My Most Precious One (10 page)

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Authors: Evangelene

BOOK: My Most Precious One
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I lay limp, trying to breathe, sweat dripped all over me. I could still feel the plug inside me, as Lukas held onto my leg as he pushed the last of his hot seed inside me with shallow thrusts, marking me his. I had never felt this way before, completely utterly sated. I could feel every muscle pulsate, as I tried to regain my breath.

Lukas leaned down and kissed me deeply. “That was your punishment.”

I smiled as best as I could, knowing how tired I was.

“If that was my punishment then you’ve given me an incentive to be a bad girl all the time.” I murmured.

“Be as bad as you want and see what happens to you.” He laughed.

He pulled out and walked over to the bathroom, I could hear the water running. When he returned, he had a towel ready to clean me. He put the face cloth down on his nightstand, he then leaned over again and kissed me.

“How are you feeling?” He asked.

“Like I could sleep for days” I answered.

He laughed. “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”

I smiled and stretched. “A very, very good thing.” I reassured him.

“As I untie you don’t move your hands, just stay the way you are.” He untied me, both my wrists were sore, the blood rushed back to my hands. He threw the sashes on the floor and sat on the bed reaching for my arms. As he took them my muscles ached. He kissed both my wrists and turned me over.

“I’m going to take it out, just relax.” He reached for the round end of the plug and gently took it out. He smiled as he began cleaning me.

“I’d tell you to stop but I’m too exhausted right now” I slurred. Sleep was creeping in. He threw everything onto the floor and wrapped his arms around me, spooning me.

“Did you like it?” He whispered in my ear.

“Hmm” I murmured. I could hear him laugh as I drifted off into sleep.

Done Deal

“Baby? Alexia?” Lukas’s voice pulled me out of a deep sleep.

“What?” I was groggy.

“Don’t you have to work?” He asked with a sleepy voice. Shit! I forgot to tell him. I leaned into his arms wrapping myself in his heat. He held onto me and kissed my forehead. “Baby?”

I nuzzled into his neck and began licking him. “Stop, I thought after last night, you’d know not to cross me.” We both laughed

“I took the day off…I thought I’d surprise you and spend the day with you.” I didn’t realize how embarrassed I’d be, especially with what happened last night, but I was putting myself out there. I waited and he didn’t response. “I mean only if you want. It’s totally ok if you have plans, because I could seriously take some time to myself.” I tried to back pedal. He held onto me, hugging me tighter.

“You should have told me earlier. I wouldn’t have woken up at this ungodly hour for you.” He said as he nuzzled his face into my hair. I giggled.

“I wanted to surprise you, but I forgot because someone was being an ass.” I stated.

“If I recall correctly, that ass was you and I chose to do what I liked with it.” He retorted.

“Go back to sleep.” I told him. It didn’t take much coaxing. Lukas was out as soon as I told him.

I took a shower and wore the clothes he had gotten for me. I pulled my hair up in a tight ponytail and walked down to the foyer where I left my bag, which had my black runners, which I usually wore for work. I shrugged. No choice since I didn’t have my real runners here and I wasn’t going to wear my ballet flats for a run.

The sun had just peaked through the tallest buildings downtown and a soft orange glow enveloped the penthouse. I walked over to the fridge, just in case he didn’t have food. What a stupid notion, both fridges were stocked to the brim. I took a piece of paper and wrote that I’d be back, just in case. I took the card key and off I went for a morning run.

No one was on the streets except for a few occasional runners and some constructions guys. I enjoyed running through the back streets of Old Montréal, it felt a bit like Europe, with it cobble stone roads and old world deco. I hadn’t noticed but some time had passed, I was too taken in by my runner’s high that I forgot about making breakfast for him. I finally made it back to the penthouse, I used the pass code to let myself in, I remembered it from the few times he brought me here, creepy maybe, but he didn’t hide it from me.

The elevator dinged and Lukas stood half in a panic in front of me. “What happened?” I reached for his face, his breathing was rapid, he yanked me into the elevator, took out his card key sliding it in making the elevator move to his floor.

“Where the fuck were you?” His panicked face somehow made me sad.

“I went for a run, I left you a note.” He leaned into the elevator, bracing himself. He ran his fingers through his hair and he let out a large breath. The doors opened to the penthouse and he flicked his boots off and stomped in. I bit my lower lip, my nerves were tight in my belly. I took off my runners and walked slowly to where he was.

“The next time you leave, you have to fucken tell me, Alexia!” He bellowed. Holy shit, he was mad.

“Stop fucken doing that!” He pointed. I knew what he was referring to, but it was a nervous tick I had. Who did he think he was Christian Grey?

“Lukas I went for a run, I had your card key and I remembered the pass code that you punched in a few nights ago.” He had his hands on his waist, his chest heaving up and down.

“You are not to leave my side, without me knowing.” I stood here with my mouth opened.

“Lukas? I’m a grown ass woman who pays her own bills. I think I can make it back from a simple run that I normally do.”

He’s face contorted. “I don’t care what you are. You are mine and I will not let you go out there and get hurt.”

I turned my back to him and started to walk away.

“Where the hell are you going? I’m not finished yet.” He yelled.

“I’m leaving!” I shouted back over my shoulder.

“The hell you are!” He said in a forbidding tone.

I whirled back and stared at him. “Is this how it’s going to be between us? You dictate everything about us and I just follow?” I hissed. He narrowed his eyes as he watched me make my stand. “You’re not cutting my wings off Lukas. We haven’t even decided what this is yet.” I seethed pointing at both of us. “I told you, I’m not like other women who need a man to save them. I am not going to stand here and be told off for going on a run. For fucks sakes, I even took a day off from work to be with you today.” I turned around again.

“We haven’t decided yet?” He bellowed, his voice echoed throughout the lofty penthouse. I stopped in mid stride as Lukas made his way to me.

“I told you that you were mine and you agreed to it. For me, that’s enough.” He grabbed my face and forced a hard kiss on me. “You’re my girlfriend and I’m your boyfriend. Get that through your head now, it’s a done deal babe.” He lowered himself down and flung me over his shoulder taking me up the stairs.

“Lukas!” I yelled at the top of my lungs, he passed his bedroom and continued down the hall where he opened the door. He placed me down, turned me around and stood behind me in the doorway.

It was an entire gym, with two treadmills, free weights and a sparing area with a punching bag. One side had a wall to wall mirror while the treadmills faced the large windows. I walked over to the windows and could see downtown Montréal.

“Holy shit, Lukas!” I shrieked.

“Next time you want to run, just come here.” He said in a very demanding voice. I whipped around giving him a look, he huffed. “please” he gritted his teeth.

“Admit you overreacted and it’s a deal.” I waited pretending to be impatient by tapping my foot.

“Only if you admit, I’m your boyfriend.” He grinned, thinking he had one over me.

“I don’t know about that. I mean boy really doesn’t fit your persona.” I smirked.

“What are you trying to say babe?” He brooded. I shrugged and waved my hand in front of his face.

“It’s your face.” He froze. “You’re more of a man than a boy, so I think I’ll call you my manfriend. Take it or leave it.” He closed the gap between us, his dominate aura coming at me.

“You’re a pain in my ass, you know that right?” He leaned in and kissed me on my lips. “I’m sorry, I might have overacted before.”

I pushed my head back and looked at him. “Might?” I said incredulously. He leaned in closer.

“Ok fine, I overreacted. I just want you safe. I can’t lose you now that I found you.” He breathed. I smirked and kissed him.

“You won’t lose me as long as you talk to me. If you keep pushing the way you do, I’m only going to walk away. It’s the only way I know.” I confessed.

“Shut up and kiss me woman.” He laced his fingers through my hair and brought my head in closer. God, he was addictive.

“I want to take my womanfriend out for dinner.” I smacked his hard chest.

“What are you trying to say?” I asked and he shrugged. “Are you calling me old?” I clamored.

He smiled. “No baby I’m calling you mine.” I nuzzled in his arms, his chest felt so good right now. “Sure as long as I get to go home and change.” He shook his head in silence.

“Lukas!” I pleaded.

“No need babe, I took care of it.”

He took me back to his closet and walked me to the end of it. A small section of it had female clothes hanging. “Lukas” I whispered.

“I want you here with me, whenever possible.” He stated. I stepped closer to the clothes and began touching them. “It’s even the style I like.” I whispered. I took note of the bright colours with sophisticated cuts, jeans and vintage tees and tank tops.

“Look at the bottom.” He grinned. I pushed the jeans that hung on the hangers…Oh dear lord, mother of god. I hit the pot of fucken gold….shoes. He got me, runners, Converses, Onitsuka Tigers and lord, I nearly had a meltdown. He had even gotten me, Louboutins and Giuseppe Zanotti pumps. “Lukas!” I screamed.

“I’m assuming that high pitch squeal that just came out of you meant you liked them.” I looked up at him, awestruck. He almost doubled over with laughter. “You should see your face.” His laughter was nice to hear, it was loud and hardy.

“Lukas…” I finally said. He mock gasped “This cannot be? I rendered you speechless. So next time I want you to shut up, I should just give you shoes.” I nodded incoherently, he laughed out loud. “Duly noted!”

He stood behind me and leaned down. “I wanted to buy you more, but I was afraid of that pride of yours would get in the way.”

I turned and kissed his cheek. “I love that you got me all this, thank you so much, but I don’t want you thinking that that’s why I’m here.”

He smiled “Oh I know why you’re here.” He said in a very cocky manner. “It’s the sex, babe. I rock your world.”

He winked and yanked me away from my treasure trove. “It’s time for breakfast and if I wasn’t mistaken I remember someone saying they were going to cook for me.” He smiled devilishly.

“Who was that again?” I asked him with a stupid grin on my face, not able to hide my excitement, whereby ruining my mock joke. He slapped my ass and I squealed again.

“I can cook in your kitchen?” I asked excited about this notion.

He rolled his eyes. “Yes babe, you can do what you like with my kitchen.”

I ran down the stairs and stood in front of it. I could almost hear the angelic music as I stood in awe of this gorgeous man made heaven. “What is it?” He wondered but I shushed him. “Nothing I think I just came in my yoga pants.” He sucked his teeth. “Not funny Alexia! I only make you cum.” I tilted my head and looked at him sideways. “You and your kitchen.”

After he explained to me where most of his stuff was, I told him to make his coffee and sit at the counter, so he could be out of my way. I took a frying pan out twirling it in my hands. “So you have skills?”

I lined the pan with butter. “All Greek girls know how to cook, clean and make Greek babies.” I quoted my mother in a Greek accent. “I learned to cook through the years in restaurants and through the women in my family. If you want I’ll cook you some Greek food but I took the time to learn a few dishes from the different cultures I like. So I can make almost anything you want.” I said proud of myself.

He sipped his coffee listening to me. I made him a goat cheese with spinach and sun dried tomato omelet with fresh fruits. I made myself a simple omelet, nothing fancy with fresh berries.

“Damn! This is good!” He bit into it, almost inhaling the whole omelet.

“So where do you want to go?” I asked drinking my water, he finished his last bite.

“I want to take you out somewhere nice and expensive, only the best for my girl.” I reached over to him and started to play with his hair.

“I don’t need expensive.”

He shrugged. “I don’t care what you need. It’s what I want to do for you.” He said softly.

“I have some friends who work at this awesome new foodie place. It’s pricey if that meets your criteria, but it’s also laid back, which meets mine.” I offered. He sipped the last of his coffee.

“Fine.” He replied.

“Really?” I was surprised. He didn’t argue with me or try to control it. I ran to my bag and took out my phone and texted my friend Ted, telling him I needed a reservation. My phone chimed back, almost as fast as I sent it, confirming two for seven o’clock.

“So what do you have in mind until about six thirty Mr. Blakk?” I flirted with him as I picked up the dishes and started to wash them. He sat still at the counter watching me closely. I could feel my skin heating up.

“I have a few things in mind.” He murmured. I was finishing up the cleaning.

“Now who’s the one being bad?” I asked hoping to fuel what was going on between us now. He gave me an evil grin, fanning the flame.

“Don’t be upset, but I didn’t think I would see you today so I do have some things to take care of in my office. It’s the usual, some paper work and business calls.” He said in a disappointed tone.

“Sorry” I muttered. I was both sorry that I had imposed myself and that he had to work and not have time for me. “I should have asked you first.” I looked down at my hands that were on the counter.

“Don’t you dare ever say sorry, especially for such a nice surprise.” He said with a hard voice.

“If you want, I can leave and when you’re ready you can come and pick me up?” I offered. He stood up and walked up the stairs ignoring my question.

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