NoEasyWayOut (8 page)

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Authors: Tara Tennyson

BOOK: NoEasyWayOut
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The sensations powered through her, leaving her helplessly
forcing herself against his mouth, pushing herself into his mouth again and
again, moaning and gasping and crying out as his tongue flicked and his teeth
gripped her.

Each time his tongue flicked, his teeth gripped and another
wave coursed through her. The waves of pleasure ran though her again and again.
She was moaning, crying out helplessly as she pushed herself against him.

Then finally it was over and she lay, unable to move, not
wanting to move ever again. She was surprised, delighted Daniel had done that
for her, that he’d just let her come like that—no games, no teasing, no pain.
Did this mean he was changing? Or that their relationship was changing? Or
would she pay for it later? Right now she didn’t care. She just wanted to lie
there forever.

Then she felt hands at her shoulders, pulling her. She tried
to work out what he wanted, turning over and being repositioned until she was
on her hands and knees, kneeling with her ass level with the end of the bed. She
knew what this meant. She was going to be spanked or whipped. She waited tensely,
not able to hear or see, not knowing what he was doing and feeling the cool air
on her buttocks.

It came sooner than she had expected, the sharp smack of the
paddle on her near-naked rear and she gasped. Three, four, five, more blows
rained down and she moaned softly, not flinching, letting him hit her. The
orgasm had robbed her of her strength and she knew Daniel needed to do this.

He pressed something against her lips and she opened her
lips obediently, feeling an oversized latex cock-shaped dildo force its way
into her mouth. She complained but her voice was muffled, the sound hardly able
to get out. Then he switched it on and the head rotated inside her mouth.

She complained again, shaking her head, trying to say “no,
it’s too big,” but the dildo just stayed there, its head twisting around and
around in her mouth. Just when she was starting to wonder if she could cope
with it without gagging, it was out of her mouth and she felt something—was it
the same dildo?—pushing into her still-wet tunnel from behind. It felt big and
stretched her and she leaned back into it, wanting to be filled.

Something else was against her lips now, something warm and
alive. She parted her lips immediately, happy to let him push deep into her
mouth and lashing at him with her tongue while the huge dildo worked away
behind her. Another vibrator was underneath her now, searching for her clit.

She pulled away from it. She wasn’t ready yet. She didn’t
want it now. She was still recovering from the last orgasm. But he was
persistent, pushing the buzzing vibrator against her where her clit was.

She moaned deep in her throat, not able to cry out with her
mouth full of the penis edging in and out, filling her mouth then drawing out
until she almost closed her lips, then pushing in again.

The vibrator stayed against her clit, buzzing, insistent,
not stopping and against her will she felt another orgasm starting to build.
Surely she couldn’t come again? The dildo was pumping away inside her,
thrusting hard inside her. Her mouth was full and the vibrator was tight
against her clit, pressing in as it vibrated.

She was going to come again. She could feel it. She moaned
again, the sound hardly escaping round the penis thrusting in and out of her
mouth. She pressed down on the vibrator, suddenly wanting it harder up against
her clit. The mask was still tight against her eyes and ears, making everything
more intense, making her just concentrate on what she was feeling.

The lifelike dildo was still pumping hard in and out of her
from behind. And the pressure was building, that sliding sensation of something
she couldn’t control, of knowing that now she needed to come more than
anything, now she was going to come.

The vibrator kept pressing against her harder and the cock
was filling her mouth. The dildo was slamming into her now. She didn’t know how
Daniel was doing it all but she didn’t care.

The feeling of fullness, of completeness and that buzzing
away hard and tight against her clit was too much and she pressed down harder
and harder knowing she was just at the top of the hill and that any minute she
would fall, fall, fall down the other side in a helpless wave of orgasm.

The dildo pushed harder into her and she could almost
imagine warm thighs slamming against her legs as the vibrator pressed harder. The
cock in her mouth climaxed and she ground her clit harder and harder against
the vibrator.

Then she was coming, screaming even as the spunk hit the
back of her throat, making her gag and choke as she cried out. The waves of the
orgasm pushed through her, ripped out of her, making her buck and writhe. Her
body was out of control, just coming, harder and harder, wave after wave of it
wrenching through her.

Then it was over and she collapsed down on the bed,
exhausted, trying to swallow the come still in her mouth.

She lay like that for a long time, not sure if she was
asleep or awake in the pitch darkness and silence, letting her body recover and
not really caring what Daniel was doing, hoping it was over for tonight, that
she could sleep now.

By the time Daniel took off the mask, it seemed he had
already showered and was ready for bed.

“I suggest you take a long, hot bath.”

She agreed. She seemed to be covered in semen, drying in
sticky white patches all over her. Daniel must have really enjoyed himself. And
she had too.

A bath and bed was all she wanted now. She lay steaming in
the bath for ages, half asleep, sure that they had turned a corner in their
relationship, sure that Daniel was now giving her intimacy and affection
alongside the sex even if she did have to wear a full head mask.

There had been no games, not really, not by Daniel’s
standard. She had come twice, once with his mouth on her. She smiled to
herself. Perhaps she would end up being the very, very rich Mrs. Rolleston
after all.

* * * * *

Daniel had been asleep when she got out of the bath last
night and already up and dressed when she awoke. She sat at breakfast with him,
still half asleep, as the waiter—a dark Mexican man—approached to pour her
coffee. She smiled at him to say thanks, then she smelled it—the same
aftershave that Daniel had put on last night during their lovemaking. What a
coincidence! She looked at the waiter and he was smiling at her.

“Did the lady enjoy her evening?” he said with a smile.

“Yes, thank you.”

“Bueno, bueno. I am happy when the lady enjoy herself and
have the pleasure.” He smiled at her again.

“Thank you, Jose Luis,” said Daniel. “That will be all for

Ruthanne looked up again and caught the waiter’s eye. Why
was he looking at her like that? And where was his name badge?

“How do you know his name?” she asked Daniel suddenly, a
sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.

“Jose Luis sometimes does little jobs for me.” Daniel smiled
at Ruthanne.

She knew something was wrong. That was the way he smiled
when he made her humiliate herself, made her do something she didn’t want to
do, made her take her panties off in public and reveal herself.

“Daniel. It was just you last night wasn’t it?”

“Just me?” he said innocently. “Just me doing what?”

“You know, when we were, you know. On the bed.”

“Oh. You mean when we were having sex?”

“Yes. So?”

“So what?” He was enjoying this.

“So you were the only one there?” she said, her voice low
and urgent.

He smiled again. “You mean you don’t know?”

She stared at him, not willing to answer.

He frowned. “Really? You really don’t know? He laughed a
little bit. “What sort of woman doesn’t even know how many men have fucked her?”

“Daniel. Don’t say that.”

“But really. You should know who’s been inside you, shouldn’t

“I was wearing the mask,” she reminded him.

“Oh, yes. I forgot. So actually, it could have Jose Luis or
even half a dozen of the staff taking turns at you and you’d never have known.”

“That didn’t happen, did it?” She was unable to believe that
Daniel would do that to her.

“No. Of course not.” He lowered his voice and leaned in toward
her. “I wouldn’t invite a whole group of men into the room to watch as one of
them pleasures you, as one of them makes you come with his mouth and then fucks
you, would I? Not without asking you or telling you. Even though I know you’d
like it if I did, wouldn’t you? You might even come twice.” He paused. “Oh, you
did.” He smiled and shrugged at her and returned to buttering his toast
carefully and precisely.

She shook her head. He wouldn’t. That would be going too far
even for Daniel. But the aftershave and Daniel’s uncharacteristic closeness,
tenderness even, during the sex? It just hadn’t felt like him.

She looked across the room. Jose Luis was watching her,
smiling. So was another waiter. Were they just being friendly? Or had Jose Luis
and even the other one, come into the room last night? Had they seen her in the
body stocking and head mask? Had the other one and Daniel watched while Jose
Luis had gone down on her and she’d begged him to lick her, make her come, then
taken her from behind while Daniel came in her mouth? She looked back at
Daniel. He was watching her too, enjoying her confusion, her distress.

He leaned forward. “You really would look wonderful writhing
on the bed under the mouth of another man. I would like to see you with him and
beg him to make you come. And I would like to see you taking a whole procession
of big cocks one after the other. You’re putting ideas in my head. Naughty
girl.” He smiled at her.

She hated it when he talked to her like this, especially now
at breakfast, when it should have pleasant, fun, romantic, domestic even,
rather than this humiliating banter, these unpleasant comments. And she knew
that whether he had or hadn’t invited people into their room to use her body it
was the same. He wanted her to think he might have and she honestly believed he
might have.

She didn’t trust him at all anymore. This time he had gone
too far. She didn’t want to be with him anymore. She needed to end the

Chapter Ten


She pretended to have a headache all the way home, sitting
in silence in the taxi, on the flight, closing her eyes.

Daniel didn’t seem to mind. He talked on his mobile, sent
emails, happy not to talk to her. He had dropped her off at home and said
goodbye as if everything was fine between them. “I’ll be away for a few days on
business,” he said as she got out of the car. “But I’ll be in touch when I get
back. I might have another surprise for you.”

She’d just nodded and waved at him, knowing the surprise
could be anything from giving her thousands of dollars’ worth of diamonds to
pimping her out to a whole gang of men.

As soon as she was in her apartment she phoned Katie and
told her everything. For once Katie listened without talking or interrupting
with her own long-winded anecdotes.

“You have to dump him,” she said as soon as Ruthanne had
finished telling her the whole story.

“I know. But he’s bound to sack me. He’ll probably leave our
company altogether like he’s been threatening to. Then what about my job and

“You could go to Ian.”

“And say what? Daniel has pushed me into doing some strange
things in the bedroom? He hasn’t forced me, not in a criminal way. I’ve pretty
much agreed to it all. And I should have gone to Ian the first time Daniel
suggested something and complained or asked to have him passed on to someone
else but I didn’t. And now after everything I’ve done it doesn’t seem exactly
believable to start complaining. And you know Ian’s only loyal to the bank
balance. He’d rather sack me than lose Daniel. You know that.” Ruthanne didn’t
know what to do.

“You could look for another job,” suggested Katie.

Ruthanne considered. “It might be the only way out.”

“Get a new job and then you can dump him and not worry
because he won’t be the department’s biggest client.”

“That might work.” Ruthanne was thinking aloud. “But it
would mean finding a new job quickly and with a good reference from Ian. And he’ll
be annoyed if I leave because I was the one Daniel chose. If Daniel spreads the
whisper that I’m unreliable that won’t go down well. I’ll be out of work in no
time. Everyone respects him so much. If only they knew what he was really like.”

“Yeah. A complete psycho freak.”

“A sex-crazed lunatic.” Ruthanne giggled despite herself.

“A demented dom.” Katie was laughing now. Then she stopped. “That’s
it. We’ve got to get some proof of what he’s really like.”

“But if I tell people no one will believe me. Why should
they? I’d sound like some hysterical dumped girlfriend or something. And if you’re
not there it’s really hard to explain what he does.”

“Then show people,” said Katie.


“Show people. Film it. You don’t have to actually show
anyone. Just let Daniel think you might if he does anything you don’t like.”

Ruthanne thought. It might work. The language of threats, of
power games—Daniel understood that. “But how?” she sighed. “How am I going to
film that? He’s hardly going to agree to it and he might suspect if I get out
my phone and start taking snapshots.”

“Hidden cameras.” Katie was pleased with herself. “Surveillance.
And I know someone who can help.”

“Okay,” said Ruthanne, a flicker of hope growing inside her.
If she had some leverage she might be able to end it with Daniel and keep her
job and make sure her colleagues kept theirs too. “That might work. And who do
you know who could help?”

“Ed the editor. He’s a film geek, a surveillance guy. We
went to college together. He’s a good guy. You can trust him.”

“Right,” said Ruthanne. “We might have a plan here. Can you
give me his number?”

“I’ll set up the meeting,” said Katie.

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