Nerd Girl (4 page)

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Authors: Jemma Bell

BOOK: Nerd Girl
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“Don’t tell me she didn’t come!” I’ve been waiting all week for this and she didn’t come.

“Relax, sugar lips, she stayed behind in the class to practice for a few more minutes. She had a little trouble with a few moves and Cara offered her ten extra minutes by herself.”

“Oh, ok. Did she enjoy the…class?” I blurt out, relieved that she’s here. I’ve spent the week trolling Layla’s Facebook pictures for a glimpse of this girl to see what she’s like as a person. Best guess is that she’s shy, lights up when she smiles, loves a ridiculous looking red dog, looks hot with or without her glasses, and is adorably clumsy.

“She was shocked that this is where we ended up on a Friday night. She was dressed to go out, so if she’s willing, ask her to go for a drink with you or something.”

“Yeah, that sounds good. Let me see how she reacts to seeing me again and we’ll go from there. Thanks for getting her within my grasp.”

“Like I said before, you better be worth the risk! Tread cautiously, she’s very skittish and this might throw her for a loop. Good Luck, Romeo, I’ll check you guys out in a few.” Layla pats me on the back and continues to the locker room.

I hear the music pumping from the speakers of the studio. I sneak up the hallway and peer into the studio through the glass wall. What I see makes me want to throw myself onto the floor, bowing down, just like in the movie
Wayne’s World
and thank the creators of women’s spandex. Tiny black shorts encase her fabulous ass and a hot pink sports bra covers a superb set of tits. She’s not overly tall, but her legs appear to go on for miles. Oh, baby what I would give to be that pole right now, have her legs wrapped around me and make us sweat in a more erotic sort of dance. I’d better stop this train of thought. The last thing I need is to have a pitched tent when I talk to her again. She’s attempting a few of the easier moves and is doing well by herself. I decide now’s as good a time as any and move into the studio. She hasn’t seen me yet and, Lord have mercy, she starts to strut around the pole and use her assets to look sexy. My little librarian is blowing my mind. Oh Shit…she must have lost her grip on the pole, because she crashes to the floor with a loud screech. I jog over to her to make sure she isn’t hurt. Once I notice her focus on my shoes I say “Boo” and watch as her eyes travel on up my legs, stomach, chest, and all the way up to my face. I flash her my most panty melting smile and say, “Well, we meet again.” She just blinks at me as if I’m not real. I want to be real to her, solid, constant. I reach out and push her glasses back up her nose as they slid off during her fall. She still has no words as I help her up from the floor. She’s blinking rapidly and the shocked look on her face is incredibly cute.

“Are you hurt anywhere? Can I get you an ice pack for your elbow?” I inquire. Her elbow seems to be where she landed the hardest.

“Derrick? What are you doing here? I’m fine!”

“I heard you were going to be here tonight, so I’m here too.” She squints her eyes and reflexively nods her head. “Ok, I also work here, so it’s not a complete coincidence.” She wraps her arms around her naked stomach in a vain attempt to cover up some skin. Pity, because she’s soft in all the right places.

“Why would you come here to see me, Derrick?” She asks seeming surprised. “You don’t even know me.”

“But I want to know you,” I say to her and reach out to brush the back of my hand down her cheek and rest it on her shoulder. She’s still a little damp from her workout and her skin feels like silk. “I was wondering if you would like to join me this evening for a drink and we can spend some time together.”

“But I’m hanging out with Layla tonight.” She sounds disappointed and I know I am. “Maybe she could come with us…if you don’t mind, that is?” There’s still hope, I feel like doing a fist pump into the air.

“No, I don’t mind at all I’ll call my buddy, Riven, to keep her company, so she doesn’t feel like a third wheel.” I’m almost positive Riven has no plans this evening and would help a brother out with the tag-along friend.

“Um, ok, let me go get cleaned up and changed.”

“I’ll do the same and meet you out front. See you in about 15 minutes.” I rub my palm down her arm and give her hand a squeeze. She smiles shyly at me and leaves to go get changed. I jog to the locker room and shower in record time. I quickly throw on my clothes, a pair of stone washed jeans, an aqua colored V-neck t-shirt and my favorite boots. I shove my workout clothes in my locker, grab my wallet and phone and head up front. My phone rings and I look down at the caller ID to see that Mitzi is calling. I roll my eyes to the ceiling and take a deep breath before I answer the call.

“I expect you to answer the phone when I call you Derrick. I’ve left you three messages today. Where the hell have you been?” She shrieks.

“Mitzi, I’ve been at work all day. What’s so important that it couldn’t wait for me to call you back?”

“I wanted to make sure you remembered your photo shoot for tomorrow morning with Zach Lovell. These are preliminary shots for a new book cover. You should be well rested and relaxed…I thought I could help with that.” She says the last part in a seductive voice.

“Not tonight, Mitzi. It’s been a long day. I’m just going to go out and have a drink with Riven and be home before 11:00.”

“Alright, precious, as long as you’re well rested for tomorrow. I’ll see you soon.” And with that, she hangs up.

I need to have a serious conversation with Mitzi soon. If I’m going to try for something with Amy, I can’t have Mitzi interfering. The worst mistake I ever made was allowing our working relationship turn into something physical. It was only supposed to be a sexual outlet for both of us as neither of us was attached at the time. I pocket my phone and hear voices coming down the hall, I turn around just in time to see Layla and Amy come out the doors. God she’s beautiful! I can’t wait to get to know her better.

Chapter #6

Nerd Girl Problem #106

Billiards and balls and darts, oh my!

e decide to go to On the Break, a local billiard hall and play a few games of pool. Derrick thought it would be a place where we could talk, have fun, and get a drink. I’m still a little bit in shock that I ran into him again and that I’m sitting in the front seat of his beautiful car right now. I know Layla had something to do with this, but right now her lips are tightly sealed. I’m incredibly angry with her for being so sneaky and helping set all this up. However, who could stay mad at their best friend who figured out a way to get you together with the guy of your dreams? I’m not sure if I should strangle her or kiss her. We’ll see how the night goes. Layla is following behind us in ‘Dotty’ and Derrick’s friend, Riven, is supposed to meet us at the pool hall.

“So, tell me a little about yourself?” Derrick says.

“What do you want to know?” I counter.

“Let’s start with the basics, okay? How about…what’s your favorite color?” Derrick chuckles at his simple question. I watch as he switches gears with precision and handles this monster car like a pro. I wish I knew how to drive a car like this.

“Purple. You?” Wow! He smells so good and the blue shirt he’s wearing really sets off his tan complexion. I wonder if it’s left over from the summer or if he goes to a tanning salon to maintain that golden color.

“Red, but I like purple, too,” he says giving me a wink and a half grin. I think he can tell I’m nervous because he reaches over and places his hand over mine that I’d been wringing in my lap.

“It’s okay, Amy. We’re going to take this slow, you get to know me and I get to know you. Give and take, you know?” We ask each other the simple questions. He knows my favorite food is shrimp scampi, that I love to read, and enjoy going to the movies. I know his favorite food is margarita pizza, he loves playing board games, and is interested in science fiction books and movies.

“You should check out The Book Mark, the shop where I work. We’ve always got a great selection of books to choose from. Do you prefer to read on paper or an E-reader?”

“I have both, but for some of the classics, I like to pick up the actual book. I’m a bit of a collector for my favorites. Thanks for the tip. I’ll have to bounce into that store one of these days and see my favorite librarian.” We pull into the parking lot and find a spot right in front. Derrick kills the engine and turns his dreamy, whiskey eyes my way. I’ve got his full attention.

“So, you ready to do this?” He asks the question with a serious face, but I think it has a double meaning. Am I ready to do this? Am I ready to start something with him? Is that what he wants to know?

“I think so,” I answer. It’s one of those once in a lifetime opportunities. Who else gets the chance for romance with the guy of their dreams? I’m ready to take a risk and see what happens.

“Stay there; I’ll come around and get you.” Derrick hops out of the car and quickly comes around to open my door, holding out a hand to help me out. Without letting go of my hand, Derrick pulls me in close and kisses my cheek.

“What was that for?” I ask.

“I just felt like it, so I did.” He says with a shrug of his shoulders. We walk hand in hand to the door to On the Break. Layla is waiting for us with a huge Cheshire cat grin on her face. Derrick opens the door and ushers us inside.

“My buddy should be here in a few minutes. Let’s go claim a table and get some drinks.” There are at least 12 pool tables in the center of the room with various arcade games and dart boards around the outside walls. Toward the back is a large bar showcasing an array of colorful bottles of all shapes and sizes on the shelves. It seems like a very trendy and popular place to hangout.

“I’ll go grab a table; you two get us some drinks. I’ll take a beer, anything on tap, please,” Layla tells us and goes clomping off to secure us a place to play. Derrick still hasn’t let go of my hand and we lightly swing them as we move towards the bar. We order our drinks, collect them and turn to go meet up with Layla. She’s chosen a table right next to the dart boards. I hand Layla her drink just in time before Derrick’s friend, Riven, joins us.

“Dude, you ready for me to whip your ass at pool?” Riven says clapping Derrick on the back.

“You wish, dumb ass,” Derrick answers him and the two of them bump fists.

“Hey man, don’t be hating on my mad skills, you’re just jealous!” Riven ribs him back. “So who are these lovely ladies?”

You can’t help but smile at the friendly insults being tossed around between the two of them. They sound like Layla and me sometimes when we get going. Riven is a real looker as well; cobalt blue eyes and dark, wavy, shoulder length hair. He has a real baby face that makes him appear younger than he probably is. Riven is a few inches taller than Derrick and broader in the chest.

“Amy, Layla, this is my good friend, roommate and trainer, Riven Drake.” Derrick introduces us and I notice Riven giving me the once over with sparkling eyes.

“Hmm, I guess I’d be sitting at home, moping around too if I thought I’d never see this girl again. Now you can stop listening to all that sappy, sad shit you call music.”

“Brother, you keep going on like that, we’re going to have problems.” Derrick threatens with a raised eyebrow.

“Can I get some thanks, ladies? I created this,” he says indicating Derrick’s physique with a wave of his hand up and down. “He’d be a scrawny looking, skinny twerp if not for my magic skills of muscle building.” Layla bursts out laughing at that comment and I can’t help but giggle a little myself.

“Oh, I like him, Jenks, he sounds like the male version of me.” She’s right, the banter and friendly name calling sounds just like us.

“Let’s do this. Guy/girl teams.” Riven is rubbing his hands together and looks like he’s up to something. “So, Jenks, want to be on the winning team?” he asks giving me a sly grin. Derrick moves closer, wraps his hands around my waist, resting his hands on my tummy and pulls me in closer to his chest.

“Layla, would be happy to be on your team, Riv. Amy’s with me.”

”It’s ok, Riven, I always pick the winners, I’d be happy to
with you.” Holy shit is Layla flirting with Riven? Did she just wink at him? “Let these two comfort each other as we whip their asses.” Riven rubs his hands together again, with a look of cunning on his handsome face. I place my hands over Derricks and pivot my head so I can see him behind me.

“Let’s do this,” I flash him a beaming smile and he winks down at me.

“All right then, rack them up Riv.”

Riven racks up the balls in a neat triangle while Layla and I go fetch a couple of queue sticks and chalk. I grab a stick for Derrick and Layla grabs one for Riven. He seems like a fun guy, so I nudge Layla to get her attention.

“So Riven’s cute, huh?” I whisper to her.

“I wouldn’t tell him no if he asked me to go home with him some night!”

“What about Troy?”

“Troy is Mr. Right Now, not Mr. Right. Who knows, let’s see how the evening plays out. You just focus on getting to know Derrick and enjoy yourself.” Layla wraps her arm around my shoulder and gives me a side hug. Derrick brakes the balls and sends them all flying in every direction. I’ve played pool before, but I’m not all that good. I hope he doesn’t care that we are about to be trounced by our friends. We play three games with Layla and Riven beating us two to one. I notice Layla and Riven ribbing each other about who’s the better dart player, so they leave me and Derrick alone and move a little further down to play some darts.

“One more game?” He gets my attention by brushing the top of my hand softly with the tips of his fingers. “You break this time.” He says to me with a flirty grin. We start the next game and resume our get-to-know-you questions. I share my favorite place to vacation is Disney World and he loves the noise and activity of Las Vegas. We also have a private laugh, because the guilty pleasure for both of us, is milk chocolate with almonds. I’m having a great time tonight and Derrick is just so wonderful, he’s almost too good to be true. It’s just as I lean over to take my shot that the evening goes straight to hell. Someone came looking for Derrick and found him here…with me.


No! Just….no! How the hell did she find me? I told her I was going to have a drink with Riven and then call it a night. I know I have a photo shoot tomorrow. Why? Things have been going so well with Amy this evening, the last thing I need is Mitzi fucking things up. She has a very jealous personality and isn’t afraid to mark what she considers her territory, namely me.

“There you are precious,” Mitzi says to me, while wrapping her arms around the back of my neck and pulling me in for a hug. “I went to your place to make sure you were in bed and well rested for tomorrow and was surprised to find you not at home.”

“I told you I was going out with Riven tonight.” I pry her hands from around my neck and push her off my chest. Amy must think I’m the worst sort of guy right now. I needed to explain mine and Mitzi's relationship delicately to her. We may have been fuck buddies at one time, but that’s all it ever was to me. Aside from our working relationship, I haven’t been with her in months. She’s my agent, so I have to connect with her on a daily basis. I’m seriously rethinking that detail after this little drama playing out right now.

“Yes, yes, I remember you saying something about that, I just wanted to tuck you in and you weren’t at home when you said you would be.” She gives me a flirty look from underneath heavy eyelids and sticks out her bottom lip in a fake pout.

“How did you know where I was, I didn’t specify where we were going tonight.”

“Oh precious, the GPS on your phone.” She says with a dismissive wave of her hand. GPS? What the fuck!! That’s going to have to be dealt with.

“What am I, a fucking dog? Are you going to microchip me next? Tracking me through my phone is not cool, Mitzi.” Unbelievable! I look up from Mitzi’s meddlesome face to find Amy. She had been bent over, ready to take her shot, when we were interrupted and now she’s leaning on her queue stick like it’s the only thing holding her up. I quickly scan the room and find Riven and Layla watching the spectacle unfold.

“Mitzi, I’m out with friends right now, I’m busy and can’t entertain you at the moment.” It finally dawns on Mitzi that we’re not the only two people here. She glances behind herself and catches sight of Amy.

“You!” Mitzi points a long, pink manicured finger at poor Amy. “I know your face and those Poindexter glasses. Weren’t you one of the gazillion chicks at the Erotic Writers Convention? Are you stalking cover models now? Take my advice, love, contact lenses and makeup will do wonders for your simple face. Perhaps you can even attract a guy you don’t have to stalk.” Amy’s face changes from nervous surprise to downright pissed off. I can’t stand to have Mitzi insult Amy, just as I’m about to say something in Amy’s defense, she beats me to the punch.

“I’m sorry, did you just call me a stalker? Here’s the thing, Mitzi,” she growls. “I didn’t use a GPS to track Derrick down, that was you. So I guess the stalker would be….you.” Ouch! Amy has claws. I stand there like a dumb shit as Mitzi approaches Amy and gets up into her face. This is like a train wreck; you can’t help but watch it happen.

“Listen here, Derrick isn’t available. I’ve been here long before you and I’ll be here long after you. He needs me; he doesn’t need you. I hate to break it to you, doll face, but he’s out of your league.” No, she’s not, she’s amazing. Mitzi has been around for a while, maybe that’s the problem. I do feel a certain degree of loyalty to her as she helped get my modeling career jump started.

“Out of my league? If you’re any indication of what that is, then I’m not sorry to say that I’m probably out of his.”

I can see Amy getting angrier at the nasty insults that Mitzi is throwing around at her. I would be too, Mitzi is a pit bull. I walk up behind Amy to try and calm her with a gentle hand. I guess she wasn’t expecting it, because she changes her grip on the pool stick and accidently sends it swinging up into my balls. Oh god! Shit, fuck!! That burns. She completely knocked the wind out of me and lodged my jewels up into my nose. I bend over and try to catch my breath. He, he, hoo, I repeat this exercise a few times. I sound like I’m in a freaking lamaze class.

“Oh my god, Derrick are you all right?” I hear Amy ask me. I’d answer her if I could speak. I feel her hands on my shoulders, rubbing back and forth in a soothing motion.

“Get away from him. Don’t you think you’ve done enough?” Mitzi shrieks and knocks Amy’s hands off me. She grasps my cheeks in both her hands and I’m forced to look into her deceitful face.

“Give me a few minutes to try and dislodge my balls from my left nostril. I’ll live, but that shit hurt.” I say in a voice about three octaves higher than normal. I can see the longing and disappointment on Amy’s face and behind her I see Riv holding back an irate Layla. She can’t get to Amy at the moment because he’s got such a good grip on her. I’m not shocked when I see Layla let fly the three darts she’s holding and come sailing through the air to land right on the designer purse Mitzi has on her shoulder.

“You freak, that’s $3000 Italian leather you just destroyed.” Mitzi squawks and rips the darts out of her handbag, throwing them on the floor.

“Continue to talk to her like that and it’ll cost you $10,000 for a nose repair.” Layla threatens. “Come on, Jenks, you don’t need to listen to Stalker Barbie give you shit.” She turns to Riven and says good night. I think Amy is in shock for multiple reasons. I try to hobble over to her and implore her to stay with my eyes. I still can’t get a full breath. The pain is still pretty sharp, my sexy little librarian nailed me good.

“Wait!” I manage to squeak out as she gets ready to walk away. “I’m so sorry, Amy, I will make this up to you,” I promise her. I mean that promise, because now that I’ve had a taste of her, she’s something that I need to devour. She gives me a hurt look and nods her head once, accepting my promise. Amy sends Mitzi one last hard look and joins Layla. On their way out the door, Layla turns around and flips Mitzi the bird and tells her to “sit and spin.” Amy is fortunate to have such a great friend in Layla, I know she’ll take care of her. My number one priority is to make this disaster of a first date up to Amy, if she lets me. The only hurdle standing in my way is the same one that’s standing in front of me right now. It’s time Mitzi and I came to an understanding about our relationship and what that entails going forward.

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