No One Needs to Know (13 page)

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Authors: Debbi Rawlins

Tags: #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: No One Needs to Know
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“You should get more massages.”

“I should also have my meals catered by Nobu, but that’s not going to happen, either.”

He sighed as his magic fingers continued, sometimes gently, sometimes with true commitment. “Did you grow up in New York?”

She nodded. “Queens.”


“Lots of trains to the city.”

“Huh. Where did you develop your love of horses?”

“Books first. Then a pony at a birthday party. Don’t stop.”

And he didn’t, until he’d worked out a particularly stubborn knot at the edge of her scapula. When he was allowed to move at his own discretion again, he said, “And after the pony?”

“Central Park. They have stables. I started working there when I was sixteen.”

“Wasn’t that quite a commute?”

“For a guy from Dallas, you sure do know a lot about New York.”

“Practically the whole world knows about New York. But I’ve been there quite a few times, and the foundation works with a sanctuary in Watkins Glen. I also do business with several companies that have their headquarters in Manhattan.”

“Watkins Glen. I know that place.” She started to twist around but he urged her to stay facing forward. “They do a great job.”

“They do.”

“I worked at the stables so I could ride for free. I loved it. Loved them. I knew every inch of the bridle trail.”

He rested his hands on her shoulders. “I never asked about what you did before Safe Haven. Were you working with horses?”

She stilled, the euphoria of the last hour draining away, replaced with dread. “No. No horses. Just people. Who are much more complicated.” Squeezing his legs, she tilted her head up. “The water’s getting cold. What do you say we get warm in the shower, then crawl into that big king bed?”

His smile assured her that her distraction technique had worked. She felt sure he hadn’t been snooping outside of regular curiosity. If he tried to find her on the internet, he’d find nothing—which in this day and age was suspicious in itself. The trick was to say enough without appearing cagey. She hated that she had to hide any part of herself from him.

Thank goodness for the cold, because it let her hide her discomfort behind a fluffy towel and shivering. It wasn’t until he kissed her under the hot water of the shower that she was able to really relax. And to remember who she was dealing with here.

He believed in her, and if that wasn’t the most amazing thing she’d ever been told, she didn’t know what else could be.

She pulled him into a wet kiss, even though it turned out not to be her best idea, then continued kissing after they’d finished coughing. His hands were all over her, exactly where she wanted them, and now it was her turn. Not in the shower, though.

After he shaved, he took over drying her hair. Dressed only in a white towel, he’d sat her down on the closed toilet and rubbed her gently but thoroughly. No man outside of a salon had ever done that for her before. There were so many firsts with Tucker.

When he was satisfied, she’d run her fingers through the damp strands, knowing she would look like a scarecrow in the morning with nothing on hand to repair the damage. Not caring in the least, she led him to the bed, both of them naked and eager.

He threw back the bedding, and they burrowed into the warmth of body heat and soft sheets.

She ran her hand all the way down his chest, lingering over a nipple, his hip bone. When she moved slightly to the right, she found his hardening penis waiting.

He gasped when she ran her finger from the base to the crown.

“You were right,” she said. “It didn’t take long.”

He rubbed his smooth, shaved jaw over her cheek. “That’s completely your fault.”


“Absolutely. I’ve been in trouble since we wrestled with Pinocchio. I’m sure you know that.”

“I had a hint when we were patching each other up.”

“Well, sure you did. We might not have smelled great, but we had chemistry from the start.”

Grasping his shaft and learning the feel of him, she looked into his eyes, enjoying the effect her grip had on him. “You were very professional. Most of the time, anyway.”

“Let’s not use that in the testimonials, okay?”

She laughed, gave him a squeeze and slipped under the covers, wiggling until she’d lowered herself into position.

“Oh, God,” he said.

His voice was muffled, but not his enthusiasm. He grew harder as she started to stroke his shaft, slowly at first, learning, memorizing. She inhaled deeply, wanting his scent to imprint, against her better judgment.

When she finally tasted him, a lick over the silky head, she felt his body jerk and heard his low moan. Another lick, and suddenly the bedding was thrown back, and he was reaching for her with one hand, trying to find a condom on the nightstand with the other.


spring morning. Resented having to get out of bed, resented that she needed to get back to Safe Haven. That he had to make his own plans to return home. While they were still in Kalispell, there was no way he’d drive them back to Safe Haven before Annie had breakfast, and more. The in-room coffee hadn’t been nearly enough for her. But then, the energy boost was necessary after spectacular wake-up sex.

He shook his head, dismissing the idea that what they’d experienced was just sex. He’d had that. He knew what it felt like, and what they’d done in the past couple of days was far more. Dangerously more.

He looked through the window of the beauty shop to find Annie leaning back over the deep sink where the hairdresser was washing her hair and giving her a scalp massage. Tucker had caught her cursing at her hair this morning, preparing to wet it all over again because it evidently made her look like something from a “before” photo. So he’d gotten the name of a salon from the front desk, and while he’d had to practically hog-tie Annie to agree, she’d eventually given in. But only after swearing she’d be cranky the whole ride home.

He’d deal, although he didn’t honestly believe her. She hadn’t been pampered in so long. She’d never indulge herself with so much as a simple professional trim, and it gave him great pleasure to be able to step in.

It also gave him some time alone. Satisfied that Annie was all set for a while, he pressed his mother’s number as he walked to the hotel’s parking lot.

“Tucker. I’m so glad you called. I have to leave in fifteen minutes, but I wanted to know if there’s any news.”

“Good morning to you, too, Mom.”

He heard her tsk. “Good morning. Now, what’s happened?”

“What’s happened is that you told Christian. We spoke about that.”

Her pause wasn’t long. “I know you asked me not to, but he was so depressed. He’d just found out he hadn’t gotten that job with the insurance company. The news had brightened my day so much, I simply couldn’t keep it from him. Forgive me?”

He sighed, not trying to hide his frustration. “Did you mention where I am?”

“No. I didn’t think that was necessary.”

So Tucker had told her. He wished he hadn’t. “Good. Christian doesn’t need to know. We don’t want him doing anything rash. Understand?”

Her silence unnerved him. “That’s not quite all my news,” she said, her reluctance plain.

Tucker stopped his idle pacing. “What?”

“Even though he was thrilled that you were trying so hard on his behalf I could still hear how down he sounded. There’s a long road ahead, even if it turns out you have found that woman. There’s a trial and evidence and his name will be suspect for who knows how long.”

That wasn’t his mother’s reasoning. In fact, Tucker could hear the words coming out of Christian’s mouth. “How much?”

“Enough for him to take a nice vacation and to keep him in rent for a few months.”

“So, what, ten thousand? More?”

“It’s my money.”

Who was he to talk when he’d given Annie twice that amount. “You’re right. Of course. Did he say where he was going for this vacation of his?”

“Bali. Turns out he has friends there who run a hotel. He even got a deal on the flight, so that’s wonderful. I think it will do him a world of good. He’ll keep in touch, though. Get all the updates.”

Tucker’s blood chilled at her first word. Christian had left the country. Out of fear, certainly, but of what? That uncovering Leanna’s whereabouts would stir up a hornet’s nest? Or that Leanna coming forward would take away his scapegoat?

He supposed his brother could be telling the truth. He could very well have friends in Bali. He hadn’t been able to find a job, and to the best of Tucker’s knowledge Christian hadn’t traveled often.

Still, Tucker couldn’t deny that knowing Bali belonged to one of the few nations that didn’t have an extradition treaty with the U.S. made him nervous.

“Tucker? Are you still there?”

“I’m here, Mom. You didn’t tell me where you were headed this morning.”

“I’m going to Dallas, where I’m shopping with Nancy Voorman and then we’re having lunch before we get our nails done.”

“Glad you’re getting out.” He glanced at his watch. George needed to know about Bali. “So I’ll see you soon.”

“Soon? I hope so. Your assistant has been, shall we say, pensive about your return. And I’ve missed you.”

“I’ll be back as quickly as I can.”

“I suppose that’ll have to do. Bye, dear.”

Tucker disconnected, then moved out of the way of a car attempting to park as he tried to gather some perspective about Christian’s disappearing act. He didn’t have enough information to go on, that was the problem.

His palms growing clammy, he speed-dialed George. Annie had left everything she had behind. Now, so had Christian. What the hell had they gotten involved with?

George’s phone went straight to voice mail, so Tucker left a message, then headed back to the salon. Annie probably wasn’t ready yet. Or maybe she was. All he really cared about was that he knew exactly where she was and that she was safe.

Nothing he’d learned had changed Tucker’s opinions about her. He still believed in her. Even if she’d made a mistake, he was completely convinced that she hadn’t intentionally done anything malicious or underhanded.

* * *

cooler, purchased to hold all the deli treats she’d bought, was really there. Sitting on the backseat of Tucker’s rented Land Rover. It was.

She thought of pinching herself as a secondary verification, but that seemed over the top. Besides, if she’d been clever enough to dream the past twenty-four hours, she’d be smart enough to include a pinch to go with it.

Instead, she looked at Tucker, remembering the feel of his dark hair through her fingers. Lord, he had a great face. The profile was rugged and handsome enough to be on a billboard. But, as with all people she grew to know, his looks had taken a minor position in her list of reasons she’d never forget him.

She wasn’t immune, and she enjoyed his attractiveness, but there was so much more to him. The salon had been his idea. She couldn’t think of a man in her life who would have had that kind of insight and care. “Thank you for the beauty shop,” she said. “I’m surprised it occurred to you.”

“I figured it had been a while since you’d taken the time to get pampered.”

“You know, you’re basing your assumptions on very little real evidence.”

“Ah, but I have eyewitness testimony. Your friends were impressed but concerned that you don’t take much time for yourself. Besides, I’m not as dumb as I look. In some circles, I’m considered astute.”

She grinned, even as the guilt over her lies threatened to overshadow her glow. The battle was tough but her time with him was so short she didn’t give in. “Does that kind of talk work with the ladies in Dallas?”

He shrugged. “Used to. Not so much anymore.”

“Why not?”

“The women in my life, who are mostly friends, by the way, are far more impressed with substance than flash. Although come on, you have to admit, I do have a decent sense of humor.”

Mostly friends? There was a thought that was being banished right that second. Of course he had women in his life. He’d told her he hadn’t found the right woman. That was still true, and she’d better not forget it.

“Are you planning on leaving right after you drop me off?” she asked.

“I should, but I haven’t decided if I’m flying out tonight or tomorrow morning. Tomorrow’s stretching it.” He reached over and squeezed her thigh. “But I’m finding it difficult to leave.”

“Oh, well, that’s... Yeah. Well, you’re welcome to stay as long as you like.”

He smiled. “Thanks.”

She laughed at herself, shaking her head. She was way too comfortable with him. It was nice. Scary, too.

“Unfortunately, my staff are becoming panicked. I don’t normally take such impromptu vacations,” he said. Then, before she had a chance to respond, he switched gears. “What about you? You figured out how you’re going to spend the rest of the money?”

“Basics, mostly. Nothing glamorous. I’ll get some plans worked up for the new quarantine barn. Maybe start laying in supplies.” Her brain veered toward overload and she had to rein in her thoughts. She didn’t want to give up a single minute of her time with Tucker. “Depends on how much I have to spend to fix the things that have been cobbled together with duct tape and a prayer.”

“I have a feeling you’ll be getting more funds relatively soon.”

“I thought you said that’s not your decision.”

“It’s not. But I know what the foundation criteria are because I helped write them. Unless there’s a compelling argument against Safe Haven, which I can’t imagine happening, I’m confident the board will vote in your favor.”

“That would be great. Wow. Better than great.”

“You’ll have enough to turn that mouse hole you’re living in into a storage shed. Build yourself something with a bit more breathing room.”

She turned to face the road ahead, leaving the subject with a quick nod. “Safe Haven, for all its trouble, is perfect for me. I’m busy all the time. I go to bed exhausted and wake up ready to go at it again. It suits me.”

He touched her hand. “The work is too demanding to come home to that tiny place. If for nothing else, you should have a decent bathtub.”

She turned her hand over and threaded their fingers together. All she wanted to do was tell him the truth. Right now. Everything. Her mistakes, her naivety, how she’d gotten caught up in a lifestyle that didn’t belong to her. That she’d run as much in shame as fear, and how each day compounded the pain she’d caused her family, her friends.

It wasn’t the fear of losing him that stopped her, even though she was certain she would. It was losing the best chance Safe Haven had to become what the sanctuary could be. Not only a place to save so many animals, but to teach and train the next generation of caretakers.

While her life might have turned into a sordid melodrama, her legacy could still be worth something. Even though no one from her other life would know. She would. That counted for a lot. Made waking up each day a bit easier.

“You okay?” he asked.

“Fine. Sorry to see the interlude end.” Squeezing his hand, she said, “I don’t want to get all sappy or anything, but, well, you’ve been the best part of—” Her voice broke. She cleared her throat, then whispered. “Just, the best part.”

* * *

at Safe Haven was bittersweet at best. Tucker got out to carry the food chest into the cabin so that Annie could decide which small items she could fit in her fridge.

Before he’d even shut the back of the Land Rover, Shea spirited Annie away, and not in the direction of the cabin. She’d given him an apologetic smile before she’d let herself be taken, anxious to find out what had gone on during her absence. It alarmed him, but Shea didn’t seem off. Though with her it was sometimes hard to tell.

Jesse showed up. “Everything’s fine,” he said, walking with Tucker. “Doc Yardley came by and gave all the mares and foals a clean bill of health. But I suppose the ladies want to chat.”

They entered the matchbox house, his mind still struggling to accept the fact that someone lived there full-time. Annie lived there. Mostly on her own. What in the hell were her winters like? They were so far up north, the snow had to be brutal. He knew the statistics about volunteers in winter. People meant well, but putting out feed during a blizzard was nobody’s idea of fun. Especially when it could so easily be seen as someone else’s problem.

The idea that Annie could get hurt alone in the middle of nowhere made him feel ill. He put down the ice chest and excused himself, shutting the door to the small bathroom behind him—he had to make a phone call, and it was the only remotely private place to do so.

The Annie situation had grown exponentially. It had a lot to do with the sex, of course. The intimacy between them had been as easy as taking the next breath. He wanted her all the time, his need becoming like a persistent low fever. He’d managed to wait patiently in line at the deli for her to pick out her food, and he’d only kissed her when he was sure she wouldn’t be embarrassed. But dammit, the memories of their night together made it hard to think straight.

He didn’t want to leave.

He had to leave.

The sooner, the better. Where the hell was George, anyway? On top of everything else, Tucker was getting worried about his friend. He was no spring chicken, although Tucker would never say that to his face. George was about ten years younger than Tucker’s father...his adopted father. He’d been a police officer in Brooklyn for years, worked vice and homicide, and he’d gotten more than a few commendations. But he’d hated the bureaucratic red tape, quit the force and got his private investigator’s license.

He’d met Michael Brennan during a bar fight. Neither man had meant to be in that particular bar. Just passing the time in what normally was a quiet place in Manhattan. The fight had nothing to do with them, but together they’d stopped it, not without injury. Nothing that a couple of cold ones hadn’t fixed, though.

They’d stayed friends till the end of Michael’s life. George had helped carry the casket. If something happened to George because of this investigation, Tucker would find it difficult to forgive himself.

He dialed the man’s number again, only to have it go straight to voice mail. He left a message that was as succinct as he could make it. Seconds after he’d hung up, he heard the front door close.

Of course, Jesse had heard him. You could hear a mouse fart from upstairs in this place. At least Tucker hadn’t said anything that would get him in trouble.

Leaving the bathroom, he stayed put and didn’t go looking for Annie. He supposed in a few minutes he’d find Jesse, do the polite thing and socialize, but for now, he needed to sort out a few things.

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