Naughty Nurse (Medical School Sluts 302)

BOOK: Naughty Nurse (Medical School Sluts 302)
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Sari B. Peters, MD

Copyright © 2013 by Sari B. Peters, MD. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce, distribute, or transmit in any form or by any means.

This is a work of fiction.
Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Other stories by Sari B. Peters, MD:

First Year:

The White Coat Ceremony

The Hammer


The Anti-Dentite

Second Year:

Advanced Life Support

The Assman


The Model Patient


Third Year:

Swallowing Studies

Naughty Nurse

Naughty Nurse

So, are you going to screw that murse tonight?”

Third year medical student Jessica Stone looked up from her patient’s chart and shot a quizzical glance at her best friend and fellow student Nikki Chase. Jessica was preparing for her first overnight shift in the intensive care unit, and for once in her life was not thinking about sex.

“That depends,” said Jessica, chewing on the end of her pen. “What’s a murse?”

A male nurse, get it? Male nurse. Murse,” Nikki said, speaking slowly as if she was explaining something simple to a child.

Jessica rolled her eyes, scanning the room. Nikki nodded her head towards the nurses station where a small crowd had gathered for the evening shift change.

Most of the women packing up to leave were older and many had grown fat despite the physical demands of the job. Jessica had already learned to avoid the endless supply of bagels, pastries, and cookies that seemed to be ever present anywhere women worked together in large numbers.

The younger nurses were still thin, and many even wore makeup, doing their best to look attractive.
Probably still hoping to get their hooks in a doctor
, thought Jessica.

There was only one man at the nurses station. He had short brown hair with a bit of scruff on his face causing an attractive shadow on his tanned skin. Blue scrub bottoms were tied tightly at his narrow waist and the short wide sleeves of his scrub top revealed muscular arms and big shoulders.

“Is that him?” asked Jessica, pointing as she studied his face. He looked to be in his early thirties. His lips were lush and full, and Jessica wondered for a minute what it would be like to nibble on them.

His name is Chris Jones,” Nikki said, joining her friend in ogling him as he walked down the hall away from them. His thin cotton pants hugged his firm ass, giving the girls a thrill with each step that he took. He turned into a patient’s room and the girls both sighed as the spell was broken.

Sexy,” said Jessica. “But I don’t know. A male nurse? They’re pretty much the lowest form of life around here. Looked down on by all doctors and female nurses. Banned from the maternity ward. Female patients always trying to ditch them for a female nurse. Friends and family always asking, ‘
Why aren’t you a doctor?
’” Jessica shook her head. “I mean, he must be pretty fucked up, right?”

No, you’re thinking about it all wrong,” said Nikki. “He probably over compensates for the constant humiliation he endures by being overly aggressive in bed. I know you like it hard and rough, and I’ll bet this guy will give you the pounding of a lifetime. It’ll be his chance to take out his frustrations on a soon to be doctor.”

I don’t know...” Jessica said, frowning.

Think about it,” Nikki continued. “Look, I’m sure he’s relatively secure with himself. He
hot and all, but you know he must have some sort of inferiority complex. And you know what that means.” Nikki raised her eyebrows and nudged her friend with her elbow.

Jessica stared blankly at her friend. “Actually, I don’t.”

“Are you dense? Here you are, young, attractive, on your way to making tons more money than he ever will,
being his boss,
you are a woman...that’s gotta piss him off. Do you have any idea how hard he’d bang you?”

Jessica stared at her friend. “That was actually really insightful. Have you considered going into Psychiatry?”

Nikki laughed, shaking her head and placing a hand on her friend's back. “Doctors have been banging nurses for eons. It’s almost a rite of passage. Now it’s your chance to join the old boys club.”

You’re the one who fucks the hospital staff, not me,” Jessica said with a smirk.

Oh yeah, that’s right. You just like to fuck your patients."

Bitch!” Jessica laughed.

Nikki gave Jessica a shove towards the patient’s room that Chris had just entered. Jessica paused for a moment, then decided to go for it. She strode confidently into the patient’s room. Chris sat bedside with his back to the door, checking the heart rate and blood pressure of his patient. Jessica cleared her throat loudly, but Chris didn’t seem to notice.

“Hey Chris? It’s Chris, right? Could you give me a hand with some blood draws?” asked Jessica. He looked up from the blood pressure cuff wrapped tightly around his patient’s arm, and Jessica noticed that he was using a stethoscope. He tapped one of the earpieces preventing him from hearing her, giving her a broad smile as he mouthed, “Just a second.”

Chris finished taking the patient’s blood pressure, removed the cuff, then quickly scribbled some numbers on a clipboard. He hung the clipboard on the foot of the bed, then turned to her. “Talk while we’re walking,” he said, quickly leaving the room and heading back to the nurses station.

Jessica hustled to catch up. Chris grabbed a fresh batch of orders from the printer, then shuffled through them efficiently as he picked out the ones meant for his patients.

I was wondering if you could help me with some blood draws,” Jessica said, twisting a long strand of her curly blond hair around her finger. He smirked at her but didn't say anything. Frustrated, she continued, “It’s just that this is my first night in the unit, and I think my resident has disappeared or something, and I could really use the help.”

He smiled at her and his eyes seemed to smile too, sparkling electric blue that momentarily hypnotized Jessica. “I’ll help you,” he said as he placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. Jessica thought his touching her was a little forward but did nothing to move away from him.

“I know that you medical students get stuck with all the scut work,” he said, gathering the supplies they would need for the blood draw. He paused, looking back at her. “I didn’t catch your name, doctor.”

Jessica blushed. As much as she wanted everyone to think of her as a doctor, the fact was she was still just a medical student, two years from graduation and the diploma that would give her the letters ‘MD’ after her name.

“It’s Jessica, and you really don’t have to call me doctor,” she said.

Yes, doctor,” he said. Jessica thought she detected a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
So that’s how it’s gonna be
, she thought.

Do you know the worst part about being a male nurse?” she asked him. His face remained neutral, and he gave her a noncommittal shrug. “Telling your parents you’re gay,” she said with a laugh. He gave her a fake icy stare which froze her in her tracks, but he couldn’t contain the ear splitting smile that soon spread across his ruggedly handsome face.

Funny,” he said as they walked down the long hospital corridor to her patient's room. Chris kept two paces behind her and Jessica thought she could feel his eyes on her ass but didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of saying anything.

Hey, you know how many doctors it takes to change a lightbulb?” he asked. She shook her head without turning. “None. They just get a medical student to do it.”

She laughed despite herself, and he laughed too as he finally caught up to her. They entered the patient's room together. An obese woman was splayed across an oversized bed, partially covered by a soiled cotton gown.
, thought Jessica,
finding a vein on the fat ones is almost impossible.

As if reading her mind, Chris gently moved her aside and approached the patient. “Just need to get some blood Mrs. Thompson,” he said loudly. His hands moved quickly and confidently, and before Jessica could position herself to watch his technique, he had finished.

He handed her two small vials of blood, still warm from the patient's body. “Thank you, Nurse Jones,” Jessica said loudly, meeting his gaze. He moved close to her, licking his lips. His mouth was inches from her neck, and she could feel his hot breath on her skin.

Yes, doctor,” he whispered roughly, and his lips brushed her ear lobe.

She shook her head and cleared her throat.
she thought. She smiled and said, “We’ve just got one more blood draw to do. Then I can get a bite to eat and hopefully turn in for the night.”

She headed towards her next patient’s room and Chris followed. She turned back to speak to him as they walked and caught his eyes on her ass. Pausing before entering the patient’s room, she pushed her long, blonde, curly hair back from her face, wishing she had remembered her hair clip. “Thanks again for helping me out. It’s very kind of you.”

“Not a problem. I’m here to help. Plus you’re on-call with a real bitch of a resident. It’s unfair of her to leave you all alone on your first overnight in the ICU.”

Yeah, well, I’m not alone.” She caught his big, blue eyes and felt a shiver through her body. He approached her with a short length of rubber tubing, normally used as a temporary tourniquet when drawing blood. He moved behind her, twisting the tube into a loop then gathering her hair and somehow tying it all back into a neatly fashioned ponytail.

She turned to face him and their lips were only inches apart. They were silent for a moment, just looking at each other, before being interrupted by a patient noisily rolling by in a wheelchair.

Jessica pulled away from Chris. “Anyway, let’s get some blood out of Mr. Cock so I can try to get some rest before my pager starts to go off.”

Cock?” Chris asked.

What?” Jessica stammered, unsure if she had heard him correctly.

Chris laughed. “Your patient’s name is Mr. Cox. You said Cock.”

Jessica held her head in her hands. “I’m sorry. It’s my friend Nikki. She gets me in trouble sometimes.”

So Nikki was talking about cock?” Chris asked.

Let’s just forget it,
,” Jessica implored.

You got it,” Chris said as he casually placed his arm around her shoulder. He whispered in her ear, “Now let’s go prick a cock.”

The two shared a laugh and made their way into Mr. Cox’s room. Jessica felt Chris’s hand linger along her back as he moved past her. She was a little flustered and decided to let Chris gather their supplies. She noticed a few white foil packets of surgical lube and pocketed them, remembering they had come in handy as a lubricant when she learned how to do rectal exams.
You never know

She admired his body as he got to work. He had broad shoulders with cut biceps that stretched the short sleeves of his scrub top. His waist and hips were narrow and accentuated nicely through the thin fabric of his scrub bottoms. He wasn’t tall, just maybe an inch or two taller than she.

She wondered what it would feel like to fuck him. The thought of him inside her teased the back of her mind.
I’ll bet Nikki is right about him
, she thought.
I’ll bet he would pound me like there was no tomorrow.

No Jess. You’ve got a job to do,” she muttered under her breath.

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