Night Waves (18 page)

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Authors: Wendy Davy

BOOK: Night Waves
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She peeked around the cottage again, and her breath caught. Chad had found his way outside. Flames danced on his clothes, and he dropped to the ground and rolled. The drenched ground doused the fire, and he climbed to his feet. He spun in circles, holding his arms open wide. “I’ll find you Cali. And when I do…” He laughed, a deep and sinful sound erupting from his throat. “You’ll wish you never laid eyes on Coral Isle.”

The firelight illuminated his contorted features. One eye was swollen shut, but the other was open. From the way Chad swept his head from side to side in search of her, Cali knew she had not blinded him after all. She stood on wobbly knees and braced herself as Chad began to head across his front yard. Soon, he would be where he could see her. She turned and ran, tears blinding her vision as much as the wind and rain. She ducked behind the cottage, and then stopped.

She needed to think. She needed a plan. Running in blind fear would only get her caught again.

God grant me wisdom…

Cali took in her surroundings, looking for a weapon. The burning cottage illuminated a pile of firewood in Chad’s back yard. She contemplated grabbing a log and using it for defense. But what if he took it and used it against her? Chad could inflict major damage, and she didn’t want to provide the tools for him to use.

Afraid she would be caught any minute, she circled around the back, and stepped toward Chad’s burning cottage. He wouldn’t expect her to return there. She hoped.

Cali had to get help. She remembered Chad tossing her cell phone in the back of his Jeep. Had he locked the doors?

Her heart raced with hope, and fear. She had to try.

She broke into a full run, shielding her face from the overwhelming heat from the fire. As she approached his Jeep, a sharp, guttural sound erupted from somewhere behind her. She leapt for the door, afraid to turn around and look. The door was unlocked.

She pulled it open and jumped inside, dark, acrid smoke following her in. She choked on the polluted air, coughing and gasping for breath. She swung the door toward her, but a large hand blocked the way. Chad had caught up with her.

Ice-cold fear shocked her system, threatening to immobilize her. Her survival instincts kicked in, and she yanked the door back again as hard as she could. The door bounced on its hinges as it crushed Chad’s hand.

He screamed, pulling back to cradle his injury.

Cali shut the door completely. She scrambled for the lock, and pressed the button. The locks engaged just in time to keep him from gaining entrance. His face appeared in the window, the firelight reflecting the fury burning in his gaze. She glanced at the cottage, wondering if he would be able to get back inside and retrieve the keys to the Jeep.

Chad slammed his elbow into the window. Cali recoiled and lunged in the back for the cell phone. Desperation tore through her when she didn’t see it on the seat. Then, a split second later, she found it on the floorboard.

Cali directed her thoughts to one person. She opened the phone and dialed, praying he would answer.

Night Waves

Night Waves
Chapter Twenty-Five

Nick’s palms slid across the steering wheel, damp from worry. In all his years in law enforcement, he had never faced a fear as all-consuming as this one. He couldn’t contemplate losing Cali, not now when he had just found her.

Flashes of lightning illuminated black smoke billowing in the night sky. He turned on his emergency lights, and took the next right, heading for the source.

His cell phone rang.

“Justice,” he answered.


Momentarily shocked to hear Cali’s voice, he hesitated before asking, “Cali. Baby, where are you?”

“It’s C-Chad. The lifeguard. He’s…” A loud crack sounded, and then her scream erupted through the phone.

Terror sliced through him. “Cali. Cali!”

“He’s going to get in. Hurry Nick. I can’t stop him.”

“Where did he take you?”

“His cottage.”

He remembered the address from when he was investigating the possibility of the lifeguards as suspects. “Hang in there. Use everything you’ve got to fight him. I’m on my way.” Another scream erupted, tearing through his core.

“I set his cottage on fire.”

His heart throbbed painfully in his chest. His gaze darted to the black smoke billowing through the dark sky, and he realized he was already heading in the right direction. “Are you inside the cottage?”

“N-no. Nick, he’s getting in…”

“In where?”

The line went dead. He punched the gas pedal, tearing through broken limbs and driving over fallen obstacles in the road. His tires squealed as he rounded a corner, and his jaw clenched in determination.

Dread compounded with fear as he entered the residential neighborhood. He slammed his foot on the brake pedal and parked a safe distance away from the burning cottage. Although the heavy rain combated the flames, the gusty winds fueled them, kicking them high into the air.

An explosion shattered windows on the right side, sending shards of glass flying in all directions. Black smoke erupted from the new escape route, making the raging fire appear lopsided inside the small, charred cottage.

“She’s not inside.” Nick reminded himself, as the fiery outburst raged out of control.

One vehicle sat in the driveway, and a man lay sprawled on the ground a few feet away as if he had been thrown aside by the explosion. Then, he stood and limped toward the vehicle. He raised his foot, bashing it into the window.

The outline of a person inside, hunkering against the far side jolted Nick’s heart. Cali was inside.

Nick retrieved his pistol, stepped outside and aimed the weapon. “Sheriff’s department. Get on the ground!”

The man turned. The flames illuminated his battered features, and reflections from the flashing blue lights on Nick’s truck wound across his face. One eye was swollen, his face streaked with dark ashes. He stood, arms and feet spread wide, ready to fight.

“Don’t do it, Livingston.” Nick held his pistol in a firm grip as he stepped closer.

Cali erupted from the other side of the vehicle, coughing, falling to her knees. “Nick.” Her voice barely carried across the howling wind.

“Cali, get in my truck.” He kept his eyes trained on Chad. “Get down, Livingston!”

Cali stumbled past Nick, climbing into his truck to safety.

Chad watched her. A full minute passed before his shoulders slumped. He raised his hands and laced them on the back of his head. He dropped to his knees, glaring in Cali’s direction. The cold contempt in his gaze injected a new round of adrenaline into Nick’s veins, and he stepped forward, ready to put an end to the High Tide Stalker’s crime spree.


Cali could not stop shaking. Her drenched clothes stuck to her skin, and her hair lay plastered across her shoulders in a wet, tangled mess. She rubbed her right shoulder where Chad had injured her by dragging her around.

Nick handcuffed Chad and pulled him to his feet. The cruel gaze Chad directed at her chilled her further as Nick walked him toward the truck.

Cali’s stomach dropped. Chad had to ride with them.

Dread filled her. Goose bumps covered her skin, and her shaking grew worse. She swallowed the lump forming in her throat.

Nick stopped Chad a few feet from the truck. He turned and faced the man who had stalked the women of Coral Isle for months, and said something Cali couldn’t hear.

Chad shook his head as a devious grin parted his lips.

Then Nick stepped closer, grabbed Chad’s T-shirt and yanked him up until they were eye to eye. Nick said a few more words, and then Chad’s face fell. Chad spoke again before Nick finally released him.

Nick opened the door and deposited Chad into the backseat. The seatbelt clicked as Nick secured him. Cali had expected Chad to fight, shout and curse. But, he remained still and silent, watching her with deadly intent. She didn’t like him being so near, but Nick wouldn’t let him hurt her.

She turned and faced the burning cottage. A portion of the roof had collapsed, leaving a gaping hole for the flames to escape. Soon, there would be nothing left. A hollow ache emerged inside her, thinking of the heartache this man had caused, and at how so many lives would be changed forever.

Serena’s life would never be the same. Neither would hers.

Anger replaced her sense of relief. Chad had done enough damage. It was time to put an end to his savagery.

As Nick climbed into the driver’s seat, she twisted, boldly facing Chad. “Where is she?”

Nick placed a hand on her sore shoulder. She winced, pulling back, but kept her focus on Chad. “I said, where is she?” she yelled.

“Hold on, Cali.” Nick’s soft voice made her pause. His gaze darted to her shoulder. “Did he hurt you?”

She shrugged glancing at his left shoulder. “I guess I’ve learned my limitations now, too.”

“You did great Cali.” Warmth mixed with relief in his smile.

“But it’s not over yet.” She focused on Chad again, lifting to her knees, ready to climb over the seat and shake the information out of him, now that Nick was there to protect her.

“Cali, look at me,” Nick demanded, his voice turning firm.

She heard him, but didn’t want to comply. “He knows, Nick. He knows where they are.”

He wrapped his hand behind her neck, directing her gaze to his. “I know where they are. Turn around and buckle up.”

“You do?”

“Now, Cali.”

His no-nonsense demeanor captured her attention. She clicked her seatbelt into place as he put the truck in Drive and made a U-turn in the middle of the street. He lifted the radio handset and contacted Helen at the station.

“Tell the deputies to look for the women three miles into the nature preserve. They’re on the inland side of the highway. I’m on my way. I’ve got the suspect in custody.”

“Is Cali OK?” Helen asked.

Nick spared a quick glance at her. “I’ve got her too. She’s shaken, but she’s going to be fine.”

That remains to be seen, Cali thought. Depending on whether or not we find Serena in time.

Nick concentrated on the road as he drove. The wind continued to batter the island, and the rain flooded the streets as the gutters filled to capacity.

“You’re shaking.” He glanced at her with concern creasing his brow. He reached for her hand, taking it in his warm grasp. “We’re almost there.”

“How do you know where Serena is?” Cali voiced her fears, daring to look back at Chad, who had lapsed into silence.

He lifted his head a notch. “He told me.”

“How can you believe him?”

Chad broke into the conversation. “Because he has no other choice.” A smug smile formed at the corner of his lips. “I’m still in control, Cali.”

She ignored his comment, turning her full attention back to Nick.

“You’ll have to trust me on this one, baby.” He glanced her way. His eyes held something more than concern now. Vulnerability showed through, reminding her of when he had asked her to pray with him.

Then the truth hit her. He was acting on instincts, and faith. Not only on what Chad had told him.

“I trust you,” she offered in a whisper.

A smile tugged at the corners of his lips, and relief showed in his eyes. Nick pulled onto the highway that ran along the length of the nature preserve. He set the headlight beams to high, and the rays of light reflected the rain as it poured from the sky.

“The road washed out about five miles down. I set up a barrier earlier this evening. But, we should still be able to get as far in as we need to.”

Should be able to?

Cali didn’t want to dwell on the doubts running through her mind. So far, Nick’s confidence had remained strong. It radiated through his firm grip as he continued to hold her hand, and she was determined to keep the confidence she had gained from him, from slipping away.

Flashing blue lights appeared in front of them. Two cruisers sat parked on the road, but no one was in sight. Nick parked behind the cruisers and started to get out, but hesitated when Chad spoke.

“Let me out. I can show you where they are, Sheriff. You’ll never find them on your own.”

“Then it’s a good thing I’m not on my own, isn’t it?”

Chad’s gaze smoothed over. Now, his features revealed nothing. No emotion showed through. No hatred. It looked as if he had mentally retreated, pulling himself away from reality.

Nick looked at Cali and his voice softened. “Are you ready?”

Cali’s pulse leapt; she hadn’t expected him to ask her to go with him. “I’m ready.”

They climbed out of the truck at the same time. Nick walked around the front and put his arm around Cali, tugging her to his side. “Let’s go get Serena.”

Night Waves

Night Waves
Chapter Twenty-Six

Cali wasn’t sure what she was seeing at first. The darkness swallowed everything farther than three feet ahead. The driving rain didn’t help her vision either. But, a moment later, flashlights appeared ahead of them. Two of them, directing bouncing rays of light to the wet, sandy ground. Two human forms appeared, then the shadow of another emerged, huddled close to the others. As Cali and Nick made their way down a sand dune, the people drew closer. She recognized Deputy Owen from his lengthy stride, and he was carrying something. Or, someone.

“Serena!” Cali broke free of Nick’s grasp, running to meet the two deputies.

She nearly ran into Deputy Owen in her haste to get to him. Nick caught up and shone his flashlight at the woman in Owen’s grasp. It was Serena, and it looked as though she was asleep. “Is she…?”

Owen said, “She’s been drugged, but she’s spoken to me already. She’s confused, but knows her name.”

Relief overcame Cali, and she expelled the breath she had been holding. She tasted salt on her lips before she realized she had started to cry. She glanced at the woman huddled beside Deputy Castle. Marlene Stanton’s short, dark hair stuck out in all directions, and she ducked her head against the strong winds. They continued to walk toward the cruisers as Cali turned her attention back to her friend.

Nick took hold of her hand, lacing his fingers with hers. “Let’s get her to the hospital,” he said, urging her back toward the road.

When they arrived at the truck, Nick switched Chad to Deputy Owen’s cruiser, freeing enough space for both Cali and Serena to ride in the back seat. Cali climbed in, and Deputy Owen placed Serena next to her. Serena drew open her eyes, blinking several times. “What’s going on?”

Cali’s silent tears turned into deep sobs. When she could speak, she said, “It’s so good to hear your voice again. You’re safe now. It’s over.”

Serena seemed to understand, although she was not fully awake, and relief registered on her face for a moment, before she leaned over and fell back to sleep.

Nick climbed into the driver’s seat and twisted around. “We’ve notified the hospital. They’ll be waiting for us.”

“I can’t believe it’s finally over. We did it Nick. We found her.” Tears continued to stream down her face. Cali leaned her head back against the headrest as the adrenaline, which had fueled her body for the last several hours, drained away. Exhaustion claimed her, making her more emotional by the minute.

It would soon be time to go home. Somehow, the thought was not as appealing as it used to be. Going home meant leaving Nick. A new kind of anxiety seeped its way into Cali’s system, dampening the tremendous joy in finding Serena. Cali’s gaze met his intense, deep-blue eyes as he glanced into the rearview mirror, and she wondered if he was thinking the same thing.

Night Waves

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