Nobody's Angel (8 page)

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Authors: Kallypso Masters

Tags: #Second in the Rescue Me Series

BOOK: Nobody's Angel
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As the music slowed and wrapped around her, she closed her eyes and relaxed her head against Marc’s shoulder. She wouldn’t have thought it possible, but he drew her even closer, whispering Italian endearments in her ear. She wasn’t as familiar with the nuances of the northern Italian dialect, but recognized enough to know he thought she was beautiful and sexy. His whiskers tickled her ear, causing yet another zing to ricochet through her body, going to ground on her clit.

Marc’s free hand slid up her back and into the keyhole opening of her sweater dress. Goosebumps broke out on her arms and her nipples hardened against his chest as his thumb and fingers stroked her bare skin. She forced herself to take a deeper breath. Good Lord, all he was doing was touching her back! What if he were…

Don’t go there, Angie!
With her breasts pressed against him, she was thankful he couldn’t see her body’s response. But surely he felt the rapid pounding of her heart beating against the back of his hand, because she could feel his beating against her hand.

So right in his arms. If only this weren’t just a show for Allen’s benefit.

“That’s right,
. Just feel,” he whispered.

Angelina stumbled and Marc tightened his arm around her. A memory having nothing to do with Papa or Marc flashed across her mind, of her being held safe and secure in the arms of her dream lover.

That’s right, cara. Just feel

As they moved, the music on the jukebox didn’t match their movements, but they seemed to be moving to their own music. Marc’s hand strayed down from the keyhole to trace circles over the curve of her butt. At first, she thought he’d wanted to make Allen jealous, but then she noticed he only touched her there when her back was turned away from Allen.

When the music ended, he continued to hold her, swaying to their own music. He seemed as reluctant to let go of her as she was him.

As Dino’s “
You Belong to Me
” began to play, Angelina shivered at the possessiveness in the song. Marc’s arm tightened around her back and pulled her closer, but the thought of some man viewing her as
possession had a chilling effect on her. Was Marc a traditional Italian man, expecting his wife to stay home and raise babies? Mama had given up her dreams and her job to stay home and raise her five children. When Papa had been killed, Mama had barely been able to make ends meet. If Rafe and Franco hadn’t dropped out of college to get jobs to help out, the family wouldn’t have made it.

Angelina could never be that dependent on a man. She’d hold onto her independence, continue to build her career, and if that wasn’t good enough for Marc or any other man, then they could just go find someone else.

“Relax. You’re too tense.”

His words caused her to give herself a mental shake and to relax her muscles. She barely knew Marc and already she was worrying about whether he would expect her to stay home and raise his kids? She smiled. Her biological clock must be working overtime tonight.


* * *


Angelina. What a perfect name for his little angel.
, she felt so damned right in his arms. Again.

Marc ran his hand over her satiny skin, then trailed his fingers down the valley of her spine. Wisps of her long black hair strayed from the clip that held it captive. Longing to see her hair unrestrained as he had at the Masters at Arms club, he reached up and released the clip, letting the thick tresses spill in waves over her shoulders and down her back.

“I love seeing your hair down like this.” He slipped the clip into his pocket.

She laughed. “How would you know?”

Shit. Keep your wits about you, man
. Obviously, she didn’t remember him from the club. He didn’t want her dwelling on those bad memories either. Not tonight, with Sir Asshole lurking so near. What had interested her in that man? Asshole looked as though he was well off. Was she a gold digger, after all?

Marc’s cock remembered her, judging by the way it jerked to life as he ran his fingers through the silky strands. He detected a hint of lavender—heady when combined in the corners of his mind with the musky essence he remembered so well.

Images of her tied to his bed as he fully explored every inch of her delectable body caused him more than a little discomfort. What would it be like to have her submit to him? He couldn’t help but notice how her eyes had lit up when he’d half-jokingly proposed chaining her to his stove.

He sighed. If he and Luke hadn’t stayed behind to do media interviews today, he never would have found her again. Adam had been adamant, refusing to share her confidential information without her permission. He didn’t know why she intrigued him so much, but he did want to get to know her better, what her kink was, how he could give her a better experience than the raw deal she’d gotten her first time at his club.

Marc and Luke could only stay in town until Angelina’s dinner tomorrow night, though. Not enough time to establish the trust necessary for him to have her restrained to a bed or anything else. He knew this little one would need even more time to overcome her bad experience with Sir Asshole before she’d trust any man enough to explore her submissiveness again with restraints. She’d take much more of a commitment than he’d been willing to give a woman.

Yet he wanted her. This woman had invaded his mind for the past month. Marc held her more tightly against him, guiding her around the small dance floor. After tonight, her sultry dark-chocolate eyes and delectable mouth would torture his sleep once more.

Maybe once he got through dinner tomorrow, he’d be able to get her out of his system. It had been his experience that, the more he knew about a woman, the less he wanted to stick around. KISS had always been his motto—Keep It Superficial Stupid.

She intrigued him now because he knew next to nothing about her. She was mysterious. What did he really know about her? She’d just shown up at his club with a boyfriend one night. Okay, he knew a bit more than that—like the expression on her face when she flew apart for him. His groin tightened.

He needed to put the reins on those thoughts.

But he had a real concern for her safety, with Sir Asshole so close by. They probably both lived here in town. The thought of leaving her anywhere near the abusive man set his nerves on edge, but he couldn’t exactly kidnap her and take her away to safety.

She stroked his upper back and shoulder, as if she sensed his tension and tried to knead it away. He forced himself to relax. What she ever saw in that arrogant ass, Marc couldn’t understand. She deserved a man who would devote his entire being to bringing her pleasure and happiness. Adore her. Cherish her. Love her.

Not a man like Asshole.

Or Marc D’Alessio.

But he’d still be interesting in exploring a Top/bottom relationship with her on a casual basis, if she didn’t live so far away.

“So, what holds you to this place,

She didn’t hesitate when she responded. “My family. My job. I’ve always lived here. I even commuted to and from culinary school in Boulder, except for my five-week externship.”

“Everyone grows up and leaves their family at one time or another. What else holds you here?” She stiffened. Ah, he’d touched a nerve. “Is it some
…or some
?” He was nothing, if not tenacious.

She laughed a bit harshly. “Well, it’s not a man, if that’s what you’re thinking. I’m not looking for a serious relationship.”

Ah, we can agree on that

“I guess if I had to say one person, it would be Mama.”

He smiled. Apparently, whatever hold Italian Mamas had over sons, their daughters weren’t immune to either. At least his own relationship with his Mama had improved since he’d been hospitalized in Germany after Fallujah.

“My Papa died seven years ago and she depends on us to be there for her.”

Marc’s heart ached for her. He pulled her closer, rubbing her back when he felt her body tense. “I’m sorry about your papa.” Angelina would have been just a teenager when he died. Marc admired her desire to take care of the woman who had given life to her. Angelina’s mama sounded as if she were much more generous with her love than his had been while he was growing up, but her mama probably wasn’t the fragile being her grown children imagined. Italian women held all the power in their families.

“How many of you are there?”

“Five, including my four brothers. I’m the youngest Giardano.”

The baby and only girl in a close-knit Italian family. Oh, yes, he’d definitely steer clear of emotional ties with this one. “Your brothers live here still, as well?”

“No, only the oldest and youngest—Rafe and Tony—are in Aspen Corners. Franco and Matt live in Leadville, just an hour or so up the road.”

Good. Angelina had two brothers in town to watch over her and keep Asshole away. But they also could take care of their mother’s needs. She wasn’t tied to this place—unless she wanted to be. Which apparently she did.

She sighed. Marc sensed restlessness in her.

“Have you ever considered moving to Denver? I’m sure your culinary skills would be in high demand.”

He felt her spine stiffen again under his hand. She pushed at his chest and stepped back. “No. I have plenty of requests to cater and plan events here.”

Easy, gattina. No need to get your back up

Clearly, he’d touched another nerve. Then she laughed, releasing the tension as quickly as it had arisen. Her gaze bore into his chest, and she grew serious again. He pulled her back into his arms. She didn’t let him hold her as closely this time as they swayed to the music. But he was happy she’d continued to dance with him because he loved holding her in his arms. Marc let the silence rest between them, giving her the time she needed to think.

“Sometimes it frustrates me, but I just can’t leave.”

Ah, so perhaps the door wasn’t closed after all.

He smiled. If she were in Denver, perhaps she’d allow him to take her under his Dom wings and show her the ropes, so to speak. “Denver’s only three hours away.”

Marc felt her stiffen again, then she drew him closer again and tucked her face into his neck. Her breath hot against his ear, she whispered, “Shut up and dance.”

He laughed aloud. Ah, the lady has a bossy side. His cock hardened as he imagined going head to head with her. No doubt in his mind he would come out on top, though. He smiled, his hand slipping under her hair to stroke her silky warm skin at the keyhole opening in the back of her dress. He wished he had access to more than the tiny but tantalizing patch of skin on her back. He grew even harder at the memory of her sexy backside pressed against his crotch when he’d held her at the club. The need to bury himself inside her was stronger than ever.

As if coming to from a mental fog, he realized he was breaking his primary rule, one that had kept him relatively sane for that past few years. No Italian women and their emotional drama.

Angelina would be high maintenance, wanting more than he could give her. He didn’t mean financial maintenance either. Meeting a woman’s financial needs was easy. Emotional needs? Not so much.

Perhaps it was for the best he’d be leaving town tomorrow before things went further than he intended to let them. This one could be dangerous.

But who said there had to be a long-term commitment? He’d had superficial relationships with women since he was seventeen. Only two had led to anything more than sex or BDSM play—first Melissa, then Pamela—and they had been separated by nine years. He definitely wanted to be with Angelina in a superficial sort of way, though, to learn what turned her on, watch her bend to his authority in a bedroom or club scene, see her face again as she flew apart for him. But that was it.

Strictly sexual control. No commitments. No emotional strings.

He brought their joined hands up to where he could touch her breast without putting on a show for the entire barroom, especially Sir Asshole over there. The curve of her breast seared the back of his hand, making him want to touch even more of her. He reached out his fingers toward her other breast and brushed her nipple. Her sharp hiss against his neck only emboldened him. Keeping their hands entwined, he pinched the swelling bud between his thumb and forefinger. Her hips jolted toward him, pressing against his erection.

, so responsive.

“Did you like how that felt,

“I…” Her breathy whisper was expelled as her chest rose and fell, making the contact against his hand even more tantalizing.

When she paused, he probed, “Answer honestly.”

She pulled away and looked up at him, her brow furrowed. “I…I think that’s enough dancing.” She backed away, toward the safety of the booth—and Luke.

Before she turned away, he saw her nipples in sharp relief against the sweater dress. He knew his own arousal was no less obvious, and saw her cheeks grow even pinker when she glanced down at his bulging crotch.

Denying her arousal only made him want to entice her to explore her sexuality even more. A challenge. He wished there was time to take her in hand and show her what her body truly craved. But that couldn’t happen—unless he could convince her to leave her safe little world here.

Marc decided to give her the space she wanted, for now, while he paid a visit to the head to regain control of his wayward cock. Lord knew she’d be safe from sexual advances with Luke. The man seriously hadn’t looked at a woman the entire time he’d known him.

But would she be safe with Marc?


* * *


Luke watched as Angel came back to the booth alone, looking flustered—and sexy as sin. She stirred him back to life as no other woman had since Maggie. He couldn’t take his eyes off her.

It’s time. I’m sending you an angel

“So, where’d you go to college?” she asked, picking up their earlier conversation as if there hadn’t been a break.

“University of Texas—more to play football, than study, I’ll admit. Wound up majoring in studio art.” He smiled. The look of surprise on her face was one he’d gotten used to. He’d been ribbed about it since his football buddies heard what major he’d declared. “They didn’t have the industrial arts program I wanted, but I wanted to work with wood. So, I wound up learning a lot about art that I didn’t really need, or so I thought at the time. But the design, sculpture, and even the drawing classes have helped me with my current work. I do carpentry and make…specialized equipment that I design myself.” He’d better leave it at that and not embarrass her by saying he made equipment for BDSM enthusiasts.

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