Never Give You Up (23 page)

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Authors: Shady Grace

BOOK: Never Give You Up
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Although he didn’t have it planned out perfectly, Terry was willing to risk his life to make a deal with the old man. If he didn’t call off his tirade, then they would kill everyone in his family and burn this ranch down.

He was here to talk, but ready for a fight.

Terry pulled the rental car up to the guard house and chatted with the armed man keeping post. He knew he was entering dangerous territory, but he had no other choice.

Adolfo’s death wasn’t personal. It was business.

Once he was approved entry, Terry drove past the armed guard and up the long driveway toward the main house. He glanced through the rearview mirror and blew a sigh of relief as Gabe took out the guard and continued on foot.

Gabe had strict orders that if anything went wrong, he was to burn this place down with everyone in it, whether Terry got out or not. Gabe almost punched him in the mouth when Terry had given the order, but when it came down to the safety of Mary and Mima, Terry’s death would be worth it. He didn’t want to leave her, but he wouldn’t risk her life for his. He wouldn’t let her die for his father’s business, because Mary was worth far more than any amount of money.

He pulled up to the house, parked the car and patiently waited as another man checked him for weapons. When they found him clean, a man led him into the massive mansion, straight to a private sitting room.

He paused on the threshold, took a deep breath, and stepped inside the lion’s den.

Antonio Montesano turned from his liquor cabinet, his dark eyes emotionless, his expression passive, as he glanced at Terry.

“You have grown much since last we spoke, young man.”

Terry swallowed, nervous and a little scared to be in the same room with such a powerful man, but he wouldn’t let him see it. “And you look healthy, Tony.”

“Thank you. My wife insists I drink vegetable shakes every morning. They taste like goat shit, but I feel good. She enjoys my vigor in the privacy of our bedchamber. Once again she’s expecting my child.” Antonio filled two glasses and gestured for Terry to take a seat.

Terry couldn’t believe the old man’s boys still worked. “Congrats.”

Once again his thoughts drifted to Mary, particularly her believing she was barren without having it confirmed by a doctor. Terry would bet his left nut her husband was to blame but felt the need to blame her anyway. That must be hard for her to bear when she was still so young and Antonio should be kicking up dirt.

He accepted a glass of brandy, Antonio’s favorite, and tried to focus on the Spanish kingpin—not Mary’s sweet face and aching heart.

Antonio Montesano was pushing eighty and you’d never know it. Only a few streaks of white highlighted his jet-black hair, framing a tawny face with few wrinkles around his calculating eyes. To a stranger he could be fifty.

Terry looked away from Antonio and glanced around the room, nearly blinded by the endless glint of gold on every surface. Gold statues and figurines. Gold-leafed ceilings and walls. Old paintings framed in gold. This family was ten times richer than he could ever hope to be. Even the rim of his glass was tipped in gold.

“You took my son away from me, Terry. Consider yourself lucky you’re not already dead.”

Terry took a sip, needing the alcohol. He knew he would be safe in this room despite his nerves and the armed guards all over the property. One thing his father taught him that he’d never forget—a true businessman would never harm another while making a good deal. “He tried to kill me.” Terry rolled his shoulder, feeling the usual nasty ache as he said the words. “Three inches lower and you would’ve had a war on your hands.”

Antonio nodded. “Yes. Your man, Hayes, said as much.”

Terry frowned.
“You’ve spoken to Hayes recently?”

“Oh, yes. Your father sent him here to make a new deal.” He looked thoughtful for a moment. “But I was confused why he would ask about my children.”

“I thought you had one son.”

Antonio smiled. “I’m a Spaniard, and I’ve had three wives, Terry.”

His eyes held a gleam that made Terry nervous. He cleared his throat, determined to stay focused. Whatever his father had sent Sam here for, could be the key to something big. “I would like to propose a deal I’m sure you don’t want to refuse. I’ll make you even richer than you already are.”

Antonio’s dark eyebrow shot up. “Oh?” He sat forward, elbows on knees, curiosity in his eyes. “This deal will make me feel better about Adolfo?”

Terry cleared his throat. “Your son disrupted business and tried to steal from me. Now my father is dead as well, and my woman was attacked.”

Antonio shrugged, and lounged back in his chair. The conversation obviously bored him. “Business is business. What do you propose?”

Terry took back the rest of his drink and set the glass down on the mahogany side table. He stared at Adolfo’s ring on Antonio’s baby finger. “A recent scuffle landed some information that you are behind these threats. I want you to call off this crazy mission and put a stop to this rivalry. Nobody else needs to die.”

Antonio frowned. “As much as I would take the credit, I didn’t make that call. As much as I loved my son, his greed is what killed him. I am a man of business, and I would never risk that for anything.”

Terry’s heart lurched as Antonio looked away, his expression immobile. To Terry, it felt as though the kingpin was ready to end the conversation. “If you didn’t make the order, then someone did under your name. Nobody blurts out a lie when they’re about to die.”

Antonio’s eyes narrowed as he returned his attention to Terry. “I see. Yes, you’re right.” He lounged back and clasped his hands over his knee. “Then I must tell you, all I have left is one young son in grade school by my current wife, and an older daughter from my first wife. She’s very beautiful, and highly intelligent. If it is she using my family name, then she will pay the hardest price. In her dishonor from the past, I have washed my hands of her.”

An older daughter from his first wife. Fuck.

“Now tell me of this wonderful proposal before I lose my patience.”

It took every ounce of his control to keep his expression blank while he fought to come up with a decent plan. He didn’t expect another child, especially not an older daughter. All along he thought a man killed his father. But a woman could sneak around easily. The housekeepers, his stepmother’s friends, even his own female staff at the hotel could’ve walked right into the house and never be questioned.

He nearly jumped out of his chair as a crazy thought entered his mind. With his heart about to burst through his chest, Terry looked him square in the eyes and didn’t bat a lash. “In exchange for your compliance and your partnership, I’ll give you my Bolivia connection.”

That got Antonio’s attention.

The old man sat forward again, his expression full of surprise. Terry knew his mind was going a mile a minute. His Bolivian manufacturer had the best product. Nobody could beat it, and Antonio knew that, as Adolfo did. Only Terry and his father knew the location of his maker, and that secret would never get out—not while Terry lived.

He didn’t give two shits to keep Bolivia or not. After all, he never wanted this life. He was forced into it. Now he had other plans. Nobody could tell him what to do anymore.

“Tell me the name of your daughter and I will send her home without harm. You have my word.” He held his breath as Antonio considered the request.

They sat in silence for a long while. Terry sat with as much patience as a dog with a bone sitting atop his snout. He just wanted to go home and be with Mary. He wanted to offer her the world. But he needed answers more than anything.

Antonio stood up, retrieved Terry’s empty glass and proceeded to pour them another drink.

“Daniella disgraced me when she got with child out of wedlock, and then she aborted my grandchild. I haven’t spoken to her in many years. I will never speak her name in this house again. She didn’t know her place.” His smile seemed forced. “But, you have a deal, Terry. I will find her and bring her home on my own terms. No other harm will come to your family. You have my word as a gentleman.”

As they shook hands and clinked glasses—a promise between men—Terry knew he’d be calling upon Antonio very soon.

* * * *

With a big stretch, Mary sat up in Terry’s enormous bed and stared at her surroundings. The sun shone high in the east, blaring bright through the floor to ceiling windows in Terry’s bedroom.

One week had passed since those men tried to abduct her. She touched the scab on her throat, thankful the cut hadn’t been deep enough to need stitches. What a terrifying night. But what a rush to watch Terry beat the hell out of those guys. If he wouldn’t have suspected something was up and wondered why she’d taken so long in the washroom, who knows what could’ve happened. They would’ve kidnapped her, and then what? Rape or murder, or both?

She didn’t want to think about it. She only wanted to imagine how she could help Terry achieve what he really wanted. The kind of life that didn’t require looking over his shoulder every minute, or having to kill people when she knew he didn’t want to do that.

When Terry burst through the club door, he’d changed everything. He’d taken away her doubts about those women and what he truly wanted. The fact that he worried about where she was spoke more than any words. She had seen the terrified look in his eyes as those men pulled her further into the alley. And she’d seen the fury as well as Terry came after them like a feral beast, without a thought to his own safety.

He was her savior. Her criminal angel.

She sighed deeply and sunk back against the pillows, a content smile crossing her face.

I’m in love with a crime boss.

Chuckling at herself, she whipped her legs over the side of the bed, grabbed her new silk robe, and headed to the window.

She had become the lover of a criminal. Not long ago she lived a simple life in the wilderness. Every day consisted of feeding the animals, routine runs to keep up their exercise, household chores, and taking care of nuisance beaver. Mucking out Blue’s stall and hauling hay every day had been a chore in itself, sometimes more consuming than taking care of hundreds of pelts.

Now she was being cared for like a princess while Mima took care of her homestead. She felt guilty, but at the same time she didn’t want to go back. Not yet.

It almost felt as though she was a traitor to herself for enjoying this pampering. Was it such a bad thing to enjoy being wined and dined and having Terry open doors for her, or slip her coat over her shoulders before he kissed her cheek? Did this change in her physical life mean she’d changed as a person too?

Her steps faltered as a sudden wave of nausea filled her stomach. Her cheeks heated as she rubbed her upset stomach. Before she could get back to the bed and rest a moment, get her wits about her, her eyes widened as she realized she needed the toilet not the bed.

In a panic, she burst into the en suite just in time to be sick.

A short while later, after washing up and drinking a glass of water, Mary managed to drag herself to the kitchen, her stomach empty and rumbling for food. But somehow this morning everything smelled disgusting. She decided on toast and managed to keep a few bites down even though it tasted like cardboard.

That’s when it hit her.

She was late.

Oh, God.

Happiness and dread filled her all at once. Could this really be possible? She’d been too preoccupied with Terry lately that she didn’t even notice the change in her body. Sore, fuller breasts, queasy stomach, lack of or massive appetite. The urge to puke whenever she smelled chicken. Those were big warning signs for a pregnancy.

A triumphant smile curved her mouth. After years trying to make Tom happy, she still couldn’t conceive and she’d truly believed Tom had been right when he said she must be barren. She believed him enough not to see a doctor about it.

A few weeks with Terry and she was royally screwed.

She wandered to the living room window and looked out, blinking away the sting of oncoming tears. They hadn’t used a condom the first night, or any other night since then. How could she be so stupid? She closed her eyes and banged her forehead against the window.

What have I done? What if he thinks I’m setting him up?

Would he kick her out and never speak to her again?
One thing was certain. She needed to get a test—right now.

In a torn state, she whipped on jogging pants and a sweater. Her entire body trembled in fear and excitement as the elevator jerked to a stop on the main floor. The doors opened. Guests looked her way, appalled as they took in her rumpled state of dress. She squared her shoulders, held her chin high, and proceeded past the front desk to the huge double doors.

“Excuse me! Miss Lector? Miss Lector!”

Mary froze and turned toward the voice. A pretty redhead stood behind the front desk, staring at her with huge green eyes, behind the thickest black-rimmed glasses she’d ever seen. But she looked cute as hell in them.

“Uh, yes?”

The girl smiled and it made Mary breathe a little easier.

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