to myself that I wouldn't say no tonight.


As Jenn and I danced to the band's version of some top forty hit, I surveyed the room. There were a number of good looking guys in the bar, but most were of the typical variety: modern looks, expensive clothes, and aloof attitudes. And they ALL sported pants tighter than me or any of my girlfriends would be comfortable wearing. Except for Jenn's admirer. He sat confidently at the end of the bar, never letting his eyes drift far from Jenn. Every once in a while, he would take a long slow drink from his beer, and then nod to the bartender for another.


I have to admit, I was a little bit jealous he wasn't paying any attention to me. But, he looked like the kind of guy that would go for Jenn. His dark hair was slicked and he had a short growth of beard. There always seemed to be a little smirk playing on his lips. He kept watching Jenn, careless of anyone else around him.


“This is great,” Jenn said. “See I told you it would be fun.”


I smiled. “I know, I love it. He's still looking at you, you know that, right?”


“Watch this,” she said. With both hands, she grabbed around my waist and pulled my body against hers. Her pelvis pushed hard into my hip as she wiggled and bumped against me. I did my best to hide my nerves. I wasn't the most experienced dancer, but I worked to help her put on a show. She turned and bent over in front of me, then stood and wildly flipped her hair back into my face. I ran my hands over her sides as we swayed together and giggled. As the song came to an end, she turned and bit lightly on my neck. We were both hot and sweaty. “Do you think that will get him?” she whispered in my ear.


“I think that will get them all,” I said. We leaned on each other for support, laughing our way back to the bar.


“Damn!” said Brooke. “Look at you two. I don't think we'll have to pay for a drink for the rest of the night after that little show.”


“That's good,” said Jenn, “because there are still a lot of drinks in our future.”


It felt good to be in the middle of so many people. My face was flushed and the energy of the room had my whole body humming. Jenn shoved another blue drink into my hand. “One more and you'll be caught up with us.”


“Mmmmmm, look, he's coming!” said Brooke.


He moved easily across the room. Wearing a dark brown jacket over worn jeans, he definitely looked to be a working man. He was nothing like the rest of the hipsters filling the bar. His cool blue eyes remained fixed on Jenn. The smirk was now more pronounced on his lips, like he was withholding a special secret.


The mysterious man met us at the bar. They way he approached made me feel like he owned the place.


“Nice of you to join us,” Jenn said. “I thought you were just going to stare all-” he stopped her mid-sentence with a hard look. He didn't say anything, but he didn't have to. His
said “shut up.”


He took Jenn by the wrist and turned her hand, palm side up, all the while, never breaking eye contact. Then, he placed a small white card in her hand and closed her fingers over it. Finally, he broke the tension with the flash of a brilliant smile, before turning his gaze to me. His eyes dropped to my toes and slowly moved up the length of my body. I had the uncontrollable urge to shift from one foot to the other. It felt like he was stripping the clothes from me. It was terrifying but exhilarating. His mere presence held a scary amount of power.


Without a word, he slipped away from us and out the door. We were all left watching, speechless.


“What is it?” said Brooke.


“Huh,” said Jenn. Her mouth was slightly agape and she was still looking toward the door.


“That card he gave you, what is it?”


As if snapping herself out of a trance she shook her head and looked down at her hand. “Oh.” She held the card up for us to see.


It was blank, aside from a small line of text printed in very small, neat characters.


“It's an address,” I said. And that, indeed, was all it was.


“What? An address?” said Brooke. “What does that mean? That was weird, he didn't even say anything.”


“Yeah, but did you see him? He was gorgeous.” said Jenn.


“Let me see it,” I said. I snatched the card from her fingers. “It says 481 Breakwater Road.”


“What is that?” said Brooke. “I've never even heard of that.”


I punched the address into the search bar of my phone. The results showed a place several miles from the city. “It looks like...it's a bar,” I said, trying to study the lines on my phone. “It's out in the county, on the edge, according to the map.”


“That doesn't make any sense,” Jenn said. “He wasn't like, a club promoter, was he?”


“No way,” said Brooke. “He definitely didn't have that look. Besides, Katie said the place is way out of town. Nobody promotes for places way out there.”


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