Mysterious Warriors: Alone (23 page)

Read Mysterious Warriors: Alone Online

Authors: T. N. Hayden

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Superheroes, #Teen & Young Adult, #Children's eBooks, #Superhero

BOOK: Mysterious Warriors: Alone
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~ Chapter 52 ~


              Rachel and Gary rushed back down the stairs with his sword and her daggers.

              “We missed it.” Rachel frowned. “Where’s Tara, do you see Tara?”

              “I don’t.” Gary paused. “I’m sure she’s fine.”

              “No!” Rachel screamed and rushed toward the dais. It couldn’t be right. It wasn’t possible. No. She fell beside Terena’s body, and she shook her. “Terena. Terena, wake up.”

              Gary stood behind her, and he put a hand to her shoulder. “I’m so sorry Rachel.”

              Bubbles of grief overflowed, and Rachel held onto the maid’s body. She sobbed, unable to control herself. Shaking her head, Gary gently released her hands from Terena’s body. “I’m so sorry, Rachel.” He embraced her and brought her to her feet. “I’m so sorry.” He brushed his fingers through her hair.

              “Vance?” She whispered. No. No.

              She tore away from Gary as she rushed to the other body. Sarasa sat beside the body, Roanna, Kitnan, and Galdut with the fairy.

              Vance was the one person who had believed in her, loved her, and trained her to be better than the person her mother had wanted her to be. Vance had given her her lunette, her mission, and her training. It was too much.

              “Vance?” Rachel dropped to her knees. She couldn’t lose both of them. They were her parents, the ones who loved her and raised her. She hiccupped as her face seemed to melt.

              “I’m so sorry.” Gary kneeled behind her and held her close. “I know how much they meant to you.”

              “Terena saved Tara.” Galdut whispered. “She was a hero.”

              “How’d she die?” Rachel whispered as her insides felt clawed.

              “Baron Stefan Graem was a traitor.” Galdut explained. “He killed her, and he nearly killed your sister.”

              Rage and fear overwhelmed her. “Where is Tara?” She scanned the room, but she didn’t see her sister.

              “Sacrifice got her out.” Galdut assured her.

              “How’d Vance die?” Gary asked.

              “He was reunited with Sarasa.” Galdut whispered.

              “The curse.” Rachel shook her head. “No.”

              Everything Monika had said was true, everything she’d been afraid of was for a reason. It wasn’t fair, and it sliced another wound in Rachel’s heart.

              “You know about the curse?” Galdut looked at her.

              Rachel nodded. “I can’t believe this.” She brought her arms around her. It felt like her insides were going to fall out and be displayed for all to see. “They can’t be gone. This can’t happen.”

              “Vance was a good man.” Galdut’s voice broke. “He loved her so much.”

              “Braedon killed him.” Rachel snarled. She didn’t know when or how she would make the man pay, but she would. “Is Stefan dead?”

              “Sacrifice killed him.” King Warren limped to join the group, throwing his arms around his daughter. “I’m so glad you’re all okay.”

              “Dad?” Rachel whispered as she embraced him.

              “You were very impressive with the sword, Your Majesty.” Galdut stated.

              “I finally realized I have a lot of valuable reasons to live.” King Warren touched Rachel’s shoulder.

              “This is too much, too much death.” Rachel murmured as she closed her eyes, tears seeping between her lashes.

              “Is Felix among the dead?” Gary asked. “And Black Hood?”

              “Felix is dead.” Alice assured them. “But Black Hood got away.”

              “Will she attack again?” Gary held Rachel’s shoulders and braced her against him.

              “It’s likely she’ll find allies and a new mission.” Galdut closed his eyes. “I’m so sorry.”


              Tara limped as Sacrifice moved her to the side of the room. “Is there a way to an upper level?”

              “There’s a secret staircase behind the tapestry of the skyscape.” Tara nodded. She couldn’t wait to be alone with the man she loved.

              Sacrifice lifted the side of the tapestry, and he pushed the wall open. As they climbed, Tara cried out in pain. He didn’t say anything as he slipped a hand under her legs and picked her up. She gasped as he hoisted her and carried her to the third floor.

              As they exited the staircase into the hallway, she touched his arm. “Don’t leave me.”

              She was sure he was looking at her. “I will protect you, Your Majesty; I promise.”

              “I know you will.” She paused.

              He went to the balcony, and Tara limped beside him. “My father, sister, and brother-in-law are down there.”

              “Should I get them up here?”

              “They’ll be alright.” She paused. She had never felt so sure in her life, and she knew exactly who this man was. Everything was different, but right, in Erde. “There’s something more important that needs to happen.” She turned and grabbed his arm. “Help me into that room?”


~ Epilogue ~


              Tara’s heart sped as she let Sacrifice help her into the side room, and she slammed the door shut. She limped as she gently pushed him against the far wall and kissed him. Everything was right in Erde, and Tara was sure of her future.

              Sacrifice pushed her back, gentle but strong. “Your Majesty, you don’t need to.”

              “To what?” Tara paused. “Thank you?” She gently bit her lower lip. “Sacrifice, I love you.” She played with the jade arrowhead pendant on her necklace.

              He had to be staring. “What? No.” He shook his head violently, but his voice turned soft. “You can’t be Cabaya.”

              “I am. I was trying to kill you when you first kissed me.” Tara whispered as she put her arms around his shoulders, and she drew him closer, her fingers playing with the end of his dark hair. “We were under Black Hood’s influence, and I loathed you. You kissed me and something changed. It was the kiss that drew us out of her influence that first time.”

              “No.” His voice was soft. “I never imagined Cabaya was Tara Colville.”

              “Oh.” She drew herself back with a limp and closed her eyes.

              “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean it like that.” Sacrifice touched her shoulder. “I just never thought…” He shook his head. “This makes things a lot more complicated.”

              “It doesn’t have to be complicated.”

              “Oh but it is.” Sacrifice brought his hands to her neck and gently cupped her face. “I’m so sorry. Promise me you’ll let me explain.”

              “You’re finally ready to tell me the absolute truth?”

              “Promise me.” His mask, where she imagined his eyes, was intense.

              Her heart felt compressed, and she wondered what was so terrible. “I promise to let you explain.”

              He nodded, and she touched the mask. He grabbed her hands, and she looked at his mask. He kissed her. She closed her eyes as she kissed him back. He released her, and Tara tugged his mask off. She slowly opened her eyes.

              Tara jerked away from him; her back slammed into the door. She shook her head, her breath came in quick spurts, and his dark eyes were a mix of grief and pleading. Tara’s mouth gaped, and she quivered. “No! No…”

~ Prologue ~

Picant, Zorba’s Reach

day of Neek, year 507


              Eight-year-old Joanne Swanson curled in bed; she had always loved the constant feel of warmth from her crochet blanket, a gift from her mother. She didn’t remember her mother, but the blanket was a constant reminder of her mother’s love and sacrifice. Most days were easy to forgive her mother for her sacrifice, but that night was much harder. She’d learned the truth that morning, learned she was different and abandoned.

              “Joanne?” Janie whispered.

              Janie and Kelli Creaton were orphans, and the three of them were inseparable, always getting into trouble with their guardian, climbing trees, dancing with gypsies, and chasing birds.

              “Yes?” Joanne’s voice was muffled by the blanket. She didn’t want to tell the girls the truth. They were orphans; she was not and that made everything worse.

              “It’s going to be alright.” Janie lay next to the other girl. “What happened today? Les never separates us.”

              “Les gave me a book. He told me some terrible things, and now I have to learn to control my magic.”

              “Magic? You’re human; how do you have magic?”

              “I have Remettre magic.” Joanne turned on her side and closed her eyes. “I don’t want to be a freak.”

              “You’re not a freak.” Janie promised and gently touched Joanne’s shoulder. “You don’t like your magic?”

              “I found out who my mother is.” Joanne squeaked. “I always thought she died, sacrificing herself to save me, but she abandoned me. What kind of mother abandons her own daughter? Just dumps her with strangers far from home?”

              “I don’t know.” Janie and Kelli’s parents had died four years ago from sickness.

              “I inherited this magic from my mother.” Joanne curled her fingers into her palms. “She left me this blanket and my magic. They’re all I have from her.”

              “Imagine what you can do with magic.” Janie’s voice rose as she spoke. “You can do so much. You can feed those who cannot feed themselves, protect orphans, help others who are sick…”

              Joanne knew she was thinking of her parents. “I can find my mother.”

              “Is that all you can think of?” Janie grabbed Joanne’s shoulder. “Please.” She tumbled forward, and Joanne yelped as she fell from the bed in a tumble of blanket and sheets.

              Joanne stood and turned to face Janie. “What was that for?”

              “Sorry, but you’re being selfish.” Janie stood and faced the other girl. “My parents died when they didn’t have to. If someone with Remettre magic was there, they could have brought a doctor, medicine, someone else to save them. You can help so many people, and all you can think about is your mother.”

              “My mother is on the run from the man who murdered my father.” Joanne spat. “If I can find and save her, then that’s what I’m going to do. How is that selfish?”

              “Will you two stop fighting?” Kelli turned in her bed.

              “You don’t deserve magic.” Janie glared at Joanne. “Give it to me. I know you can transfer Remettre magic. I’ve heard the story of Cori Roseia and Olivia Naxison.”

              “I’ll never give you my magic.” Joanne pulled her hands close, protecting them from her friend. “You cannot help others if you do something horrible to get the power to protect. You’ll spend the rest of your life in regret. No matter how many people you save, you’ll always hate yourself.”

              “Give them to me.” Janie lunged at the girl, tackling her to the ground. Janie smacked Joanne, pulled her hair, and grabbed a candleholder, hitting Joanne with the bronze decoration.

              Joanne screamed as she struggled to get free. She shoved Janie off her, but Kelli grabbed Joanne as she stood, hooking her arms behind her back.

              Joanne continued to scream as Janie grabbed her hands and pressed their palms together. Janie laced their fingers together and whispered “Overdracht.”

              The door swung open as Joanne felt like someone was ripping her skin free. Bright white fire seared her vision, and she cried. “I hate you Janie.”

              “You may hate me.” Janie sank a dagger into Joanne’s back. “But I will use your powers in so many ways you can’t imagine. I will be a hero, and everyone will adore me.”

              “Powers?” Kelli whispered.

              “We’ll protect at least one of these two kingdoms.” Janie promised her sister as she looked up.

              Joanne managed to turn her head to see Les rush in. Janie shoved Joanne toward their guardian, and she grabbed Kelli’s hand. “Goodbye poverty and greed. Now we will change the world.”

              The sisters disappeared in a deep purple mist.

              “Joanne.” Les grabbed her and held her close. “No.”

              “I shouldn’t have told her.” Blood spewed from Joanne’s mouth. “I thought I could trust her.”

              “Joanne?” Les cradled her, and she couldn’t continue speaking.

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