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Authors: Jane Harvey-Berrick

New Title 1 (70 page)

BOOK: New Title 1
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Karen Wright


Chris L


Roppongi Cat


The Blog Mistress




And thanks to everyone who has read this book and told me how much you’ve enjoyed Caroline and Sebastian’s story.


To show my appreciation, I’ll be posting several
one-off short stories from Sebastian’s point of view. I hope you enjoy them.


lease visit









A New Adult Novel


Dangerous to Know
(published May 2013)

Jane Harvey-Berrick



Nineteen year old Daniel Colton is the man on campus all the guys want to be, and the bad boy all the girls want to be with. His insanely hot tatted up body screams sex, while his eyebrow piercing only enhances his beautiful face, and there are rumors he has piercings in other places as well. This walking one night stand is sullen, mysterious and moody, with an explosive temper. Is he really mad, bad and dangerous to know?


Daniel lives with his older brother, Zeb, a well-known drug dealer with ties to a local gang. Their home has become party central in the months following their parent’s tragic death. You want to party non-stop, drugs, alcohol, no questions asked? The Colton house is the place to go.


Lisanne Maclaine is a good girl. She comes from a stable family, and has done what is expected of her. She’s lived a sheltered life, and was looking forward to the independence starting college will bring her. She’s a music major and dreams of making a living doing what she loves, playing the violin and singing the blues.


When Daniel and Lisanne have to work together on a business assignment, Lisanne is less than thrilled. She never wanted to be in this class in the first place. She is only minoring in business to pacify her parents, and now she is stuck working with him. Mr. Cocky-and-arrogant. Daniel’s bad boy reputation precedes him, and he is the epitome of what Lisanne despises. He’s rude and obnoxious and has a chip on his shoulder and she just wants to get this assignment over with. She knows he’s nothing but trouble and she should stay away, but there is something about Daniel that draws her in. 


Slowly she builds a friendship with Daniel and discovers there is a lot more to this college bad boy than his reputation. He’s intelligent and funny and good company, okay and sexy as all hell. But he’s got a secret.  Once she discovers what it is she finally sees Daniel for who he really is. It explains why he’s so closed off to everyone, and determined to keep people at arms’ length. But being his secret-keeper is harder than she ever dreamed.


Can Lisanne keep Daniel’s secret? What will it cost her? Can she help falling for the notorious ladies’ man? Who else will be vying for his attention and affections? Can Lisanne follow her dreams and have it all? Or will she decide that Daniel is just too Da
ngerous to Know?  




“You know Jane Harvey-Berrick can deliver the goods, as always, this one won’t disappoint!”



ISBN 9780957496163






The Education of Sebastian

Jane Harvey-Berrick



A friendship between the lost and lonely Caroline, and the unhappy Sebastian, leads to an illicit love that threatens them both.



ISBN 9780955315077




The Education of Caroline

Jane Harvey-Berrick




Ten years after their first affair, Sebastian and Caroline meet again: this time in very different circumstances, against the background of the war in Afghanistan. Now a successful journalist, Caroline meets US Marine Sebastian Hunter – can old passions be rekindled?



ISBN 9780955315084


The concluding story of ‘The Education of Sebastian’.




One Careful Owner
(published Summer 2013)

Jane Harvey-Berrick




When 34 year old Alex Winter moves into a small Pennsylvanian town, he’s looking for a quiet life. His only friend is Max, an elderly Boxer dog, who has several unfortunate issues of personal hygiene.


When women start queuing up to date Alex, life gets tricky – especially as romance is the last thing on his mind – and not forgetting the dark secret he’s determined to keep hidden.







The New Samurai

Jane Harvey-Berrick



Teaching in an inner city school in London is hard enough, but when Sam loses his job and his domineering girlfriend dumps him on Valentine
’s Day, he decides to start again somewhere new… in Japan. It’s not long before his ‘no women’ rule is under attack.



ISBN 9780955315060


Sexy and funny, this book will appeal to fans of ‘One Day’.




BOOK: New Title 1
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