New Species 01 Fury (33 page)

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Authors: Laurann Dohner

BOOK: New Species 01 Fury
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Ellie pulled back from him far enough to peer up at his face. “I’m sorry they implied you hurt me. They are idiots.”

Some of the anger eased from his features. “It’s not your fault. People always assume the worst. Hell, my own people thought me capable of it.”

“What do we do now?”



His lips twitched and he gave her a slight smile. “Look on the bright side. We don’t have to hide our relationship anymore.”

She snorted. “Yeah. They had it on the news. I guess I should probably call my family soon before they hear about it and freak out.” His smile died. “What if they are upset about you being with me?” His gaze searched hers. “Will you leave me?”

Ellie hugged him tighter. “Never. I swear. I don’t care what they think.” He couldn’t hide his relief. “I checked something out.”


He hesitated. “Have I told you that I love you?”

Ellie’s heart soared. “No. You haven’t. Are you telling me now?” His lips twitched before he spoke and amusement sparked his gaze. “That depends.

Do you love me?”

Ellie laughed and nodded. “I do.”

“I love you, sweetness.”

“I love you too.” Tears blinded her until she blinked them away. “I’ve loved you for a while but I refrained from telling you.”


She shrugged. “I guess I was being stupid. Human guys tend to flinch a little when a woman declares she’s fallen in love quickly.”

His eyebrows arched. “I’m not one of them, not fully, and I’m filled with joy that you love me. Never say you are stupid again. You’re cautious because you have been hurt by a man in your past. That will never happen with us because this time you chose well.” A smile curved his lips, a teasing sparkle in his beautiful eyes.

Ellie had to fight her emotions not to become overwhelmed. She did laugh at his joke.
He loves me!
More tears blinded her. She had to blink them back. It wasn’t just sex to him, he shared her feelings. Suddenly their problems seemed irrelevant.
He loves me!

“Good. I love you more than words can say and I’m so happy you love me too.” Fury chuckled. “I checked into marriage.” His smile died. “They don’t have a special marriage clause for us but it isn’t exactly against the law either since there’s nothing regarding New Species.”

Ellie stared up at him in shock. She’d never once expected Fury to think about that kind of commitment but he obviously had. Did she want to be married to him? She stared up into his eyes. He had become a huge part of her soul since that first haunting day she’d seen him inside his sterile cell.

“You want to talk about getting married? Really?”

“Would you mind being married to me? I love you and I want to commit to you, Ellie. That’s the deepest one humans have.”

“I love you for that even more.”


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He lifted her and carried her into the living room. He sat back down on the couch with her on his lap. She put her arms around him and they smiled at each other.

“Would you seriously consider saying yes if I were to ask you to marry me in the near future?”

Ellie laughed. “I would but you aren’t supposed to ask if I will consider it. Just ask me.”

“I would but I haven’t had a chance to buy you a ring yet.” He reached up and gripped Ellie’s hand behind his neck. He brought it to his lips to press a kiss on her palm. Then he turned her hand to study her fingers. “I don’t know what size your finger is unless they just come in small.”

“I’m a size six.”

“Six.” His gaze met hers as he held her hand inside his. “I’m having the legal department look into whether we can get married. All they have found so far is that it isn’t on the books but there’s nothing against us marrying either. We’re what they called a landmark case. It sounds like we are real estate.” Chuckling, Ellie nodded. “Yeah. It kind of does.”

“They believe it shouldn’t be a problem. They were hoping no one would find out until after we were married if you agreed to be my wife. Now I’m afraid someone will think of it and try to protest our right to do that.”

“I don’t think they can. You have rights, Fury. They can’t give New Species the right to live as all citizens live then tell you that you don’t have the same rights as other people. It would just be too wrong for words.”

The phone rang and Fury lifted Ellie off his lap and gently placed her onto the couch next to him. He got to his feet to get the phone. Ellie leaned back and tried to relax. She could hear Fury’s voice but not the words.

He wants to marry me
. She grinned.

* * * * *

“The calls are already coming in, Fury.” Justice swore softly. “I just got off the phone with the president. He fully backs us but I hear the worry in his voice. I assured him things are fine and that the news reports were purposely grim.”

“Good. I called our teams and they are on standby to assist the human forces at the gates in case we get an influx of protesters. I’m expecting that to happen. It’s going to drive those nut jobs insane that their worst fear has come true and that a New Species officially lives with a human woman.” Fury paused. “I’m sorry for the trouble but I wouldn’t change it. She’s worth it to me, Justice.”

“You have made that clear and as I said, we are happy for you both. We back you.” Justice paused. “I know we need to address this issue with the press. They are imagining the worst—that she was injured by abuse from one of ours, and we need to clear this matter up.”



“Agreed but I refuse to put Ellie in front of them to answer questions. They will verbally attack her and say mean things that will hurt her feelings. I won’t allow that.

It’s my job to protect her. We need to allow the humans to deal with their own kind.

They are getting paid to handle the press. Let them do it.”

“It’s also your job to protect Species and our image. We may have to allow them to see Ellie to assure all humans she is fine. We need the public on our side, Fury. The last thing we need is more humans hating us and showing up outside the gates. The president can’t back us if he’s getting slammed by everyone for doing so.”

“I can do my job and Ellie
New Species. She’s mine to protect as well. I won’t risk one for the other because it won’t come to that.”

“Good. I will call a meeting with Tom next and he’s the best public relations person we have. He’s heavily into politics and has a vast amount of experience in dealing with the public. He’ll tell us the best way to handle this.” Justice sighed. “I wish these anti-New Species humans would just go away.”

“I wish it as well but we’re free. This seems to be the price of it. We realized it wouldn’t be easy from the start. We’ll get through this. Our security teams are prepared for the worst and you’ll handle the humans. You’re much better at dealing with them than I am.” A chuckle escaped Fury. “I don’t envy you that job today.”

“Is there any way you’ll allow the press access to Ellie?”‘

“No. She’s waiting for me to end this call and I’m going to her. She’s worried. I need to soothe her.”

“Did you just say you needed to soothe her?” Justice laughed.

A flash of irritation tore through Fury. “What? She gets upset and I can’t stand to see her that way.”


“I get to run my hands all over her.” Fury chuckled. “I distract her and as her mate it is my job to keep her mind on more pleasant things. Are you really going to give me shit about doing that? If you had a woman waiting for you, you would want to soothe her as well.”

“Go. I envy you right now. I have no one waiting for me.” Justice hung up.

* * * * *

“Justice is going to hold a press conference tomorrow. He’s decided we don’t have to talk to them unless we want to. I told him we won’t.” Fury said when he walked out of the kitchen without the phone.

Ellie arched an eyebrow. “You might have asked me.” Dark eyes narrowed. “I am not going to put you up on display and allow humans to say hurtful words to you.”


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“Don’t get angry. I’m trying not to get mad myself. You need to ask me things though. It’s just the right thing to do.”

Fury growled. “You’re mine to protect.”

Ellie sighed. She loved him. He was naturally dominant, it being his nature, and he wanted to protect her. She could either fight him every step of the way or just accept that he was prone to that behavior. She knew he loved her as deeply as she loved him.

She nodded and his anger eased.

“I just want to shelter you.”

“I know, Fury. I just like to be asked. All right?”

“I’ll try. Do you want me to call Justice back and tell him that we will be there for the reporters to question?”

“You’d do that for me? Go with me if I wanted to?” He sat down next to her. “If you go, I go.”

She loved him even more for saying that. “Don’t call him back. There’s no way I want to be there.”

“Women,” Fury growled but he smiled.

Ellie leaned toward him and softly brushed a kiss on his lips before pulling back.

“Get used to it if you want to marry one.”

“I do.”

The phone rang again. Fury cursed. “Damn it. It’s not going to stop.” Ellie silently agreed. “I guess I should call my family on my cell phone while you take that call. It would be rude not to give them a heads up before they see it on the evening news.”

Fury’s expression darkened.

“I don’t care if they aren’t happy about us. You’re my life now, Fury. You’re all that matters. I should call them though so they hear it from me.”

“Maybe I should just tear the phones out of the walls.” Ellie was tempted to let him but then reality set in. “Then they’d come to the door.”

“Good point.”



Chapter Sixteen

“I’m really sorry that I had to make you be here.” Director Tom Quish appeared sincere as he glanced between Ellie and Fury. “Justice is furious with me but I have more experience handling the press and the public than he does. Most people love a good romance. We need those people on our side. They want to see you together and it will squash all the nasty rumors circulating in the tabloids.”

“Do we want to ask what those rumors are?” Fury arched his eyebrow.

Tom shook his head. “Not really, unless you really do have Ellie locked up, living inside a doghouse and chained with a collar to get revenge on humans for what was done to you. It’s crap like that.”

Ellie turned her head to smile up Fury. “That sounds kind of kinky.” He laughed. “Maybe I’ll build a doghouse.”

“That’s what I need,” Tom encouraged them. “You are both taking all this really well.”

Fury shrugged. “I got angry but Ellie told me it only made it worse. She cried when I swore I would kill them all.”

Tom’s smile faded instantly. His eyes widened in horror.

Ellie chuckled. “He’s kidding.”

“Thank God.” Tom smiled again.

“I didn’t cry when he said that. I told him I didn’t like seeing blood.” Fury chuckled. Ellie winked at him. Tom groaned.

“You two are going to kill me out there if you act this way. People won’t know what to think of you. I’m hoping that was a joke.”

“They think I’m a savage animal who is forcing Ellie to be my sex slave.” Fury’s teeth clenched. “Am I wrong?”

“Calm down.” Ellie moved closer to him and touched his chest to caress him with her hand. “Anger isn’t our friend. Remember our talk this morning? I know how mad you are but that’s what they want to see. You need to keep control of it. Laugh at them.

If you get accused of crap like that by some reporter, just think of this.” She moved closer to him. “I would love to be your sex slave any day.” Fury smiled wide enough that his canine teeth showed. “That won’t stop me from being angry. That will make me want to take you home.”

“One hour, Fury. That’s as long as you have to keep your cool. You can control your temper. You need to do this,” Ellie assured him. “You can yell later and be angry then if it gets hairy out there.”


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He cupped her face. “I promise to try, Ellie. I would do anything for you.”

“Thank you.”

“But if they insult you, I might get angry. You know my temper is short when it comes to someone harming you or saying bad things about you.” Ellie groaned. “They will insult me. I’m pretty sure of that. I can handle it so just keep calm.”

“What kind of male would I be to sit there while they say bad things about you?”

“A smart one,” Tom snapped. “The world is going to be watching this, Fury. You two are huge worldwide news. You have no idea how much coverage will be out there.

If you charm the press they will love you. They will totally back you having a relationship. If this goes bad then it could get ugly. We really need the incoming money, Fury. Think of all the New Species and Ellie even. What would happen if support got pulled and the funds stopped coming in that keep Homeland open? It would close down and then where would everyone be? Our legal staff is working hard on those lawsuits to get cash inflowing but I’ve been assured it won’t be too much longer before Mercile Industries is going to pay for what they’ve done.”

“Fine,” Fury sighed. “I understand. I will sit there and be calm no matter how much I want to hurt someone.”

“Thank you.” Tom sighed. He shot Ellie a grim look and crossed his fingers. The man walked around his desk and yanked his jacket on. “Let’s go.” Fury took Ellie’s hand. She tried to fight down her nervousness. She’d never had to talk in front of a bunch of cameras and reporters before. For security purposes the press conference would be held in front of the main gates. That way it kept everyone out of Homeland but next to the security walls to help them control the area.

“I’m here,” Fury assured her. “I won’t allow anyone to harm you.” Ellie flashed him a weak smile. “I just hate being around a bunch of people but I’m going to be fine with you at my side.”

Fury kept a firm grip on her hand and pulled her closer against his body when they walked outside the gates. Ellie realized immediately it had turned in to a media circus of the worst proportions. Flashing cameras blinded them when they drew closer to the area set up for them.

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