No Breaking My Heart (29 page)

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Authors: Kate Angell

BOOK: No Breaking My Heart
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He placed the envelope on the table, slid it toward her. “Danny was on the computer when I arrived at your house. Checking out the Rogues' Facebook page.”
“He's a loyal fan. He believes in the team.”
“I wish you believed as much in me.” His voice sounded as accusatory as it did defeated.
She was unable to speak. She wouldn't have known what to say if she could. So she let him continue.
“I hadn't seen all the practice and game photos posted on the website. Your brother and I went through each one. Including a few party pictures on Landon's page. Danny pointed out the photos that made you sad. I immediately saw how they would affect you. How you would've jumped to conclusions.”
He leaned his elbows on the table, steepled his fingers. “Time to hit the reset button, babe. What you didn't take into account was that only part of the pictures were visible. You had to double-click on the photograph to enlarge each one. To get the full impact. Especially those with me and Sharon. I had Danny print them out. Kid's got computer skills.”
He tapped the envelope. “Take a look, Alyn. Land's my best friend. We've always had each other's back. He wanted to go to the Oyster for drinks. To celebrate his engagement. I went. Alone. The place was packed. Twelve people sat at a table for four. We were sitting atop each other. I stayed for one hour. Cut out.”
Alyn's hand trembled as she opened the clasp. Removed two photos. These showed a much wider view of those gathered. Sharon was seated on Halo's right, snugged close. On her opposite side was Zoo. The left fielder had his arm about her shoulders. There weren't enough chairs to go around. She half-sat on Zoo's lap.
Alyn moved to the second photo. The one where Sharon had her mouth on Halo, near his ear. “She's thanking me for setting her up with Zoo,” he said. “The bar was loud, she leaned in close. I didn't catch everything she said. Other than she was hot and horny for him. She's met her match in Zoo.”
“Not you . . . Zoo.” She had to say it out loud. To hear it with her own ears. A deeper look at the photo showed Sharon's hands positioned on her lap beneath the table. Not on Halo.
She sat back, took it all in. Then slowly returned both photos to the envelope. Closed the clasp. Relief flooded her. Normal reclaimed her life.
His jaw worked. “I'm ticked you doubted me.”
“Can you blame me?” She stuck up for herself.
“Communication,” he stated. “You should've asked me.”
“Maybe I should have.”
“No maybes, babe. We're engaged—”
“We're pretend.”
“What if I wanted to make it real?”
“You don't love me.”
“You don't know that.”
“You haven't indicated otherwise.”
“Neither have you.”
“I . . . care.” She gave him that much. Afraid of sharing too much too soon.
“Care enough to accept an actual engagement ring?”
“I'd consider it.”
“Consider this, then.” He reached into his jean pocket, and removed a small, square black box. He held it on his palm, admitted, “I'm not a traditional down-on-one-knee kind of guy.”
Which she already knew. She'd never ask him to change. He was her kind of perfect.
He rose slowly, and approached her. He curved one hand about her upper arm, and lifted her to face him. “I never planned to love you, Alyn Jayne. Our time came quickly. I fell fast, fell hard. You're with me, even when we're apart. You never leave my thoughts. Marry me.”
Her heart opened. Tears fell. “Here I was about to repay my loan. To walk away. And miss you forever.”
“No missing me. I'm right here. Going nowhere.”
“I'm going nowhere, too.”
He handed her the ring box. “Yours.”
“Mine,” she said on a sigh. It took her two tries to open the lid. She was that shaken by what he'd said. Halo was the man she wanted. The man she needed. He'd just officially proposed.
Her engagement ring brought another rush of tears. He'd purchased the aquamarine with the circlet of diamonds, the one she'd admired in Barefoot William. It was beautiful, feminine, and slid on her finger as if made for her. “Oh . . . Halo,” she said softly, thankfully, lovingly.
“Can I take that for a ‘yes'?”
“Ten times over.”
“I have something else to show you,” he stated, reaching for his wallet. He cracked the leather, pulled out a yellow feather. One left from her chicken costume. “I saved it, to remind me never to do another game show. In the end, it reminded me of you. I kept it safe.”
“I want a piece of it for my locket,” she said. “Another memento.”
“You got it.”
He was about to kiss her when he caught sight of the brass bed. His eyebrow spiked. Words weren't needed—Alyn knew his intention. She was in agreement.
Closing time had come and gone.
The door was locked.
The shop was empty.
Sex was waiting to happen. They both knew it. Both felt it.
* * *
Halo hadn't been with another woman since he'd met Alyn. She'd been waiting for him. He would take her for the first time on the antique bed. She had old-fashioned values. He was bold as the brass. They were meant to come together.
The time was now.
His pulse picked up as he looked down on her face. Really looked at her. Saw her with his eyes and his heart. She was beautiful, inside and out. Her eyelids were shuttered, her brown lashes long. Her ponytail shadowed one cheek. Her lips were inviting, sweetly curved, and generous. The insecure flick of her tongue aroused him.
“Want me, Alyn.” His voice was deep, raw.
“For longer than you know.” Tilting her head, she raised her chin. On a heart-warmed sigh, she wound her arms about his neck, went smooth against him. She initiated, seeking his mouth with her own.
Need embraced them both. His mind shut down and his body turned on. The light brush of her lips made him instantly hard. The softness of her breasts pushed into his chest. Their hips came into line. His erection prodded her belly.
Never breaking their kiss, he unbuckled her wide leather belt, slid his hands under her tunic, and up her sides to cup her breasts. He delved beneath her bra. His thumbs rubbed across her nipples, drawing them to points. He scrolled his knuckles down her ribs, then circled her navel. He went on to caress her lower spine, her bottom, the crease of her ass through her skirt. The cotton bunched high on her thighs. He stroked the smooth backs of her bare legs.
He wanted her naked. Needed to touch her. His body was hyped. His balls tightened. He was about to take her with the passion of a man long without his woman.
His experience had her undressed in seconds. Her tunic crowned her head, and he tossed it aside. He unclipped the barrette from her ponytail, and her hair fell long and loose. He unsnapped her bra, and let it slide off her slender shoulders. Her breasts spilled onto his palms. Brown-tipped and puckered.
She stepped out of her ballerina flats, and he undid a row of side buttons on her skirt. It shimmered over her hips. She had great legs. Off came her satin panties. Bikini wax and sweet ass. She was perfect for him.
* * *
Nude felt natural with Halo. No shyness. No embarrassment. Alyn could wait no longer. She went to work on him. She shoved his rugby pullover up his chest and stared. He was all solid muscle and six-pack cut. Her fingers played over his ribs. She brushed his nipples. His breathing deepened. His top came off easily. She tossed it on the back of a chair.
Mesmerized by the width of his chest, she took advantage of his bare shoulders. She nipped him, leaving her mark. She flicked her tongue to the pulse point at the base of his throat. He closed his eyes and growled. Primal.
She kissed her way to his jawline. His evening stubble was dark and rough against her lips. His maleness, potent. She kissed the soft spot beneath his ear. He lost it when she bit his lobe. He grew sexually impatient.
She tucked her fingers into the waistband of his jeans, flicked the snap with her thumb. Then lowered his zipper and reached inside, found him stark and stiff. Gently, purposely, she rubbed her thumb over the head of his penis, then down the underside of his shaft. Sensitive to her touch, he swelled in her grasp. He groaned when she squeezed him.
Male urgency had him removing his sneakers, then shucking his jeans. No underwear. He ruffled in a pocket, and snagged a condom. Palmed it.
The air between them grew hot. Explosive. Her face flushed, and her lips parted. He drew her full against him. They kissed again.
Halo was an exceptional kisser. His warm tongue thrust into her mouth, tangled with her own. Mated. She grew lightheaded.
She dug her fingers into the corded curve of his biceps and clung to him. Her hips angled toward him unconsciously.
He clutched her bottom, lifted her. Fitted her to him.
She inhaled his scent and absorbed the man. Soul deep. The plump swell of her naked breasts pressed his hard chest. He carried her to the bed. Laid her on the linen. Then tore the silver packet with his teeth. Sheathed himself. Lowering over her.
He kissed up her body, then back down. Tasting her. His fingers moved between her thighs, stroking her deeply. Her nerves tingled and her spine strained. Her fingernails traced the crease of his thigh and his muscles twitched in response. She tilted her hips, and he entered her. A slow slide until she rocked her hips, fully accepting him.
Streamlined, he began to move. Tense heat. Burning. He claimed his mate. He took and gave. Stretched time. Pushing her to the edge.
Blood thrummed. Desire throbbed.
Sensation came in wild currents. Their climax built.
Her orgasm shook her.
A hard shudder convulsed him.
A sated, sensual ease brought them back to reality. Satisfaction settled in her bones. Deep and forever. Halo was here with her now. He'd promised her a future together. Always.
He rose, walked naked to the small bathroom at the back of her store. She admired him going. He disposed of the condom. She appreciated his coming back to her. He resettled beside her. He rested his forehead against hers. He kissed the curve of her cheek, the tip of her nose. “You were amazing. Worth waiting for,” he said, his voice husky.
“It's the bed.”
“It was the woman in the bed.”
“It's for sale.”
“You just found a buyer, babe. Me.”
“I could never make you pay—”
“The price is right. The pleasure, ours.”
“Sold, to the man who gives good orgasm.”
He took her again, just to show her how good.
It only got better between them.
An hour later, there was a scratching at the door to the storeroom. “Quigley,” Alyn said, rising on one elbow. “I was moving furniture around, and he got tired. I took him out of his cart. He's up now. Wants out.”
Halo sat up on the bed. Swung his knees over the side. “I'll get him.” He pulled off the mattress, drew on his jeans. Bare chest, bare feet, he crossed the room. The man definitely had a great ass.
He cracked the door, peeked inside. Quigs barked his welcome. Halo took several steps back, knelt down. Patted his thighs. “Come here, speedster.”
Alyn propped herself up to watch their reunion. The pug nearly came out of his fur, he was that excited to see Halo. Quiggie scooted toward him. He was wagging so hard and fast, his body bounced, twisted, and his back legs scuttled beneath him.
Time stopped, and healing took hold. Wobbly and weak, Quigs pushed up. Supporting his weight for a moment before collapsing. The dog tried again. Even more successful this time. He held his own for several seconds, took a tentative step toward Halo, before sitting back down.
“He walked!” Alyn jumped off the bed. She threw on her tunic, which covered part, but not all of her. She didn't care.
She reached them, dropped down. Relief overtook her. Quigley had stood on all fours. Attempted a step. He would recover. Shaky, trembling now, he panted. She hugged her dog so hard he grunted. Sadness over his accident left her. She couldn't stop smiling.
Halo's arm went around her, snugging her against him. He kissed her forehead. “Your boy's going to make it.”

boy,” she said. “He was glad to see you.”
Quigley did something he hadn't done for a long time. He used his back legs, and pushed himself onto Alyn's lap. Cuddled close. Both she and Halo praised and patted him. The three of them sat together on the floor for a long time.
Halo angled his head toward her, grinned. “I fell in love with a chicken,” he said, referring to their first meeting.
“You had me at cock-a-doodle-do.”
“I'll have you again once Quigs sleeps.”
The pug's soft snores soon sent them back to bed.
Read more Kate Angell next month in
* * *
National Bestselling Author Kate Angell
Jennifer Dawson
Sharla Lovelace
This Halloween, love is the sweetest treat . . .
Welcome to Moonbright, Maine . . .
Where the scents of donuts and cider waft through
the crisp night air . . . with just a hint of magic.
It's time for the annual Halloween costume party at the cottage on Pumpkin and Vine, the perfect place to celebrate the pleasures of the season. Guests return to the picturesque B&B year after year to snuggle up in its cozy rooms, explore the quiet, tree-lined streets, and enjoy all the spooky fun of the holiday. But local legend whispers that it's also a place where wishes have a strange way of coming true.
For three unsuspecting revelers, it's going to be an enchanted weekend of candy corn kisses and midnight black kittens, along with some
Halloween surprises—the kind that make your heart skip a beat—for many more celebrations to come . . .
And look for even more Kate Angell this October!
* * *
New York Times
Bestselling Author Cat Johnson
USA Today
Bestselling Author Kate Angell
Allyson Charles
As the holidays descend, three single women take a thoroughly modern approach to good old-fashioned romance and wonder if the best—and most complicated—gift of all is just a click, tap, or swipe away . . .
Like a Christmas miracle, the Build a Boyfriend App lets
you simply input the stats of your dream man, and witty
texts, passionate emails, and hot Instagram pics start
flooding in. No more awkward questions or pitying
looks as you face the holidays alone!
But even the best technology has its glitches. When real-
life emotions come into play, this trio of
twentysomethings find themselves in a tangle of crossed
signals, flying wrapping paper, disastrous Christmas
parties . . . and surprising kisses.
Yet despite the confusion of their mistletoe
misadventures, when the New Year dawns, these very
satisfied women just may find themselves waking up
with true love beside them.

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