Never Enough: The Vipers MC (47 page)

BOOK: Never Enough: The Vipers MC
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He tossed the panties aside and took his place between her legs. He lowered his mouth to her, looking up to watch her face. She pleaded with him and lifted up, but he pressed her hips back down. Then he used his fingers to spread her lips apart and flick his tongue all around her. He pressed inside her as far as his tongue would go. He rubbed small, fast circles over her clit and she almost lost her mind with the pleasure of it.


She cried out to him. “Please!”


He slipped his finger inside and moved it in and out while he flicked his tongue over her clit. He moved too slowly and she wanted more of him. And then, when he finally pulled out his finger and came to meet her, he took his dick in his hand.


“Is this what you’ve been waiting for?”




“Is this what you want?”




He kissed along her neck, still refusing to give in to her. He rubbed the tip of his cock around her clit and between her lips, spreading her juices around. He pressed in just the tip. When she moaned and pushed against him, he pulled out.


“Jasper!” She tried to slide her hand out of the cuffs. She wanted to reach down to his ass and pull him in deeper and be done with this playing around. She needed to feel all of him, now.


He pushed in again, a little more this time. She wanted to press against him to force him deeper, but she held back. If she stayed still, maybe he’d give her more. It worked. She didn’t move and he slid in a tiny bit farther. She forced her hips to stay down and not move and he slid in farther still. Then, with one final shove, he filled her completely.


She cried out and he did, too. But then he stopped. He didn’t move. He stayed there, still inside her.


She held her breath and didn’t move either, afraid he’d pull out again.


“Okay, I can’t do this anymore,” he said.


And then he pulled back and thrust into her, fast and hard. Whatever game he’d been playing with himself seemed to be over. Instead of the slow, careful movements, he thrust in again and again, faster, harder.


He reached down and pulled her leg up, putting his arm behind her knee to bring it up higher so he could go deeper into her.


“Harder!” she said.


He listened this time. When she brought her hips up to meet him, he brought his down to her, the force sending him in again and again.


“I’m gonna come,” she said.


He abruptly pulled out.


She whimpered in response. “No.”


“Not yet,” he said. He turned her over and brought her ass up to meet his hips. He slid into her from behind, tugging on the handcuffs and using his other hand to rub her clit.


It was no use, though. Whatever he’d hope to stop, he’d only brought on harder. She pushed her ass back into him and almost screamed in pleasure as she came all over him.


“You bad girl,” he said, leaning over her to bite her neck, then straightening back up to smack her ass twice. “I said not yet.”


“I couldn’t help it.”


“You’ll have to pay now.”


He turned over, so he was on his back. He grabbed her and pulled her on top of him. She straddled him, and he held his dick so she could slide onto it. She rocked her hips forward and back, massaging him. She rode him hard, up and down, slamming into him until he cried out and gripped her legs. He made a few hard thrusts into her and then lay still, panting.


“I love your pussy,” he said.


She chuckled and slid off him to lay by his side.


It was slightly awkward, still being cuffed, but she nuzzled against him, resting her cheek on his shoulder.


“Just give me a second,” he said, breathing slowly. “I’ll get the cuffs off.”


After a minute of resting, he got up and dug into his pants, pulling out a bobby pin from his pocket. She turned on her side and held her hands out to him. It didn’t take long. In just a minute, he had the first one unlocked, then the second one. He kissed her wrists and set the handcuffs on her dresser.


“We’ll have to keep those for next time,” he said.


“You are really good at that,” she said.


“What, that handcuffs?”


“Well, all of it, but yes, I meant the handcuffs this time.”


He smiled and slid back into bed beside her.


Fiona shivered. The air was cool on her sweaty body. They never had taken showers after coming home, but she was too exhausted now. She’d just have to change the sheets tomorrow. She pulled the blankets up and slid under them, then Jasper did the same.


With their naked bodies pressed together, she rested on his shoulder and he put his arm around her.


“You’re going to stay here until you have a house to go to, right?” she asked.


She hadn’t thought much about it earlier, but maybe he’d go to stay with one of his guys for a while. Of course she wanted him here. She didn’t want to be without him for one minute. But part of her wondered if that would be the best thing for Sophia. She liked Jasper, but to have another man move in so soon? And was their relationship ready for that? They’d fallen in love so quickly. Did they really know each other well enough?


She kept thinking back to Sam and how different everything had been at the beginning. What if Jasper did something like that? What if he changed on her suddenly? He didn’t seem like that type, but then, neither had Sam. If she ever wanted any relationship to work out, she’d have to let go and trust. Sure, she might get hurt again or end up in a bad relationship, but if she didn’t ever trust, then she’d never be married to anyone again. Was that what she wanted?


No, she enjoyed the married life, just not the person she had been married to. But a nice house with Jasper, and Sophia, and maybe a few kids of their own—it sounded like a dream. Her dream. And maybe, for once, all her dreams would come true.


“If you’re okay with it, I’d love to stay here,” he said.


She nodded. “Absolutely.”


“Good. I might go a little crazy over your safety for a while. It’ll make it much easier for me to feel like you’re safe if I’m with you. I don’t want to be overprotective or anything, but I want to make sure you’re okay and Sophia is okay.”


“Thank you.” She leaned forward to kiss him. “Thank you for always protecting us. It means so much to me.”


“You mean so much to me. And Sophia. It kills me to think of anyone hurting you. If you hadn’t killed Sam, I was going to.”


“I’m glad I got to, though.”


“Are you?” He tilted his head to raise an eyebrow at her. “I wasn’t sure how that would affect you. Was that the first time you ever shot a gun? The first time you killed someone?”


“Yes.” She chuckled. “Who else would I have killed?”


“Who knows. You could have been mugged some other time or something. I’m glad he’s the only one. It can really weigh on you when you kill someone and the more kills, the more weight.”


“I think I feel okay about it because of the circumstances. I feel like I finally fought back, and that’s a good feeling. And I feel like I was the one to save Sophia and myself from him, you know? Obviously, you were a big part of it, and the Hawks, and I couldn’t have gotten to that point without you, but I was the one to pull the trigger and make sure he was out of our lives forever.”


“I get that. Totally. I wanted to be the one to kill my dad so badly. My brother did it, though. I guess that’s something. He’s older so he got it worse and he probably needed to kill him just as badly as I did. I wanted to be the one to get revenge, though. I wanted to make him suffer like he made me suffer.”


“That’s how I felt about Sam. Like he should have to feel some of the pain he put on me.” She looked up at him and traced his nose and jaw with her fingers. “I’m sorry your dad hurt you like that. No one should be treated that way, especially not by a parent.”


“I guess we went through almost the same thing. Dad, husband; I don’t see how it’s much different, really.”


“It’s horrible no matter who’s doing the hurting.” Something he said earlier came back to her and she needed an answer, even if she really didn’t want to know. “Can I ask you something?”




“How many people have you killed?”


He sucked in a breath and let it out slowly. “You sure you want to know the answer to that?”


“Nope. But I need to.”


“Okay. Well, if we’re counting indirect kills, where I was a part of it, or had someone killed on my behalf, then I don’t have an exact number. You could count every one of the Blades as mine if you wanted to because I ordered my guys to kill them.”


“How many people did you personally kill?”


“Adding Leo and one of his guys today, eight.”


She didn’t say anything for a long time. Then, “How did you not get caught for any of them?”


“It’s kinda like with gangs. Police try not to get too involved with MC crimes against each other. I think they figure they’ll let us take each other out. Saves them from having to deal with us. So, a lot of them weren’t investigated too closely. Like everything that happened today. When they realize who’s inside that house, it’ll be listed as arson and accidental deaths most likely. And the others? I was just smart about them, I guess.”


“So, you’ve literally gotten away with murder.”


“You could say that. Eight times.” He waited for her to say something else, and when she didn’t, he asked, “Does that bother you?”


“I’m sure you had good reasons to kill them all, but it does a little. I mean, it’s murder. That’s a serous thing.”


“I know. And I take it very seriously.”


“I know you do.” She trailed her fingers along his bulging bicep. “That’s why it’s not a deal breaker.”


“What are you deal breakers?”


“Not sure, really. Obviously, abuse. I thought the MC thing was, but if that’s not, then I guess I don’t really have many. What about you?”


“I doubt there’s anything that could make me not want to be with you. Maybe cheating. That’s not cool. But, I don’t know. You’re so hot, I might still take you back.”


“I’ve never done that anyway.”


“I was thinking about something.” He played with the ends of her hair, twisting pieces around his fingers and weaving through the long strands. “What if my new house is…
new house? What if you and Sophia came to live with me? We could pick it out together and everything.”


“I would love that. Having a house again. And to have it with you? It’s a dream come true.”


“We’d have a lot more space. And a yard. We could get a dog or a cat, or whatever Sophia wanted.”


“Oh, don’t tell her that.” She laughed. “She’ll want a small zoo.”


“I might be able to be talked into that. If that’s what she wanted.”


“She is going to have you wrapped around her little finger.”


Jasper squeezed her closer. “I hope so.”


“You know. I didn’t tell you this. She asked me if you could be her new daddy.”


“She did? Seriously?”


“Yes. She wanted you to live here.”


“Wow. I wasn’t sure how all this was going to go. If she’d need time to adjust or anything.”


“I’m sure she still will, but at least that means she’s comfortable with you. She likes you and she wants you around.”

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