Nanny Dearest (9 page)

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Authors: Shawn Bailey

Tags: #gay contemporary erotic romance

BOOK: Nanny Dearest
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Terry didn't try to hide the sound this time. He moaned loudly. "Oh, my god, Hunter, you're so big. You're going to split me."

Hunter pulled out a little, leaving in the head and then moving inside again.

Terry quivered. His rectum opened and Hunter slid in deeper, working his hips while holding Terry still with his leg muscles. But it wasn't enough. He wanted to see Terry's eyes, kiss him; take him face to face. Hunter withdrew and put Terry on his back. "Are you okay?" he asked, kissing him tenderly. "The hard part is over."

"Yes," Terry said breathlessly. "I survived."

Hunter chuckled as he nudged his way between his thighs again. "Remember that."

Terry looked at him oddly. "We can't have intercourse this way."

"Yes we can," Hunter assured him as he lifted Terry's hips and directed the head of his penis into the little hole again. The surprised look on Terry's face warmed his heart. "I want to always look into your eyes when I make love to you."

Terry's eyes were only open for a moment and then they kind of rolled back and closed as Hunter humped into him.

Terry rolled his little behind and ground into Hunter's groin.

"Oh, shit," Hunter said as the soft skin rubbed against him. He humped harder into Terry and Terry's eyes opened and his lips parted.

"Too tempting," Hunter said moving in for a kiss. Sweat poured from their bodies as Terry kissed him back. His erect penis bobbed between them. Hunter reached between them and began stroking Terry's cock.

Terry's head thrashed against the pillow. "I'm coming," he said as a warning and then he went off, soaking both of them.

Terry climaxing was the sexiest thing he'd ever witnessed and too much for him to bear. Hunter raised his hips and thrust into Terry as the orgasm neared. His body jerked and then his stomach tightened and finally he shot. The semen kept coming until he fell exhausted upon his lover.

Hunter eased out slowly, removed the soiled condom and disposed of it before joining Terry at the top of the bed to bask in the afterglow.

"Ma-ma!" The sound made the room vibrate. Terry's head sprung up from the pillow.

"I'll get him," Hunter volunteered. "You might have a little trouble walking."

Terry tried to sit up, groaned and then lay back down again. "I believe you're right."

Hunter donned a robe and left the room.

* * * *

Terry forced his legs over the side of the bed. He groaned but ignored the pain because his charge needed him. It took everything in him to leave Hunter's bedroom and make it back to his own bedroom. He walked into the bathroom and turned on the light. He looked down at the dried semen on his stomach and grimaced. "I need a shower." He turned on the water, used the toilet while the shower heated and then stepped under the showerhead. He shuddered as the hot water hit him on the behind.
Better get used Hunter making love to you
. He chuckled weakly. "Oh." His butt even hurt when he laughed.
Hunter said he loved me
. Terry's smile broadened.
I wonder if he's serious
. Terry grabbed a towel, wet it and washed quickly. He turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. His damp hair clung to his head. He wrapped the towel around his head while he dried with another.

Terry walked into his room, dressed and then finished drying his hair. He tossed the wet towels into a hamper, braided his hair into a large plait and then left the room to see about Chase.

Hunter looked up as he entered the nursery. "Are you okay?"

Terry nodded. "I told you. I'll survive. Give me the demon."

Hunter handed Chase and the bottle over to Terry.

"We've got to wean you off this bottle soon," Terry told him.

Chase looked up at him, smiled revealing two new teeth. "Ma-ma."

"Yeah," Terry replied as he eased down onto the rocker. "We'll have to work on that too."

Hunter chuckled. "I guess I better go shower, and change the sheets."

Terry nodded. "Yeah, they're kind of messy."

Hunter left the room and Terry rocked the baby back to sleep. He heard the water start in the shower, and then placed the snoring Chase back into his crib. It was one in the morning. Chase would probably sleep until six or seven, which meant he could get in a couple of hours' sleep.

Hunter had made it out of the shower by the time he passed his door.

"Are you hungry?" Terry asked. He was famished.

"Yeah," Hunter replied.

"Come on down after you finish with the bed. I'll fix us something."

Hunter smiled at him. "I need something to replenish my energy."

Terry blushed. "I think I have some chicken thawing in the refrigerator."

Chapter Nine


Hunter's phone rang very early the next morning while he was trying to dress for work. Terry had dressed and was getting Chase ready to accompany him to graduation rehearsal. Hunter had offered to take Chase with him but Terry assured him he could handle the baby.


It was his attorney. "Can you come down to my office this morning? I have something to tell you."

Hunter froze. It could only mean one thing. "Yes, I'm on my way." He kissed both Chase and Terry goodbye. "My attorney just called. He has something to tell me about the custody battle. It must be something bad if he can't tell me over the phone."

"Don't get yourself all worked up." Terry paused. "Do you want me to come with you?"

"No, you have a graduation to practice for. I can't let you miss the experience."

"I'm not receiving an Academy Award. All I have to do is walk up to the stage, receive my diploma and then leave the stage."

"Go," Hunter told him. "You've earned the right to march across that stage. Straight A's. I'm so proud of you."

Terry blushed. "Thanks. Call me when you find out anything."

"I will," Hunter said as he walked out of Chase's room. He heard Chase say "Daddy" as he hurried out of the house and it made his concerns weigh even heavier.


* * * *


Hunter walked into Matthew's office twenty minutes later.

"Please have a seat."

Hunter sat down with a sense of dread.

"I've heard from the Reynoldses' attorney. They're withdrawing their petition."

"What?" Hunter could hardly believe his ears.

"The Reynoldses are withdrawing their petition. They're not going to fight you for custody." He pushed the folder of legal papers forward for Hunter to read.

"Why are they withdrawing? I mean I'm glad but what changed their minds?"

"Their visit to your home. They didn't find one thing to complain about. In fact, they were very excited by the nanny you hired. They found the young man charming and they saw how Chase adored him."

"That he does." He sighed. "I wonder what they are going to do when they find out Terry's my lover."

Matthew didn't even flinch. "Nothing, unless you give them a reason to complain."

"I don't want a relationship I have to hide."

"You won't need to," Matthew replied. "They heard rumors about you two during the investigation. Lucky for you they're not homophobic."

"They know?"

Matthew nodded. "Yes. In fact their attorney delivered a message from them. They said to welcome Terrence into the family and they hope the two of you will be happy together."

Hunter could not contain his joy. "I'd marry the kid if I thought he'd have me. I don't think I'll ever find anyone who loves Chase the way he does."

"Then marry him. Same sex marriage is legal in some states."

"Don't be surprised if I bring him to meet you. He might need representation if his modeling career takes off."

"I look forward to meeting him." He rose, walked over and shook Hunter's hand. "Congratulations. I'll be expecting an invitation to the wedding."

"We'll have to get through this weekend first," Hunter said rising. "Terry is graduating from college Saturday, and I'm spending my first real Father's Day with Chase on Sunday."

"Yes, that's right. Happy Father's Day if I don't talk to you before Sunday."

"Thanks," Hunter said heading for the door. For the first time in a long while his life seemed complete. He walked out of the building, got into his car and drove to the florist. It was time to visit Rebecca.


* * * *


Chase had been surprisingly well behaved throughout the long college graduation. Adam and his family sat next to him, along with Rachel from the office and some of Joel's family.

Joel received his diploma in Fine Arts first. A lot of young women in the audience screamed his name as he walked across the stage. Apparently the trailers of the commercial on the website had made him very popular.

Terry received his diploma about an hour later. Girls screamed and called his name too, which Hunter tried to ignore.

Adam nudged him. "You can't do anything about it. His fan club is going to get bigger and bigger if he continues to model." He sighed. "Those two young men are goldmines. Sales are up."

Terry and Joel joined them outside the auditorium at the end of the graduation, where they took pictures, signed autographs and said goodbye to their classmates. Joel had already found himself an apartment and signed on to do more work for Hunter's company. His dream of being an actor was slowing coming true.

Terry, on the other hand, had been turning down job offers from modeling agencies. He also rejected offers from hospitals and several businesses where he had once applied for nutritionist positions. His current plan was to set up business in a small office and work as a consultant. This would give him the opportunity to tend to Chase until the child was ready to enter school. Uncle Adam liked the idea so much he offered Terry an office in his building so Hunter could see to Chase whenever Terry was with a client, which would work out well since he was still under contract with Hunter's company as a model.

After the graduation ceremony, Adam treated them all to dinner at a local restaurant.

Once they made it home, Hunter laid a very tired little boy into his crib then walked down to the den for some quality time with Terry. He found the love of his life watching the Cooking Channel on the television. Hunter reached into his jacket pocket while Terry wasn't looking and pulled out a small black jeweler's box and placed it on the table in front of Terry.

"What's this?" Terry asked, his gaze diverting from the screen.

"A graduation present," Hunter told him.

Terry picked up the box and opened it. He gasped when he saw the gold band.

"Marry me," Hunter said.

"What?" Terry asked. "We can't get married because we're…"

"Don't say it," Hunter warned.

"Why?" Terry asked, sliding the band onto a finger on his right hand and admiring the ring. It fit perfectly.

"Because I love you," Hunter confessed as he sat down next to him on the sofa. "You're wonderful, smart and you're very good with my son. You make my life complete and I trust you'll take care of Chase should anything happen to me."

Tears welled in Terry's eyes.

"I want us to be a family. You, Chase, and me. And Joel and Uncle Adam."

The tears slipped out and Terry tried to brush them away. "I've never had a family," Terry told him. "My mother gave me up for adoption shortly after I was born and I never knew my father."

"I know," Hunter replied pulling him into his arms. "I want to change all that. I want you with me when Chase goes off to kindergarten or reform school, whichever comes first."

That got a chuckle out of Terry.

"I want to be with you when he goes out on his first date, and when he drives for the first time. I want you here to grow old with me and to cry for me when I die."

"That has got to be the best proposal ever," Terry said. "Yes," he finally said. "I'd be honored to marry you and make a home with you and Chase. And I promise to love you even when you get old and senile."

Hunter tightened his grip on Terry. "I'm just six years older than you are."

"I know," Terry said. "I'm just kidding."


Hunter chuckled.

"That's not funny," Terry said as he rose. "I think he knows I'm not a girl. I think he just likes to call me mama."

"Ma-ma!" Chase screamed again.

"Yes, honey," Terry called up to him. "I'm coming." He dashed out of the den and returned several minutes later with his wide-eyed and very awake charge.

"Daddy," Chase said to Hunter when Terry sat back down on the sofa.

"Hey, sport."

Chase giggled and snuggled up to Terry. "Ma-ma."

"Okay, kid, I give up," Terry said. "You can call me mama. I guess I can live with it."

"I think it's kind of cute," Hunter replied, cuddling up with the two of them. The clock on the mantle struck twelve.

"Happy Father's Day," Terry gazed at him lovingly.

Hunter reached over and gave him a kiss.

Chase giggled and released Terry's hair from the band.

Hunter laughed. "Happy Father's Day to you too, Nanny Dearest."


The End


About the Author


Shawn Bailey writes from New Orleans, Louisiana. Shawn is an avid manga and yaoi novel collector and watches a lot of Japanese anime.






Also by Shawn Bailey:



Available from
Silver Publishing


Kisses Sweeter than Candy

Faded Star

Nanny Dearest



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