My Secret Master (A Dark Billionaire Romance) (9 page)

BOOK: My Secret Master (A Dark Billionaire Romance)
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As if he were talking directly to me, he said softly, “This is not something to take lightly. If you stay, I promise you... a part of you will never leave. It will always be tied up in this place.”

I hugged myself to control the shaking that had started in my bones.
I wonder what that means?

“Now.” He smiled. “Let us begin.”

The door was opened, and everyone followed Onyx inside. My turn arrived, and my heels dug in. The chance at escape was tempting me.

All I had to do was back away.

Why didn't I back away?

Stepping through, I glanced around, confused by what appeared to be a simple room with couches and chests. There were doors all along the walls, I resisted the urge to ask where they went.

Onyx ushered us girls into the center, then turned and whispered to the three other men. Uneasily, I watched them talking, wishing I could hear the words being exchanged.

“Roseli,” Onyx called out, and the woman straightened. “You'll be working with Master Jack.” He gestured to a man who wore a grinning wolf mask, his arms folded calmly. She made no argument, though I noticed how her lips curled down at the edges.

Had she wanted to go with someone else?

“Tara, you're with Master Helm.”

As he went down the line, I experienced a sense of dread blooming.
Who am I going to end up with?
I knew who I wanted, but admitting it was shameful. I didn't even dare to bring up his promise to me.

Finally, as the last of the woman were paired off, that dark man in all his devilish glory turned to face me. “And you, my lovely Opal... You'll be with me, of course.”

Of course.

The flicker of pleasure hit me hard. I couldn't mute my relieved smile. If I was going to indulge in this, I wanted it to be with Onyx. I wasn't sure why, but a part of me felt like I could trust him.

Like I already knew him, somehow.

He motioned to me, and I came forward, following him to a door in the wall. “You'll all go with your Masters and be sequestered for your training.”

I'm going to be alone with him!

That knowledge was overwhelming. I needed something to quench my parched throat, or to soak up the welling arousal in my core. One realization sobered everything.

He called himself my Master. That feels... wrong.

With one more glance over at the other women, their figures vanishing into various exits, I looked back up at Onyx.

The man radiated an aura of command, but I didn't think of him as
Master. I didn't think of anyone like that. This underground world was sexy, and decadent, but as much as he claimed this would change me...

I knew better.

I wasn't a slave. Onyx couldn't break me.

Calmed by my rationalization, I followed him through the door.


verything was dark, a velvety orange. I gazed around, noting everything, but mostly the silence.
I'm really alone with him
. To say I was having second thoughts about this was putting it mildly.

The room had soft carpet, smooth walls. It was decorated with various devices, all of which made my heart beat faster.

Chains hung from the ceiling, or were bolted to the floor. In one corner, I saw a glass shower. It disturbed me to see something so normal.
Why is that even here? I don't think I want to know.

The furniture was unique; padded and angled in ways that made it clear they were meant for devious purposes. Saw-horses, stocks, things I couldn't identify, they were everywhere.

He moved beside me, making me jump when his soft glove cupped my chin. Forcing my head up, Onyx looked into my face. I was grateful, again, for the mask.

“I'm pleased you decided to become a sub, Opal. Did you decide because of the show the other night?”

The memory of the blonde woman, begging and writhing, had me chewing my tongue.

“Or,” he chuckled, “Did you choose after you spoke with me? Did I

He's perceptive. And god, the way he phrases things!

His fingers tightened, bordering on painful. “Answer me, girl.”

“Y—yes, I—” That grip squeezed until I winced.

“No, address me correctly.”

Correctly? What does he mean?

My mind churned, fighting the concoction of adrenaline and confusion. Finally, I pulled forth what I thought he wanted. “Yes, Master Onyx.”

Calling him that made my stomach flip. It felt weird, the words heavy on my tongue.

Chuckling, he let me go. I rubbed my chin tenderly. “We have a lot of work to do. You've never done anything like this before, have you?”

“No,” I admitted reluctantly, my eyes moving to the far wall. I was thrown off already, his flip between seduction and cruelty leaving me dizzy.

“Oh, don't worry.” His hand reached out, fingers deftly tracing the line of my throat. That quick touch flared my arousal. He was keeping me on my toes. “I'm a very good teacher. You'll understand your role in no time.”

I thought my heart might explode, my attention fixed on those perfect, smiling lips. They parted, and his tone was firm, unyielding. “Now, kneel.”

This still felt awkward, but after doing it earlier, my mind didn't battle it. Wordlessly, I knelt, though it wasn't graceful. My legs buckled, I grabbed at the ground to keep myself from landing on my face.

Onyx laughed, shaking his head at the display. “You'll need to get better at that, such a clumsy girl.”

Blushing, I stared at his shiny boots, mentally agreeing.
Seth told me my movements were beautiful. Guess he was wrong.

Onyx moved around me, a shark circling in the water. I tried not to think about it like that, but this man had so much control over me, I was at his mercy.

For a moment, he said nothing. The only sounds were his footsteps, muffled by the rug.

“You're lovely,” he mumbled.

He touched the back of my skull, and I jerked, unable to keep calm at the intimate contact. Gently, he stroked the back of my neck until my skin was vibrating. The glove was luxurious, it sent sparks right into my brain cells.

Already warm, I was getting excited by this powerful man's touch. It was happening rapidly, my muscle coiling, seeking release from the build up I'd endured since the show with the blonde. “I... that...”

“Shh,” he hissed, tightening his hold like I was a puppy gripped by the nape. “I didn't ask you anything. Don't talk without permission, or unless I've asked a question. Now, I'd like to see how lovely the rest of you is.”

My insides became hard as rocks.

Onyx must have sensed my response, his fingers holding tight on my soft throat. “Stand, Opal.”

I wasn't sure if I could, but I tried. Every bit of me was shaking, he ended up assisting me most of the way. Finally, I stood there, his chest grazing my spine. Onyx whispered, lips tickling my ear. “Take off your dress.”

I can't, I'm not ready for that!

Trembling, I flexed my hands at my sides, but made no attempt to follow his order.

That was my first mistake, one that my 'new Master' was not keen to overlook.

“One more chance, or I'll do it for you.”

I squeezed my eyes shut, willing myself away.
I can't, I can't,
I thought in a panic.

When Onyx sighed, he sounded disappointed. “So that's how it is.”

Rough, fast, he grabbed me by the shoulders and spun me around. Squeaking, I gawked as he held my arms, pulling them over my head. Too stunned to struggle, not that it would have helped, I felt him binding my wrists quickly with something.

Rope, that's rope hanging from the ceiling.

It took seconds, leaving me amazed and distraught at his skill. Tugging at the restraints, fear began bubbling in my center. I was trapped, utterly at the mercy of someone I hardly knew.

What the hell was I thinking, this guy is a complete stranger! He could hurt me, why was I so reckless?

Onyx folded his arms, smiling as he looked me up and down. “There, much better.”

“Let me go,” I stuttered, knees wobbling.
If my legs give out, I guess I won't fall, at least.

“You don't tell me what to do. Don't you understand that? You're here,” he hissed, grabbing my jaw and forcing me to look at his scowl, “Because you asked for this. You
this, so don't mistake my commands as suggestions. I said undress, you did not. This...” He smirked, letting me go and gripping  my wrists. “Is your punishment.”

He's insane,
I thought.
Or maybe I am, for following him down here.

Languidly, he ran his fingers down my arms, bringing my goosebumps to a stiff point. He caressed my shoulders, then stroked down my dress, following the line between the valley of my breasts.

The combination of silken clothing, and his firm touch, sent a jolt into my pussy.

What was that about? I'm in god damn danger, I can't be getting turned on over this!

Easily, he traced my sides, embracing the curve of my hips and chuckling. Onyx moved around me, but when I tried to follow him with my eyes, he grabbed the back of my head, twisting it back. “Don't look at me,” he growled.

Panic morphed into feral anger. Gritting my teeth, I acted before I thought it through. One leg kicked out, catching him in the hip. “Untie me! Let me go! I don't want to do this anymore!”

Swirling fingers in my hair, he yanked my neck into an arch. I could barely see his face. “You can't hold still, and you can't be quiet. This isn't a very good start for you, little slave.”

Swallowing, I said, “Fuck you, I'm not a slave.”

“No?” His laughter surprised me. He released me, but it was brief. I didn't know what he held, only that something firm was being shoved between my teeth, a strap fixed behind my head. The rubber flavor tainted my tongue.

Noise rose in my gullet, but the gag muffled me.

He'd actually

Without my voice, I'd been robbed of the last bit of control I had.
I thought quickly.
I have one more thing left.

I had my mind.

Onyx couldn't control that.

Coming around, he folded his arms and faced me. “You think you're not a slave, that you're not meant to kneel and please your Master.” He chuckled, a noise that stroked my inner thighs as good as his hand could have. “I'll have fun proving you wrong.”

Bending down, he caught my ankles. Easily, he spread them wide, fixing them inside two straps bolted to the floor.

Oh god, oh god!

My chest was threatening to split open from the tremor in my lungs. I thought I'd been too deep before, but now, I knew what deep really meant.

“I'm going to break you,” he whispered, circling behind me.

His voice coerced a wave of excitement.
No! Control yourself!

I had to; it was all I could do.

Determined to bury the lust, I stared at the far wall, but it was torture of another kind, because I could see the exit. Once more, I tugged at the ropes, knowing it was hopeless.
I'm trapped, what will he do to me?

Hands moved down my back, then further, cupping my ass cheeks, fondling them lightly. My shout was a mere mumble behind the gag. I started to writhe, shaking in my bonds.

He slapped my ass, the noise cutting the air. The pain traveled in a burst through my flesh, down to my toes.

“Clearly, you have trouble obeying. Let's fix that.”

Wondering how he meant to 'fix' me, I flooded with worry.

And also with something else.

My whole core was electric. It burned inside of me, making my breathing heavier.

Don't give in to this,
I demanded.

But with what he had planned... nothing I did would make a difference.

He'd said he was going to break me.

And he meant it.

Onyx crouched, gripping the hem of my dress to hike it up to my waist. The firm globes of my ass, clad tightly in black panties and red from the slap, were exposed to his eyes.

Knowing he could see so much, I struggled to get free, humiliated by being displayed.

“Hold still,” he grunted, “Or this will be much worse.”

Biting into the gag, I squeezed my fists above my head.

His hand made a path down the back of my thigh, feeling my tight muscles. They were straining, resisting the urge to fight. One whole palm cupped my ass cheek, gently testing how pliant it was. “Lovely,” he murmured, inhaling slowly as if to calm himself.

I felt a confusing thrill, pleased that he found my body appealing.

Onyx stepped back, leaving me alone.

Where is he going?

His touch was gone, disappointment in its wake. My flesh was betraying me. I was losing the last bit of control I had. Even now, I was aching for him.

When he returned, it wasn't with the sweet caress of before. Utilizing his strong muscles, the body I so admired, he slapped me on the ass savagely.

“Mmf!” I groaned, the pain just barely worse than the indignity. Again, he brought his palm down, filling the air with thunder.

I was rattled, I had no idea how to handle this.
He's actually spanking me!

“Slaves who don't follow directions need to be punished. You must understand what you'll face if you try to resist, my dear.” Lightly, he traced his fingers over my crimson skin, making me wince.

As he kept at it, the welts began to tingle.

It was like my skin was waking up, the sharpness melting into heightened strokes. Intrigued, and enjoying it in contrast to the slaps, I shut my eyes.
Why is that so nice?

His hands brushed lower, catching the smooth inner part of my thigh. It was a quick contact, leaving soon enough, but it made my pussy twitch.

Shivering, my body embraced the sudden pleasure after the torture. The skin on my ass was pulsing as the blood spread back where it belonged, and my cunt seemed to follow the rhythm with a sympathetic beat of its own.

Abruptly, Onyx halted his ministrations, leaving me unprepared for another round of spanking. This time, angry tears welled up.
I want him to stop!
I jerked in the ropes, wishing I could will him with my wet eyes.

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