Nischal [leopard spots 9] (12 page)

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Authors: Bailey Bradford

BOOK: Nischal [leopard spots 9]
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“Still.” Nischal crooked his fingers just so and Preston moaned as his gland was rubbed. “Oh, someone likes that a lot. Don’t think I missed that about your throat hurting you, either. I think this is aching more, though.” He touched Preston’s gland again.

Preston wanted to tell Nischal to just wait until it was
prostate getting massaged, but he couldn’t form any words. He closed his eyes and rode Nischal’s fingers, shoving back onto them every time Nischal started to withdraw them.

“I’m going to mark you when I fuck you,” Preston heard Nischal say. “Bite you, taste you, I have to. I have to,” Nischal repeated.

It sounded scary and perfect at the same time. Preston gulped and nodded. “Please.” Whether he thought it or said it, he didn’t know, but Nischal growled and pulled his fingers free.

Then Nischal was on the bed, kneeling behind him. Preston arched his back a little more to give Nischal all of his ass. Nischal placed a hand on Preston’s hip. “Next time, I want to take you on your back. This time… This time I have to just take you.”

Preston shivered. He got the message. This time would be hard and possibly painful, and he craved it like he craved caffeine.

Nischal pressed the tip of his cock to Preston’s hole. He nudged it in just enough to make Preston squirm, then he grabbed Preston’s other hip and thrust.

Preston shouted. Pain, yes, and pleasure, too—both spiralled through his rectum. Nischal snarled as he drove his thick cock all the way in to the root. He held still for a moment and Preston gasped as he tried to keep from shooting across the bed from the force of Nischal’s thrust.

Nischal dropped down over him, covering him from the backs of his thighs to his neck. “Fuck,” was all Nischal said, and whether it was a curse or a promise, Preston didn’t care. He just needed Nischal to move.

Preston turned his head and Nischal ground into him harder. He stretched and Preston got a sloppy, toothy kiss that left his lips aching and raw.

Nischal raised up and raked his nails down Preston’s back. It stung in a good way, then Nischal repeated the move, except this time there was a sharper sting, and Preston was pretty sure those were claws marking his back.

Before he could ask, Nischal withdrew his cock halfway then slammed back in. The fat crown of his prick rubbed right over Preston’s gland and Preston didn’t give a fuck about anything else but the way Nischal’s shaft felt inside him.

Nischal purred as he began fucking Preston with short, hard thrusts. Preston shoved a hand underneath him to fist his own dick. He wasn’t going to last long, not when he could feel every inch of Nischal’s bare length inside him.

Every stroke warmed Preston’s ass from the inside out. He fisted his cock and started jerking off quickly, too close to coming already to be gentle about seeking his release.

Nischal hammered away at his backside, making Preston’s pucker his. Then Nischal was practically lying on him again as he powered into Preston. He licked Preston’s neck, his cheek, his ear, before going back to where his neck and shoulder joined on the left side.

And Nischal bit, hard, deep, like the fucking he was giving Preston. Pain exploded in Preston’s neck and shoulder, shot down his chest and back—but at the same time, an ecstasy so huge and overwhelming he couldn’t comprehend it rolled over Preston.

Preston screamed as he came, his body jerking in a thousand tiny spasms, a rhythmic proof of pleasure perfected in him. His cock jetted spurt after spurt of jizz as Nischal kept biting him and rammed into him repeatedly.

Nischal snarled around Preston’s flesh, and Preston’s cock released another bit of spunk. Hot cum hit his inner walls, marking him inside with Nischal’s essence.

When Nischal eased his teeth from Preston’s flesh, it hurt like a bitch and snapped Preston right out of his pleasant sex-stupor. “Ow, ow, owie ow,” he whined as he clenched his eyes shut.

“I’m sorry,” Nischal rasped. “I shouldn’t have done this.”

Oh, but the way he licked over that wound had Preston whining for an entirely different reason. The tender care did all kinds of enjoyable things to Preston’s body. In fact, if Nischal kept it up, Preston would be ready for round two in no time at all.

“I liked it,” he finally got out. Nischal was shorting out his neurons with those long, rough-tongue licks. “Made me come so hard I thought I was gonna die.”

Nischal grumbled. “I don’t want you dead.”

Preston tried to roll over and stopped. How had he not noticed that he was still pleasantly impaled on Nischal’s cock?

“I want you alive, and holding onto me while I fuck you again.”

Preston gasped as Nischal rolled his hips, sinking his shaft in deeper. Spunk ran out of his hole and down to his balls. Preston winced. “Oh, man, that’s kind—”

“Sexy,” Nischal said, “I want to fill you up with my seed.”

Preston wrinkled his nose at the terminology. “That makes my ass sound like a garden. And if you say it is one of the earthly delights, I might have to actually hurt you.”

Nischal snickered. He pulled his cock out of Preston and more liquid leaked out. “How do people get used to that?”

Nischal gave him a heated look, then he dragged his fingers up the wet strip of Preston’s skin—and pushed them right into his hole.

Preston’s eyes widened and he gurgled as something very much like the beginnings of another climax began to dance in his groin.

“I think things like this help,” Nischal murmured, then he bent and Preston felt the lap of tongue around his sensitised anal tissues.

About the time he truly comprehended what Nischal was doing down there, Nischal rose up and slid his fingers free. He crawled up the length of Preston’s body and Preston raised his legs up to wrap them around Nischal’s hips.

Nischal lowered his ass and got his cock where they both wanted it to be. Preston’s eyelids drooped shut when Nischal’s tip kissed his hole. With a slow thrust, Nischal filled Preston’s ass up with his shaft again.

Preston had been well fucked only a short while prior, so all of his ass was hot and felt raw. He rolled his head from side to side as he grasped at Nischal’s shoulders. Nischal hissed as he bottomed out.

“I’ll try not to be so rough this time, and no biting,” Nischal promised.

Preston opened his eyes enough to glare at him. “Don’t fucking treat me like I’m breakable.”

Nischal’s tender expression almost gave him palpitations. “Not breakable. Precious.”

Before Preston could decide if that was sweet or coddling, Nischal withdrew fully then pushed back in.

Preston’s eyes rolled and he let his lids slide shut again. He held on and mewled while Nischal fucked him with slow, deep intrusions that had Preston hovering on the edge of coming over and over again. Each time he was almost there, Nischal stilled and began kissing his neck or murmuring in his ear, words in what Preston assumed was his native language. He didn’t ask for an explanation—he could feel the affection that flowed from Nischal as he whispered those words.

Preston was going mad with the desire to come. Nischal pushed himself up onto his hands and he began to pump his hips harder. Preston’s inner walls were being rubbed and stimulated to the point that it was becoming too much. “Nisch, please, make me come.”

The spot where he’d been bitten throbbed, and he halfway hoped Nischal would sink those teeth of his into that place again, but Nischal didn’t. Instead he muttered, “Grab your dick.”

The second Preston got his hand around his own shaft Nischal levered himself onto one hand. With his other he pinched Preston’s left nipple with enough strength to have Preston howling.

His cock pulsed, wholly approving of the move, and cum jetted from his tip. Nischal rumbled and shuddered, pumping more spunk into Preston’s channel.

Preston tried not to pout over not getting bitten again. That would teach him to whine about a little pain.

Nischal coughed, then he chortled roughly and lowered himself onto Preston again. “Are you going to make pleasing you challenging?”

Preston arched a brow at the man. “Maybe. It’s good for you to have goals, right?”

Nischal laughed and Preston decided he’d do just about anything to see that kind of happiness on Nisch’s face again.

“I’m going to get you two of those pills for your throat pain, then I’m going to see if I can kiss you into being more submissive,” Nischal teased.

Preston glared at the man. “If I didn’t know you were joking, I might just have to turn you over my knee.”

Nischal winked at him. “Wasn’t me liking the spanking earlier.”

“Jerk,” Preston muttered, tossing a pillow at Nischal as he laughed again. Preston smiled and gave in. It wouldn’t hurt to let Nischal cater to him for a little while. Preston could be obedient for a few minutes…maybe.



Chapter Twelve




Sabin still hadn’t been able to shift by the time they’d checked out of the motel. Sneaking him out was a little trickier than getting him inside last night had been. Preston had backed right up to the door of their room just about, and once Nischal had opened the room up, Sabin had leapt the small distance with Preston and Nischal standing on either side of him.

But in broad daylight, there were more people out and about. The parking lot was never without someone walking across it or loading up their vehicle. Preston couldn’t back up any further without jumping the kerb, and anyway, that would have drawn unwanted attention for certain.

They had to wait until there was only one man outside and Preston had gone and distracted him with small talk. Sabin was quick about getting in the vehicle, but Nischal had been a nervous wreck about it. All had gone fine, but that didn’t mean Nischal had stopped worrying.

Sabin was still a leopard. Nischal wasn’t sure if his brother had really tried to shift. Maybe Nischal had scared him with the threat of how much the first shift was going to hurt.

And maybe it was better that Sabin hadn’t shifted in the motel after all. It might have got…noisy.

Preston was driving again, and they’d agreed to head towards Colorado, for reasons Nischal still wasn’t sure of, except that he knew Preston had always wanted to go there.

Why not?
he figured. There was a good chance he and Sabin might never get back to their mountains in Nepal, and while once that would have depressed the hell out of Nischal, now he knew he’d be fine as long as he was with Preston.

Fucking Preston had been more—just more everything than Nischal could ever have imagined sex to be. The way Preston’s inner muscles contracted and squeezed around Nischal’s cock, like they were actively working to milk him of his cum, had been beyond amazing. Then there were the sounds Preston made, the way he tasted and moved and, really, Nischal was well enamoured of his mate.

Kapuk hadn’t lied about that, either. The old shifter had told Nischal and Sabin that a mate would be irresistible, but that no shifter would even want to resist their mate anyway. He said love always followed, intense, strong enough to follow them into the next world. Whether Kapuk meant they’d both be reincarnated in the same roles as they were in this lifetime or not, Nischal didn’t know.

But he did know that he’d find Preston, every time they were parted, be it by death or responsibilities that caused the separation.

“I can feel what you’re thinking,” Preston said. “You’re a romantic, aren’t you?”

“I guess, when it comes to you, at least.” Nischal didn’t see any reason to be ashamed of admitting it. “Do you think maybe you should call that FBI agent and ask her if they’ve found anything out?”

Preston glanced away from the highway long enough to frown at him. “Why? She would call me. I mean, I want to know anything they find out about Paul, of course I do, but…” He sighed. “Okay, I’m afraid to hope he isn’t dead, and I feel like a complete asshole for saying that, but I spent months believing he was murdered. If he was, and I start hoping he wasn’t, only to find out—I’m talking in circles, but I can’t take it again. I felt like part of me died.”

“I can understand,” Nischal said quietly, looking in the rear-view mirror at Sabin, who was once again sleeping. “I do. But, it would be good to check in with her, don’t you think? To keep you updated, and that doesn’t mean you have to hope, but, Preston, hope isn’t always a painful thing. It can free you of fears, too, if you let it.”

Preston nibbled on his lip for several minutes as he continued driving. Finally he nodded. “You’re right. I guess on top of being a coward about Paul, I’m a coward period. I don’t want to call her and find out that she’s onto us.”

“Why would she be?” Nischal asked.

Preston hitched up one shoulder and let it drop again. “Because I’m paranoid. Let me have my delusions.” He winked and seemed to relax into the seat. “I’m still trying to figure out how we’re going to survive wherever we end up. I’ve only got a few thousand left in the bank. That might get us set up in a hopefully not condemned place, but I’ll have to find work quickly or we’ll be homeless.”

Nischal cringed inwardly, trying not to let Preston know how useless he felt just then. Their link was strong at times, other times, not so much. Nischal didn’t understand how it worked, and he wished he had someone to ask.

He also wished he could do something to help them out financially. He had no skills other than stalking and killing prey, and even that he only did well in leopard form.

“Stop brooding, it’s an unattractive quality,” Preston said in a firm voice.

Nischal sat up and glowered instead.

“That’s not a whole lot better.”

Nischal scowled. “You pout. Like this morning, when I wouldn’t wear that orange shirt.” It’d been hideous, bright and…well, orange. “Your bottom lip was out this far.” He held his hand six inches away from his face.

Preston huffed and swatted at his hand. “Bullshit. My lip doesn’t stretch that far, and anyway, I’ve been told I look adorable when I pout.”

“By who?” Nischal growled, jealousy pricking him inside.

Preston smirked. “By my grandma, and grandmas can’t lie.”

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