Mythborn (69 page)

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Authors: V. Lakshman

BOOK: Mythborn
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Sonya Illrys—
Lore Mother, defender of Edyn at Sovereign’s Fall. Defeated Valarius but was mortally wounded by Mikal Galadine. Fell into a rift and into Arcadia where she was nursed back to health by Valarius. Is Duncan Illrys’ wife.


—Ancient sentient sword, given to Arek for his protection. Said to have the power to heal its wielder from grave injury. Particularly fond of Ash, and Arek.


Themun Dreys
—Archmage, Lore Father of the Second Council of adepts, initiates the quest to ascertain the disposition of Lilyth’s Gate, master illusionist. Although over two hundred years old, appears to others as a man in his sixties. Died during the attack on the Isle and now exists only as a shade.


Thera Dawnlight
—Adept, master rank in herb lore and medicine, skilled in healing and defensive arts. Orphan and found near Dawnlight, appears to others as a woman in her late forties. Died during the attack on the Isle and now exists only as a shade.


—Guardian of the Archives, member of the Conclave, a group made up of the Elder Races and dedicated to safeguarding life on Edyn.


Tomas Dawnlight
—Apprentice, first to Adept Giridian, then to Master Kisan. Preparing for his Test of Ascension. Strong, brave, highly intelligent and skillful in combining magic with strength. The attack on the Isle has filled him however with doubt.


Tyrus Kalindor, House Kalindor –
Captain of the Galadine forces escorting Queen Yevaine to Haven. Was considered for Firstmark by Jebida but opted instead for ‘lighter duty’ after a lifetime in service of House Galadine. Lost an eye during the Siege of Shornhelm, prefers fighting with a spear.


Valarius Galadine
—General and High Marshal of the king’s forces at Sovereign’s Fall, Archmage and Lore Father of the First Council of Adepts, known for causing the first cataclysm of the world. Powerful, strong-willed, championed the idea that demons were actually the source of magic and ruin in this world. Once he preemptively started a war with the Aeris, he was stripped of his title and rank. Has survived and now leads the elves against those who would destroy the Way.


The Way
—An eldritch force that exists within the very fabric of space, allowing those that can tap into it the ability to manipulate time, space, and matter. There are many manifestations, limited only by the practitioner’s imagination and discipline. The Old Lords of the First Council used it to create spells that could alter the very nature of the world. The Second Council has honed it into a power that manifests itself in their bodies when they engage in martial combat.


Yetteje Tir
—Princess of EvenSea, cousin to Niall Galadine, on her pilgrimage to ascend to the royal throne of EvenSea, with her final stop on the Walk of Kings at Bara’cor. She is seventeen and stubborn, but brave and good with a blade. Wielder of the mighty runebow, Valor.


Yevaine Galadine
—Queen of Bara’cor, wife of Bernal, sent from Bara’cor at the siege’s start with the young and weak to Haven, capital city of Edyn, and now returns with reinforcements to help Bara’cor in her time of need. Hails from House Aeonian along with her sister, Illandra, who is the wife of Ben’thor Tir and Yetteje’s mother.


About the Author


Vijay Lakshman was born in Ottawa, Canada. He spent his early years in Bangkok, Thailand. When he was nine, his father took him to a martial arts exhibition and his life changed forever.


He dedicated the next thirty years to mastering the martial arts, his quest taking him across the U.S., Europe, and to China. In 1991 he earned his black belt and has accumulated over 1,200 combat engagements. His true passion however, is writing, and Bane of the Warforged is the second novel in his epic fantasy series, Mythborn.


He has created over eighty-five titles in his career as a software designer and architect of challenge-based learning software, but spends his free time entertaining his curiosity. This includes researching (mostly) useless facts on Google, testing ideas on combustion (only on household items), and amateur cryptozoology from the comfort and safety of his internet connected armchair.


His experience includes graduation from the Harvard Business School's elite General Manager Program, thirty years of training in karate, sixteen years of close combat grappling, fifteen years of kendo, eight years of long-distance cycling, and taking various things in the house apart.


Putting everything back together is the job of his ever patient and kind family and a small group of inspiring friends. You can find out more about Mythborn and the author at

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