Now and Forever 5, Love's Journey (12 page)

Read Now and Forever 5, Love's Journey Online

Authors: Jean C. Joachim

Tags: #romance, #romantic suspense, #love story, #contemporary romance, #steamy love story

BOOK: Now and Forever 5, Love's Journey
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“Not exactly.” Peter crossed and uncrossed
his legs

“I thought I heard feminine laughter from
here.” She grabbed the coffee pot.

“My teaching assistant stopped by. We were
going over some slides,” he said, taking a bite of his buttered

“At night? In your home? Alone?” she asked,
a tinge of jealousy in her voice.

“What do you care what I do? We’re only
friends, remember?”

“You’re sleeping with other women?” She
stopped buttering the toast.

“You didn’t sleep with your teaching
assistant, did you?” Sam asked.

“None of your business, either of you. You
only want to be friends, so I can sleep with anyone I want.”

“Time for me to go,” she said, in a tight
voice, moving toward the living room.

Peter grabbed her arm.

“Wait. Can we talk?”

Sam got up and, with a sigh of disgust, went
into his room.

She sat down again, facing away from

“Isn’t there something, some middle ground
between only friends and sleeping together? Can’t we maybe date or
something?” Peter asked, placing his hands on her shoulders.

“Maybe. But it has to be exclusive.”

“I don’t want anyone but you anyway.” He
sighed and sank down on the sofa next to her.

“Is that true?”

“I wasn’t going to tell you…I didn’t sleep
with Amy—I probably could have, but I didn’t…didn’t want to.”

“Then you’ve got a deal.”

“There’s a classical music concert on campus
tomorrow. Will you go with me?”

She nodded.

Lara got up to leave. She hugged Peter at
the door, not realizing he was bare-chested. At first she was
surprised, then she rested her cheek on his chest, her fingers
digging into the muscles of his back. He wrapped his arms around

“Thanks for breakfast,” he muttered.

She nodded, pulled away and returned


* * * *


Sam’s humming and whistling after his shower
on Saturday morning made Peter wonder.

“What’s up?” Peter wandered into his
father’s room.

“I’m going out.” Sam slipped on socks then
went to the closet.

“Another date with Pat?” Peter toyed with
the comb and brush on Sam’s dresser.

“If you must know.” Sam selected a shirt,
pants and a sports jacket.

“What’s so special about this date?”

Sam blushed and shook his head. “Nothing. I
like being with her, that’s all,” he said, laying out the pants on
the bed while he slipped the shirt over his shoulders.

“Yeah? You’ve got your best summer shirt on.
What are you two doing today?”

“Going to a crafts fair and making dinner
together at her house. Nothing special.”

“It seems very special to me. Wearing your
best clothes to a crafts fair? What else…maybe something Pat
doesn’t know about?” Peter teased, his eyes dancing.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,”
Sam said, buttoning his shirt and trying to ignore his son.

“Come on, Dad. You can’t fool me. You know
exactly what I’m talking about. Do I detect seduction in the air?”
Peter continued, grinning.

“Unlike you, I don’t trick women into bed,”
Sam said, tucking his shirt into his pants.

“I don’t trick women into bed…they want to
be there with me. What should I do, kick ’em out? What about

“None of your business, Pete. Why do I have
to repeat myself? Now you’re spoiling my good mood. Don’t you have
something to do…some maiden to deflower?” his father asked, growing
irritable and snatching his comb from Peter.

“So today’s the big day for you two, eh?
Congratulations, Dad, another notch on your belt,” Peter said with
a wicked smile, backing toward the door.

Sam got red in the face.

“You’re impossible. I’m not going to dignify
that with a response,” he shouted.

“You always say that when I’m right. Have a
good time, Dad. I won’t worry if you don’t come home tonight.”
Peter snickered and left the room quickly.


* * * *


Pat was wearing a pink tank top layered over
a coral one, both were low cut, a gauzy white skirt and comfortable
slip-on shoes. The crafts fair was located on a grassy field near
Linden Lake. All the booths had white canvas tops resembling giant
vanilla ice cream cones dotting the green grass. It was a perfect
day, the sun was out and the air was dry.

The smells of cooking sausage and caramel
apples filled the air. Attractive displays of landscape paintings,
unique earrings and bracelets, hand-made quilts and funky hats drew
a growing crowd. As they walked into the crafts fair, Sam felt
overwhelmed with all the colors, clothing, pottery and jewelry. Pat
took his hand and directed him toward the booths housing her
friends’ works.

“We have to look for Angela’s booth. She
makes gorgeous quilts. And there’s Auggie who paints scarves. I
always buy one from him. Last time I was here I met Hannah and Mark
who create fragrant soaps…I’m sorry, I’m babbling. I have friends
who sell here and I like to support them,” she said, her energy and
enthusiasm lighting up her face.

Pat took Sam to every booth where she knew
the vendor. He bought something at each one, a new scarf for Pat, a
necklace for Callie and fragrant soap in animal shapes for Kitty
and Jason. One jewelry booth had a stunning blue topaz pendant on a
white gold chain. Pat was dazzled, but it was too expensive.

“Patsy, let me buy this for you.” Sam
reached into his back pocket.

“It’s a rip-off, Sam. No.” She put her hand
on his arm.

“Maybe a little high-priced, but it looked
so beautiful on you.”

“I’m sure there is something else
comparable…let’s keep walking.”

She took his arm and steered him on giving
the vendor a chilly smile.

Pat showed Sam off, introducing him to all
her friends before they took a break for coffee and homemade

“You have a lot of friends, Patsy,” Sam
said, taking a bite of a chocolate croissant.

“I admire artistic people. I don’t have any
artistic ability,” she said, sipping coffee from a Styrofoam

Three hours later they returned to Pat’s
house. Sam took off his shoes and rested his feet on the ottoman
while Pat mixed some drinks and brought out cheese and crackers.
She set the casserole she concocted early in the morning on the
counter then went to stow her purchases.

They took their time over dinner.

“This is delicious, Patsy. What’s in

“A few secret ingredients.” Her gaze
connected with his.

“Not sharing, huh?” He grinned at her

“Then you’ll have to come back here to have
it again.” She smiled at him flirtatiously.

“That’s not my only reason for coming

“I should hope not!”

Sam took her hand in his. He lifted it to
his lips. “I had a wonderful time today. Loved meeting your
friends, Patsy.”

“They liked you too.”

“But it’s best to be back here…alone with

Sam’s gaze rested on Pat’s cleavage. He
caressed her palm with his thumb, igniting a small flame of desire
in her. They toasted with wine Sam bought from a local vintner at
the fair and gazed lovingly at each other over the small table.

After dinner, Pat retired to the kitchen
sink to do the dishes. Sam helped. When she was drying her hands on
the dishtowel, he came up behind her and put his arms around her
waist. His hands slid up to cradle her breasts, his fingertips
brushing the bare skin revealed by her low-cut neckline as he
leaned over and kissed her neck. He whispered in her ear, “Give
yourself to me, Patsy. I’ll take good care of you,” he said, his
lips raining soft kisses down her neck.

Excitement surged in her body at his touch
making her giddy, like a virgin about to have her first sexual
experience. She turned around and he folded her into his arms.

She closed her eyes and melted into his
embrace. His mouth came down on hers gently, his lips coaxing. At
the touch of his tongue, Pat opened her lips to him. His tongue
caressed hers while he massaged her breast. Feelings long dormant
in Pat leapt to life. Desire grew where it had been lacking for

Sam’s fingers pulled the strap of her tank
top down. His lips kissed a hot trail down her shoulder to her
breast as his thumb stroked her peak. Heat spread from her chest to
her hips. His lips followed his hand. She gasped as heat became
wildfire racing through her veins. She took his hand and led him
into the bedroom.

Sam pulled off his shirt, then eased her
tank tops up over her head. She unbuckled his belt and he took off
his pants, then slid her skirt down.

“Wow, Patsy!” Sam said when he saw her in
her lacy pink bra and matching panties. His eyes almost burned
through the thin fabric.

Pat smiled and blushed. When he pulled her
to him for another passionate kiss, she could feel his arousal. He
reached behind her and easily unfastened her bra. It slid to the
floor. Then he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of her panties
and eased them down. He shoved his boxers to the floor.

“You are beautiful.” His gaze raked over her

Before shyness overwhelmed her, she stepped
into his embrace. She ran her hands up his chest, which was
stronger than she expected. His fine salt and pepper chest hair was
soft. He closed his eyes and smiled at the touch of her fingertips.
His shoulders were broad and his arms were strong. She curled her
fingers around his biceps, the thrill of his strength feeding the
ache growing inside her. His mouth came down passionately on hers.
He put his hands on her waist and pulled her closer to him,
crushing her breasts against his chest. His mouth and his growing
erection demanded surrender.

He lowered her down on the bed, lying down
next to her. His mouth and hands found her breasts and he slowly
fanned the spark of desire into a blazing fire inside her with his
lips and tongue.

“Great breasts,” he whispered, gazing at

He kissed her neck, her shoulders and her
stomach. His breath was coming much quicker now. His hand slid down
between her legs. She drew in her breath and tensed. He stopped and
looked into her eyes.

“Are you okay?”

“Fine…it’s…it’s…been a long time,” she said

She relaxed as his fingers gently searched
for her most responsive spot while his lips tantalized her breast.
When he touched the right place, Pat squirmed a bit and moaned. Pat
moved her hand down his chest to his stomach and below, wrapping
her hand around him. She was surprised to find how aroused he was.
He groaned.

“I need you, Patsy,” he muttered into her

He increased his gentle pressure on her
slick, sensitive flesh until she called out for him, the fire
inside threatening to consume her. He slipped one finger inside her
then another. Her senses were on overload, she couldn’t focus on
anything but his hands, lips and tongue. Her excitement spiraled
higher and higher as he increased the movement of his fingers. With
eyes hot with passion, Sam watched her face beautifully lost in her
need for him.

“Oh my God…Sam,” she breathed, her fingers
gripping his shoulders.

Before they both lost control, Sam
positioned himself between her legs, pulled her knees to her chest
and entered her slowly. Feeling her tight, moist grip he closed his
eyes for a second and muttered her name. Their eyes connected. Then
he started moving inside her, slowly increasing his pace until she
closed her eyes while her hips followed his, her fingers digging
into his back and shoulders, as the intensity skyrocketed through
her body, melting into waves of pleasure. She cried out. Through
her fingers she felt Sam’s body tense as he drove into her several
times then groaned loudly. Her chest rose and fell rapidly as Sam
nuzzled her neck.

Sam kissed her shoulder. Pat hadn’t expected
anything so intense and wonderful. Her heart opened. She put her
arms around his neck and kissed his rough cheek tenderly. Sam had
opened the door to her passionate self, a door that had been closed
for a long time.

“That was amazing…incredible…I never—” Pat

Sam’s mouth came down tenderly on hers,
stopping conversation. When his head came up he whispered to her,
“Patsy, sweetheart, you were worth waiting for.”

He sat up and ran his hand over her cheek
then down over her breast to her waist. She cupped his cheek with
one hand. Their eyes connected. Pat saw the intensity in Sam’s eyes
soften with desire and satisfaction. She sighed and retreated to
the bathroom.

While Pat was in the bathroom, Sam went to
his coat pocket. When she came out, he drew her to him, putting his
arm around her.

“I bought you a little gift to commemorate
our first time…together,” Sam said, opening his hand to reveal the
blue topaz pendant she admired at the craft fair.

“Oh, Sam! You’re…you’re too much! How did
you know I’d want to make love tonight?”

“I didn’t know. I was hoping.”

“You didn’t pay that horrendous price for
this?” she asked him, a frown forming on her lips.

“I managed to get her to take a little off,
but only because I knew you wouldn’t want it at the full price. I
didn’t care if I paid double. It looked beautiful on you and I
wanted you to have it,” he said, opening the clasp.

“That’s so sweet,” she said and started to

“Hey…what’s this?” He pulled her into his
arms and held her tight, while she struggled to regain her

“I haven’t had such generosity from a man in
a long time,” she said, wiping her eyes.

“You deserve it…and more, Patsy,” Sam said,
stroking her back.

Pat lay back on the bed, fisted the covers
and pulled them up over her. Sam stood up and reached for his

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