Neal (Golden Streak Series) (6 page)

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Authors: Kathi S. Barton

BOOK: Neal (Golden Streak Series)
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She wanted to pull away from his heat,
but he felt too good to her just now. She was freezing and shaking so hard that
her teeth hurt and her back was killing her. She tried to get closer without
crawling into his lap, but he pulled her into it anyway. And she didn’t have
the energy to waste in trying to get him to put her back on the seat and to
leave her alone. Not that she wanted him to right now, but she thought it was
for the best if he did.

“I’ve got you.” He’d been saying that
since he’d pulled her to him, and she wondered what he meant. “Your mom said
that she has you some food, and as soon as you’re better, I’ll take you in to
get it.”

“No. I can’t. I have to go home and take
a shower.” She nuzzled into his neck, liking the way he smelled and realized
what she was doing. Before she could pull away, he cupped the back of her head
and held her there.

“I’m going to babble. I don’t know if
you find that to be irritating or not, but I can’t hold you like this without
thinking of all the things I’d like to do to you right now. So, let me think.” He
shifted on the seat, and she moved as well. His cock was hard beneath her, and
she couldn’t stop the moan that spilled from her mouth. The next thing she knew
she was licking his skin.

He tasted of sweat and a slight
bitterness of his cologne. She inhaled deeply against his skin and could almost
feel the warmth of the sun as it beat down on them. And he smelled of the spray
of the water from some ocean. When he curled his fingers in her hair and lifted
her head up, she realized she was no longer shaking but was very warm.

“You keep that up and I’m not going to
be able to keep from laying you back across this seat and taking you.” She
wasn’t sure that wasn’t a bad idea right now, but before she could tell him, he
lowered his head and kissed her.

Rayne didn’t have a lot of experience in
kissing. The one and only man she’d kissed had been Jeff, and she was positive
that he’d never kissed her like Neal was doing right now. When he cupped her
breast, she put her hand over his to stop him, but it turned into her helping
him massage her. Nothing had felt this good to her, and she found that she
wanted more, a great deal more.

“I want to see you.” His breath was
husky and warm against her neck as he spoke. “I just need to see what delights
you have beneath this shirt.”

He lifted her tee-shirt up, and his
fingers slid under her bra. When she felt him graze his knuckles against her
nipple she moaned. And her nipple tightened under his thumb and finger so much
so that she felt a slight pain. Then his mouth was there. And every thought in
her mind seemed to center on what he was making her feel.

“Please.” Begging him to give her more
turned into a moan then another. She wanted him, not just him but anything and
everything he could offer her. When he lifted his head she watched his eyes as
she felt his hand move down her ribs to her belly and then to the top of her
pants. She was panting by the time he moved down her hip to her thigh, then
just at the apex of her leg. Nodding at him, giving him the permission he
seemed to need to continue, he cupped her sex and she nearly came up off him.

His mouth was everywhere at once. Her
throat, her mouth, he was licking a path along the curve of her right breast,
then the left. Each time he passed over her nipple, he would suckle it hard and
bite while his fingers were dancing hard against her clit.

“I need to taste more of you.” He
shifted her around so that she was lying under the steering wheel and he was
moving to the floor of the car. In what seemed like seconds, her pants were off
and he was nibbling a path from her ankle to her knee. And the closer he got to
her pussy, she felt herself get wetter and wetter.

“Neal, this is way beyond what we should
be doing in a public parking lot.” He grinned at her over her knees. “You
should maybe not be—”

She screamed. There was no help for it.
He’d slid his finger under her panties and into her. At the same time he nipped
hard at her cloth-covered clit. Her climax rolled through her as a sudden storm
did in the heightened summer. And in the wake of the storm, like her body after
her first real climax, she was shaken and wet. As soon as she felt her world
center again, he suckled her into his mouth and commanded her to come again.

Her body was still hurling through
another climax when he sat up between her legs on the seat. Her body went into
overdrive as he freed his cock and fisted himself. She sat up and reached for
him. He helped her wrap her hand around him as she moved to his mouth to taste
her on his mouth and lips. Moaning, she moved closer to him and felt his heat
as it seemed to call to her.

His cock was hard and soft at the same
time. Silky and smooth, his cock felt slick in her hand, and she looked down to
see the stream of precum sliding over their hands. When she leaned down to lick
it off him, he pulled her up and looked at her.

“I want to bury myself in you.” His hand
tightened around hers as she ran her thumb over the tip of him. “Christ, I need
to come right now. I want to come in you.”

Moving up on her knees, she wasn’t
really sure what to do, and he helped her with that. He lifted her up over him,
and she straddled his thighs. She looked at him as he held her hips, still hovering
just above him.

“If I come in you, and I want to with
every part of me, that will mark you as mine, Rayne. If I come on you, it will
do the same. Even if you take me in your mouth right now and I come down your
throat, I’m going to claim you. Anything we do from this point on is going to
mark you as mine.” She watched him as she curled her hands tighter into his
shoulders. “What do you want?”

He was leaving it up to her. Marking her
would do just what she didn’t want, but not having him inside of her or even on
her wasn’t really an option at this point. She needed him as badly as he
apparently needed her.

“I want you.” He nodded once and moved
her so that he was just at her entrance. She came down on his cock so quickly
and so fully that she cried out again from the sharp pain. He held her to him
as she buried her face in his shoulder and tried not to cry.

“I’m so sorry, baby. I’m so sorry. I
didn’t think you’d be a virgin. I’m such an ass. A fool, I’m a fool, and I’ll
never forgive myself for hurting you.” Rolling her hips, she lifted her head to
look at him and felt her movement through his entire body. “Don’t move.”

His command was short-lived when she
moved again over him. His fingers tightened on her hips, and she knew that she
had a power over him that few would ever have over this man. As soon as she
moved again, this time riding him, he took her bare breast into his mouth and
nipped. Wrapping her hands around him, she felt her climax racing toward her
with such speed that she knew that if he didn’t come with her this time, she
was going to pass out and he’d be left to his own.

As soon as she arched her back and cried
out again, his tongue moved along her breast to her throat. She knew he was
going to bite her and tilted her head to the side to give him whatever he
wanted of her. The moment he sank his sharp canines into her, she felt him roar
against her flesh, his cum splash deep within her, and her entire body tighten
around him as she fell over the edge of darkness.
Christ, I have a mate
was her last thought.


Chapter 6


Neal held her over him and tried to wrap
his mind around what they’d just done in his brother’s car. If Ryland thought
he was getting it back after this, he was fucking insane. Smiling to himself,
he licked the wound closed at her throat and pulled her to his body as he
reached for his shirt to cover her with. Looking around the big lot, he
realized that they were lucky no one had seen them.

Holding her as gently as he could, he tried
to find his cell phone and finally gave up. He reached for his brother and told
him that they weren’t coming inside. He also told him he was going to buy his

“I’m not going to sell you my car, Neal.
What the fuck did you do to it that would think I’d do such a stupid thing?”
He told him
that he’d mated with Rayne in it.
“That’s just gross. What the fuck, man,
you couldn’t find a bed or a hotel?”

“No, there wasn’t any time. I’m sure
you’ve felt that before too.”
He tightened his arms around her and
“I never knew it would be like this. I mean I’ve heard you and Bronwyn
talk about how it felt but….”

“I know. It’s hard to describe. She’s
going to change you in ways you’ve never dreamed of before. And having a child
with her? There is no greater feeling in the world than that. My daughter is everything
to me right now and more. I don’t…I’m not sure that this can covey what I’m
feeling to you right now, but Christ, Neal, I’m a father.”

Neal laughed and told his brother that
he loved him.
“I still need to buy your car. I think that having this thing
around will help me too. All I have is that little two-door, and as I’m working
two jobs now, I think you owe me. Besides, this thing can haul a lot of kids.”

After a few more comments about the car
and neither of them giving up on the fact that they weren’t giving in, they
closed their connection. Neal wasn’t sure how to get Rayne home when he
couldn’t seem to stop touching her. When she stirred in his arms, he looked
down at her face and smiled.

“How are you feeling?” She nodded and
stretched, and his cock moved inside of her. She stared at him for a few
seconds before she moved her hips. “You shouldn’t do that right now, love. If
you do, then we’re not going to leave this parking place for a long while yet,
and I see a couple coming toward us.”

She turned to look, and he took her
nipple in his mouth and nipped. She rolled her hips again without turning, and he
moaned. When she turned back to him, he saw devilment in her eyes.

“Can you make me come right now? If you
do, when you take me home, I’ll suck on your cock. I want to taste you—” He
reached between her legs and pinched her clit and covered her mouth with his
hand. As she screamed out her release, he held her over him as his cock filled
again. As soon as the couple moved past them, he rolled her to the seat and
plowed into her. She wrapped her legs around him and he took her mouth as hard
as he did her pussy.

“Come with me again.” He leaned down and
bit her earlobe. “Come, Rayne, and I’ll take you to my house and fuck you all
night long.”

Her body arched up, and he felt her milk
him. When she buried her nose in his neck, he wanted to beg her to bite him,
but he never got the chance. As soon as he felt her teeth graze his shoulder,
he felt his cock spew, his balls so tight that he roared loudly. When she bit
him, sank her teeth into his muscle, he knew the moment she’d broken skin. Their
connection was so amazing that he felt his world pinpoint to nothing but
darkness for several seconds before he felt his body jerk again through a hard

Neal dropped over her, having nowhere
else to go. When she giggled at him, he lifted his head with the last of his
strength and kissed her on the mouth. She smiled at him.

“You should know that you’re very
heavy.” He nodded but didn’t move off her. “And you should know that I think I
have your pant leg on mine.”

He looked down her body and could see
that her leg was tangled up in his pants and that they’d managed to tear them. He
looked back up at her and smiled.

“I guess we’re going to my house after
all. I don’t seem to have any pants for work tomorrow and you know what my new
boss will think about me being half naked at work.” She nodded. “What time to
do we have to be there anyway?”

have to be in at six. I have
to finish up some planters that are going to be picked up first thing. But we
don’t open until nine. If you take me home you can come back at around
eight-thirty and you won’t have to—”

He shifted and sat up, leaving her
laying there all delicious and wonderfully sated looking. “I’m not sleeping
without you. Now that I’ve had a taste of you I’m not ready to give you up so
soon. If ever.”

She looked at him as he adjusted his
pants. He could feel her now, all her emotions, and he wondered at them as she
went from sated mate to upset one then fear. He handed her her pants and
watched her pull them on.

“Tell me what you’re thinking, Rayne. I
can feel that you’re upset but not about what.” She pulled her shirt over her
head, not bothering with her bra. He shoved it in his pocket and watched as she
struggled with her shoes. Finally he reached own and put his hand over hers. “Tell

“I don’t want a boss.” He sat back at
the venom in her voice. “I could do all sorts of things before you came along,
and I’m pretty sure I can still do them now that you’ve marked me. And you have,
haven’t you? And I have you.”

He nodded, not sure what to say to her. He
was about to argue with her when he felt Bronwyn touch his mind. She asked him
if he was all right.

“No I’m not fucking all right. She’s
like this pendulum swinging back and forth. Her moods are so quick I can hardly
keep up with them.”
He felt her laughter.
“This is not fucking funny. I’m not the heavy here.”

“Sure you are. You’re strong and confident
and she’s not. For all her power and magic, she’s still been hurt by others in
ways you’ll never understand. What do you expect her to do when you start to
act like a Golden? You should ask her what she wants from you.”
He snorted at
“Then don’t. I like her despite the fact that she’s mated to you. And
if she has to kill you, I’ll take her side.”

“All I did was tell her that we’d have
to go back to my house because I don’t have any pants to wear to work in the
He flushed when he realized what he’d said to his sister-in-law.
“She and I
are mates.”

“I gathered that. But did you ask her or
did you command her? You might want to ask next time, she’s pretty independent
and will kick your ass. And about this working for her, again, did you ask or
tell her? I’m telling you right now, Neal, she’s not going to be a push-over
just because you had great sex with her in the front seat of a car in a busy
parking lot. I don’t suppose it occurred to you that she could be embarrassed
about what the two of you just did. Was she a virgin?”

He felt his face heat and wondered why
he even thought he could talk to this woman or, for that matter, why did she
fucking know when he was having problems? Did she have her radar set on him all
the time?

“No, but because of what I am to you and
the fact that I’m a little more…in tune to you than Ryland, I can feel when
you’re upset. And it’s not just you I have radar on, but all of you. And now
Rayne as well, thanks to the fact that she marked you as well.”
She laughed.
buck up and tell her you’re sorry and take her home with you. But you’d better
behave. What she doesn’t do to you, I most certainly will.”

He looked over at Rayne when the door
opened. He watched her walked around the car and to where he was sitting. She
jerked open the door.

“I can’t drive this thing, and I want to
go home. My home, right fucking now. I’m tired and I’m hungry and I’m sore.” She
shifted on her feet, and he realized that this is what Bronwyn was talking
about. He’d hurt her but not really physically, though he was sure he’d done
that as well. He heard her say thank you and told her he loved her just before
he closed their connection.

“I’m sorry.” Rayne raised a brow at him
and he got out of the SUV and stood before her, wanting to touch her but afraid
to. “I’m an asshole and a jerk. I shouldn’t have taken you so hard, and I
certainly should have waited until we were in a more private place as well as more
comfortable setting before doing this to you.”

“I wanted it too.” She looked away, and
he saw the set of her mouth and knew she was still pissed. At him or her or the
two of them, he wasn’t sure, but she was mad. “I could have said no plenty of
times, you even asked me before we….” She didn’t finish, so he did.

“Before I fucked you like an animal.” He
lifted his hand when she started to speak. “I did too. You enjoyed it, yes, but
I could have been a little more…gentle with you.”

She looked back at him as they both
stood there. “I want to go home. Not to your home but to mine. I think…I know
that I wanted you, too, but this is moving really fast and I need to slow

He nodded. “I understand, but would it
be all right if I went by my house and picked up something for in the morning
and stayed with you? I promise I’ll sleep in the couch if you want. But after
that man tried to hurt you and now making love with you…I need to be near you.”

“I don’t own a couch. All I have is a table
and one chair, a bed with a single dresser and a closet-sized bathroom. I’m not
set up for a man your size.” She flushed. “My bed, it’s big but not like you. How
tall are you?”

“Six foot five inches. I’m actually
shorter than two of my brothers. Jules is taller by an inch, and Alistair is an
inch taller than him.” He took her hand and kissed it. “How about a large pizza
after I pick up some clothes. And I promise to sleep with you without taking up
all your bed.”

He watched her struggle with his
request. What he really wanted to do was take her home, run a warm bath for
them both, and then put her to bed. He thought about the hot tub off his room
that hadn’t been used in years. He had actually considered getting rid of it
and decided to have Carl, his butler, get it cleaned and set up for them. Neal could
see taking her in it and reached for the door handle to help her in the car
before he embarrassed both of them and dropped to his knees and begged her to
let him drink from her again.

“I don’t care for pizza when I’m this
hungry. Would you mind if we went to the diner? My mom has been raving about
this new burger she’s been making. I’ll treat if you want.”

It was on the tip of his tongue to tell
her he would pay but snapped the thought down. He nodded instead and told her
that would be payment enough for working today. He went to the other side of
the car after helping her in and slid in under the steering wheel. His phone
rang just as he was pulling into traffic, and he had Rayne answer it. It was
for her anyway.


“Oh darling, she’s just beautiful.”
Rayne smiled at her mom. “She looks just like her mother and already has the
temperament of her father. You did a great job.”

“I had help. I’m going to Neal’s house. Then
we’re going to get something to eat at the diner. We’ve….” She wasn’t sure what
to tell her mom, but she understood.

“Congratulations are in order then. I’m
happy for you, dear. He’s a good man and has a wonderful family. I like them a
great deal.” Her mom laughed. “I understand that you have an envelope here to
pick up. It seems that they’ve helped you get your moneys from Sanders. I’m
glad. I think you’re going to need to add on to your house soon.”

“Money?” She glanced at Neal and
realized he knew about it too. “I see. And what else has the Golden family done
for me that no one bothered to tell me about?”

“I think Bronwyn wanted to tell you but
you are going to do the lobby for them. The exposure for your business will
benefit from it as well.” Her mom went on as Rayne tried to digest what she had
said. The project was hers? How the hell did that happen? Then she realized
that it was because of the baby.

“Mom, do you think I could speak to either
Ryland or Bronwyn? I want to talk to them about the project.” She told her that
she’d left them both at the hospital, but Ryland was going to see her in the

“He said that he has some other things
he wants to discuss with you about other projects. And he said that he’s put
out the word what a great job you’ve done as well as saving his wife and

She was on a runaway freight train with
no conductor. She took several deep breaths as her mom continued on about how
she was able to come in tomorrow, after all, and that she was excited to see
the new pots that were due to arrive on the truck in the morning. She’d
forgotten about that. She told her mom that she loved her and closed the phone.
She sat looking out the window at nothing for a few minutes before she realized
that Neal was speaking to her. She turned on him.

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