Necessary Risk (Bodyguard) (30 page)

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And now he was hard. Shit. “If you don’t stop, I’m about three seconds away from throwing you down on the bed and making you sorry for teasing me.”

She looked up at him, her fingers toying with the waistband of his swim trunks, a naughty smile on her face. “Promise?”

They were interrupted by a loud knock on the door, and Sean reached down and adjusted himself, planning all the ways he was going to make her pay for that little tease later.

With Jamie in tow, they all headed down to the pool, Sierra flashing her symposium badge at the security guards Sean was happy to see vetting everyone attending. As Sierra went off to do her thing, he and Jamie settled themselves near the pool, trying to blend in while keeping an eye on both Sierra and the entire situation. Tropical pop music floated through the air, echoing over the water and reverberating against the glass windows of the hotel rising above the pool. The scents of chlorine and sunscreen mingled with the humid air, and he allowed himself the luxury of daydreaming about lying by the pool with Sierra at some secluded resort in the Riviera Maya.

Across the pool she sat with a group of reporters, talking animatedly as she sipped at a drink with a wedge of pineapple and a little umbrella sticking out of it. She looked over at him, and he had to remember to breathe. Damn. It wasn’t only her touch he was becoming addicted to. It was the sound of her laugh, her warm, feminine scent, how happy and whole he felt when he was with her. He craved her, every aspect of her, and the more he got, the more he needed.

Eventually she and a few of the younger female reporters moved closer to the pool, snagging a few lounge chairs. No wonder they were all so taken with her. She didn’t talk to them as if she had to be there, but as if she were having fun, catching up with girlfriends. Her passion for the organization and the work it did shone through, and he could see the appeal for the reporters.

He looked over to find Jamie grinning at him. He sat on the edge of the pool, his feet dangling in the water.


Jamie shook his head, still smiling. “Nothing. I just think it’s funny how you tried to hide that there was something going on between you two, seeing as you’re the one who trained us all to be observant.”

“What do you mean?”

saw it. Ian. Carter. I think Zack might’ve been the only one who didn’t see it, and that’s because he’s been too busy with the rocker chick.”

“Zack’s hooking up with Taylor?” asked Sean, his eyebrows shooting up.

“Yeah. I don’t know how serious it is, but it’s been going on for at least a week. Guy’s been showing up wrecked for training sessions.”

Sean laughed. “So everyone knows, huh?”

“Yeah. And before you get all defensive, we’re happy for you, man. I know you broke your own rules to be with her, and if I know you, you’re beating yourself up about the example you’re setting for the rest of us, but I’d bet my next paycheck that this isn’t just a casual hookup.”

“No,” Sean confirmed. “It’s not.”

“Good. Because Sierra’s awesome.”

He laughed again. “Yeah, she is.”

Jamie looked at him expectantly, clearly wanting more. It was funny how women thought they were the only ones who liked to gossip.

Sean gave in, shrugging. “I’ve…I’ve never met anyone like her. She’s smart, and funny, and just so strong and tough. But she’s sweet too. Really sweet, actually.”

“Not to mention gorgeous.”

Sean smiled. “That too.” But while the attraction had started out as purely physical, it had quickly grown into something much, much deeper. Something much more powerful. He had the feeling that even if he were blind and had no idea what she looked like, he’d still love her.

He glanced over at her again and saw her smiling at the reporters.

Yeah. He loved this woman. His woman.

“So what about you? You’re not seeing anyone?” he asked Jamie.

Jamie shrugged. “No.” He hesitated before continuing. “Before I moved down here from Napa, I was actually engaged to someone.”

“Really? It didn’t work out?”

“You could say that. Breaking it off was for the best, but it sure as hell pissed my family off. She was a Forsythe, as in Forsythe Wines.” Jamie’s family owned one of the biggest, most renowned wineries in Napa Valley. According to
, Jamie’s family was worth almost ten billion dollars, but Jamie seemed to want no part of it. Sean knew he’d had a falling out of some kind with them years ago, but he’d never pried more info than that out of him.

“I’m sorry. That’s rough.”

“Yeah. Well, I was already on pretty rough footing with my family. Things aren’t always what they seem.”

“Oh, I know.”

“Does your dad know about you and Sierra?”

Sean huffed out a breath. “Yeah. He knows.”

Jamie snorted, swirling his feet in circles in the water. “That conversation went well, I see.”

“Oh yeah. Just great. Just like all our conversations.”

“Sucks, man. Don’t let him get to you.”

Sean nodded and returned his attention to Sierra, who was shaking hands with the reporters and moving on to the next group.

His father, Sacrosanct, jealous ex-boyfriends, his own fucked-up past—nothing could tear him away from Sierra.

*  *  *

Sierra flipped through her index cards again, her eyes scanning over the bullet points she’d jotted down. She was slated to speak for twenty minutes, and she was ready. Well, as ready as she’d ever be. She’d spent hours and hours working on her speech, running it by one of the PR advisors at Choices before finalizing what she planned to say. She wanted to make sure she was on message and hitting all the right notes.

She stood backstage in the hotel’s ballroom, and although she tried to stop it, her mind flashed back to the bombing and how suddenly it had happened. She knew it was extremely unlikely that another attack would happen here, but she was nervous all the same.

She heard her name called, and she smoothed her hands over her light-blue blouse and dove-gray skirt and stepped out onto the stage. She glanced back over her shoulder once, and Sean winked at her from his spot in the wings. She knew Jamie was in the audience somewhere, but thanks to the bright lights illuminating the stage, she couldn’t see past the first row of round tables. As the audience clapped, she made her way toward the glass podium and shook hands with the woman who’d introduced her. She set her cards down on the podium, took a deep breath, and began, her pulse pounding in her throat. Her limbs felt a little shaky, but she brushed it off, falling back on her years of acting experience and focusing on the moment and the message.

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and thank you for inviting me to speak here tonight.” She began talking about her past and how she’d come to be involved with Choices. She talked about what the organization meant to her on a personal level and how it had helped her through an incredibly difficult time in her life.

She then broadened her focus, talking not just about herself, but about all women, and the impact an organization like Choices could have on their lives. She also tied in the topics being covered at the symposium, and how the medical community and organizations like Choices could work together. Then she got to the meat of her speech.

“I want everyone in this room to sit back for a few minutes and imagine with me. Imagine you’re a college student struggling with student loans, who can barely afford to eat. That student can visit Choices for low-cost birth control and annual checkups that may save her life. Imagine you’re a single, uninsured mother of a newborn baby. That mother can visit Choices for postnatal care for both herself and her baby. Imagine you’re the victim of a horrible, violent crime. That woman can visit Choices for counseling and support while she decides if she wants to have her rapist’s baby.

“Imagine being told that you don’t get a say in what happens to your body. This is a reality women across our country face on a daily basis, and at Choices, we believe this is wrong.”

She outlined their services and continued. “Currently our organization is under attack, both literally and in the media. As I’m sure you saw on the news, our annual gala was bombed. But the concept that women should have autonomy over their bodies is one that we will continue to support, threats or no threats. Women’s health is not a feminist issue, and it’s not an issue relegated to the medical community. It’s a human rights issue, and one that I’m proud to support. I hope you’ll join me. Thank you.”

Within seconds the entire audience was on its feet, loud applause crashing over her. She glanced to the side of the stage and saw that Sean was clapping too, beaming at her.

She practically floated offstage.

Chapter 24

ack clicked replay on the YouTube video, starting it over from the beginning. Sierra’s face filled the screen, and he couldn’t suppress the snarling growl rumbling deep in his chest. He sipped his scotch and watched, desperate anger clawing at his insides. Although it had been uploaded only a couple of hours ago, it already had tens of thousands of views. Sierra’s little speech at that fucking symposium had gone viral, rallying even more support for Choices being awarded the grant.

He couldn’t let it happen. He couldn’t let Choices get the money. He didn’t really give a shit what women did or didn’t do with their bodies. If you were a slut, you deserved what you got, in his opinion, but this wasn’t about that. This was about fifty million dollars. He’d aligned himself with the right people, and with cleverly disguised moves, the fifty million dollars could be his. It would be more than enough to pay off the gambling debts he owed, more than enough to pay Fairfax back for rigging the election, and more than enough to prevent the bank from foreclosing on his house. In one fell swoop, he’d get the Golden Brotherhood and the bank off his back. He almost laughed, wondering what people would think if they knew who Jonathan Fairfax really was. But very few people knew the truth, including his daughter, whom Fairfax protected fiercely. Everyone who dealt with the Golden Brotherhood knew that Alexa was off-limits.

Disgusted, Jack slammed the lid of the laptop shut and rose from the desk in his elegantly furnished office. With long strides he crossed the room to the sideboard and poured himself another drink.

There had to be a way to use that e-mail. But how? He couldn’t give her any additional information without tipping his hand. But she’d reached out to him. Despite their history, she trusted him, and there had to be a way to exploit that.

He wondered if Owens knew about the e-mail. Staring down into his glass, he swirled the scotch, watching the amber liquid as it sloshed up the sides.

No, maybe the e-mail wasn’t the way to go. Maybe one last scare tactic would finally put her off. But the video had already gone viral, and she’d done a lot to boost support for Choices, so maybe scaring her wasn’t enough at this point. Maybe she’d need to be silenced.

He smiled into his drink, thinking about it. He’d been reluctant to go down this path, but now that he’d allowed himself, he didn’t know why he’d hesitated so much before. He could use the e-mail to lure her to him, and then he’d have both his revenge and his victory. Not to mention an outlet for the stress he’d been carrying around for weeks now. It had been a long time since he’d allowed himself to indulge his twisted, sadistic side.

But it wouldn’t hurt to scare her a little more in the meantime. Then she’d be even more likely to come running when he told her he could help her.

Scotch in hand, he sat back down at the computer and started typing.

*  *  *

“So how about dinner?” Sean leaned against the wall, his arms and ankles crossed, and Sierra felt her blood hum just looking at him. After her speech, she’d been so busy talking to everyone at the party that she hadn’t had time to eat her own meal. Now it was nearly nine, and her stomach was about to eat itself.

“Yeah?” she said, emerging from the bathroom. She’d taken off her serious clothes and high heels and changed into a short peach-colored sundress and flat silver sandals. Sean had also changed, out of his suit and into khakis and a light-blue button-down shirt that hugged his shoulders and emphasized his muscular physique. It was the kind of shirt that made her want to take it off, especially with the way he had it rolled up around his elbows.

“Yeah. Have dinner with me. I was serious when I said that I wanted to take you on a proper date.”

She finished putting her earrings on and smiled at him in the mirror hanging on the wall. “Does Jamie have to come with us?”

“No. It’d just be us.”

“Then yes. I’m in. Not that I don’t like Jamie, but I want you all to myself.”

He stepped up behind her and slid his hands around her waist, bending to drop a kiss on her bare shoulder. “I’m all yours, Sierra.”

Her stomach dipped and swirled, and she turned and kissed him. The kiss started out soft and sweet and quickly grew into something hot and hungry, urgency building between them like wildfire. He picked her up, his hands palming her ass, and pressed her back against the wall. Her legs slipped around his waist as she fit her body to his. He was so
, so strong, and she didn’t have words for how safe and sheltered she felt with his body surrounding her.

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