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Authors: Dana Marie Bell

Noble Blood (16 page)

BOOK: Noble Blood
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“Now why would you do that?” Duncan’s hand landed on her breast. He plucked at her nipple, sending a jolt of pleasure/pain straight to her clit.

“You’d think we were planning on torturing her or something.” Jaden licked her other nipple before sucking it into his mouth.

“Oh boy.”

Jaden continued to suckle her while Duncan plucked her nipple. “You want Jaden inside you, sweetheart? Hmm? You want him to fuck you?”

“Yes.” She arched her back, her body confused. Should she move closer to Duncan and his wicked fingers or Jaden and his hot mouth?

The decision was taken out of her hands when Duncan’s hand moved down to her wet pussy. He began to circle her clit in a teasing glide. Her hips moved restlessly under his fingers, the combination of his strokes and Jaden’s mouth almost too much.

“You ready for me?”

She had a sudden vision of what she would like to do to both of them. “Wait.”

Duncan’s fingers stopped. Jaden stared down at her, his eyes bled all the way to black.

“I need to move.”

Jaden was frowning, but Duncan began to smile. “I like the way you think.”

She grinned and shoved at Jaden, who reluctantly moved from between her legs. “Okay. What’s going on?”

Duncan rolled over onto his back, his arms going behind his head. He spread his legs with an inviting smile. Moira got on her hands and knees between them and took hold of his cock.

“Getting the picture?”

Jaden grunted and got behind her, his hands on her hips. “I think I got it.”

She leaned down and sucked Duncan into her mouth, her tongue lapping at the vein running along the underside. Duncan moaned, his eyes drifting closed. Moira began to move, taking him as far down as she could. He tasted sweet and effervescent, like sparkling wine.

When Jaden’s cock nudged her opening she lifted her hips, inviting him inside. He slid against her. She was already wet and ready for him. “Please. Need you.”

He slid into her easily, setting a slow rhythm designed to drive her mad. She used the momentum of his thrusts to set the rhythm she used to suck Duncan’s cock, keeping them all on a slow, steady ride to orgasm. Jaden leaned over her, peppering her back with kisses. His hands went around her to press into the mattress, keeping his weight off of her but still enveloping her in his warmth. One of Duncan’s hands reached out and wrapped around Jaden’s forearm, connecting them all together. Silver lights began to dance as Duncan’s touch wove them together.

“Fuck, yes. Fuck her mouth, Duncan. Let her know how much you love it.”

Duncan’s eyes drifted open, landing first on Jaden and then on Moira.

Hell, she was all for picking up the pace. She tightened the muscles of her pussy, earning a groan from Jaden. She nodded, refusing to let Duncan slip from between her lips, her gaze locked on his face. She wanted him to know that she needed this as badly as he did.

Duncan thrust up into her mouth. She hummed in pleasure around him, loving the soft groan the vibration earned her. She used her tongue, licking the underside of his cock as he glided in and out of her mouth.

Behind her, Jaden was fucking her harder, faster, picking up Duncan’s rhythm, keeping them all connected. It wasn’t perfect, they weren’t living in each other’s minds this time, but it was damn close.

Jaden moved, the arm not held by Duncan lifting from the bed. His hand took hold of hers and brought it to her clit. “Stroke yourself, sweetheart. Make yourself come.”

She began to do as he said, but it wasn’t as easy as she thought it would be. Stroking herself, sucking Duncan and fucking Jaden, she had to find her own balance between the three. Once she did, she teetered on the verge of orgasm.

Duncan’s free hand landed in her hair. He drew in a hissing breath. “Close, sweetheart. Ready?”

She nodded, glad he’d warned her first. She was ready when he came in her mouth, swallowing every drop he gave her. He fell back with a sigh and a smile, his eyes glittering behind half-closed lids.

Now she could concentrate solely on what Jaden was doing to her. She bucked back into him, no longer allowing him to be the one who controlled their lovemaking. She was ready to come, and she wanted him to come with her.

She tightened her muscles, milking him, trying to drag him closer to the edge. He shuddered, her actions threatening to push him over an edge he was fighting away from. “I’ll come after you do, sweetheart. I want to feel you go over first.”

She shared a look with Duncan. “Make him come.”

The corners of Duncan’s mouth lifted.

“Wait— Oh,

She had no idea what Duncan was doing to Jaden, but from the sounds of it Jaden
liked it. Jaden’s smooth strokes became jerky, uneven. He began to pound into her, driving himself to orgasm. The hand holding her own let go and grabbed hold of her hip, holding so tightly she’d have a bruise there.

She loved it. Moira gave back everything her vampire gave her, and finally begged for one thing more. “Bite me.”

Sharp pain, then a pleasure so intense she thought she would black out. Her entire body seized as the orgasm consumed her, leaving her too breathless to cry out.

When she was finally able to open her eyes she found her head resting on Duncan’s stomach, his limp, sated cock still close to her lips. Jaden lay beside her, panting softly, one arm draped over both her and Duncan, keeping them connected.

Underneath her, Duncan snored lightly.

“I told you he’d be asleep before you came for the second time.”

She turned her head to glare at him. “That was only one.”

He yawned. “True. I owe you one.” He snuggled closer, pulling her up so that she was sandwiched between him and Duncan. Duncan, oblivious, slumbered on.

Moira kissed Jaden’s forehead, knowing he was fading fast. “Sleep,
a ghra.
You can pay me back later.”

She waited until both men were breathing evenly before slipping out of the bed. She watched them for a moment before slipping into her clothes and gliding out the door.

No one would harm her men while she stood watch.

No one.

Chapter Eight

Akane sat at the Dunne kitchen table and pondered how to get out of the trap she found herself in. She couldn’t exactly chew her own arm off, but she was thinking about it. Maybe if she bled enough they’d try and take her to the hospital where she could make her escape.

The Dunnes had been everything hospitable, making her feel welcome, even giving her a room at Shane’s insistence. He’d even arranged to have her car parked…somewhere. The bastard. He’d guessed she wouldn’t leave without her baby.

If he hid it in some kind of pasture she’d kill him. She did
want her baby to smell of eau de cow patty.

She’d crawled into bed only after Shane made it clear she wasn’t going anywhere. He’d locked the door on her, leaving her no option but to go out the window. When she had, he’d been waiting. Bastard. He’d given her that smug smile, escorted her back to her room and left her with a fucking pat on the head.

That was when she knew she was in hell.

Shane was watching her out of those damn sapphire eyes. His big body was relaxed, his scarred farmer’s hands curled around his cup of coffee. He studied her like she was an exotic bug and he was just waiting to see which way she would crawl.

She hated it.

She was pretty sure she hated him. Never mind in the bright light of day he’d been even better looking than she’d first thought. His red-gold hair curled ever so slightly at the nape of his neck. She had the wicked urge to drag her nails through it. His kissable lips were quirked in a knowing smile. His big, booted feet were stretched out under the table, nearly reaching her chair. She bet he broke six foot two easily.

She especially hated that he was so much taller than she was. At five foot four she was shorter than average, but still.

“Shane, does your guest need more coffee?”

He didn’t even look at the tiny Sidhe female. “No, Ma. She’s fine.”

“Well, then. I hope the room was to your liking, Miss Russo.”

She couldn’t bring herself to bite off Aileen Dunne’s head. The woman had done nothing to deserve it other than give birth to the hulking ape across from her. She pasted a smile on her face for the poor woman. “It was fine, thank you.”

Sean Dunne settled into the chair next to his son. He had a suspiciously blank look on his face. “When did they say they’d be here?”

“Moira wanted to wait until dusk.” Aileen glanced out the kitchen window. “I’d give them another ten minutes.”

Moira Dunne?
Shit, that meant Jaden was on his way. “Can I go now?”

The elder Dunnes lowered their heads, probably to hide their fucking laughter.

Shane shook his head. “Nope.”

“That’s all you can come up with, Jethro? Nope?”

His father got up from the table and stood at the back door. “They’re here.”

She couldn’t let Jaden see her. She looked at Aileen, letting some of her desperation show through. Surely the woman would understand and let her sneak out somehow. “Can I use the bathroom?”

“I don’t think so.” Shane took a sip of his coffee.

She kicked him. Hard.


Her head tilted in complete disbelief. The last guy she’d kicked that hard had to deal with a broken bone. This idiot sounded like he’d barely banged a knuckle. “I have to pee,” she gritted out through clenched teeth.

“Liar liar, pants on fire.”

That was it. She was going to reach across that table and splatter Mrs. Dunne’s baby boy all over her nice, clean kitchen.

“Good evening, Dad!” A tall man who bore a striking resemblance to Sean Dunne stepped into the kitchen. Behind him was a short redhead with big, smiling brown eyes. “Hello, Mom. What’s the emergency?”

“Hello, Leo, Ruby.” Aileen kissed her tall son, then embraced her daughter-in-law. “The emergency is getting out of the blue sports car.”

“Duncan’s having problems?” Leo grabbed the coffeepot and poured himself a mug. He held it up. “Ruby?”

She shook her head and took a seat at the Dunne table. “Hi. I’m Ruby Dunne. You are?”

Akane stared at the hand held out to her. “Out of here.” She stood up, ready to bolt out the door.

“Too late.” His voice whispered across her senses, so low she doubted that any of the others had heard him.

“Ma, we’re home!” A fiery little redhead the spitting image of Aileen Dunne bounced through the back door and straight into Aileen’s waiting arms. Behind her came two men, one dark as sin, the other fair as the sun.

“Aw, shit.” Her shoulders slumped.

Jaden looked startled for only a moment before his brows drew down. “Akane? What the hell are you doing here?”

Now she’d have to explain why Robin had sent her, and what she was doing on the Dunne farm.

Could things get any worse?


Jaden glared at the dragoness. Robin had to have sent her to keep an eye on him, and he didn’t like it one little bit. “Well?”

She turned to face him, delicate hands on tiny little hips. If he didn’t know better he’d think she was fragile. “This wasn’t my idea.” She pointed at Shane, one foot tapping impatiently. “
made me stay.”

He glanced over at the eldest Dunne child. “Are you causing trouble again?”

Shane pointed at himself, his eyes wide. Probably the only person falling for the man’s innocent act was his mother, who patted him on the shoulder and handed him a cookie. “There, dear. I’m sure there’s no trouble.” The Sidhe female glared at Jaden like it was all somehow

Jaden had a hard time not laughing in his mother-in-law’s face. Gods, he
the hybrid. He had a dragon female corralled on his farm, growling in aggravation. It was the most emotion he’d ever seen in Akane, and he’d known her for years. He had a high Sidhe lady up in arms, and…yup, a leprechaun hiding in his den, having a laughing fit.

Damn, that man can move fast.

A stinging slap landed on his arm. “Ow.”

“Who’s that?” Moira had her arms crossed over her chest. She stared at Akane, her green eyes glittering like emeralds.

“That’s Akane.”

“And?” Moira drawled.

“Get your mind out of the gutter, darling.”
“She’s a Blade.”

Now Akane was glaring at him. “Thanks a lot.”

He returned her glare with interest. “If you think I’m the only one getting run over by that particular bus you are sadly mistaken.”

“So? I mean, why is she here?” Moira was still glaring at Akane, who could probably eat Moira in one dainty bite.

“She’s sometimes my partner.”
“Before you ask, no, we’ve never slept together.”

Arms reached around, plucking Moira from his side. “Down, girl.” Duncan’s soothing tones took the fight right out of his little leprechaun. “I’ve met Akane once or twice. Trust me when I say she’s never been Jaden’s type.”

Now Akane looked offended.
Jaden pinched the bridge of his nose and wondered if he’d be considered a coward if he ducked into the den with Sean.

Then again, did he really want to face his new father-in-law by himself?

Hmm. Pissed off dragon, pissed off leprechaun.
He mentally shrugged.
Might as well piss off the Sidhe lady. I wouldn’t want to miss anybody.
He pressed a kiss to Moira’s forehead. “You know you’re one of my onlys, sweetheart.”

He risked a quick glance at the Dunne family. Shane looked amused, Leo looked outraged, and Aileen looked…smug?

It’s official. This whole family is freaky.

“I heard that.”
Moira turned to look over Duncan’s shoulder at her family. She had to stand on tip-toe to do it. “Didn’t Mom tell you about the tribond?”

Shane continued to sit there, looking amused. He was beginning to understand why Akane was so pissed off. Leo, on the other hand, did as predicted. “What tribond?” The Sidhe’s eyes had narrowed dangerously, little golden sparks dancing along his skin.

“Leo.” Ruby took hold of her husband’s arm. “Down boy. Jaden’s one of the good guys, remember?”

BOOK: Noble Blood
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