Night Swimming (27 page)

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Authors: Laura Moore

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Night Swimming
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Lily’s hands slid greedily over taut muscle and burning flesh, guiding him to her own slick heat. His gaze, bright with emotion, locked with hers. In one strong thrust, Sean entered her, sheathing himself, filling her, completing them both.

She rested with her back nestled against Sean’s naked torso. Cradled between his muscular thighs, with his arms wrapped about her, the incredible heat from Sean’s body kept her warm, warding off the chill of the witching hour. His slow, even breath fanned the shell of her ear, a lazy tickle that had her smiling softly, snuggling deeper in the cocoon of his embrace. Never had she felt this secure, this satiated, this . . . loved. She gave a soft murmur of happiness.

“Hmm, what?” His voice was as lazy as his hands, which were stroking her with slow, drugging caresses. When he traced circles over her breasts, she arched against him, her eyes drifting shut at the sensation.

She gave a moan of pleasure before saying, “I was thinking of a night on the beach long ago, the first time I realized I wanted to be held like this in your arms.”

“What night was this?” he asked, pressing his mouth to the hollow behind her ear. Lily shivered, feeling the moist heat travel all the way down to the base of her spine.

“It was years ago, eleventh grade,” she told him. “There was a beach party. I was sitting across the fire from you. For the first time, I looked at you and really saw you. It hit me like a bolt of lightning, how much I wanted you. . . .” She paused. Then shook her head lightly. “No,” she said, correcting herself. “
for you is a better way to describe what I felt at seventeen.”

“I’m not sure I remember—”

“You went off with Stacy Malloy into the trees and the next day I broke your nose. I’m sorry, Sean,” she whispered. “I didn’t mean to, I was so jealous of her. I hate that I hurt you.”

His arms tightened, rocking her. “Shh,” he said, laying a kiss against her temple. “If I was stupid enough to go off with Stacy Malloy, I
to have my nose broken. Just for the record, Lily, there’s never been anything between Stacy and me—except whatever awkward fumblings occurred that night.” His hands drifted upward to trace the delicate wings of her collarbone. “And I always thought you despised me,” he said, his tone marveling.

“I mostly did,” she admitted ruefully. And her laughter mingled with his. “You were so perfect, Sean. You had everything—looks, friends, a wonderful family— everything. I envied you those things, that it all came so easily to you.”

“Not everything,” he contradicted her. “For instance, I had three years of ‘longing’ for you, starting way back in eighth grade. I’d say by eleventh grade, I was pretty much in a state of physical agony whenever you came near.
were what I wanted most.”

“No! That’s impossible,” Lily said with patent disbelief.

“ ’Fraid so.” His arms hugged her close. “And if I’d had a volleyball handy, I’d have torpedoed it straight at your boyfriend’s head in Rome.”

Lily straightened slightly. “Boyfriend?” she echoed in confusion. “What boyfriend? What are you talking about?”

“The guy you were with when I came to pick you up at the
,” Sean explained. “He came up behind you and stood smirking at me, ’cause he, the lucky bastard, was with you—”

“Oh, my God!” she cried, feeling both appalled and saddened. “Sean, that wasn’t
boyfriend! He was a guy who’d hooked up with Petra, my college roommate.”

Sean turned Lily around by her shoulders so that she faced him. His eyes searched her expression. “You’re kidding me,” he said, then cursed as she shook her head silently. “What a bloody fool I was.”

“No more than I,” Lily reminded him softly. “I was convinced Kaye had forced you to come. I was so mortified, I wouldn’t let you into the room.”

“Ahh, Lily,” Sean said. His voice was filled with regret. His fingers stroked her, gently caressing. Then he spoke again. “Maybe it was meant to be, that you and I were at cross-purposes all those years. You see, Lily, I’ve dreamed of you, dreamed of holding you in my arms just like this. And the reality turns my wildest dreams to the palest of shadows. So perhaps it’s for the best that we had to wait until now. If we’d gotten together too soon, I might not have understood—let alone appreciated— what I know now.” When Sean paused, Lily turned her head to gaze at him, and her heart swelled at the tenderness of his smile. “I wouldn’t have known,” he said, “that I will never love another woman the way I love you, Lily.” His mouth found hers in a melting kiss. “Let me take you home,” he whispered. “Let me make you mine.”


Sean scooped Lily out of his convertible before she had a chance to walk, then he refused to set her down, laughingly insisting they’d go much faster this way; the swing of her hips when she moved was too damned distracting.

With her head resting against his broad shoulder, she asked, “Are you rushing because you’re afraid you’ll drop me, McDermott?”

“What are you talking about?” He hefted her in his arms as he unlocked the door to his bungalow. “You’re nothing but a puny girl.”

“I am not puny!” she retorted, grabbing a lock of his hair and yanking hard.

“Ow! Okay, you’re right.” With a grunt, Sean kicked the door shut behind him. “Thank God we’re nearly there. My arms are giving out.” Then suddenly, he loosened his grip, laughing when she squealed and clutched his neck.

Sean’s bedroom was dominated by a king-size bed. Directly above it, a wide-blade ceiling fan rotated slowly. He’d left the lamp on the bedside table burning and its light cast a honeyed glow over the room. Lily had assumed Sean would stop here, perhaps toss her onto the gigantic bed in retaliation for her teasing.

He didn’t. He continued on, carrying her into the adjoining bathroom. Only then did he slowly let her down, gently setting her on her feet as if she were a priceless work of art.

She stared about at the marbled splendor of his bathroom. “Wow.”

“Amazing, huh? The guy I bought this place from had a serious bathroom fetish. There’s another, smaller version by the second bedroom.”

“It’s, uh, very impressive,” Lily said.

“Let me get you out of this dress and I’ll show you impressive.” With a wicked grin he slipped his fingers beneath the thin shoulder straps of her gown. He seemed to derive special delight in peeling the dress slowly down her body, in blowing teasing breezes at the specks of golden sand, which clung to her alabaster skin. His skilled hands tormented, touching, tracing her breasts lightly until she shivered, her nipples tight and aching. “Sean,” she whispered, arching toward him in supplication.

“No, Lily, you’ve got to hold still. This is a most delicate of operations, this first stage of sand removal. I don’t want a single grain to abrade your skin.”

At last, Lily stood before him, with only the tiniest scrap of black silk covering her hips. Reverentially Sean removed this last remaining barrier.

He rocked back on his heels, his eyes drinking in the beauty of Lily’s body.

She was pale and downy soft.

His hand trembled as he reached out to brush the nest of light gold curls. He looked up, meeting her gaze with a somber expression. “I’m undone. You terrify me, Lily. That you can be this exquisite, all dazzling beauty and a brilliant brain—”

“A brain,” she interrupted in a shaky voice, “which will be fried if you don’t undress and make love to me
right now.
I mean it, McDermott. Consider this your duty—in the interest of science.”

He sighed, rising to his full height. “No doubt, just one among many sacrifices I’m destined to make, in the interest of science, in the interest of mankind,” Sean said, his shirt already hitting the tile by their feet. “Turn on the water, Dr. Banyon.”

Much later in the night, Lily woke briefly to the sound of rain beating against glass. Sean lay facing her, his leg and arm draped over her possessively, holding her captive. She didn’t want to go anywhere. She cuddled closer to his solid warmth, and placed a palm over the steady thudding of his heart. With a soft, dreamy smile, she listened to him breathe and drifted back to sleep.

“Good morning, Doctor, how’s the brain?”

Lily opened her eyes and blinked. Sean looked wonderful, dressed in just a pair of jeans and a lazy masculine smile. Lord, what would it be like to be treated to a smile like that every morning?

She stretched, saw how his eyes zeroed in on the vee of her legs, and felt a secret thrill of womanly satisfaction. “The brain’s fine. No permanent damage,” she murmured, her voice husky with sleep and awakening desire.

“That’s a relief.” Sean sat down on the bed, his blue-jeaned hip next to her waist. The weight of his body had her rolling toward him. He leaned over so his mouth could nuzzle the hollow of her throat.

she purred. “What’s that I smell? It’s divine.”

“Me, perhaps?”

She shook her head against the pillow. “No, better.” And had to bite her lip when he glowered at her.

With an exaggerated sigh, he said, “It must be my coffee then. I made you breakfast. I figure, maybe if I feed you, you’ll realize what a wonderful guy I am.”

Dear Lord, she was only too aware just how wonderful Sean was. Looping her arms about his neck she drew his face down to her. “I think I might have figured that out.” She paused and frowned with sudden confusion. “But the reasons why are a little hazy now.”

He dropped a kiss on her nose and grinned. “Then I guess it’s time for a refresher course.”

He shifted, settling himself over her, and the feel of his erection prodding the juncture of her thighs had Lily’s toes curling in anticipation. Her legs slid against the sheets, opening for him. He didn’t need to be prompted twice. His hips dropped in an erotic grind of denim against flesh. It was like a spark that touched off a wildfire. Lily was consumed by desire.

In silent demand, she pushed against his naked shoulders. Ever obliging, Sean rolled onto his back. She followed and straddled his hips, and her body tightened with anticipation.

He looked at her, naked and open above him, and growled low in his throat. His hips jerked instinctively, seeking her damp heat.

Lily’s gaze held his. She smiled, shaking her head slowly in teasing denial. Then, lowering herself over him so her nipples grazed his chest, her smile grew wicked at the sound of Sean’s breath whistling through clenched teeth. Mouth open, Lily began pressing wet, lingering kisses along the fine arrow of dark brown hair that led to the waistband of his jeans. The kisses continued as her fingers went to work, tugging at the metal buttons. Sean’s harsh groans filled the air. Lily pulled the denim wide, and Sean’s cock sprang free. Momentarily tearing her eyes from the awesome sight, Lily gazed into the scorching heat in Sean’s eyes. Knowing just what would drive him wild, and feeling an answering wildness deep inside, she licked her lips. “Behold a very eager student.”

Lily stirred languidly beneath the lazy petting of Sean’s hands. As her head shifted against the pillows, she cast a glance at the rain-spattered window. The dark, overcast day made it impossible to judge the hour. “What time is it?” she wondered, hardly aware she’d spoken aloud.

Sean lifted his arm from her waist and checked his watch. “Twelve.”

“Oh, my God!” She made to swing her legs out of bed, but Sean’s arm snaked about her waist, holding her back.

“Whoa, there.” Laughter threaded his voice. “What’s the rush?”

“Karen! She’ll be worried—”

“Ever heard of a telephone, Banyon?” he asked, as his other hand reached up to stroke her naked shoulder. “I called the apartment earlier. Told Karen you were with me. Didn’t seem terribly surprised or concerned. She said hi, by the way.”

“Oh,” she muttered, and sank back onto the pillows.

Sean leaned over and kissed the slight furrow on her brow. She had an adorably disgruntled look on her face. For some reason, that filled Sean with a ridiculous, irrational happiness. Lord, he loved her madly. She was grumpy and he was charmed.

“Relax, Lily,” he said, his mouth quirked in a smile. “It’s a perfect day.”

“It’s pouring outside, Sean.”

“Yup. Nothing but rain in the forecast—the paper even said a big storm may be heading our way.”

“And that’s perfect?”

“Damn straight. It’s Sunday, there’s food in the fridge. The newspaper’s in the kitchen. I’ve got you, you’ve got me. . . . Who could ask for anything more?”

Her stomach had begun rumbling at the mention of food. “How about breakfast in bed?”

“Sure thing, Dr. Banyon.” He leaned over and captured her lips in a long, honeyed kiss. His voice had a now-familiar huskiness when he spoke again. “Then, if you’re extra nice to me, I’ll make love to you until you never want to leave.”

He was too late,
Lily thought, as she watched him roll out of bed and pull on his jeans. The very idea of being apart from Sean wrenched her heart. But as she lay in the bed, she found herself staring pensively out the window, unable to shake the feeling that the world outside threatened all she held dear.

The empty breakfast tray was on the floor. Newspaper sections lay scattered across the floor. Once again, Lily was floating in a state of lazy contentment, her previous worries banished by the magic of Sean’s lovemaking. Her eyes were closed, the better to feel Sean’s hands moving over her body.

It felt almost decadent, this surfeit of happiness. She loved how he touched her, how he knew precisely where to touch her, so that she cried and flew apart in a thousand tiny pieces. She loved how he knew to hold her gently, making her whole once more.

Lily felt Sean shift beside her. Her heavy lids lifted to find him propped on an elbow, his hazel eyes lit with a warmly possessive gleam.

“So our study’s finished?” she heard him ask. They’d been having a conversation of sorts; stray comments interrupted by tantalizing caresses and soft, whispered moans.

“Study?” she said blankly. Her mind conjuring only the fascinating discoveries Sean had made studying her body, learning all her erogenous zones.
Please don’t let
him stop.

“Study,” he repeated. Amusement thread his voice. “As in reef. You remember the reef, Lily. . . .”

She sat up with a gasp.

Sean laughed softly, his grin wide. “You should see your face. You’ve got this look like you’ve come to school having forgotten your homework.”

She dropped her head into her hands. “I was distracted.”

“Ahh, Dr. Banyon, you are incredibly good for my ego. A few more compliments like that . . .”

Her head lifted and she shot him an exasperated look. “Can it, Sean. This is really serious. I can’t believe I forgot. That last reef dive we made? There’s a hot spot.”

“What?” Sean said, his jaw slack with astonishment.

“The southernmost section of zone one has a hot spot,” she clarified. “A hot spot is—”

“Yes. I know what a hot spot is. I’ve read your book and your articles, too. A hot spot is a localized area in a reef which has succumbed to some kind of disease, right?” When Lily nodded, he asked, “But what’s it doing there?”

“I don’t know. I should get the results from the center’s lab tomorrow. I’ve already started collecting data on current and tide charts for the area. And I took some additional samples at the marina. Once I get the breakdown of all the samples, I should have a better idea of what could be attacking the coral.”

Sean was silent, his brow knitted in thought. “So how bad’s the problem?” he asked. “Is this hot spot very big?”

She nodded glumly. “Big enough to be alarmed. I noted an unusual amount of coral bleaching. Both the hard and soft coral in the area are affected. And there were a number of dead sponges, too.”

“From the types of diseases you saw down there, can you guess what the cause is?”

“No.” Lily shook her head. “I can’t, not at this point. It could be anything—heavy metals, fertilizers, fecal matter, petroleum by-products, even paint scrapings from the hulls of boats—the possibilities are just too numerous.”

“But whatever it is, it must be pretty lethal, though, to affect the area so quickly. Do diseases typically spread so rapidly?”

“Well, sometimes there are flukes, random outbreaks that are like an epidemic. . . .”

“But you don’t think that’s what is happening here?”

“No, I don’t.” Lily’s somber tone matched his. “Which means there’s another problem.” She fell silent for a moment, absently tracing her finger along the seam of the bed sheet. “Sean, I’ve been going through Lesnesky’s notes. In the three studies he made of the reef system, there isn’t a single reading or observation that points to a problem.”

“And you couldn’t have missed something? No, forget that, stupid question.” He leaned back against the pillows, lost in thought. “So basically,” he said slowly, “what this means is that your study is going to contradict Lesnesky’s in a major way.”

“Yes,” she agreed quietly. “That sums it up very neatly. But I’ll have a body of evidence to support my findings—a full analysis of the water and sediment compositions, as well as Karen’s slides showing the diseased specimens.”

He took her hand in his and kissed her knuckles lightly. “I believe you, Lily,” he said. “And if Ferrucci starts screaming town hall down, we can shove a regulator in his mouth and take him on an underwater tour of the hot spot. Better yet, let’s forget the regulator.”

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