Nashville Nights (5 page)

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Authors: Tracey West

BOOK: Nashville Nights
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“It must be a great copy, then, because those look like real diamonds to me,” AJ said.
None of the sisters had an answer for that. There was an awkward silence.
Aly decided to try and change the subject. “So what song is this video for?”
Sabrina looked relieved to have something else to talk about. “It's for our newest single, ‘Sister Power.' ”
Aly and AJ exchanged glances. Faith and Hope's video was sister-themed, too!
But before they had a chance to ask more questions, a production assistant interrupted them.
“Girls, we're ready to resume shooting,” he said to HeavenSent.
Holly, Eve, and Sabrina stood up. All three were very tall to begin with, but in their ultra-high heels they towered over Aly and AJ.
“Thanks for stopping by,” Sabrina said.
“Good luck with the video!” Aly replied. They said their good-byes and walked into the hallway.
Aly looked at AJ. “What did you think of that?” she asked.
AJ glanced around. “We'd better not talk here. Besides, I'm getting hungry. We can talk it over at lunch.”
They began to walk toward the entrance when Holly came into the hallway.
“Excuse me,” she said as she teetered by them on her high heels. She stumbled and bumped into Aly, clinging to her for a second before she steadied herself.
“Sorry about that,” Holly said. “I'm just trying to find the bathroom. These heels can be hard to navigate in.”
“No problem,” Aly said.
“Nice meeting you both. Good-bye,” Holly said. Then she turned and made her way down the hall.
“Every time I see a picture of HeavenSent, they're always in heels,” AJ remarked thoughtfully. “Why would Holly have trouble walking in them now?”
“Mmmm, hot, melty, cheesy goodness.” AJ was in heaven as she speared a chunk of bread with her fork and dipped it into the bubbling cheese fondue. She and Aly had decided to go to a fondue restaurant for lunch. They sat at a booth that had its very own tabletop fondue pot. Inside was the melted cheese, and Aly and AJ were dipping bread and veggies into it. It was delicious!
Aly crunched on a piece of broccoli covered in cheese. “This was a great idea!”
AJ patted her guidebook, which was sitting on the table next to her. “It's good to have one of these. I like to get one for every city we visit.”
“So, what did you think of HeavenSent?” Aly asked.
AJ shook her head as she dipped another piece of bread into the fondue. “I'm not sure. They seemed perfectly nice, but they weren't exactly chatty.”
“They were very closed-mouthed about the pin, that's for sure,” Aly said. “No one wanted to say anything about it.”
“I'm pretty sure those diamonds were real, and that pin wasn't a copy. I wish we could get a good look at it, but Sabrina kept it,” AJ said, frowning.
“I thought that was a little suspicious,” Aly remarked. “Do you think the pin was hers?”
“I don't know,” AJ answered, sighing. “At least the meeting wasn't a total waste. What did you think of the fact that HeavenSent's new single and video is sister-themed, just like Faith and Hope's?”
“I think it adds to their motive,” Aly replied. “Faith and Hope's video is supposed to premiere at the music awards. HeavenSent are performing there. Let's say they stole the footage to keep Faith and Hope from stealing their spotlight. It makes more sense now. If both groups come out with sister-themed videos, they'll be compared against each other.”
“Even though it was under weird circumstances, it still was amazing to meet HeavenSent in person,” AJ said. “They are so pretty—and did you see those dresses?”
“I would have loved to sketch them,” Aly replied. “In fact, I'd like to do a few rough sketches while I can still remember.”
She grabbed her bag and reached inside for her sketchpad. But instead her fingers closed around a folded piece of paper. She pulled it out of the bag.
“What's this?” she wondered. She opened the note and began to read it.
“Please meet me at Club Constellation at midnight tonight. Holly,”
Aly read. She looked up at AJ. “You were right. Holly can walk just fine in heels. She must have used them as an excuse so she could bump into me and slip this note in my bag!”
AJ grabbed the note and read it herself.
“Do you think the pin is Holly's?” Aly asked her.
“I don't know, but I think we're going to find out!” AJ said.
“I can't wait to find out why Holly wants to meet us,” Aly said to AJ. The two stood in front of Club Constellation, the most exclusive, hottest club in town. When celebrities came to town, this was where they went. Aly and AJ knew the club was dressy, so they ditched their jeans and put on some new dresses they had bought on tour. AJ wore a black velour dress with cute little flutter sleeves and a crocheted, yoke-style neckline. Aly dressed in a cream-colored brocade halter dress with a ruffled hem.
It was 11:30 at night. The girls wanted to get to the club early so they could check out the club before Holly showed up. A crowd of people was lined up outside the door, waiting to get in. Everyone in the young crowd was dressed to impress; the girls favored minidresses and high heels, while a lot of the boys wore pin-striped pants and jackets. Aly and AJ were glad they had changed.
The bouncer at the door smiled when Aly and AJ approached. “I heard Aly and AJ were in town!” he exclaimed. “I'm glad you decided to visit us. Come right in.”
He held the door open for them. Some members of the crowd looked at them enviously as they walked into the dark club. The ceiling was pitch-black, but tiny lights dotted it, making it look like the night sky. The lights twinkled and glowed. In the middle of the room was a dance floor surrounded by different seating areas. Some areas featured deep purple couches around tables topped with lit candles. There were also booths built into the walls, blocked by gauzy curtains for privacy.
Even though it was relatively early for the club scene, the place was already almost packed. People had already started to crowd onto the couches, talking in low tones. A deejay sat in a glass-enclosed room over the dance floor, while dancers grooved to the techno music he was spinning.
“Let's see if we can sit in one of those booths with the curtains,” AJ suggested. “That way we can keep a watch for Holly. I'm not sure why she asked to meet us alone, at midnight. I'd rather not be seen until we know what's up.”
Aly agreed, and the two found an empty booth. The filmy curtains gave them the ability to see out while making it hard for others to see inside. They couldn't help grooving along to the music as they sat in their seats. Then the song ended and some of the dancers left the floor, while another wave of dancers hit the floor, ready for the new song. One of them was a slim blond woman who bounced along to the beat, dancing wildly. Her long blond hair swung in the air.
“Isn't that—”AJ started.
“Calista?” Aly finished.
It was. The pop sensation was dancing away at Club Constellation.
“She doesn't look sick at all,” AJ remarked. “If Calista is here, I wonder if Cadence is, too?”
Aly scanned the room. She spotted Cadence sitting by herself at a table in the corner of the room.
“She sure is,” Aly said. “Should we even bother to say hello?”
“We might as well be polite,” AJ said. “Anyway, something strange is going on with those two. I have to admit, I'm kind of curious.”
Aly and AJ walked through the crowded club toward Cadence's table. Once again, she was chatting on her pink cell phone.
“But Calista, you really need to come back,” they overheard Cadence say into the phone. She sounded stressed out.
AJ glanced at the dance floor. Calista was still out there, bopping to the beat. And she was not talking on the phone. Aly noticed, too. She looked at AJ and raised an eyebrow. This was strange.
Cadence looked up and spotted them. “I've got to go,” she said into the phone and quickly put it away.
“Oh, hi,” she said.
“Cadence, how are you?” Aly asked.
“Fine. What brings you guys here?” Cadence asked.
“Just checking out the nightlife,” AJ answered. “It's a shame about Hope and Faith's video, isn't it?”
“Hmm? Oh, yeah. It's too bad.” Cadence appeared distracted. “I'm sorry, but you'll have to excuse me. I need to go to the restroom.” She got up and walked off.
Aly groaned. “Another friendly chat with Cadence. What's up with her?”
Before AJ could answer, Holly tapped her on the shoulder.
“Can we please talk in one of the private booths?” she asked.
“Sure,” AJ answered. They followed Holly to an empty booth. She held up the curtain for them as they slid in, then she sat next to them, closing the curtain.
Even though Holly wasn't decked out in her Hollywood glam gown anymore, she still looked gorgeous. She wore a baby-doll, blue, v-neck tank top with lace trim and sequined straps along with a black short skirt, tights, and over-the-knee high-heeled boots. Her long hair was pulled back in a low ponytail.
“Thanks for coming,” she said. “I'm sorry I had to act all super-spy to drop the note in your bag, but I didn't want my sisters to know we were meeting.”
“It's okay,” Aly said. “So what's up?”
Holly took a deep breath. “I really hope what I'm about to say stays between us. You see, the pin you found is mine. I was in the studio the night the footage was stolen. But I had nothing to do with it! I was looking for Maxine.”
“Faith and Hope's manager?” AJ asked.
Holly nodded. “Yes. I want to start a solo career and I'm looking for a new manager. But I don't want my sisters to know. Not yet, anyway.”
“Did Maxine see you there?” Aly asked.
“No. She wasn't there. I had made up some excuse and told my sisters I'd meet them by the car. I hurried in, hoping I could find Maxine quickly and arrange a time for us to meet. But I couldn't find her. Sabrina and Eve were waiting for me and I heard them calling my name. It made me panic and I left the studio in a hurry. I must have dropped the pin then,” Holly explained.
“How did you get in?” AJ asked.
“The front door was open,” Holly answered. She leaned forward. “I want you both to know that I did not steal the tape. I would never do something like that.”
“Did you see anyone else there?” AJ said.
Holly shook her head from side to side. “No. I was only there for a few minutes, so anyone could have been there before or after me. But I need to ask you guys a favor. Please keep this a secret. When I decide to go solo, my sisters need to hear it from me.”
Aly and AJ exchanged glances.
“Of course, we won't tell anyone,” Aly promised her.
“Don't worry, your secret is safe with us,” AJ said.
Holly let out a big sigh. “Thanks. I appreciate it. And thanks again for meeting me so late. I've got to get going. We're still shooting the video and tomorrow is another early day.”
Aly and AJ said good-bye and watched as Holly slid out of the booth and walked out of the club.
“Do you believe her when she says she had nothing to do with the disappearance of the tape?” AJ asked Aly.
“You know, I really do. I think Holly told us the truth,” Aly said.
AJ nodded. “I do, too. But that doesn't mean Sabrina or Eve or maybe even both of them didn't take the tape! They still had the motive—and the opportunity.” She frowned. “Holly said the door was open. Did Lionel leave it open by mistake?”

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