No Turning Back (Man-Maid) (7 page)

BOOK: No Turning Back (Man-Maid)
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Her face flushed pink, and Jensen’s cock thickened at the pretty sight. “No. I’ve enjoyed myself tonight.” She paused a moment before adding, “Thank you for not giving up on me.”

“My pleasure,” he murmured as he stared at a little dot of whipped cream at the corner of her mouth. He touched her cheek, enjoying the soft texture of her skin, and said, “You have a little spot right here…” Then he kissed her.

It was a light peck and not at all the hot, scorching kiss he ached to plant on her. He lifted his head and said, “There, all gone.”

“T-thank you.” She cleared her throat. “So, tell me, how in the world did you come up with your maid-service idea?”

“Well, I admit there were a few beers involved.” He winked. “But once I got my head around the notion, it just sort of felt…right.”

She shook her head. “For some reason, you seem less like a housekeeper and more like a motorcycle gang member.”

He gave her hand a squeeze. “And you look more like a cover model,” he murmured. “I guess it’s true, you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.”

She looked over and saw the time on the wall. Eleven p.m. The coffee shop was open all night, but Marquetta knew that she needed to end their date soon; otherwise, she was going to lose the willpower to do so.

Jensen followed her line of sight and groaned. “Time’s up, huh?”

“I do have to be at work early tomorrow,” she said. “I had a good time, though.”

A half hour later, Marquetta let herself into her house, then turned around. Jensen leaned against the porch railing. He’d insisted on following her to be sure she made it home safely. “You really didn’t have to escort me to my door. I’m a grown woman, Jensen.”

He moved toward her and touched her cheek with his palm. “It was my pleasure.”

On impulse, Marquetta closed the inches separating them, then wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. Jensen stiffened; then, suddenly, his hands cupped her face as he angled his head for a better, deeper taste.

She licked at the seam of his lips, and when he opened to her, Marquetta took the advantage, slipping her tongue inside his mouth. Quickly, Jensen took over, pressing his own tongue to hers, tangling and dueling. The match was on, and he was winning. She didn’t care so long as he didn’t stop. Unfortunately, her brain kicked in and shoved her libido to the curb. Slowly, Marquetta pulled her mouth away from his, licking her lips as she went, and stared into his sexy, hooded blue eyes. There was so much heat there, she desperately wanted to act on it, but fear kept her rooted to the spot. When she’d been with Sheldon, she’d let her emotions run the show, and that couldn’t happen again. She wouldn’t survive the fallout a second time. She’d need to guard her heart with Jensen, or she would find herself handing it over to him on a silver platter.

“Thank you for a lovely night,” she said as she stepped into the house.

His gaze traveled over her body, then locked with hers once more. “Tell me it won’t be the last, and I’ll breathe easy.” His voice was rough and low and completely delicious.

“It won’t be the last,” she promised.

Jensen stared at her another moment, then said, “I’d better get my ass home, before I decide not to be a gentleman.”

Once he was in his car and backing down the driveway, Marquetta closed the door and let out a heavy breath. The effects of his masterful mouth teased a path clear to her toes. Holy hell, the man made her knees go weak. “What the hell am I doing?” she mumbled to herself. Her pulse raced and her body temperature was out of control, and all because of Jensen Kershaw and his sinful kisses. She knew good and well the reason she was sweating had nothing to do with the heat outside.

This was one of those moments in life when calling your BFF was the only sane thing to do. She grabbed her cell phone out of her purse and dialed Bridget’s number. Marquetta had been friends with Bridget since the fourth grade. They knew everything about each other. Definitely more than enough dirty details to keep each other honest.

“This had better be good,” Bridget ground out. She sounded sleepy.

“Oops, I woke you, didn’t I?”

She heard some rustling around, then Bridget said, “Yeah, but it’s okay. What’s up?”

“I need dating advice,” she answered as she crossed the room and plopped onto the couch.

Bridget went silent. Of course, that lasted all of ten seconds. “You do? But who? How?” She whistled, clearly stunned and now wide awake. “Whew, he must be something to get
attention. Tell me everything.”

“There isn’t anything to tell, not really.” She paused, then added, “His name is Jensen Kershaw, and he’s smokin’ hot. And I’m in way too deep here.”

“How’d you two meet? You never even go anywhere except the shop and to the grocery store.”

“I sort of saved him from being squashed by a semi. He offered to take me to dinner as a way to thank me.”


“That’s it. There isn’t anything else to tell.”

“You haven’t slept with him?”

“Of course not, we only just met.”

“So?” Bridget replied. “It’s not 1950. You won’t get tarred and feathered for sleeping with a man, sweetie.”

Marquetta rolled her eyes and leaned down to take off her heels. They were killing her. “I realize that, but I still like to know a guy before I hop into bed with him.” She gritted her teeth as she massaged her swollen feet.

“What’s this stud look like anyway?” Bridget asked, too curious for Marquetta’s peace of mind.

After Marquetta described him, her friend said, “Well, if you don’t want him, then send him my way.”

Marquetta felt a horrible stab of jealousy and couldn’t stop herself from muttering, “Back off, woman.”

Needless to say, Bridget couldn’t resist teasing her. “Ah, it’s like that, is it?” Sometimes having a best friend since grade school was a serious pain in the tush, because they knew you too freaking well.

Marquetta took a deep breath. “Yeah, I suppose it is.”

“Then my advice to you is to jump the man’s bones.” Her tone turned serious as she added, “You deserve a little fun, sweetie.”

Marquetta’s heart warmed. “I love you, Bridg.”

“I know.” She yawned. “Now, let me get back to sleep. I was having the most delicious dream before you so rudely woke me.”

She laughed. “Fine. Call me tomorrow, when you aren’t so surly.”

Two hours later, Marquetta was still a little dazed from Jensen’s kiss and sleep was nowhere in sight. The man was bad for her self-discipline. Bad for her hard-won independence. Hell, just plain bad. God, already she ached to feel his strong arms wrapped around her, making her feel safe and warm, as if she was meant to be a part of him, a part of his life.

Why couldn’t she stop thinking about him? There were plenty of eager men out there. She could have found someone who was easier to manage. Someone who didn’t set her heart racing with a mere glance. Someone who didn’t keep her up at night wondering what it would be like to make love to him.

And yet, the little talk did her no good at all. She still couldn’t imagine being with another man. Having another touch her in all those soft, warm places that she ached to have Jensen touch. She also knew in the deepest part of her soul that no other man could ever make her blood heat like he did with a simple peck on the cheek.

Marquetta had let herself get all twisted up by a man once. She’d also seen firsthand what happened to a woman when that man decided he’d had enough and walked away, leaving behind a broken and lost little girl. She’d been so in love with Sheldon that she hadn’t seen it coming when he’d pulled the rug out from under her.

Now, here she was, a talented, independent woman, and she was dragging along like some stray puppy, and all because of Jensen Kershaw. “Enough already, jeez,” she mumbled. She closed her eyes and forced the man out of her mind. Minutes felt like hours. When the phone rang, she nearly jumped.

Marquetta looked at the clock. Midnight. Could it be? Her spirits rose immediately. It rang a second time, and she fairly pounced on it. “Hello?”

“Hi, beautiful. Did I wake you?”

The deep baritone on the other end had her heart tripping with excitement. Well, hell, the man had the most incredible effect on her.

Chapter Five

“Marquetta?” he asked. “You still there?”

“I’m here,” she said a little unsteadily.

“Is it too late to call?” His rough voice sent liquid heat pooling between her thighs.

Hell no
, she wanted to shout. “No, I wasn’t sleeping.”

“Are you in bed?” She heard him clear his throat. “I won’t lie, I’m seriously digging the image of you in bed. All sleepy-eyed and sexy.”

“Yes, Jensen, I’m in bed.” Marquetta couldn’t help the laugh that escaped. “Is that all you think about?”

“Where you’re concerned, pretty much.” A beat of silence filled the line, then he asked, “Does it embarrass you that I want you so much?”

“A little,” Marquetta admitted. “I’m not used to anyone being so…fervent.”

“Nice word choice,” he said around a yawn. “I would’ve gone with crazed, enthusiastic, eager.”

Marquetta adjusted her pillow to get more comfortable. “Are you in bed?”

“Yep, all snuggled in. What are you wearing?”

“Really? You’re going with that line?” Again, she found herself laughing. He was simply too outrageous.

“I love it when you laugh, but be careful,” he warned, “I could drive over there and see for myself.”

That quickly, her laughter dissipated. If he came over, she’d let him make love to her, she just knew it. She wouldn’t be able to tell him no. She was more than a little bit shocked at how strong her feelings were toward him. He was so dangerous to her well-ordered life that it frightened her. She didn’t want him to wield that much influence.

“Are you in your jammies?”

Marquetta contemplated lying to him, but her inner vixen chose the truth instead. “Actually, I sleep in the nude.”

Silence came over the line, then finally, “Are you playing me?”

“Of course not,” she replied, feeling a little insulted. “I’m not a child, Jensen.”

“I know you’re not,” he was quick to reassure. “You’re all woman, and I’m about to explode, imagining what you must look like right now.”

“Ah, my poor baby,” she crooned. “Too bad you aren’t here.”

“I do know where you live,” Jensen warned, his voice turning dangerous. “Be very careful what you say, girl.”

She laughed, feeling impetuous and brazen for the first time in years. “Since you’re already in bed and I’m already naked, I think it would be a pity to waste such an opportunity, don’t you?”

“Hm, what’d you have in mind, beautiful?”

“If I were with you right now, I think I’d like to climb on top of your gorgeous body.”


Ah hell, now that was a pretty picture.
“Ride me, you mean?” he asked, needing clarification.

“Yes, that’s exactly what I mean,” she confirmed, and Jensen could tell their conversation was getting to her.

He liked that she sounded a little unsteady. He could all but feel her mounting desire. “If you were on top and I was buried deep inside you, I wouldn’t be able to be gentle.”

“You wouldn’t?”

Her voice got husky and low, turning Jensen on more. “I’d want it quick and hard. I’d want to fuck you so damn good, sweetheart. I want to pound my cock into you over and over again.” He gave her a minute to let his words sink in. “Does that scare you, or do you like the idea of driving me crazy?”



“You’ll have to tell me,” he coaxed. “I don’t want to do anything that would make you uncomfortable. Not ever.”


Her quick one-word reply made him grin. “You don’t want me to stop right now?”

“I really don’t want you to stop,” she answered.

“Let’s be sure we’re thinking the same thing here.” His tone deepened with arousal. “Tell me, Marquetta, do you want me right now? Do you want me hard and fast and so damn deep that it’s unclear where you leave off and I begin?”

“Oh my God. I can’t believe I’m doing this.” She groaned. “But yes, I do want that. So much it hurts.”

His cock hardened. Her breathless words turned him on something fierce. “Touch yourself, sweetheart,” he softly ordered. “Right now. Stroke your pretty nipples and play with your clit. If I can’t be there, then caress that pretty body for me.”

“I already am,” she murmured.

He stiffened. “What are you doing? Give me something to think about until I see you again.”

“I’m playing with myself.” Her breathless reply had him going ramrod stiff. He waited to see if she would say more, and he wasn’t disappointed. “I’m doing what you said. I’ve got my breast in my hand, and I’m massaging my pussy.”

Damn, he wanted to go to her. Just drop the phone and go to her house and make love to her until the sun came up. But Marquetta wasn’t ready for that, not yet. She was only comfortable letting herself go right now because she felt safe in the quiet confines of her bedroom. He would honor that if it killed him.

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