No Apologies (5 page)

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Authors: Jamie Dossie

BOOK: No Apologies
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   “Okaaay, I see we are a little uneasy about folks asking you questions,” I smiled in at her letting her know all is good. Did this bitch just say uneasy? No I am not uneasy. I just don’t like to display all my shit to folks I just fucking met…This bitch Indigo is a trip. I got to ask Jerome how in the hell did he come across a woman like this? “Excuse me Indie it’s not tha….” Does this bitch think she’s about to get another word in, after calling me by the wrong damn name? This bitch know my name. Once it is said, it can never be forgotten. “Hold the hell on.” Hell, I had to take a deep breath on that one. I had to sit the hell up straight in the damn hair chair.

   “Do you think I am gonna let you skip by, and keep right on talking, after calling me by the damn wrong name. Please! Let’s not start no shit, but I will say it for you one more time, my name is Indigo.” Aww shit, I see I got a bitch ready to cut a motherfucker. Okay, let me read this motherfucker one more time, so she know I am not the one who she wants to be fucking with. “Well, Ms. Indigo you can do what you please, and rock how you like, but don’t come for me unless your ass is looking for a fucking fight!” I didn’t even get up and do my ghetto girl stance, this bitch must be crazy if she think she can talk to me any ol’ kind of way. This is not that.

  I don’t see how Jerome deals with this bullshit, and clearly she on some bullshit today. “Now, now ladies please! Calm all that noise down, both of you are my road dogs but I can’t have all this negative energy up in my shop. I need positive energy, and tranquility in my life, and y’all bitches fucking it up in here!” Jerome doing his neck roll with every damn word he speaks, like either one of us really give a fuck what he talking about. All I know, he better check his friend before I have to continue to check her my damn self. “Well I see Ms. Alexis got some bite in her I like it.” Did this chick just smile while saying that shit? Oh! Not only is she a bitch, but she a crazy bitch and I simply don’t have the time. Gathering my things, I told Jerome I would meet him at our spot for drinks later, and let him have time with Ms. INDIGO.  Walking out the door; keys in hand, purse on shoulder. Now I gotta go find out what the hell is up with Curtis ass.

Yup, mixing the old with the new. No telling how this shit gonna turn out. But don’t be too ready to judge, everyone ain’t what/who they seem(ed) to be.

Fast forward six weeks later.



Jasmine 7

“Damn baby you truly know how to eat some pussy shit!” His ass is gonna make me tap out in two seconds. The fucking room is spinning, I have squirted and came more times than I can remember. I truly believe his ass is trying to kill me with his head game. What the fuck is he doing to me?
Fuck! I am ready to just fuck, now this motherfucker done drew figure eights; spelled the alphabet, and spelled his name. If I tremble one mo’ damn time, I am gonna pass out.  “Hold on baby….fuck….you eating this pussy too damn good I can hardly catch my fucking breath.”

   Just as I said that, he started again, and have the nerve to be looking at me the whole time. Watching him suck on my clit, is about to make the volcanic pussy erupt again. Damn! He flicking his tongue fast with purpose, and determination. Oh damn! He’s starting to shake his head side to side, and up and down. Fuck! My clit is swollen. Shit! There goes his two fingers deep inside Paradise, telling me to come here again. Fuck! I don’t want to cum here again, but he is commanding that I do. Fuck! This pussy can never say no to him. Shit a tongue like his is a gift, and a curse.   

   I have been laying here for a little over an hour, getting my pussy tongued fucked; fingered fucked, sucked, licked, and nibbled on. “Baby I am about to cum again…Oh fuck! Get all my juices, suck on this pussy! Fuuuccckkk!” Twirling my hips on his tongue, like a Professional Jamaican dancer. His hands are scooped under my ass holding me in place while my legs are resting on his shoulders. Damn! all I see is twinkling dots above my head. What kind of shit is this? I am gonna have to stop this shit. I literally feel like my damn head is about to explode. Even when he stop licking and sucking. It still feel like he is. The power of this man’s tongue game is fucking outrageous.

   “You want me to stop babe…let you catch your breath… or should I keep going real slow?”  See what I mean he knows I want him to stop but damn it I don’t want him to stop. “Yes…baby…let me catch my breath.” Fuck! I feel like I have just ran a 5k marathon. “No problem baby. Catch your breath while I run to the bathroom, but keep them legs open just like that till I get back.” I came so damn much, I don’t want to even have sex now. I have squirted all over the damn place. The bed is soaked though; damn near. I really should be putting on my damn clothes. Hell! I gotta hide the pussy from this motherfucka.

   Just as I was sitting up in the bed…damn here he comes again. “Are you trying to get away from me baby?” he asked. “Curtis, you are about to kill a sistah. I already cannot breathe and you trying to do more to me.” Rubbing my hand across my damn throat, and on the other hand, across my chest. It’s like every time I cum, it is equivalent to someone cutting off your oxygen, then giving it back just as you are gasping for air. My damn hair is all over my head, and this beast of a man is standing in front of me; with a chiseled body, and a hard dick that could knock down a fucking building. Looking up at him; biting on my bottom lip, watching him walk closer.

  I feel like I am cemented to the bed. What he is about to do is epic as always. He never does anything any other way. “Come here Jazzi, slide your beautiful body towards the end the bed, and lay on your stomach.” Oh damn! What the fuck is he about to do? I can’t take this man. He makes sure no matter what, he stays a constant reminder in my mind. Burying any thoughts of anyone else who may be lingering around in there. Laying on my stomach, after I scoot to the edge of the bed, I feel him walk up behind me. That fine baby hair on the back of my neck stands up, just because I feel him near me so close.

   I feel his legs separate my legs. He leans on me kissing, and licking my neck. Sending a warm tongue trailing down my spine. Letting the air hit the wet spot that sends chills through my body, has my nipples stand at attention more than ever.  I feel his tongue slide in between my ass. Before he separates my ass cheeks with his hands, and dart his stiff tongue in and out of my asshole. Grinding on his tongue, I feel him kneel down, so my legs can fall on top of his shoulders. Slowly he picks me up, upside down. I grab on to his waist and lock my legs around his neck, while he starts to eat my pussy again. Lawd have mercy! This motherfucka will eat my pussy in any way he can. I just love his way of thinking. Deep throating him; the room is filled with moans, “ohhs” and “ahhs” every few seconds.

   Slow strokes, as he continue to taste all of me. This man gives eating pussy a whole new meaning. Because I am sucking his dick, I don’t have to worry about a headache hanging upside down like this. “Aaahhhh fuck! I feel another cum coming on…shit!” This man is going to drain the fuck out of me. I ain’t going to be no good for no one else. Body is starting to tremble; holding his waist tighter. It’s time for him to let me down. Before I could use the safe word we picked out, he started walking to the bed to let me down.

   Sliding back on the bed, he is keeping is mouth suctioned to my pussy. The whole damn time; licking back up the crack of my ass, up my spine and then my neck. In one swift motion, he slides his blessing inside of me. “
“I am gonna go slow baby don’t worry…Mmmmmm.” His words bounced in my ear, through my brain, and traveled through the rest of my body. His words made a home inside of me, where he could never be evicted. “I know you will baby…I know you will,” softly I whisper back.

   Feeling him slide in and out of me with ease; long deep strokes and short pauses, as he is deep in me. Letting my pussy expand for his girth. His hands form around my waist; slightly hiking my ass up, sliding in and out of me. “Ahhh fuck…Jazzi…I missed this pussy. I feel this pussy opening up for me you know I like this shit!” He exclaimed passionately. “I know you do baby…fuck! You deep in this pussy Curtis!” As soon as I say that, his ass start to speed up and go in on my pussy. Fuck! His strokes is now short, and quick hard thrusts.

   This man is gonna fuck me into a coma. Ass slapping, hair pulling, biting, scratching, and the ultimate neck grabbing. He’s squeezing tight enough where I am so turned the fuck on right now, but not enough to where I can’t breathe. “You like this shit baby? Fuck! I have missed you so much Jazzi, damn! I want you to cream all on this dick for daddy,” he said. “I am going to cream daddy…I am about to cream daddddyyyyy!” Creaming all over his dick, fuck! I am out for the count. Feeling him pound into me over and over. His ass is fucking with great determination.

“Ohh…fuck Jazzi! That’s that shit right there. Keep squeezing this dick baby. Yes, like that fuck baby…fuck…fuck…fuckkkkkkkkkkk!”  Shit! He is about to explode. “Lay that shit on my tongue baby. Damn! Give me that sweetness!” I jag and lick the underside of the head. Repeatedly, until an explosion comes and coats my tongue. He grabs a fist full of hair, sliding my head back and forth, as the last bit of soul leaves his body. We slowly collapse onto the bed, breathing, heaving; three hours of pure fucking and sucking. I swear, I am gonna be walking out of this hotel like I have been riding a horse all my damn life.

   “Damn baby don’t stay gone like that again I have missed you like crazy Jazzi I need you baby.” Hearing him whisper those words into my ear was pure heaven. It is always a good feeling when someone wants you, and needs you in their world. No matter how much he wants or needs me, my heart belongs to Goldie, and there is no changing that shit.











Curtis 8

Thinking back to when I met Jasmine, she was on her way to NYC to attend college. She seemed to be having a not so good day, when I saw her at Fatty’s Soul Food Restaurant. I was coming home from laying some tracks down, and I was dead ass tired. Looking for a quick bite to eat before I head home, as always, the joint was packed with late night party goers. Seeing I had number 17 and, they were on number 10, irritated the fuck out of me. Instantly shaking my head, I headed over to the only table that had one person sitting at it. She was gorgeous. A little young looking for me, but never the less I was smitten from the start.



   “Do you mind if I sit here, and wait for my order to be called?” I asked. Really hoping she would say yes, but as tired as I was, I didn’t really care what she would say I was sitting regardless. “No, have a seat.” Her voice was soft, no drama or bullshit attached to it. “How long have you been waiting beautiful?” I asked. “Oh, I am not waiting. I am just sitting here thinking.” Now when she said thinking, I must admit, what could someone so damn pretty have to worry about, so damn late at night?  “If you don’t mind me saying, whatever he did, don’t sweat it. Let him keep fucking up until someone else show you how it’s done.” When she saw the look of discernment in my face, her face lit up like a Christmas tree.

   “How do you know it’s about a man?” I smiled knowing I was reeling in my bait. “For starters, you are up in a damn restaurant at 3 a.m. on a Saturday, instead of being on your way home with your man, or to your man. Then you didn’t even order anything. Which means possible loss of appetite. So yes, I think it is safe to say it’s about a man.” Her smile at that very moment lit my insides up. Now here I am, a twenty year old man laying tracks down for whoever, whenever I can. I am making a good living. I had women I was fucking daily and nightly, no kids, and no bullshit.   

   Just money and pussy. Looking at her made me want to put her on my team. Sitting there talking until my order came up, I learned that she was going to college to become an Author; that we are sitting in her aunts restaurant, she has no kids, and is in love with a man who wants to have his cake and eat it too. At that very moment, I should have walked away and never looked back, but before I left with my order, I gave her my number just in case she needed someone to talk to. One month later, she called. I didn’t know who the fuck it was, so I let the call go to voicemail. The phone rang again so I answered. “Hello.”

   “Well you finally picked up huh?” She said. “Only because you called twice, but I would never forget the sound of your voice Jazzi.” I playfully retorted. “Oh! Pet names already?” She said. “A cute name, for a cute girl. Damn! Took you long enough to call a brotha. I thought you threw the damn number out, or simply was not interested.” I heard her chuckle over the phone; sounded real cute. “Oh, I was interested from the moment I saw you walk in the restaurant, but I am just settling in at school first. So how have things been going in your world?”

   Actually, I have been doing well dropping beats for some new folks. Doing what I do,” I said. “I was wondering, if you are not busy this weekend, would you like to come check me out in NYC?” Oh shit! Look at her inviting me down, so we can get down. Hell cause I know she don’t think I coming to twiddle my damn thumbs. But she so damn cute. I may have to take a pass just to keep her around. She still stuck on her dude, so we gonna see how this shit play out. Does she think I am going to be a side dude, or does she want more?

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