Naked Edge (23 page)

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Authors: Charli Webb

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College

BOOK: Naked Edge
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Skylar’s gaze travels all over my body as I get back in the tub.

I pick up her body wash. “Is it okay if I use a little of this?”

She licks her lips and nods. “Of course.”

I brace myself against the tile wall over the faucet with one hand, giving her a good profile view of my already throbbing cock. “I’ll try to make it last, but I’m so fucking turned on after washing you, I’ll probably blow my load pretty quick.”

“It’s okay. Do whatever feels best to you.”

I’ve never considered myself an exhibitionist, but fuck, this is fun. I form a tight ‘O’ with my index finger and thumb around the base of my cock and tease my balls with my fingers. I keep my gaze locked on Skylar’s face as I slide my hand up my shaft and roll my palm over the head. I count backwards from one hundred in an effort to hold on a little longer.

Skylar’s thighs drift apart, drawing my gaze lower. She’s trembling again.

“Sky? Are you okay?”

She nods.

“Can you take a deep breath for me?”

She keeps her gaze locked on my dick as she inhales.

I can tell from the way her jaw tenses that it hurts, but she doesn’t complain. I have an idea to further distract her. “Open your towel.”

Her eyes widen, but she does it.

I maintain my slow, lazy pace up and down my shaft as I watch her unwrap the towel. She’s obviously overcome whatever modesty issues were holding her back before. Maybe it was all tied to her birthmark and now that she knows I like it, she’s more confident about the rest of her body. Whatever the reason, I’m just glad she’s willing to share it with me.

“Slide your hands up and down your thighs, keeping pace with me.” Her knees fall open, exposing her glistening pussy.

“Fuck.” I grab my balls and pull them away from my body. “Keep taking deep, cleansing breaths.”


“Run your hands over your breasts, but don’t touch your nipples.” I tug a little harder on my balls to keep from coming when she immediately obeys.

“Slide one hand slowly down your stomach. Feel how soft and smooth your skin is?”

“Um-hum.” Her eyelids drift half-closed. She takes a deep breath without me prompting her.

“Now pinch your nipple with one hand and touch your clit with the other.”

Skylar teases her perky nipples then slides her hand lower but she stops just above her clit.

“How are you doing, babe?”

“I’m going to come.”

“Are you in pain?”

“A little. But so far, it’s worth it.” She stares at my cock as it thumps against my stomach. “Don’t stop.”

“If I start up again, I’m going to explode.”

She parts her fingers and slides her hand lower, still avoiding her clit. “I want to come when you do.”

Holy fuck. “Are you close?”

“I think so.” She tugs on one nipple then the other.

I let go of my balls and pump my dick three times then shoot my load.

Skylar’s legs shake as she slides her middle finger over her clit. She lets go of her nipple and grabs the edge of the sink. “Fuuuuck.”

I’ve never heard her say that word before. It’s hot, cute and a little bit funny but I know better than to laugh if I ever want to see her do this again. And I definitely want to see her do this again.


I’m just stepping out of the tub when Boone knocks on the bathroom door.
“Rowdy? Are you in there?”

Skylar answers, “He’s helping me take a shower. What do you want?”

“Someone’s been blowing up Rowdy’s damn phone for the past hour. He left it in your room.”

“Goddamnit.” I wrap Skylar up in a clean towel and yank my jeans on over my naked ass. “Is it Anna?”

“What do you think?”

Why can’t she just leave me alone? I open the door and step into the hall. “Hey, Boone Dog, can you drive yet?”

He averts his eyes from my naked chest. “Yeah, but it’s not pretty.”

I know Boone’s attracted to me, but he usually does a better job of hiding it. “Can you load my bike on your car and drive me to North Boulder?”

He grins. “You sneaky bastard. You’re going to tell Anna you were out riding your bike all night and have her come pick you up.”

“I hate playing these stupid games, but there’s too much at stake not to.”

I tuck Skylar in bed, trying to get her as comfortable as possible before I leave. My heart sinks to the soles of my feet as I kiss her good-bye. “I’ll come back the first chance I get.”

She squeezes my hand. “Be careful. Just because Anna’s obsessed with you doesn’t mean she won’t try to hurt you if she thinks you’re cheating on her.”

I ride up Broadway a couple miles before I call Anna. I need to be a little bit out of breath when I call her and more than a little sweaty when she arrives.

Anna picks up on the first ring and starts screaming at me immediately, spewing threats to repost the video, go to the cops with the knife and castrate me if I’m with Skylar.

I hold the phone away from my ear until she winds down. “Are you done yet?”

“Where the fuck are you?”

“Broadway and Iris.”

She’s blessedly silent for almost five seconds. “What are you doing in North Boulder?”

I can’t resist throwing a little guilt her way. “I couldn’t sleep so I went for a bike ride.”

“You’re on your bike?”

“Yeah. I got a little carried away and didn’t realize how far I’d gone. Can you come get me?”

“Your bike won’t fit in my car. I’ll need to drive your truck.”

I swear under my breath. “I don’t let anyone drive Old Blue.”

“We’re going to be married soon. What’s mine is yours and what’s yours is mine so you might as well get used to me driving your truck.”

I can’t fucking believe this. “There’s a spare set of keys on the hook by the door in the main house.”

“I love you, Rowdy.” Her voice is syrupy sweet.

I want to puke. “Meet me at the Starbucks on the corner.”

The first thing Anna says when she sees me is, “You rode all this way in jeans?”

“I wasn’t thinking.”

“How badly are you chaffed?”

“Bad enough.” I pick at my crotch, pulling my jeans away from the boys.

“We better pick up some ointment on our way home so I can take care of you.”

Oh, hell no. Even if I weren’t trying to hide a fake rash, I wouldn’t want her playing around down there. “I can take care of it myself. Virgin bride, remember?”

“Medicating your genitals won’t take my virginity.”

“It’s the idea of it. I want to keep you as pure as possible.”

“I’ve already touched your penis.”

I fight the urge to shudder. If Anna herself weren’t enough to turn me off to sex, her clinical description of my man parts would. “I said no. If you’re going to be my wife, you better learn to respect my decisions.”

A woman sitting at the table next to ours glares at me. She stands up and puts a hand on Anna’s shoulder. “You don’t have to put up with that. No man has the right to put himself in a position of power over his wife.”

I’m tempted to tell her to mind her own business, but I actually agree with her. Keith used to give Mom orders then
her if she didn’t follow them exactly.

Anna smiles sweetly at her then places her hand over mine on top of the table. “It’s okay. He’s not usually like this. He’s just stressed out.”

“No shit.” I pull my hand out from under Anna’s then stretch and yawn.

Anna moves her hand to my knee. “We’re getting married in a week.”

I freeze. Every muscle in my body clenches. “No, we’re not.”

Anna pats my knee. “I’ve arranged everything. Plane tickets, hotel, chapel, flowers, marriage license, and reception dinner. All you have to do is get the rings.”

“You can’t plan a wedding in seven days.”

“You can if you get married in Vegas.”

Ordinarily, I would have insisted Anna hand over my keys, but I’m in no condition to drive. The cumulative stress of the past thirty-six hours has seriously affected my ability to think. Anna jabbers about the wedding non-stop on the way home. I can’t deal with this shit right now so I rest my head against the window and close my eyes, tuning her out.

Anna digs her fingers into my bicep and shakes me. “Wake up, sleepy-head. We’re home.”

I wasn’t asleep but I feel no need to enlighten her. I reach over and pull the keys out of the ignition then get out of the truck and slam the door.

“Hey!” Anna runs around the front of the truck and puts a hand on my chest. “What’s wrong with you?”

“I hope you can get a refund on the plane tickets and all that other shit because we are not getting married in Las Vegas.”

Her lip quivers as her eyes fill up with tears. “I thought you’d be happy.”

For a split second, I feel sorry for her. It’s a knee-jerk reaction. “What the fuck, Anna? You make all these plans without ever mentioning any of it and expect me to be happy? You don’t know me at all.”

I shove her hand off me and stomp up the stairs to my room. Anna follows, but I slam the door in her face.

She pounds on it, rattling the frame. “Open this door right now, Rowdy Daletzki, or you’ll be sorry.”

I jerk the door open but stand my ground, refusing to let her in. “My shift at Avista starts in four hours. I can’t deal with this shit right now. We can talk when I get home from work.”

“Call in sick.” She tries to squeeze through the door, ducking under my arm.

I grab her around the waist and set her back on the landing. “You are not coming in here.”

“If you don’t take me to Vegas next weekend and marry me, I’ll repost that disgusting video of your little slut.”

“Really? You want the whole world to see your future husband making love to someone else?”

“You aren’t visible on the screen. All anyone can see is the ugly birthmark on that whore’s back.”

I dig my fingers into the door frame to keep from shoving Anna down the stairs. “You need to leave, right now, before I do something we’ll both regret.”

Her expression softens. She lifts her hand and reaches for my cheek.

I jerk my head back. I can’t tolerate her touch.

She sighs. “You’re just tired. Things will look better after you’ve had some sleep.”

“You are so fucking delusional.” I pull the door shut and lock it then slide the deadbolt into place. I pull my phone out of my pocket and send a group message to Wade, Cherrie, Derek, Boone and Skylar, even though her phone’s no longer in service.
Anna trying 2 force me 2 marry her in Vegas next weekend. Ideas?

It’s four fucking o’clock in the morning so I don’t expect anyone to reply. My phone buzzes, alerting me to an incoming call. Boone’s face pops up on my screen.

“Are you shitting me?”

“I wish I were. God, Boone, what am I going to do?”

“The plan’s the same, it’s just a lot more urgent, that’s all.”

“How’s Skylar doing?”

“I just checked on her a few minutes ago. She’s asleep.”

“I’m supposed to work tomorrow, but I’m going to call in sick. Do you think we could all meet somewhere and try to come up with a plan?”

“I’m still on sick leave at the gym so I’m free. I have no idea what everyone else’s schedule is but I’m sure they’ll find a way to make it. Where and when do you want to meet?”

“I’m so fucking exhausted, I can’t even think straight. Can you set it up and get back to me?”

“You got it.”


I wake up with a jolt. Someone’s knocking on my door. I’m still wearing yesterday’s clothes. I check my phone for the time, seven forty-five. Shit. I’ll bet that’s Anna at the door. I need to call in at work and tell them I’m sick but I don’t want her to know I’m not going in.

“Hey, Rowdy, you awake?

It’s Derek. I heave a huge sigh of relief and open the door. He wrinkles his nose. “Dude. You look like shit.”

“Thanks.” I step back and wave him in. “Did you get my text about Anna’s plans for a Vegas wedding next weekend?”

“Yeah. That is so fucked up.”

“Are we having a meeting sometime today?”

“Not exactly.”

My heart sinks.

“Cherri and Wade talked Anna into postponing the wedding until spring.”

“How’d they do that?”

“Cherri riffed off that whole ‘my bride has to be a virgin’ thing and told Anna that only strippers and whores get married in Vegas. She also claimed that we all wanted to be there to witness the marriage of our best friends.

“Wade suggested moving it to Costa Rica and making it a destination wedding. He insisted on paying for everything as a wedding gift.”

“And she believed him?”

Derek grins and shakes his head. “She did when he reserved the hotel and bought plane tickets for all of us online right there in front of her.”

“Holy shit.” I sink onto the bed and brace my elbows on my knees. “That had to cost a fortune.”

“Seventeen thousand, eight hundred and forty-three dollars to be exact.”

“Can he get his money back?”

“You do know he’s got a trust fund worth millions, right?”

“When is this fake wedding supposed to take place?”

“Spring break.” Derek grins. “Dude, we’re all going to Costa Rica for spring break. Can you believe it?”

“I’m not marrying Anna so you can get a free trip.”

“By the time spring break rolls around, that bitch’ll be history. The first thing Wade did after she went to bed was buy a ticket for Skylar.”

I wish I had Derek’s enthusiasm. And his faith that it was all going to work out. But right now, I’d settle for a few hours of sleep.

“Later, Dude.” Derek bounds down my stairs two at a time then jogs to his car and takes off.

I flop onto my bed and call my supervisor to tell her I’m not feeling well.

“Do you have the same virus as Ms. Jones?”

“Probably.” I have no idea what excuse Anna’s been giving for missing work, but if it worked for her, it’ll work for me.

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