No Hiding Place: An edge of your seat mystery/thriller. (DI Sally Parker thrillers Book 2) (27 page)

Read No Hiding Place: An edge of your seat mystery/thriller. (DI Sally Parker thrillers Book 2) Online

Authors: M A Comley

Tags: #police procedural, #police, #detective, #british detective, #Thriller, #Crime, #murder, #Suspense, #rape

BOOK: No Hiding Place: An edge of your seat mystery/thriller. (DI Sally Parker thrillers Book 2)
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As for Colin Whiting, divorce
was definitely on the cards for him and Leona. She’d forgiven him
once for his ‘affair’ with Gemma. However, once Sally had disclosed
the real nature of his relationship with Gemma, Leona had broken
down in tears and said enough was enough as far as their marriage
was concerned. Colin was, at that moment, sitting in a remand cell,
awaiting trial for rape. Sally was uncertain if he would actually
serve any time for his crime now that his victim was dead, but she
would do all she could to see that he was punished for the crime
he’d committed.

Jack clashed elbows with her.
“Hey, you’re miles away. You should be happy, not gloomy about
this, boss. We did it.”

“I know. I’m just sad for those
who lost their lives. That’s all. Needlessly at that. Who gives
people the right to snuff out another person’s life because they
don’t conform to their wishes?”

Jack shrugged. “Pass. At the
end of the day, boss, we’ve done our job and caught the culprits.
At least there are no recriminations on our part.”

“Isn’t there, Jack? Maybe not
for you, but I’ll always have deep regrets that I didn’t arrest
Yvette sooner. Maybe, just maybe, Kathy would still be with us
today if we’d picked up about the car sooner. I’m off home. Enjoy
the rest of your evening, everyone. See you at work bright and
early, to do it all over again.”

Sally left the pub and drove
home. After bidding her mother and father a good evening with one
of the most suffocating, loving hugs she could muster, she took Dex
out for his evening walk to contemplate what lay ahead of her. Life
was pretty darn good, and she envisaged it getting a whole lot
better, now that Darryl had been punished and was permanently out
of her life.



Table of Contents

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