NorthangerAlibiInterior (26 page)

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“So instead, you made me suffer? And stress and worry and go crazy for days, wondering if you hated me?”

Tony’s eyes sparkled. “Did you really go crazy worrying about me?”

I put my hands on my hips. “Do you think this is funny?”

He chuckled and slipped his hands through my elbows, then wrapped his arms around my waist again. “Has anyone ever told you you’re cute when you’re mad?”

Instantly, Jaden flashed through my mind, and I jerked away. I knew I was overreacting and wasn’t thinking rationally, but it was like my body had taken on a mind of its own.
We need space,
I thought. I tilted my chin up and walked past him into the small living room we reserved for guests. When I turned around, ready to do battle, I saw that Tony was still in the same spot in the hallway. His arms were folded across his chest, and his grin was really beginning to grate on my nerves.

“So, is this what the werewolf had to deal with?” he asked teasingly.

“The werewolf? Of all the—!”

“Oh, don’t mind Claire,” my mom said as she entered the room. “She’s always been a bit high maintenance.”

Good grief.
“I have not, Mom! For crying out loud, where did that come from?”

“See what I mean?” she called over to Tony and then waved her hand, beckoning him to come into the room. “Don’t worry, though. Her bark is way sharper than her bite.”

“Interesting metaphor.” He chuckled as he sauntered into the room. “If I didn’t know better, I’d wonder if she was a vampire, or a werewolf.”

I glared. He smiled.

“So, Tony,” Mom interrupted. “I didn’t really get a chance to talk to you earlier. I’d love to get to know you. How about we chat while Claire’s eating in the kitchen?” My mom sat down on the couch and gave me the “leave now” look.

“Sure.” He shrugged and then promptly sat down on the chair across from her. “What do you want to know?”

I frowned. “Are you kidding?”

Tony and my mom both blinked at me.

I rolled my eyes. “Fine, get to know him. Just remember, he came here to see

“See what I mean?” Mom smiled. “High maintenance. Now go eat your breakfast, dear.”

As if I am ten years old. Grr.
Put in my way “overly reactive” place, I marched into the kitchen and tried to eat something.

Knowing my mom, she was probably giving him the third degree, and that made me vengefully happy.
Good! Tony needs to go through something painful.
After I tossed my gum, I grabbed an apple and started munching. I can’t believe he didn’t call me.
The punk!
In disgust, I slumped down on the stool by the counter.

“Oh. My. Gosh!” Cassidy said as she skittered into the kitchen. “Is that Jackson with Mom in the living room?”

“Yeah,” I grumbled.

“Holy back-flippin’ cow! When did he get here?” I watched as she glanced at her reflection in the double-oven door and ran her fingers through her hair.

“I don’t know.” I took another bite. “Gee, Cass. You don’t have to get that excited about it.”

“Are you kidding me?” She flipped around and stared at me hard. “What’s got you all snippety?”

“Just that he’s—”

“You know what? I don’t want to know what it was. If you don’t want that guy, just tell me now.”

My jaw dropped, and a piece of apple fell out of my mouth.

“Eew.” She grimaced.

“What about Ethan?” I asked, shocked that she was even interested in Tony.

“Um, ’kay. Claire?” Cassidy acted like I was two. “Jackson Russolini is in our house.
In our house.
To see you
YOU! And, um, in case you haven’t noticed, the guy is hot—like seriously hot. I don’t care who you are or who you’re going with, you’d dump him if Jackson was looking twice at you.”

“Are you nuts? I wouldn’t.”

It was her turn to look shocked. “You’re actually serious? You wouldn’t dump your boyfriend to go out with Jackson?”

“No.” I looked at her with a sneer. “I don’t actually base my opinion of guys on who they are. It’s more on how they act.”

Cassidy put her hands on her hips. “Please. And what has Jackson done to you, anyway?”

“Well, he didn’t—”

“Oh, wait! I know. Was it him leaving California early to come and check on you that made you mad?”

“What? No. It was—”

“Or was it the extra-expensive tickets he had to buy just to get a last-minute flight?”

“Whatever.” I looked away from her.

“Or . . . ooh! Maybe it was the hours he spent in layovers that got you upset?”

She’s never going to get it. Ever.
I dropped my head into my hands.

Cassidy walked up to the counter and said quietly, “Possibly it was the surprise appearance he made at your house to let you know in person how much he loves you. Would you rather he just texted you from Cali, then?”

“Leave me alone, Cass,” I mumbled into my arms.

“You know what? You don’t know a good thing when you’ve got it.” Her voice rose. “I’m serious! Any girl would
to have Jackson Russolini in her house with her, and instead you’re in here, sulking in the kitchen.”

I lifted my head. “I’m not sulk—”

“Whatever. You’re not even worthy enough to be Jackson’s girlfriend.”

“I don’t want to be Jackson’s girlfriend!” I snapped. “I don’t even want Jackson, okay? I want Tony. TONY! That’s the guy I’m in love with. Yeah, Jackson’s cool and all, but he’s nothing. He’s a shell, Cassidy, like Edward—fake! Tony is real, and he’s amazing, and he cares about things and people, but mostly he cares if people see him for who he really is. I can’t believe—”

I felt large, warm arms wrap around my shoulders and pull me back into a firm chest. “Which is why I don’t deserve you.” His deep voice surrounded my head.

With a gasp, I watched as Cassidy forced her mouth closed.

“I’m sorry you were worried.” Tony kissed the top of my head. “I’m sorry you suffered.” I felt another kiss on my head—closer to my brow this time. “I’m sorry you stressed over me.”

I smiled softly as Tony’s hands captured each side of my face and tilted my head back. I closed my eyes. He pressed his lips to the middle of my forehead and then huskily whispered, “I’m sorry I made you go crazy for days wondering if I hated you.” He kissed my forehead again. “I don’t hate you.” He kissed the tip of my nose. “I love you.” He tilted my head farther back, cradling it with his chest and hands. “Do you know why I love you?”

Grinning, I shook my head slightly, my eyes still closed.

“I love you because you’re ornery and tough and funny and imaginative and sweet and caring and real. But mostly I love you because you love me. The real me.” Then his lips caught mine—my nose skimming his chin—in the most romantic, un-book-like kiss ever.

My heart melted, and I smiled big as he pulled away.

Cassidy cleared her throat. “Ahem. So, um, I’m gonna head out of here. You two, uh, carry on without me, okay?”

Tony and I both laughed as he released my head, and I twisted around in my seat to see him better.

“Sorry,” I said to Cass, but I was practically giggling up at my guy.

“Yeah, yeah, I can tell you’re as remorseful as you can be,” she muttered as she made her exit.

I liked the way Tony’s eyes continued to roam over my face, never once looking at my sister. After she’d left, my eyes locked with his, and I said quietly, “Forgiven.”

It was as if a whole weight of worry flew from his shoulders. He took a deep breath and shook his head. “What am I going to do with you?”

I bit my lip and peeked flirtatiously up at him from under my eyelashes. “Uh, kiss me again?”

“Done.” He leaned forward and set another swift kiss on my lips. “But I didn’t mean that. I meant, what am I going to do when I’m with you every day?”

“With me every day? What are you saying?”

He grinned and put his hands in his pockets, focusing on his shoes a moment before bringing his gaze back up at me. “I’m saying that my family has debated retiring early and moving from Seattle to a smaller town, to escape the press and gain some sanity again.”


“I was told to look around and choose somewhere quiet to live.”

“Oh my gosh! Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” I stood up.

“Yeah, I am.”

“But what about Nora? Wouldn’t she rather stay in Seattle? What about your parents?”

He placed his hands on my shoulders. “Nora’s already texted me to say she’d never forgive me if I didn’t pick Farmington. And I think my parents have counted on me coming here, since this is sort of like an olive branch of sorts. They’ve spent the last three days on the phone with the Hadleys and are really warming up to the idea. Roger and Darlene are ecstatic at the thought of having their friends so close. As far as I know, they’ve already planned trips and everything. So really, the only person I need to ask is you.”

“Wow. You’d be living—wow! You’re serious?”

Tony nodded. “But I come with a price. You saw what happened in Seattle. I can’t guarantee no one will know who I am here. It could get crazy again. Are you—could you handle that?” He bit his lip and looked so worried and adorably cute.

Laughing, I threw my arms around his waist and willed my stupid tears to stay put. “Yes!”
Come to Farmington!

“You’re sure it’ll be okay? I mean, you’re sure you don’t have another werewolf boyfriend here you don’t want me to know about?”

“Ugh! Whatever.”

“Okay, just checking.” He chuckled before asking, “So, where’s your dad? I’ve met your mom, but I’m thinking it’s about time I start getting to know the family. He doesn’t have a shotgun, does he?”

“Nope. But I’m sure they’ll make you go through the
Dating Ritual before we go out.”

“What? The one Darlene did was fake?”

“No worries. A guy who can sing in front of thousands of people? When it comes to my mom and dad, it’s in the bag.”

“I’m not so sure about that. I mean, you got your orneriness from somewhere.”

“You know, you’re lucky I’m really happy right now.”

“So that’s the secret—keep her happy and you won’t get mutilated.”


“Done.” Tony leaned in and kissed me again.

I was happy. Very, very happy.

Isn’t life crazy sometimes? It’s amazing the way it can throw you a whole slew of curveballs without you even realizing it. I needed a wake-up call. I needed to find out what everyone around me already knew—that reality is way better than anything I’d ever find in a book. After all, real life can be far superior. Believe me, I know!

About the Author

Jenni James is a busy mom of seven children who is married to a totally hot Air Force recruiter. When she isn’t busy chasing her kids around the house, she’s dreaming of new romantic books to write.
Northanger Alibi
is the second book in Jenni’s series, The Jane Austen Diaries. The first book in the series,
Pride & Popularity,
was released by Inkberry Press in August 2011. The third book,
will be released in summer 2012.

To find out more about The Jane Austen Diaries or Jenni’s other projects, please visit her website,, or her Facebook page, Author Jenni James. She loves to hear from her readers and may be contacted at [email protected].


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