Naked Edge (6 page)

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Authors: Charli Webb

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College

BOOK: Naked Edge
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The meeting goes by in a blur. I have to give my report of the incident on The Bastille Crack. I refer to Boone and Skylar as the male and female climbers to protect their privacy, as well as my sanity, then ask Anna to take over the ‘what can we learn from this incident’ part of the discussion.

I can’t be clinically detached from any part of the incident. What I learned from Skylar a long time ago is promises are made to be broken.
You can’t trust anyone. And the more you love someone, the more it hurts when they desert you.

I can’t wait to get out of here, but I refuse to run away. Unlike that chicken shit, Wade. He had no right to tell Skylar about Mom.

We’re supposed to hang around and talk to prospective members and benefactors, but I’m afraid I’ll end up punching someone if they look at me the wrong way. I make my way over to the refreshment table and grab the last chocolate cookie.

A medley of flavors blooms on my tongue—bittersweet chocolate, butter, raisins, dates, walnuts and a pinch of cayenne pepper.

These aren’t pre-packaged cookies from Costco. Nope. These are Skylar’s homemade chocolate cookies. She used the recipe we invented, together. I should have recognized them by smell if not by sight. I blame my foggy state of mind for not warning me before I bit into it.

I used to crave these cookies, but it turns to ash in my mouth and lights a fire in my stomach.

I’d like to blame the sudden heartburn on the cayenne, but I know better. I hate the fact that Skylar baked
cookies for Wade.

I spit the cookie into a paper napkin and toss it in the trash. As I brush the crumbs from my hands, I notice Cherri’s number on my palm. I said I’d call her tomorrow, but I can’t wait that long. I also said I’d take her out on a date, but if I don’t relieve this insane pressure, I’m going to explode. I’d get drunk but I don’t think booze alone is going to do it.

When we get back to the house, I immediately head for my room. I don’t like the way Anna’s staring at me and I’m in no mood to listen to one of her lectures. Cherri answers on the third ring. Classic.


“Hey, Cherri, it’s Rowdy Daletzki. Are you busy?”

“Um…no. Not really.”

“Do you wanna be?”

She giggles.
“What do you have in mind?”

I tell her in sordid detail as I grab my keys off the hook by the door and head for Old Blue.


“It’s okay. Don’t worry about it.” Cherri’s voice is tight. I can tell she’s trying not to cry. I wish she’d just let me get her off.

I sit on the edge of her bed with my head in my hands. “I honestly don’t understand. I swear this has never happened to me before.”

“You’re a little young for ED. Maybe you should see a doctor.”

Maybe I should. A fucking heart doctor. “This was supposed to be a date. Do you want to go get coffee or something?”

“Sure.” She doesn’t sound too excited about it but I don’t blame her.

“I’ll let you pick where we go, how’s that?”

“Can we go to The Laughing Goat?” She grabs her bra off the floor then slides under the covers to put it on…as if I haven’t already seen her boobs.

“I didn’t know there was one in Westminster.”

“There’s not. But it was my favorite place to hang out before I dropped out at CU.”

She obviously wants me to ask why she dropped out, but that might lead her to believe I actually give a shit. “We can go to The Laughing Goat if you follow me there. I don’t want to make another trip back to Westminster.”

Cherri smiles agreeably. “Sure, no problem.”

During the solitary drive to Boulder, it dawns on me that Cherri will probably try to use the long drive back home as an excuse to spend the night with me. Not gonna happen. I never take girls to the house.

I swear the universe hates me. There have to be at least a hundred coffee shops in Boulder. What are the chances that Wade and Skylar would be tucked away in an intimate little corner of The Laughing Goat? “Shit.”

“What’s wrong?” Cherri follows my gaze before I can pry it off Skylar’s face.

“Oh. Well. That explains a lot.”

“What are you talking about?”

She tilts her head and arches her eyebrows, giving me an ‘I’m not stupid look.’ “You’re still hung up on your ex. When did you break up?”

“Four years ago.”

She blinks then leans in closer, lowering her voice. “You’ve gone four years without having sex?”

“No. Of course not.” I don’t want to discuss this with her. Or anyone. Ever. “She just got back into town yesterday.”

“Did she bring the hottie with her or pick him up when she got here?”

Seriously? “He’s one of my housemates.”

Cherri’s eyes flash. “That’s just wrong.”

“Let’s get out of here.” Preferably before Wade and Skylar see us.

“You can’t run away from this kind of shit. Trust me.” She stretches up on her toes and tries to pull my face down to hers. “Follow my lead.”

I turn my head so her lips slide across my cheek. She doesn’t let the near-miss dissuade her and presses every square inch of her body against mine. I’m knocked off balance in more ways than one and grab her hips to keep from falling over.

She moans. Right there in the middle of The Laughing Goat. “Oh baby. I just can’t keep my hands off you.”

My gaze is drawn to Skylar like a suicidal moth to a flame. Her open mouth forms a perfect circle.

I’ve never really experienced a ‘deer in the headlights’ moment—until now. I’m completely frozen. Cherri’s practically dry humping me but all I can do is stand there with my fingers clutching her curvy ass.

Wade gives me a disgusted look then stands up and pulls Skylar to her feet. He wraps an arm around her shoulder.

Skylar leans into him, turning her face away from me. They have to walk past us to get out the door. Wade hunches over her, sheltering her with his body.

Her chest heaves as she takes several quick, wheezing breaths, snapping me out of my paralytic trance. That sounds like asthma.

I pry Cherri off my body and run out the door. “Skylar, wait.”

Wade stops and steps in front of her. His stance is protective, as if he thinks I’d actually hurt her. “Leave her alone.”

My hands clench into fists. It takes every bit of self-control I possess to not hit him. I shove him to the side.

Skylar sinks to the curb. She moves into the classic, tripod position with her hands on her knees, gasping for breath.

Wade grabs her purse and starts digging through it. “Where is it?”

Skylar didn’t have asthma four years ago but she sure as hell has it now. I grab her purse out of Wade’s hands, turn it upside down and shake. Her phone is the first thing to hit the ground, followed by the usual assortment of tampons, makeup, Tic Tacs and crumpled Kleenex. Her inhaler bounces onto the sidewalk with a
. I grab it and shake it then hand it to her as I support her head and shoulders with my other arm. “Can you do it or do you need help?”

“Help.” Her voice is barely a whisper.

“I’m going to give you a puff. Ready?”

She nods and inhales as I administer the first dose. I hear Wade talking to the emergency dispatcher on his phone, but it’s just background noise to me. All I can hear is Skylar’s labored breathing and my own blood rushing behind my ears.

She coughs, expelling most of the first dose, so I repeat the procedure. She sits up a little straighter and takes charge of her inhaler, pushing me away.

I don’t want to add to her distress so I let her, even though it squeezes my own chest to do so.

Cherri kneels in front of Skylar and hands her a steaming paper cup with The Laughing Goat logo on the side. “It’s hot tea.”

She takes a sip then gives Cherri a weak, but sincere smile.

Cherri sits down on the curb next to Skylar and rubs her back as if they’re best friends. I’ll never understand women.


When the ambulance arrives, Skylar refuses treatment. I want to shake some sense into her, but I doubt she’s gotten any less stubborn over the past four years. My best guess is she’s worried about the cost.

“Your insurance should cover it.”

“Don’t have any.”

“How can you have asthma and not have insurance?”

She takes a deep breath, demonstrating her improved pulmonary function. “I’m fine.”

“No, you aren’t. Do you have an asthma plan?”

She gathers the scattered contents of her purse and nods.

“And what does it tell you to do after an acute attack?”

She zips her purse with such force, I’m surprised she doesn’t break it. “I can’t afford a trip to the ER.”

“God, Skylar. I’ll pay for it, okay? You need a doctor.”

She shifts her gaze to Wade. “Take me home?”

He shakes his head. “Rowdy’s right. You at least need to be checked out at the ER. If you won’t go by ambulance, let me drive you to the hospital.”

Skylar glares at both of us then grabs her iPhone off the ground and pushes the home button. “Siri, I need a cab.”

I snatch her phone and end the call. “I’ll take you home.”

She glares at me. “You’re on a date.”

I want to scream
it’s not a date
but I’d already told Cherri it was. Even I’m not that big of an asshole.

Cherri flashes me a sad smile then gives Skylar a one-armed hug. “Medical emergencies trump dates, every time.”

Wade shocks the hell out of me and says, “If you want to take care of Skylar, I can give Cherri a ride home.”

She looks up and smiles at Wade then tucks a strand of purple hair behind her ear. “Thanks, but I drove my own car.”

Skylar grabs Cherri’s hand. “I’m so sorry I messed up your date.”

God, here we go with the ‘date thing again.

Cherri says, “It wasn’t really a date. We’re just out for coffee.”

Thank you!

“I sort of threw myself at him and he was just too nice to flat out reject me.” Cherri winks at me then stands up and tucks her hand into the crook of Wade’s elbow. “Do you mind walking me to my car?”

Wade grins at Cherri then turns to Skylar. “Is that okay?”

“I don’t mind, if Rowdy doesn’t.”

“It’s fine.” That came out a little louder and a whole lot harsher than necessary.

Skylar’s eyes widen for a second then narrow into slits. “I’m sorry I ruined your evening.”

“Stop apologizing. You didn’t ruin my evening.”
You ruined my fucking life.
I take a deep breath then lean over and extend a hand. “Can you walk to my truck, or should I carry you?”

She ignores my hand and stands up on her own. “I told you I’m fine.”

When we get to Old Blue, the damn thing refuses to start. It’s out of gas. I never run out of gas. What the fuck is wrong with me. I swallow my pride and call Wade to tell him that Skylar and I need a ride.

I follow Skylar to Wade’s ridiculously expensive Mercedes SUV. Her shoulders are halfway to her ears. She keeps her hands fisted and close to her hips as she walks. What the hell is she so pissed off about?

My stomach drops when I realize she’s probably mad because I ruined
date. I sent Wade off with a woman whose every move screams
do me
. No wonder she’s pissed. But I’ll be damned if I’m going to apologize for it.

When we get to Wade’s car, Skylar reaches for the front passenger door. I put my hand on top of hers. “Get in the back.”

“Quit bossing me around.”

“I want to be able to help you if you have another attack in the car. There’s more room in the back.”

“That’s ridiculous.”

We’re still arguing when Wade jogs up. He’s got a shit-eating grin on his face but it disappears immediately. “What’s going on?”

“Skylar’s being stubborn and stupid.”

Her mouth falls open.

Wade’s no help at all. His gaze shifts back and forth between me and Sky.

I open the rear passenger door and glare at her. “Get in the car.”

She glares right back, but slides in and scoots across the bench seat, all the way to the other side, behind Wade.

I climb in next to her and slam the door. She and Wade both flinch. I lean forward and stick my head between the bucket seats. “Take us to Avista.”

Skylar unbuckles her seatbelt and paws at the door, looking for the handle.

“Stop.” I grab her hand. Her fingers immediately weave through mine. The gesture is so natural and familiar. So is the pain that stabs the center of my chest. I jerk my hand back as if she burned it but I can still feel the imprint of her on my skin. I don’t remember her hands being so small. “I’m serious about paying for the ER.”

“No.” She folds her arms over her stomach and hunches forward.

“You can pay me back later if it’ll make you feel better.”

“I can refuse treatment at the hospital just as easily as I can for an ambulance. You can’t make me go.”

She’s being childish and unreasonable but the rapid movement of her upper thorax could be signaling another asthma attack.

I raise my hands in surrender. “Fine. You win. We’ll take you to Boone’s, okay?”

She arches her eyebrows. “Promise?”

God, I hate that word. And I really hate how easily it rolls off her tongue. “I don’t make promises. But I don’t lie, either.”

“Everything okay back there?” Wade’s watching us in the rearview mirror.

Skylar uncrosses her arms and leans her head against the back of her seat. “Let’s go.”

I scoot back over to my side of the car and buckle up. The tension builds during the ride to Eldorado Springs.

“So, Rowdy, where’d you meet Cherri?” Wade’s voice is overly cheerful. “She seems a lot nicer than your usual mark.”

If he weren’t driving and if I weren’t afraid of upsetting Skylar, I’d smack the back of his head. “She’s just a student at Front Range.”

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