Next Song I Sing (NEXT TIME AROUND) (29 page)

Read Next Song I Sing (NEXT TIME AROUND) Online

Authors: Donna McDonald

Tags: #General Fiction

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“Yes. I am,” Chloe said firmly, turning to glare. “It may be hard for you to understand this, Aaron, but Jasper sends other women away that flirt with him. He doesn’t sleep with them. That alone makes him a much better choice than you ever were.”

Jasper laughed at her declaration, leaning his forehead against Chloe’s hair. Holy hell. The woman just admitted she loved him—and told her ex. Behind him, Jasper heard Max laughing. He hoped he could laugh about this later too.

“If you really love me, then just stay with me, Chloe. You don’t have to go back to Kells. I’ll take care of you and the baby,” he said. “I want you both.”

Chloe pulled away to stare at him. “What are you talking about, Jasper?”

Jasper moved a hand to her stomach. Chloe stepped away from his hand in shock.

“You think—you think I would go to Aaron after—after us?” she squeaked.

“No! I would never think that. I figured you got pregnant
you divorced him. You said there was a baby,” Jasper stated, confused by her shock.

Chloe closed her eyes, laughed harshly. “Oh my god. Jasper Wade—you continually surprise me. You’re the kind of good guy a woman looks her whole life trying to find.”

“Did I miss something important in our conversation?” Jasper asked. “Because I’m totally lost.”

Chloe laughed again, but easier this time. Her heart lifted as she met his intimate gaze and saw the truth there. Jasper would have hated it if she had been pregnant with Aaron’s child, but he’d had stood by her anyway and raised her child. That pushed the definition of faithfulness to a whole new level for her.

Not to mention the fact that she was completely convinced that Jasper liked her, loved her, and wanted her. And she wanted him too. Really, what they had found with each other was pretty simple. Maybe there wasn’t any reason to wait.

“Jasper, there really is a baby, but it’s in girlfriend number three who’s sleeping upstairs in my bed right now,” Chloe said. “Megan followed Aaron out here when he tried to break things off with her. She’s at least seven or eight months along with his child. Didn’t Lily mention her?”

Jasper was so relieved the baby wasn’t in Chloe that he felt dizzy. “No. Lily didn’t mention anyone but Kells. There wasn’t time. I was headed to try to stop Rayonna when—never mind. So you’re not…you’re not carrying Kells’ child?”

“Jasper, if I’m pregnant, it’s yours. But I’m pretty sure I’m not. I’m very careful about those things,” Chloe stated adamantly, listening to the snickers of the surrounding crowd and smiling at his obvious relief.

Heedless of the crowd, of Max’s laughter, of Kells looking on in shock, Jasper pulled Chloe into his arms then and kissed her thoroughly, hugging her tightly in relief.

“I’m way too old for this kind of drama. Damn it, Chloe. Marry me before you give me another heart attack about losing you,” he demanded.

“You were really going to marry me even if I was pregnant with Aaron’s child, weren’t you?” Chloe asked, still having trouble believing Jasper wanted her in his life that much.

Jasper nodded. Why lie about it? “Yes. I want you any way I can get you. I told you I was sure. I don’t want you to get away.”

“Kiss me Wade. I’m not going anywhere,” she said.

Chloe leaned into Jasper, pulled his face to hers, and kissed him back with all the passion she was feeling while the surrounding crowd clapped and cheered.

When she pulled away from a flushed Jasper, Chloe stepped out of Jasper’s arms and looked at her ex. “That girl upstairs needs you, Aaron. If you don’t make things right by her, I’m calling your mother.”

“Come on, Chloe. Don’t do that. You know she’s still mad at me because you left,” Aaron said, running a hand over his neck. “Hell, I’m in trouble here. Mom thinks you’re coming back with me. Now I have to tell her about you marrying some other guy. Look, I’ll make sure Megan and the baby are taken care of if you just keep this to yourself for a while.”

“I’m checking with Megan after the baby comes to make damn sure,” Chloe warned. “You’re thirty-six, Aaron. Grow up and be a man. All your mother wants is for you do the right thing. That’s all anybody wants. That baby deserves a father who will love it.”

“Fine,” Aaron said, clenching his jaw at the public chastisement. “Just let me tell Mom in my own way.”

Chloe shook her head as Aaron strode off in the direction of the elevators, hands in his pockets. Then she looked over at Marla and Vanessa, who were standing by with their mouths open. “Intermission is over I guess. Ready for the second set?”

“Absolutely,” Marla said, still in shock. “Usually I just go to the bathroom and have a drink. I sure hope this isn’t going to be your usual way to relax between sets.”

Chloe snorted and felt Jasper’s answering laugh in her hair as he stepped back into her. “I guess I do need a bathroom break. Then I’m going to need something to steady my nerves. Why don’t you ask your new boyfriend to make me a rum and coke? Triple shot, and don’t let Sam skimp on the booze this time.”

“Now you’re finally acting like you’re the star. Good thing I kept that business card,” Marla said on a laugh. “I think we’re all going to need a little drink.”

“Sam and Marla?” Jasper whispered in her ear.

Chloe giggled and nodded.

“This ought to be good,” he said, reluctantly stepping away from Chloe, but she had a show to do. “Marla, ask Sam to make that two rum and cokes. I have to check things at the front desk and then I’ll be in to hear the next set.”

“Jasper,” Chloe called as he started away. “My room is a little crowded. Want company tonight?”

“Yes, and every other night for the rest of my life,” he said firmly, uncaring of who heard. “I’ll have Lily make you a key. You won’t need pajamas. I can’t make my intentions any plainer until we’re alone.”

Chloe sighed at her good fortune, even as the crowd around them laughed.

Then she, Marla, and Vanessa headed to the bathroom.

Chapter 24


Watching Chloe disappear into the closest restroom, Taylor looked at Emma, whose eyes were still wide with shock. Dealing with other people’s drama was hard on her. Emma had seen enough of that in her own failed relationship and her parents’.

“Go check on Chloe. You know you want to. I want to talk to Max alone for a minute anyway,” Taylor said.

Emma nodded without replying and hurried off after the other women.

Eventually, the only people left in the lobby were Taylor and Max.

“Did you hurt your injured leg lifting the screaming bitch?” Taylor asked.

Max stared into Taylor’s blue eyes, still lit with fire over Rayonna almost striking Chloe—and him. The thought of her defending him made him smile.

“Lifting Rayonna? No, I didn’t get hurt. She’s a walking toothpick,” Max said with a grin. “Would you really have sat on her?”

“In a heartbeat,” Taylor said. “I don’t care how famous she is.”

Max laughed then. “I believe you. But trust me, she’s only famous in her own mind. You saw the real story tonight.”

“Yes, I think a lot of people did. So what’s your real story, Max? Are you as bad as the public thinks? Or as good as your brother says? What’s the truth?”

“I’ve been trying to figure that out for myself ever since I got hurt,” Max said honestly, holding her gaze. “Got a reason for asking?”

Taylor huffed out a breath. “Yes. I’m trying to figure out whether or not to let myself enjoy what I’m about to do.”

Max wrinkled his forehead but grinned. “What are you about to do?”

Taylor stepped into him and ran her hands up his suit jacket and over his shoulders until she framed his face in her hands. “Pay my debt to you and tell you thanks for protecting my friend.”

Max knew what was coming then, so he bent his head to her, minimizing the distance as much as he could without being too obvious. Her lips sought and found his, stealing across his mouth lightly, the top of her tongue grazing his bottom lip.

“Taylor—you always taste like bliss. I want more,” Max whispered against her mouth, his arms scooping around her, bringing her closer for the kiss he wanted.

He covered Taylor’s willing mouth with his own, stealing her breath as his tongue stroked along hers with precision. When he finally turned loose, Max let out a shaky breath and stepped away before he was tempted to do other things.

“I would say that squares us,” he said. “Now we’re even—maybe more. Next time that happens, I don’t want it to be for any reason other than we both want it.”

“Unlikely for me to want it again, but I pay my debts,” Taylor said, appalled at how tempted she actually was to step right back into Max for more of what she’d just had. She knew what he was, had read it for herself. Why didn’t she care more about guarding herself? She was not going to make another mistake like she had with Lewis.

“I realize that my age and former reputation with women puts me on your ineligible player list at the moment, but you are honestly the only game that interests me,” Max said. “Please reconsider.”

“I’m too old to date random players, Maximillan. The next game I play will hopefully be with a man who wants nothing more than what Jasper and Chloe have found with each other,” Taylor said with shrug. “You’ll be back on the ice next season. That’s where you belong. I put in twelve-hour days routinely and wish I had someone who had nothing better to do than remind me to eat now and again. We’re in very different places you and I.”

Max studied her face, saw how serious she was. Maybe she was right, but if so, why could he so clearly see the two of them together?

“What if I was that guy you’re looking for?” he asked.

Taylor laughed and put a healthy distance between their bodies. “Wicked Wade cooking dinner? I bet you’ve never been in a kitchen in your life.”

“Okay, you got a point,” Max conceded. “But you really do taste like bliss, and I still want more.”

Taylor sighed. If only the physical was enough, but Taylor well knew it wasn’t, at least not at her age. She wanted someone to share her life, not just her bed.

“Maximillan, you can’t have everything you want. Didn’t Jasper teach you that?” Taylor asked softly.

“No,” Max said. “Jasper taught me never to give up, especially when I think I’m right.”

“Admirable, but a person also needs to learn to accept failure,” Taylor said wisely. “Real life is different from the flash of fame and fortune you’re used to having. Now you and I are going to be friends, right?”

Max held out an arm. “That’s a good place to start, I guess. Can I buy you a drink?”

“Yes,” Taylor said, hooking her arm through his. “I’ll have plain coke. I’m driving. Emma’s car is in the garage.”

“Come play with me later, Goldilocks,” Max whispered in her ear as he pulled out a chair at their reserved table.

“I thought we settled this discussion. What are you talking about, Max?” Taylor said, waving to a now smiling Emma who came over quickly to slide into the chair across from her.

“Playing the piano, Cutie. What did you think I was talking about?” Max asked, winking at her as he headed for the bar.

“Did Max just wink and call you Cutie?” Emma asked.

Taylor laughed and gave Emma a knowing look. “Yes—Max wants me to play with him later.”

“Great—I second that suggestion and all it leads to,” Emma said, emphasizing the double meaning that had Taylor’s eyes sparkling.

“How’s Chloe?” Taylor asked.

“She’s fine. I just love Marla. She’s so funny. I think she’s good for Chloe. They laugh all the time. I bet Chloe never has time to get nervous with Marla around. This is good news for us.”

Taylor smiled at the coke Max set in front of her. “Thanks for the lime.”

“Sam gives me a lime when I do something good,” Max said. “You deserved one tonight. Though I am a bit sorry now that I didn’t turn loose of Rayonna just so I could see what you’d do.”

Knocking on the table, Max walked off to sit at the piano.

Taylor laughed at his retreating back, trying not to think about how rock hard his shoulders had been under her hands. Or how perfectly his mouth had slid across hers.

“Are you
Max is a bad guy?” Emma asked, envying the look on Taylor’s face.

Taylor drew in a deep breath and released it slowly. “I’m not sure about anything except that getting involved with Wicked Wade would not be a good thing for my peace of mind. He kisses well—very well. I can only imagine the havoc that mouth of his could wreak on the rest of me.”

“Havoc can be good. Chaos is the path to real change, you know. Oh look—show time,” Emma announced with a big smile, watching Chloe, Marla, and Vanessa come back in and up to the microphones.

Jasper rushed into a room filled again to capacity for a second time that evening, saw Chloe’s friends at a table, and came over to slide into their single empty chair.

Max tinkled lightly on the keys as Chloe stepped to the microphone.

“So I thought I’d open with a story instead of a song for this set,” she said, smiling as she listened to the disbelieving laughter of the crowd.

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