No Such Creature (10 page)

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Authors: Giles Blunt

Tags: #Mystery

BOOK: No Such Creature
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“Bill,” Sabrina said through gritted teeth, “I am not your property.”

“And you don’t owe me nothin’, I suppose. Did I or did I not get you out of one heap of trouble?” The man gave her hair another yank.

“Ow! Yes!”

“Did I or did I not share with you all my worldly goods?”

“Leave her alone,” Owen said, picking himself up. He wished the parking lot wasn’t so deserted. Nothing around but empty cars and stacks of junked parking meters.

“Let me go,” Sabrina said. “You bastard, let me go.”

“Did I or did I not take you down to Cancún?” The man called Bill clutched Sabrina’s hair with one hand. “Boy, take care that ye come not between a man and his wife. That phrase mean anything to you?”

“I’m not your wife.” Sabrina kicked at his shin ineffectively.

“Doesn’t matter if she’s your wife, girlfriend or sister,” Owen said. “You don’t get to hit her.”

“Boy, you’d best get shed of the idea you can do anything about it.”

Owen kicked him hard in the behind.

The man let go of the girl and faced him. He was short, almost square, with a considerable paunch but arms that looked like he could press three hundred easy.

“You go wait in the car,” Owen said to Sabrina. “We’ll take you home.”

“Home? Who do you think she lives with, peckerwood?”

“Don’t mess with him,” Sabrina said to Owen. “Really. You’re making a mistake.”

“Oh, he’s already made it,” the man said. “This boy’s neck-deep in the mistake hole.”

A swift jab caught Owen’s cheek and it felt like a train hitting him. He went down on one knee, praying that Max would run this T-Rex over.

“You want more of the same, just get up, Yankee Doodle.”

Owen got to his feet and hurled himself at the man, trying to get in close enough to avoid those fists. A right hook glanced off his ear. Using the one kick he had learned from a judo website, Owen swept the man’s legs out from under him and sent him sprawling. He jumped on him, but the guy flipped him off as easily as a bull.

Before Owen could organize himself, three jabs sent him staggering backward. He raised his arms in defence, but a haymaker caught him in the ear, spinning him around. A right hook, and Owen felt the inside of his cheek split and blood flow into his throat. He was on his knees with no memory of how he got there. A blurry Max seemed to be moving in the blurry background. Please, he prayed, fire a blank or something.

“Stay down,” Sabrina said. “Just stay down.”

“Leave her alone,” Owen tried to say, but the words came out in red bubbles.

“Looky here, boy, you are in no position to give orders or even make suggestions. Take the girl’s advice and stay down.”

Owen hauled himself to his feet, the cars in the lot wheeling around him. He took a swing, but the man just dipped his head to one side and Owen nearly fell.

“Boy, you don’t learn, do you?”

A fist caught Owen in the stomach and lifted him off his feet. He went down hard, stones and glass biting into his skin. Sabrina was yelling, the guy was yelling, the world wobbled on its axis. It was probably only ten seconds, but it felt like ten minutes before he managed to pull in a lungful of air. Tears blurred his vision.

He raised himself to his knees and promptly threw up.

“Leave him alone, Bill,” the girl was saying. “He’s half your size. He was just trying to help.”

“Kid, do yourself a favour and stay down.”

I’m on my feet, Owen realized. Jesus H. Christ, I’m on my feet again.

“For cryin’ out loud, kid. You gotta be dumber than mud.”

Owen jabbed and missed. He was already falling, so the answering punch missed his cheek and caught him in the forehead. He hit the pavement hard.

He tried to get up again, swaying badly. The man, double-wide chunk of beef that he was, looked dismayed. Max loomed up behind him. Where did he get hold of that parking meter, Owen was wondering as it came whistling around and caught the guy smack in the side of the head. He went down like an imploded building.

“Hit my boy, you pre-hominid? While I live, no one hurts my boy and gets away with it.”

Max checked to make sure the man was still breathing, then bundled Owen and Sabrina into the back seat of the car.

“The heart of a lion,” he said as he plunged into the traffic. “My boy has the heart of the lion. Couldn’t have been more heroic myself.”

“You shouldn’t have got involved,” Sabrina said.

“Nonsense, my dear. Rage must be withstood.”

“You don’t know Bill. He’s a maniac. He won’t give up until he finds you.”


. He liked it for the isolated location, and also because it was made up of separate cabins rather than one long strip of rooms. You could have your privacy while you worked and not worry too much about noise.

He had rented the last cabin in the row, the farthest from the highway. All the other cars were gone, the cabins dark, the occupants answering the call to donate money to casinos.

“Guy’s not making a sound,” Clem said.

“The miracle of pharmaceuticals,” Zig said.

“Yeah, but aren’t we gonna want him compos mentis?”

“It’s short-acting. He’ll be fine.”

Zig backed the car to the door of the cabin: the chances of being seen were minimal.

The bald guy was lying on his side in the trunk, groaning faintly.

“Take his feet,” Zig said.

They got him inside and lowered him into the bathtub, his bald head under the tap. Zig snapped a manacle onto his wrist, the other end onto the drainpipe under the sink. He turned on the cold water in the tub.

“Hey, Baldy. Wakey, wakey.”

The guy coughed and tried to sit up, banging his head on the tap.

“Oopsa-daisy,” Zig said. “Don’t wanna damage the cue ball there.”

“The fuck’s going on,” the guy said. His speech was slurred, the sedative boosting the alcohol he’d no doubt consumed at Luigi’s.

“My name’s Sub. And this is Tractor.”

“I don’t wanna know your names. I don’t even want to see your faces.”

“Too late now.”

Pookie squinted at the manacle on his wrist. He straightened his arm so that the chain went taut. “The fuck?”

“Sub-Tractor,” Zig said. “Ring any bells?”

Zig could see the first tiny flame of fear igniting behind the fog in the guy’s eyes.

“Don’t worry. We’ll have you out of here in no time,” Clem said, and Zig gave him the look. “Provided you tell us what we need to know.”

“About what? You think I work in a bank or something? I don’t know nothing about nothing.”

“We’ll be the judge of that,” Zig said. He picked up the bolt cutters and held them over the tub. “You ever play This Little Piggy?”

“Fuck you, let me outta here.” He yanked hard at the manacle, taking it into his other hand and really pulling.

“Take his shoes off, Clem.”

Clem reached for a foot, but Pookie started kicking and thrashing. Clearly, a bigger dose was indicated. Clem finally clutched his far foot and stood up so Pookie couldn’t kick at him with the other. He was really panicking now, twisting frantically back and forth, jerking this way and that. Manacles for the feet next time, Zig decided. He probably should have figured that out ahead of time, but he wasn’t going to get down on himself for learning on the job.

“Knock it off, Baldy,” Zig said. He stood up and stomped at the guy’s head, not too hard. Still, it made a noise against the tub. “We’re not going to do anything to you, if you co-operate.”

“Jesus Christ, I told you, I don’t know anything.”

“Don’t answer yet. I want you to think long and hard about how you can help me with my problem.”

“What fucking problem?” Pookie closed one eye against the water dripping into his face.

“My problem is that Max Maxwell was behind the San Francisco job, and I need to know where he put the take.”

Pookie shook water out of his eyes, blinking. “You’re asking the wrong guy. Max pays me cash. I don’t know anything about the take. I don’t even know how much it is.”

“You’ll have plenty of opportunity to revise your answers.” Zig opened and closed the bolt cutters right in front of Pookie’s face. “Just think about these and This Little Piggy.”

The guy opened his mouth and sat up a bit. He looked like he was going to say something, but then he winced as if he had really bad gas pains and turned his head to one side. He slid back down the tub and lay still.

“That’s fucked up,” Clem said.

“Turn the tap on again.”

Clem turned on the cold so it splashed all over Pookie’s face, but he still didn’t move. “Man, guy’s really out.”

Zig leaned over the tub and pressed the point of the bolt cutters against Pookie’s throat. “Hey, Baldy. Pay attention.”

Zig pressed harder. The guy didn’t move.

Clem looked up at him. “You think he’s dead?”

Zig took Pookie by the lapels and pulled him up to a sitting position, then shook him hard, but his head just lolled against his chest.

“Wake up, you bastard.” Zig shook him again. He held him out at arm’s length, a look of disgust creasing his features. “Fuck.”

He let him drop, and Pookie’s head connected with the tap in a way that looked extremely dead.

“Jesus,” Clem said. “How can you plan for something like this?”

Zig looked at him. “I don’t suppose you would happen to know CPR?”

Owen woke up, drifted off, and woke again to Sabrina pressing a cold compress to his forehead. He could hear Max talking to someone—the television, of course. Sabrina didn’t say much. When she saw he was awake, she placed a face cloth full of ice into his hand and pressed it up against his ear.

She had the Rocket’s first aid kit open on her lap and must have been using up the entire supply of disinfectant, because it hurt like hell.

“Gah,” Owen said. “If I look anything like I feel …”

“You don’t look bad,” she said. “But he did kind of mash up your ear a little. I’m sure it’ll shrink again.”

“I really need to rinse my mouth out.”

“Can you get up?”

She stood aside as he pushed himself to a sitting position. Nausea swirled around him, but he managed to totter to the bathroom. He rinsed his mouth, spitting streaks of red into the tiny sink.

By the time he emerged, he was feeling a little better. His stomach hurt, his head was throbbing, but at least the nausea was ebbing. Sabrina was sitting on the edge of the dining banquette, the first aid kit now closed on her lap and her hands folded neatly on top of it.

“God, you’re beautiful,” Owen said. It just came out.

“Oh, boy. Someone’s head is still out of order.”

Owen lowered himself to the bunk again. It was just a foam mattress over a wooden platform, which he could now feel attacking his bruises.

“Galahad awakes,” Max called. “How is thy head?”

“Hurts. Everything hurts.”

“Well, you have an angel of mercy tending you. It can hardly be hellish.”

Sabrina leaned forward. “Is he always like that?”

“Like what?”

“So theatrical.”

“Always. Oh, my head hurts.”

He lay back on the bed. Sabrina sat on the edge and took his shoes off. It felt strange but far from unpleasant. Even in his pain he was thrilled by her proximity.

“Thanks for cleaning up my face,” he said.

“No, no. I should be thanking you. You were so relentless! You just wouldn’t quit.”

“I just wanted him to stop slapping you. Are you okay?”

She smiled, and Owen felt something open up inside him, as if a lock had turned. “You’re the one who got hurt,” she said. “And Bill, of course.”

“Max hit him with something, didn’t he.”

“A parking meter. There was a pile of them at the corner of the lot. Talk about theatrical.”

“Who was that guy, anyway?” Owen said. “He sounded like some kind of preacher.”

Sabrina shook her head. “He works for a hotel security outfit. He got born again a few years ago and he takes his Bible pretty seriously.”

“I’ll say. Is he your husband?”

She laughed, and it was a sound he wanted to hear again as soon as possible. “Husband? God, no.” Sabrina helped him rearrange his pillow. “Bill is, um, obsessive, I guess you’d say. He helped me out when I was in a—a very bad way, and ever since then he’s been convinced we were made for each other. He’s not always like you saw him.”

“But he hits you.”

“That was just the second time. I told him the first time, if he did it again, I’d leave and he’d never see me again. He can actually be very sweet sometimes, very thoughtful. He kind of made himself indispensable. At least it seemed that way. Bill has lots of good qualities—he’s generous, kind-hearted.”

“He’s also bat-shit crazy.”

“Well, if I’d known what I was getting into …”

“How’d you meet a guy like that in the first place?”

“I was working in this bar near the Strip, making hardly any money. My landlord was booting me out of my basement apartment because he sold his house. Bill was a regular in this bar—he’d come in twice a week for a beer and a shot of Canadian Club, and he was always very friendly but, you know, nothing more than that.

“Then one day he asked me how I was doing, and I just totally lost it. And he was great. A real rock, you know? He offered to help me find a place to live, and when he saw how tiny and grubby the places were—the ones I could afford—he said, ‘No way. I’ve got room at my house. You come and stay with me.’ No, don’t look like that. I knew I could trust him. So I moved in with him—it was just supposed to be for a few days, but before I knew it, three months had gone by—nearly four now. He’s never made the slightest move on me, not seriously anyway. I guess he tried to hold my hand a couple of times. But when things started looking up for me, ho boy.”

“He got possessive?”

“He always wants to walk me to work, or go with me when I go anywhere. When I get off shift, he’s outside the restaurant. Every time I pick up my cellphone, there’s a message from him, even though I’m staying at his place. ‘Sabrina, I miss you.’ ‘Just want you to know I’m thinking of you.’ Stuff like that. It might be romantic under other circumstances, but, I mean, he’s twice my age and we have exactly zero in common.”

“So, why’d you stay?”

“I was broke. The new job at Luigi’s pays really well, but I was totally in debt. And besides, he wasn’t a serious pain until just the last couple of weeks. Now, if he sees me talking to any man—any man at all—he gets crazy jealous. I’ve never so much as kissed him, and he’s insane with jealousy. Like tonight. He was waiting for me at the bar in the restaurant and, I don’t know, he didn’t like the way I smiled at you or something. And when I got off work, he was waiting outside and I knew it was gonna be trouble, and that’s pretty much when you came along.”

“You going to stay in Las Vegas?”

She shook her head. He loved the way she did it, pursing her lips, closing her eyes, and then that little side-to-side movement that made her hair, now that it was untied, swirl against her shoulders.

“I don’t really know where I’m going or what I’m doing.”

“That’s hard to believe,” Owen said. “You look like someone who knows exactly what she’s doing.”

“I was studying design—jewellery mostly—at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, but I can’t really afford it. My father’s been in prison forever, as I guess you know, and the student loans are going to cripple me for life. I’m not sure it’s worth finishing. I thought I’d make a killing as a croupier, but that’s actually a hard job to get, and let’s just say my family background didn’t help.”

“What are you going to do now—I mean about Bill?”

“I don’t know. I can’t stay at his place anymore, obviously. I can’t even go to work or he’ll find me. I was going to leave Vegas in a couple of weeks anyway. It’s kind of depressing being in a town where everyone’s losing money.”

“We’re heading to Tucson tomorrow. Why don’t you come with us?”

“What would I do in Tucson?”

“Well, you won’t get beaten up, for one thing. And I guarantee no one’s going to quote the Bible.”

“Just Shakespeare.” That smile again.

“Come on. You’ll have a good time. We always do.”

“Well, if you think it’s all right. It might be a good way to put some space between me and Bill before I head back to New York.”

“Oh, I’m old, I’m old!” Max had turned off the television and was struggling, with much groaning, to rise from the sofa. “What doth gravity from his bed at midnight?” He shuffled toward them in a pair of white slippers bearing a Hilton monogram. “How now, boy? Feeling better?”

“Hey, Max, is it okay if Sabrina grabs a ride with us to Tucson?”

“Aha! The angel takes flight! My dear, I’m a mean old man—selfish, hideous, and somewhat given to excess—but I’ve never yet said no to a beautiful woman. You’re fleeing the Caliban of the parking lot?”

“I have to. But there’s no reason why you should help me. You’ve already done enough.”

“Nonsense. We have a brief appointment in the morning. You can pick up your goods and chattels, such as you require, and we’ll be three for the road. Right, boy?”


“Day or two later, we’ll be continuing on to El Paso. Perhaps you’d like to come along and visit your papa?”

“Uh, no. I doubt that I’ll be visiting my father.”

“What? But the man’s in hospital now. They finally let him out of his cell.”

“You and I have different opinions about my father. And, sorry, but I think mine is probably better informed. Can we just leave it at that?”

. A melancholy thing, family discord.” Max looked from Sabrina to Owen and back again. “I trust that in time your conscience will be your guide. And so, weary with toil, I haste me to my bed.” He lumbered toward his bedroom, pausing at the door. “On matters of gender, nakedness, sexual congress and all manner of behaviour falling under the general category of lust, Owen, I shall be brief: you are to remain a gentleman at all times.”

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