Obsessed (17 page)

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Authors: Bella Maybin

Tags: #thriller, #erotica

BOOK: Obsessed
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I jumped on all fours at the base of the couch and shook my butt at him.  He came after me and I scrambled away, laughing.  He caught me as I was trying to climb over the arm of the couch.


“You’re not going anywhere, young lady.”


He threw me on to the couch.  My head came to rest on the cushion.  If felt good to stretch my legs out and lay down beneath him.  He again entered my mouth.  His hand dragged between my breasts and down my belly.  His fingers walked down my hip and along the crease of my leg until they reached my wanting vagina.  The wet surface allowed him to glide over me, then softly slip a finger inside.  I hummed until a soft sound came from my throat and vibrated around him.


James rubbed me eagerly.  His touch was forceful and it made me writhe against the soft material.  I wanted to wiggle my way
the couch to escape the intensity.  He worked another of his strong fingers in me.  Each penetration went deeper as I spread to accept him.


Without a word, he moved from my head, to my middle, where his tongue joined his fingers in a dance on my sensitive area.  Quick, angry flicks of his tongue met my clit while he continued to punish me with his fingers.  Over and over again he went inside me.  It was like he knew what I wanted before I did.  Each time sped up his pace, or slightly repositioned his mouth on me, it was perfect.  The ecstasy was giving me tunnel vision.  I felt like the walls were closing in around me as I came.  It was as if the world went silent for just a second.


“Uhhhhhooh, James,” I moaned.  “I’m cu-, I’m cumm-, mmm.”


My hips reflexively twitched and gyrated in the aftermath of the big wave.  He slowed his pace and began sucking and biting at the small space under my belly button.  His hand drifted down my leg and he massaged little circles in the crease at the back of my knee.


The way he pressed on lit another fire inside of me.  I looked down to see his still pulsing member, stiff against the couch.  I put my feet in the air and rolled back onto my shoulders.  He took the invitation to sit down next to me.  Once he was in place, I threw a leg over him, straddling his cock.  I started to ease on to it, but he grabbed my hips and forced me down, hard.


“Mmmahh,” I tried to stifle my yelp.  He was too big to take that way, but it made me happy that he liked me so much, he couldn’t go slower.


“Ride it,” he demanded, as his head lolled back.


And I did.  I put my hips and lower back through a workout like never before.  I rolled onto him, then backed off and danced on his tip.  Each time I came down, I could take him a little deeper.  Then he started to work.  He grabbed my sides and shoved me down on him as he thrust his hips up.  He bounced me on his cock like we were made to go together.  Nobody had ever fucked me like this.


I shoved my breasts in his face until he let go of my waist and cupped them.  They filled his palms.  He squeezed me gently and again brought me to his mouth.  I tried to concentrate on the rhythm of the sex as he sucked on me.


We rolled.  Me back, and him forward, until he was on top.  I was now adjusted to his size, and every stroke filled me with more lust.  He pumped himself into me while using a thumb to work my clit.  Another toe-curling orgasm was on its way.


I could feel him reaching the crescendo, as well.  He took me by the heels and pushed my feet as close to my head as they would go.  With better leverage, he fucked me harder.  I moved my hands from between my legs so I could feel the taut stomach under his shirt.  I rubbed all over him and tried to reach for his pecs.  He hammered into me like a piston.  Never failing, and never slowing down.


“Let’s finish together, baby.” I cried.


He grunted and bit down on my neck.  Everything inside me blew when he pressed close and his pelvis brushed my clit.  We came together as the world popped around us.  My legs shook involuntarily and I could feel his hot, warm juices flow into me.  His body contorted one last time.  Mine relaxed and fell in complete exhaustion.


James rolled to his side.  We draped our arms over each other and kept silent.  There was barely enough room on my little couch for the both of us.




He couldn’t stay.  At least that’s what he told me, and I believed him.  It was still too dangerous.  They were still looking for him.  He had to go before the sun came up.  Part of me wonders if we’ll ever have anything
  Another part of me hopes we don’t.  I’m starting to crave the excitement.




James rode toward home.  He was clear of the city, and daylight was just starting to break through the night.  He loved this time of morning.  After a long night, it made him feel like he had gotten away with something.  The sensation was like nothing else.  The few short hours before the world woke up felt like precious time.  He wished he could live in it forever.


The highway way empty.  James turned the throttle and rocketed forward.  The cold moved out of his way, the sound of his engine echoed for miles.




His complex was dark and sort of dingy, but it was quiet.  James had enough chaos in his life, and he didn’t want it to extend to home.  It was true, he had spent the majority of his time at the clubhouse, anyway, but he liked keeping this place as a retreat.  It looked scummy, but there was never any drama here.  No arguments in the street, no drug deals in the lot, and most importantly no cops.  Ever.  It was like he stumbled upon a place for people just like him.  People who wanted to escape the world and just be left alone.  People who didn’t care to bother with anyone else.


He kicked the stand down on his bike and balanced it in front of his unit.  His problems were only beginning, but for the first time in a while, James felt relaxed.  He hadn’t really meant to wake Katie, but once he got there and checked on the place, he wanted to talk to her.


James unlocked the door and pushed it open.  There were no lights outside, but he didn’t need any.  He could find his way around the place with his eyes closed.  In fact, he preferred the cover of darkness.


The air in his apartment smelled stale.  That was often the case though, as he frequently went long gaps without staying there.  The plan was to pick up a few things and get back to the hideout.  A couple of undershirts, his holster, and a stack of cash he had hidden in his hollow bed post.  It was only about twenty-three hundred dollars, but it would be enough to get him out of town in a hurry if need be.


As he crossed the room toward the hallway, James tripped on something in the middle of his floor.  It was pitch black, he couldn’t see a thing.  He knew where everything was in the apartment, down to broken wall clock that had been sitting on his coffee table for the past six months.  There shouldn’t have been anything there.  Alarm bells went off in his head.


James shuffled his feet until he reached the wall.  He drew his pistol and peered down the hallway.  Every instinct he had was screaming that something was off.  Crouching down, he edged around the corner.  If anyone was still in his apartment, it would make sense that there would be a light on somewhere, but there were none.  He decided to play it safe and clear the whole house before he touched any light switch.  He would at least keep the familiarity of home turf his advantage if someone was there.


Silent footfalls followed as he crept along.  He reached the first bedroom and peered in.  He could sense it was empty.  Continuing toward the back, he listened carefully.  There wasn’t a sound.  The back room and the bathroom were clear.  Nobody under the bed or behind the shower curtain.  James remained stealth-like as he moved back toward the kitchen.  His eyes had adjusted better at this point, and he could see it was empty.


Finally able to exhale, James felt along the wall until his fingers found the switch.  An upward flick lit up the room.  While scanning for anything out of place, his eyes came to rest on the object on the floor, the object which had originally tripped him up.  His eyes fixated on it.  Anger rose inside of him.  Sitting in the middle of his floor was the severed head of his good friend Charlie.




Beep boop.  Beep boop.
  Ugh.  Who has the nerve to call me at six-thirty in the morning?  My eyes felt like the were glued shut.  It had only been a few hours since I drifted off to sleep thinking about James.  It had been the most gratifying, restful sleep, too.  My thoughts of him, turned to dreams of him.  They kept away the nightmares I’ve been having.


Beep boop.  Beep boop.
  I didn’t have to look at it.  Probably Mom.  Damnit! 
Just leave me alone for a little while
.  It stopped, and I said a silent thank you to whoever was looking out for my tired eyes.


And then it started again. 
Beep boop.
  The phone vibrated, as if taunting me, from my nightstand. 
Somebody better be dead
, I thought as I reached for it.




“I’m not gonna be around anymore.”


My eyes shot open.  It was James.


“Huh?  What do you mean?  Are you okay?”


“Listen to me,” he said.  “You don’t need to ask me any questions.  The only reason I’m calling is to let you know I won’t be here anymore.  I just didn’t want you to get hung up on me.”


“You can’t tell me not to ask you any questions!  You can’t just tell me you’re leaving and I’m not allowed to know why!”


“It’s for your own-”


“Bullshit.  You keep telling me that.  I’m an adult, and I can make my own decisions.  Now tell me what you’re talking about!”


James sighed into the phone.  He held a long pause.


“Okay,” he said.  “They killed my friend…the one who was going to make everything right with the E.G.”


“What?  The people who took me?”


“No.  It’s more complicated than that.  It was a message to me.  I’m next.”


“James, I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”


“It doesn’t matter,” he cleared his throat.  “It doesn’t matter.  The fact is, I’m going after ‘em.  And I probably won’t make it out alive.  Even if I do, they’re not gonna stop lookin’ for me, so I’ll have to disappear.”


“And what about me?” I asked.


“This is
about you,” he said.  “This is all for you, and I wouldn’t change it.  But now we go our separate ways.  It’s the safest way.”


“I don’t care about safe!  I want to go with you!”


He chuckled into the phone.  “You’ve got some courage in you, that’s for sure.  But the life’s not for you.  It’s rough.  It’s not pretty on the road.  Especially on the run.”


“It’s what I want!” I protested.  “Take me.  I’m serious.  Take me with you.  I’m done with my life here.  I promise, I won’t regret it.”


James hesitated.  He was looking for a way to deny me.


“You said this was about me.  Then let me go with you.  It’s my choice!”  I was on the verge of tears.  I didn’t even think about the words coming out of my mouth.  They were from the heart, and I knew what I wanted.


He didn’t answer, but I could hear his heavy breath.


“James...I can do it...let me help…”


“Alright,” he said finally.  “But we’re gonna need a plan.”




It wasn’t easy keeping up.  My crappy, late model sedan chugged dutifully along, though, as I tried to hold him in view.


His machine was a beautiful combination of steel and chrome.  The loud pipes protruding from the back rumbled upon each acceleration.  I wasn’t sure, exactly, what I was doing.  I just knew it felt right.


We hatched our scheme in the heat of the moment.  It was one of those things that started out as a crazy idea, then got serious in a hurry.  James resisted at first.  He didn’t want me to come along.  The thought of bringing me anywhere near danger made him resist angrily.  It took some convincing, but, finally, he conceded that he couldn’t do it alone.

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