My Mind's Eye (Pub Fiction #1) (19 page)

BOOK: My Mind's Eye (Pub Fiction #1)
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Ever since we left the library, the girls have been teasing me about Ryker. They all seem to think he’s absolutely interested in me, and they’ve been going on and on about him and I all evening. After dinner, I’ve finally had enough and decide to get away from them for a bit; there is only so much pressure I can handle, especially when it’s five against one. I know they mean well, but come on, there is no way a guy like that would have any interest in a boring girl like me. Besides, I have a huge math assignment due that I can’t seem to wrap my head around and I need some me-time. It’s just too loud at home tonight with all the girls there at the same time. It doesn’t happen often that we’re all home, but when we are, it can be like a circus.

Walking into a little coffee shop located across the way from campus, called The Bean, I instantly take in the aromas of fresh coffee and baked goods. God, I love that smell. I have a serious love for lattes, well, maybe more of an addiction. I’m excited to have found this spot. I had been driving by, deciding where I should go, when I passed the plaza and spotted it nestled in the far corner. After placing my order, I look around while waiting for my drink at the end of the counter. I smile, thinking this little gem of a cafe just might become my new study hall. It’s homey, comfortable, and, best of all, quiet. There aren’t too many people sitting inside; I assume because it’s well-hidden from the main street. The decor is perfect. There are a few steel tables scattered around the small space and a beautiful seating area with oversized leather chairs, which are nestled around a brown brick fireplace. Yeah, it’s definitely a place I see myself visiting often.

Thanking the barista for my latte, I find a small table by the side exit door. Placing my cup and bag down, I take off my jacket, placing it behind me on the chair’s back before taking a seat. I decide to sit facing the entrance door, that way I can people watch between studying, as well as be aware of my surroundings.

I’m lost in my own little study bubble when suddenly a deep voice startles me, infiltrating my peace.

“Kat,” the voice calls and I feel it in my bones. It’s the smooth baritone I’ve come to register with Ryker. I glance up from my laptop to find him standing in front of my table.
Oh my God.
He’s here, standing right here in my new little coffee shop. Gah! The same one I thought was going to be my safe haven. The same one I figured most wouldn’t bother with, seeing as Starbucks is much closer.
I guess that theory can go jump out the window.
What is he doing here? My hands begin to sweat a bit as I compose myself, getting ready to speak to him. God, he’s big, beautiful.

“Ah, hi, Ryker, how are you?” I manage to sputter out, and I know I sound timid, nervous. “What are you doing here?” I ask him, looking around the coffee shop, and he grins, obviously aware I’m a dork. “Other than the obvious.” I let out a small giggle because I’m such a loser.
He thinks you drool over him. Make sure your mouth is closed.

He smiles and his eyes radiate as we take each other in. “I mentor over at the community centre and I just finished, I was popping in for a coffee. It’s been a long day,” he shares, and I practically melt in my chair.
See, maybe there is more under his player persona.

“Wow, Ryker, that’s amazing.” I breathe deep in awe of all the things he does with Jacob and the other boys at The Centre. “I’d love to do something like that. I love kids. I’m in school to be a teacher.”

“Yeah, I know that.” He shifts on his feet like maybe he’s nervous, too.
Yeah right.

“Claire,” we both say at the same time and laugh. Our eyes catch and something passes between us.
God, those eyes.

“Well, we’re always looking for extra helpers down at The Centre. You should give me your number and I’ll pass it on to Robin, the coordinator, and I should add my number into your phone, just in case you ever need it.” I give him a questioning look. “I promise,” he holds his hands up in surrender, “I will guard your number with my life. I won’t even use it myself. I’ll just pass it on to Robin…unless you’d like me to.”

I blush at his comment.
Did he just say that?
I turn my phone on and hand it to him.

“It was off?” he asks, confusion lacing his tone.

“Yeah, I’m like the worst person ever with any type of technology.” I sigh. “I’m more a pen and paper, snail-mail kinda gal.” He gives me a chuckle and types his number into my phone.

“What is it you’re doing here, anyway?” he asks. “You looked deep in thought before I came in and interrupted,” he says, then nods down at my laptop and the worksheets askew all over the table.

“Oh, believe me, you don’t even wanna know,” I reply, exasperated.

“Actually, I do. I’m very interested.” He smiles at me, and I feel there is more behind those words. “It looks like math.”

“Oh, yeah, it sure is, and I’m the worst at math. It’s always been my worst subject. I just can’t seem to grasp the concepts, especially this crap.” He’s now sitting beside me, looking over my work. “Like how am I supposed to teach this if I don’t really get it?” I say, tapping the page in my notebook with my pen.

“Well, you’re in luck, sweet girl. I don’t have any plans tonight, so I’m all yours. Lay it on me. I’m a math whiz,” he says and gives me a panty-dropping smile.

Holy hell, would I love to lie on you.

“You don’t have plans?
Ryker Eddison doesn’t have plans?” I ask.

“Naw, Kat, none I’d give up this chance for.”

Holy shit.

And with that, Ryker Eddison helps me learn proportional reasoning in just a few hours.

I spend that night replaying every one of our shared looks, stolen glances, accidental touches, and the tummy-flutter moments he gives me over and over. It turns out there is a lot more to Ryker Eddison than meets the eye. Maybe, just maybe, Naomi and Claire were right. Needless to say, I didn’t get much sleep, but at least I had something good to think about.

Chapter 21


walk into The Bean after finishing at The Centre, and I falter in my step. Sitting to the left of the front counter is Kat. Shit, she looks good. She’s sitting facing me, but she’s completely oblivious to anything but her laptop right now. She’s wearing her hair in a high bun and barely a trace of makeup; I like it. All I want to do is go over and rub my face along her neck and collarbone, because I remember how sweet she smells. After placing my order, I decide,
fuck it, I’m going to talk to her,
especially after the way she stared at me today in the library. I know she’s just as interested as I am, and from our last few encounters, I’m hoping she’s sensing I am, too. I’ve been exercising self-control, proving to myself that I can talk to her after all, but not get too tangled up with her to the point where I loose myself, not that I think Kat would let me anyway. Kat is unlike any woman I’ve known; she’s too caring and compassionate to intentionally hurt anyone.

As soon as she looks up and notices me, I know she’s happy to see me. Her eyes light up and her breath hitches.
Yeah, baby, you take my breath away, too.

She smiles and we begin talking about Jacob and the other boys and teaching. Kat’s genuinely interested in The Centre, we chat about it for a bit, and before I can think twice about it or stop myself, I suggest she volunteer.
What did I just do?
We really could use the extra hands. And I can’t help it if I’d like to see Kat around more, even if I think I need to keep her at arm’s length.
Jesus, what is this girl doing to me?

As soon as Kat tells me she’s struggling with math, I’m relieved. Here is my chance to spend some time with her and practice keeping things cool. Thank fuck I’m a virtual math prodigy and Kat just gave me the in I was hoping for, allowing me to spend some time with just her and I, giving me more insight.

I’m all yours?
Holy shit, I sound like a pussy saying that to her. My comment doesn’t seem to faze her, though, I sit and take a look at her work.

I did have plans tonight. Of course I did. But as soon as Kat was in my sight, I willingly cancelled. When I programmed her number in my phone, I shot a text message to Grace, cancelling. Honestly, I don’t know who I’m trying to kid here, there hasn’t been anyone since Kat came into my life. I like to think I would’ve hooked up with Grace, but I think, deep down, I know better. Kat is who I want, and I’d rather be right here with her, getting to know her better.

“Wow, Ryker, you’re a genius,” Kat says, all excited, leaning in and grabbing my arm, thanking me. “How I can ever repay you?” She smiles, leaning in closer to me and I swear to all that’s good that all I can think about are all the different dirty ways she could give me as payback. “I can’t believe how easy you made that! And here I’ve been thinking you hated me,” Kat almost whispers, breaking me out of my sexually-induced thoughts.

“What? Why?” I ask, trying to play dumb. I know I’ve been a dick and I need to make it up to her, big time.

“Oh, please, Ryker.” She rolls her eyes, but I don’t care because all I think in that moment is how my name falling from those pouty lips is a huge fucking turn on.

“I mean, after all of the crazy runs-ins we’ve had, you can’t really tell me things aren’t always awkward between us.” She laughs it off as if it’s nothing. “I mean, you growl at me and make me feel useless. Then I get bitchy thinking how crazy you drive me.” She giggles and it’s such a sweet sound.

“Kat,” I command her attention a little harsher than I intend, “the last thing I do is hate you. I—” The sound of my phone blaring interrupts. “Damn it, sorry, Kat, gimme a sec; it’s my brother.” I answer it only because it’s Levi; I’m not sure why I wanted Kat to know this information, as well.

“Shit, I’m sorry, Kat. I gotta go,” I tell her unhappily, getting out of the chair. “I guess Luke needed to bolt, Levi needs me to come in and close tonight. We’ll finish this conversation soon, baby,” I say, rubbing her cheek with my index finger.
Fuck, she’s soft.

With that, I leave Kat right in the middle of a conversation that I’d been wanting to explore, in spite of myself.

Chapter 22


laire and Matt have become quite the item since the night they met at the bar. I should know because
they are always here

Heaven forbid they go to his place. No. Apparently, Matt’s roommates, unlike us girls, are slobs and way too obnoxious to be around when they want alone time. Luckily for us girls, we get to watch the lovebirds go at it.

Claire and Matt are here almost every day. Well, except the days she works, that is. But sure enough, every day after I get home from either work or school, lo and behold, Claire and Matt are either going at it in the living room or can be heard from her room. Not that I really mind, though—well, other than the constant PDAs. I could do with a lot less of those—Matt is a super great guy. And on top of being very easy on the eyes, his best attribute is that he makes Claire happy. Very happy, from what I have seen and heard thus far, which is all that really matters.

The one major benefit for me, though, is that Matt loves to cook, which is just fine with me because cooking is not my forte at all. I’m a Lean Cuisine girl most nights, therefore Matty’s culinary skills are always welcome.

Ever since The Beaver and Bulldog, Matt has jumped on Claire’s bandwagon, and
of them are now being pains in my ass about me getting laid. Claire and Matt have decided that, “Any girl who dances like that is essentially screaming,
I need to get laid

I’ve told them both they’re crazy and that is absolutely not the case at all, not wanting to admit how right they actually are. But I know Claire is on to me. And she knows I still want Ryker; she hints at it by dropping Ryker comments here and there when we’re alone. At least she knows better than to mention him around anyone else. Still, it doesn’t matter whether she knows my truth or not; I simply deny, deny, deny. “Guys, for real, I don’t need your help. I’m more than capable of meeting someone on my own. You really just need to mind your own business. The last thing I need is for you two,” I point to them both, “to embarrass me every time we go out. I don’t need a pity party.”

The three of us are in the kitchen cooking pasta, and rather than talk about my love life—or lack thereof—I’d like to focus on eating. Dinner smells really good and I’m starving.

“Sorry, Kitty Kat, but you absolutely need a life outside of the library and work,” Claire says, grabbing Matt by the waist, a smug smile on her face. “Matt and I,” she smiles up at him, “we’ve decided we’re implementing
Operation: Kat Needs a Man
,” she belts out like it’s no big deal, before leaving Matt’s side to grab plates and cutlery from the cupboard. “We are going to help find you a perfect specimen with who you may fuck your brains out, m’lady. It will be amazing, just wait and see.” She beams and I can’t fathom if she is serious.
You have got to be kidding me.

“Actually, Kat,” Matt offers his two cents while serving us each a huge bowl of spaghetti, “I think I have the perfect guy. His name is Jay. He’s one of my roommates. I really think the two of you will hit it off. And the best part, we live close, it’s the perfect booty call situation…if that’s all you’re looking for. I’m sure he’d be down with dating, too, if that’s more what you’re after.”
Are these two kidding me right now?

“Please, guys, listen to me again. I’m good. I can find a guy on my own if I really want. Believe me. I do know how to socialize. The way you’re talking is as if I’m some old crazy cat lady who needs an intervention and a makeover. So, please, let it be. No hook-up help. I got this.” I spend the rest of dinner drinking a few glasses of wine, eating, and listening to these two go on and on about stuff I can’t even remember.

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